Forgetting the past... literally

Chappie 4

Kagome took a deep breath. She was keeping her emotions well hidden behind an emotionless mask but her hands were clenching in tight fists, so tight her claws began to cut her palms. Hiei and Kurama worked to keep themselves under control at the smell of blood. They were already quite possessive of her. Everyone studied the Inu-hanyou that was the source of Kagome's distress. He was about 15 years old in appearances, had long waist length silver hair, two small dog ears, and red clothing made of fire rat fur. They were startled as he groaned softly and his eyes flickered open. The golden orbs were brimming with pain, sadness and confusion. They couldn't help feeling a small amount of pity for him although Kagome hated him.

Slowly, she went up to him and picked him up by the collar. In this case, it was his subduing necklace. The others could've sworn the temperature had dropped in the small room but dismissed it. All eyes were on the little scene unfolding before them. "Why did you come back?" Kagome hissed so hatefully that even Hiei felt intimidated. Inuyasha's eyes focused upon her face and he flinched as he looked into her eyes. They were full of betrayal, pain and anger. "You kill everyone, yet you still have the nerve to come back. Why didn't you stay in hell with your precious Kikyo?" her voice stayed calm, controlled but her hand clutching his necklace was trembling slightly. Inuyasha diverted his eyes to the ground and didn't respond. Kagome started to punch him with her free hand. Every blow was hard enough to be heard by everyone, yet he didn't fight back. Kagome had ceased beating him and whispered, her voice full of emotion, "Inuyasha, what did you do! why did you betray us?" when she had finished, there still was no response. His head was bowed to the floor, bangs shadowing his eyes.

At last, he said softly, "Kagome, please, let me explain what happened." She dropped him, with the threat of "if you try anything, I swear to the gods, that I will send you back to hell forever" she stepped back and he started to speak, voice cracking with emotion. "On that day that I betrayed you, I had gone to Kikyo to retrieve your soul. But when I arrived at the clearing that I scented her in, she was not there, instead, a song sounded in my ears. It took hold of me; possessed me with such an incredible will that surpassed my demon rage by far. It was Kikyo's spell. She had put a spell on me that made me seem normal, but she controlled my every move. In reality, she didn't have that much power, but she accepted help from Naraku. I was helpless while I watched myself kill Shippo, Sango, Miroku and Kirara. I was surprised when I saw that you were youkai, but that didn't stop me. While I was in control, I didn't care if you could be stronger, of the consequences. I was almost relieved when you sent Kikyo and I to hell. As long as I didn't kill anyone else. I am sorry for what I had done, but it seems now, somehow, I've been given a second chance." He had tears dripping down his face, soaking into his clothing. He seemed very ashamed of himself.

Kagome, all the while, had been probing into his mind to find the truth. He hadn't detected her and she saw all that had happened. Kikyo had pretty much ignored him as soon as he went to hell because all of what she had done as the undead walking on earth was just an act to get him in hell. Now that he was there, her vengeance had been fulfilled and his promise to her satisfied. He had been treated a little better than the rest since he had been put in hell through unnatural circumstances. The spirit world had also not been created yet.

She stepped up to him and wrapped him in a hug. Inuyasha looked up, startled. He didn't expect her to forgive him so easily, but then again, he thought, she had always forgiven me whatever I did. With that thought, he relaxed into her hug. "Inuyasha, I'm sorry that I had to put you through that, but at the moment, it was the only thing left for me to do. Now everyone has been revived again and we can start over" she smiled at him and helped him off the floor. She looked around to see everyone else waking up. First Shippo, after a few moments of bewilderment, had launched himself into her abdomen. "Mama! Whatareyoudoinghere.firstsomeweirdpeoplesaididiedthensangoandmirokushowedupa ndtheysaidtheydiedalsotheniremembergoingtoheavenandlivingtherethennextthingy ouknowyouarrived!" "She smiled down at him "you know, shippo, most people have to breathe but I guess you're an exception." "Sorry 'kaa-san" "KAGOME!" fumed Yusuke, "how can you have a kid already, what the hell did you do!" she silenced him. The rest of the Reikai was also looking at her strangely. "He's adopted," she explained. "Oh" said Yusuke quietly, embarrassed by his outburst. Hiei and Kurama relaxed as well. They had been tense from the second the kit had called her mama. 'I'm gonna kill the father" was what was going through their minds at the time.

The Kirara woke up to cries of "kitty! Kitty!" from none other than Kuwabara. He picked her up and started petting her fiercely. The 'kitty' hissed at him and transformed into her large form. (I'm just gonna pretend that Kirara's a she k pplz?) That scared the wits out of the poor idiot and everyone got a good laugh at his expense. Including Sango and Miroku who had just woken up. "Kagome!" Sango exclaimed. "Are you dead too?" "No, you just got revived" she said with a chuckle "re-revived?" Kagome smiled, "I've got contacts" Miroku took this chance to grope her *pat pat* *slap* "hentai!" the others watched with sweat drops. "Uh, Kagome, does this always happen?" questioned Yusuke "you bet it does, nothing's changed" she turned to King Enma "thank you for reviving my friends, we will carry on to do the mission" she stated. Everyone bowed to the King of Reikai, reverent.

%%%%%%%%%% In Ningenkai %%%%%%%%%

They had gone to the park to properly introduce themselves and explain the mission to the feudal era group. "So it's like this," started Sango after Kurama explained everything "the Shikon's sister Jewel is split into 8 pieces and spread out into all the worlds and our job is to retrieve it and bring it back to Reikai." Kagome nodded, "that's basically it but it think that we should go to Makai first, the demons there will likely get hold of them soon and start making a lot of trouble, maybe gain enough power to break the barrier to Ningenkai, we've got to stop them first before anything else" everyone, even Inuyasha nodded in agreement. It seems that he had a sort of attitude change ever since he got revived. Now he was more reserved and respectful. 500 years probably taught him that as well.

With a nod, Botan opened a portal to Makai for them and one by one they all stepped through. Botan was carrying a small compass, like the regular one but it was modified to find the pieces of the Yatsugiri-no-tama or jewel of 8 pieces as they had dubbed it. It only gave a very vague idea but Kagome would sense it if it was close enough. Right now, it was pointing slightly to the right. That meant that it was quite far away but in it's range. They started towards the east for the jewel segment, moving as quickly as the Ningens would allow. Kagome and Youko combined scared most away since the assassin of Enma and the great bandit of Makai were both intimidating just by themselves, now together, most were intelligent enough to steer clear.

First of all, Kagome called upon the help of the King of Makai, Sesshoumaru. He agreed to come and help them...

@@@@@@@@@@@Flashback@@@@@@@@@ (Inu's pov) "Sesshoumaru!" I held back a gasp as I heard Kagome call out my brother's name. What was she thinking! He would probably kill her for not respecting him. I heard that he isn't just the lord of the western lands anymore, but the King of Makai. Tch, which would make him even more bigheaded than before. I was worried but completely confident that Kagome could look after herself, still I couldn't help thinking the worst.

I was so caught up in my thoughts (woo, freaky, Inuyasha thinks!) That I didn't notice my brother arrive until he addressed me. "Little brother, back from the dead I see, I'm surprised Kagome let you come back" I looked up startled and cursed myself for not being aware. I narrowed my eyes and my hand reached instinctively to the hilt of Tetsusaiga but I was stopped by a cool hand covering mine. I followed it up to Kagome's face. "We have no time for your little fights, he's on our side... I hope" she smirked at the last comment and my bastard brother nodded slightly. "Just put aside your differences for awhile to help us gather the jewel. And by the way, Inuyasha, since you are Sesshoumaru's brother, you are officially the Prince of Makai" Kagome said coolly.

I gaped, I knew because of my Father's blood running through my veins, I had been Heir to the Western lands, but since I was a Hanyou, they probably wouldn't accept me. "Your gonna catch many flies that way if your mouth stays like that, demon flies." I whipped around to face that punk Yusuke, I growled but closed my mouth with a snap. I turned my attention back to my brother. I took a deep breath and held out my hand for him. I stared at him warily the whole time but he took my hand and shook it firmly. I saw a small smile of approval from him. I was shocked. Maybe all these years finally have changed him. Maybe he would accept me for what I was. "now that that's settled, are you going to help us or not?" Kagome asked, directed at Sesshoumaru. he gave a curt nod and said "maybe I can teach the Heir to Makai what he needs to know all the while, from what I gather, he's been living like a ruffian for most of his life, that's gotta change. I half-heartedly glared but I was glad that my brother finally accepted my human blood. "well, lets go" said Kurama. He was a strange one, I could almost relate to him. He had the spirit of a Youkai, but a body of a human. His two sides were always conflicting, like mine. I nodded and we left to the search of the Yatsugiri...

@@@@@@@@@@@ end flashback @@@@@@@@@@

They trekked for 3 days, always following the compass but nobody seemed to have a problem with it, not even Hiei. He was to busy disrupting peace and finally catching up on that spar that Koenma interrupted. Kagome and Hiei was pretty much an even match for speed but Kagome always stayed on top. In skill, time and experience kept Kagome also one step in front but Hiei put up a very good fight. After about 6 consecutive defeats, he finally admitted that she was better. The looks of the others' faces were fit for a Kodak moment. Sesshoumaru, as promised had taught Inuyasha how to fight with more precision and court manners. They finally looked like brothers.

Kagome also took this time to catch up with Youko, Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku and Shippo. Inuyasha understood that He and Kagome could never be Lovers again, not after all the betrayal surrounding them. But he embraced the fact that they could be friends, something that he was absolutely sure that she would reject when he first came back to life, but instead, she forgave him yet again. Now he wasn't going to screw up again. It was just like old times to the feudal gang and the Tentai were completely at ease, even Hiei. Fighting was his element as he got a lot of it here.

Every day, Sango, Kagome and Botan bathed, as well as the boys, after the girls were finished of course. Sango and Kagome made sure of that. At the end of the 3 days, they were finally close enough for Kagome to sense the jewel. She pointed to a cave in a mountain. It had evil radiating from in waves, but the group went in anyways.

*************************Kagome's pov **************************

I was so happy, I finally opened up to people more. Shippo was great, he was just the comic relief we needed on this mission and Inuyasha has sure changed. I had given Tetsusaiga back to him to use. I'm glad Sango is back, I hadn't had any girl to talk to for 500 years now, all I've had is Sesshoumaru and he's the ice-prince. Say enough? After Rin died, he mostly went back to how he was before. He's still not as stiff as the stump he was before but compared to how he was when he had Rin, he was pretty emotionless.

As we entered the cave, I had the willies. It was freaky but I had experienced enough in my life that this was just minor. I could sense a fragment of the Yatsugiri. The shikon calls to it. they will want to be together. That makes it easier on us. We don't need to look for them, they will look for us. They will be drawn like a moth to a flame, and like the flame, we will be their deaths...

Wuz dat a cliffie? Oops. Gomen 'bout takin so long. I wuz just hung up. I finally got a chance. Plz review. I luv reviews. it only takes a few minutes at the most. Can u spare a few minutes? Reviews make me go faster. I geo hundreds of readers and about 10 reviews, u can do much better. I no u can so plz make an exception. Plz? *puppy eyes* Ja ne till next time