Chapter 29: Deceiving Eyes

It was just as it had appeared in his dream.

The cottage lay silently among the trees and flowers atop the hill. There was a surrounding fence that encased the small home. After all this time he was going to find out exactly what it is that he was supposed to find.

Standing before the entrance Draco reached out with his left hand, knocking on the wooden door. However, before his knuckles even grazed the door, an old, petite woman opened the door.

The old woman tilted her head staring directly into Draco's eyes. It was then obvious to the Draco and Harry, seeing the film that that covered her eyes that she was blind.

"Hi." Harry said raising his hand in a welcoming gesture, when no one said anything for a minute. The old woman spared him a glance and smiled knowingly.

"Harry Potter." She said.

Harry looked at the woman in surprise and rubbed his forehead nervously, wondering if the scar was obvious at the moment. "Uh, yeah, that would be me." He said, his bangs falling back across his forehead.

However she did not pay much attention to Harry and instead focused her interest back on Draco.

"Who are you?" The woman asked.

"This blithering idiot's partner." Draco answered, saying the first thing that came to mind, his thumb jerking in Harry's direction. He didn't even have to look in Harry's direction to see the glare being directed at him.

The old woman smiled shaking her head. "No, dear boy, wrong answer. Who are you?"

Draco rolled his eyes, losing patience quite easily. "Fine, Draco Malfoy."

"No, no." The woman said disagreeing with him again.

"You seriously want my middle name too?"

"You are the father." She said simply not bothering to address his earlier question.

"The father? How do you figure that?" Draco said cautiously not wanting to reveal anything pertaining to Devlin.

Instead of answering the woman turned around, walking away from the door and further into her house. She beckoned to the both of them with her hand. "Follow me. Come now. Don't dawdle."

Harry shrugged his shoulders and moved to follow her. "I doubt much harm could come from her."

Draco said nothing but was still weary as he followed in after Harry, closing the front door. The cottage was small and cozy, consisting of one room. He could see the kitchen, living room and bedroom in one glance. There was nothing remotely close to magic in the house. Pictures were still and everything remained where it was. It was an ideal muggle cottage. Yet, there was this distinct imprint of magic that lingered in the air which he couldn't quite place where it was coming from.

The old woman went towards the kitchen standing beside the stove. She turned, her blind eyes staring directly into Draco's. "Sit down Draco." The eyes swiveled to Harry. "You too Harry."

"I don't mean to be rude," Harry said speaking up as he took a seat at the wooden table. "but how are you able to see us? Aren't you…"

"Blind." The woman finished. "Yes I am, but you do not need eyes to see."

"Of course not." Draco muttered under his breath. "That would be too obvious."

Taking a seat on the lone chair by the stove, the woman smiled at Draco. "This son is not like the father." She gazed up at the ceiling in thought. "No, not like the father. Definitely the son of the mother."

Harry smiled. "No, he is definitely like Draco. Stubborn and spoiled, though he is actually ten times better than Draco. "

Again the old woman smiled; though she smiled as if she was holding a secret that none of them knew about. Draco sighed loudly looking around the small home for anything that could be the 'weapon' or 'tool' that could help or destroy their cause in the war.

"You won't find it here in the house." The woman smiled, knowing exactly what Draco was looking for.

"It has to be here." Draco argued. "We were sent here to retrieve it and we failed at that time. I had a…"


Draco stood up frustrated walking towards the woman. "Look obviously you know what we are looking for. You know who we are without even seeing us. If that's the case you know how important it is we have whatever we need to have as soon as possible. You are by yourself in this small cottage and in no condition to defend yourself. There are Death Eaters that will be here in your home at any minute looking for it too. They won't hesitate to hurt you or even kill you."

"So you are doing this to protect me?" She asked calmly.

"Yes, but more importantly I want to protect it and keep it from the wrong hands." Draco took a deep breath and kneeled before her, taking her hands in his. "Please, just tell me where it is."

There was a minute in which no one spoke, until the woman smiled and cradled Draco's face in her hands. Her blind eyes came directly in front of his. "Look in the garden." She touched the old silver teapot that rested on the stove and the stove magically disappeared, revealing an entryway into one of the most breathtaking gardens he had ever laid eyes upon.

"The eyes don't see everything." Draco said and the woman laughed, smiling gently. Draco nodded gratefully and stood.

Draco left to the garden and Harry stood to follow. "No Harry, this is something that Draco can do on his own."

"It's not dangerous then?" Harry asked, sitting back down.

"Nothing he hasn't faced before." She answered with a mischievous smile.

Harry smiled uneasily, her answer not making him feel any better.

He was momentarily blinded as he walked through the entryway, but soon the garden was visible to him again. If he thought the landscape outside the cottage was pleasant, this garden was perfect. He would even admit that this garden put the various Malfoy gardens to shame. Flowers of every shape and size colored the garden with vibrant colors. As he walked further into the garden he noticed the stream flowing to his right.

Stopping Draco took another look in all direction, scanning the area for anything that might resemble a weapon of war. He headed west, opposite of the running stream but was stopped by a tugging at his core. There was an imaginary pull steering him towards the stream. He continued up the side of the stream, the pull becoming stronger with every step, until…….

"This can't be true." Draco whispered shakily.

Feet from where he stood lay a hippogriff, resting beside the stream. However, it was what the hippogriff was sheltering with his wings that surprised Draco. For partially hidden within the wings was a blonde, fair skinned, green eyed baby babbling to the animal.

An exact copy of Devlin.

Draco remained in place awe struck, millions of in comprehendible thoughts running through his head. Letting out the breath he didn't realize he was holding in, Draco kept his gaze locked on the baby.

The hippogriff immediately noticed Draco and completely shielded the baby within his wings, giving Draco a piercing gaze. The action stirred Draco out of his trance and he waited patiently to see if the hippogriff would act. Instead small chubby fingers emerged as they shifted the feathers to show the face of a clear blue eyed baby. The baby was quiet as he too studied Draco. Slowly the blue eyes turned to a green as the baby studied him. As soon as the blue started to fade to a green the ground felt as if it was caving in beneath him and he dropped to his knees. The baby smiled at the hippogriff and the wings moved revealing the baby completely as they were tucked back at its sides. The baby stood, a toothy grin directed at Draco as he began to slowly walk towards him.

No matter how hard he tried he couldn't tear his eyes away from the little one slowing making his way closer. When the baby was within arms length he threw himself towards his goal, laughing as he buried his face in Draco's chest. Draco's arms instinctively wrapped around the baby as he held him close. The baby pulled his head away and Draco's arms loosened as they both stared into the other's eyes. Mystified Draco traced the face of the baby with his fingertips.

"You're a miracle in itself." He breathed. "First Devlin, now you. Two. There's two of you. So much like my Devlin." He shook his head hoping to clear his befuddled mind. Smiling back at the baby he added, "Hermione is going to faint when she sees you."

He stood brushing the dirt off his pants only to stop when the baby's arms automatically reached up into the air. Smiling Draco bent slightly as he took the baby into his arms. As he turned to head back to the cottage, he heard a slight commotion behind him. Turning back he saw the forgotten hippogriff had now risen and his piercing gaze was back upon Draco.

Draco groaned, cursing his luck with these animals. "Just had to be a hippogriff." Before those words had even left his mouth, he noticed that every creature imaginable living in the garden appeared, coming towards them. Various winged creatures were perched high on trees, water nymphs emerged from the stream, more hippogriffs appeared, even thestrals came out from behind the trees. He took a look at the surrounding animals and breathed deeply. "Friends of yours, little one?" Draco asked the baby, not expecting an answer.

The baby shifted in Draco's arms and babbled every sound and syllable possible. Immediately the animals lowered their heads or lay down on the ground as Draco curiously looked between them and the baby. It was when the hippogriff kneeled that everything finally clicked. "No not friends" Draco said, everything starting to click into place. "your protectors."

Draco gave them all a final look before turning his back and headed out of the garden.

Harry's head spun around to the hidden entrance of the garden as soon as he heard the tell tale sounds of Draco's shoes against the floor. Naturally, the blonde head of a gurgling blonde baby, identical to his nephew, was the first to catch his eye. He couldn't help but stand up so quickly that he knocked down the wooden chair he was sitting on.

"Devlin? What in Merlin's name is Devlin doing here?" Harry exclaimed.

"It's not Devlin, Potter. You know very well that Devlin is back at the Order with Hermione." Draco said. He turned to the old woman, to see her smiling knowingly. "You knew all along what I was going to find. When you said I was the father you weren't implying about Devlin were you?"

"He is your son." The woman said gesturing to the baby in his arms. "He has waited so long for you."

Draco sighed shaking his head softly, the situation still clouding his mind. "I already have a son. Devlin. He's my only son."

Worried the woman stood from her chair and pointed at him. "Do you deny that you are the father? Do you deny that she is the mother?"

Shifting the baby in his arms once more, he took another look into the bright green eyes of the baby. The baby gave a toothy grin once more and Draco gave a small smile. "No."

"Two? There are two of them?" Harry asked. He held up his hand counting his fingers up to two. "Two!" He cried holding up his two fingers frantically in the air.

"How is this even possible?" Draco asked, ignoring his crazed partner's antics.

"The two make one. They are one. Separated they are lost to us all but together they are powerful. If turned against one another, the world would exist no more." The old woman said.

"This is why Voldemort was so eager to have them. To even have one would surely bring him power beyond our imagination." Harry said.

"Where did they come from?" Draco asked.

"From the blood of the father and mother." She answered.

"Hermione and I? It's not possible. We weren't even together back then and surely I would have noticed if she had been pregnant with my children."

The old woman laughed as she took a seat back on her chair by the stove. "It's magic." Draco and Harry couldn't help the smile that spread across their faces.

Lifting the boy up in the air, Draco had him eye to eye as he said, "How I'm going to explain this to Hermione, your mother, is beyond me. In my opinion just give her the eyes and you might have a chance. More to the point, I might have a chance before she hexes me back to the Goblin Wars." His response was a yawn. "Thanks, your concern for me, your father, is touching." He brought the baby back down to his chest and pulled out his wand conjuring a small, soft brown blanket. Placing the wand back in his pocket and pulling the blanket over the boy he turned to Harry. "We need to head to the Order."

"We might as well just apparate there. It's too dangerous to head back the way we did now that we have him." Harry said.

The woman stood, her blind eyes switching between looking at the two. "You must pass the gate to use magic. No magic can enter or be used within the fence."

"Thank you." Harry said gratefully.

The woman placed a gentle hand on his arm. "Harry, wars are won and lost by men. Good is good. Bad is bad. That is all you have ever known. They will make any rule they can just to prove that they are in charge. Harry, dear, you have been contemplating for too long." She moved her hand to rest over his chest, exactly where his beating heart was. "Believe in yourself and those around you. Love will always find a way to show what is right and most important."

As her hand fell back to her side, Harry smiled as he nodded gratefully, finding no words to explain. He walked away to the front door, leaving her with Draco and the baby. Draco too turned to leave, but the woman had grabbed a hold of his sleeve stopping. Her fingers desperately gripped the material and as he peered into her blind eyes, there was no mistaking that they had become clear, and he could visibly see brown eyes that bore into his soul.

"When you love someone, you're actions become careless. You're actions become dangerous. You become fearless. All this is done to protect them from harm and pain. It may seem righteous and valiant but it may not be the best course of action." The old woman released him from his grip. "Love without holding back young Malfoy."

There were so many ways he wanted to reply to her but somehow he ended up revealing more. "Sometimes you want to let someone know exactly how you feel but you can't, because you know the moment the words spill out from your lips, its over. No matter how strong you feel you have to keep up the lies."

The old woman smiled, her brown eyes fading once more to blindness. "We all make mistakes, but those made out of love can be fixed. In the end everything will be right. To gain you must lose."

Draco still unsure asked, "What is your name?"

"I am the messenger."

He looked at Harry, who was waiting at the door, to check on him and when he turned back to the woman she had disappeared. His eyes circled the room but there was no mistake that she had simply vanished. "Job done I suppose." Draco said following in the direction Harry had left.

When Draco was within feet of him, Harry opened the door walking outside. Unbeknownst to them they had company waiting for them outside the cottage.

Five Death Eaters were assembled outside the fence, amongst them was Mallett.

"So Potter, what are you going to do?" Draco asked plainly as they walked cautiously closer to the fence and their enemies.

Astonished, Harry looked at Draco wide eyed. "What do you mean, what am I going to do? You're in this too."

"Well you are the famous savior and all." Draco stated looking at the group. "So save us."

"That has nothing to do with the situation we are in." Harry said dryly.

Draco smirked. "It's so easy to push your buttons Potty. And when did it become night?"

From what he calculated they had only been with the old woman for a couple of hours. However, stepping out of the cottage proved that more than a couple of hours had passed. The world was cloaked in darkness and because of the trees surrounding the place not even the moonlight could penetrate though to offer some light.

"You were in the garden for a long time. Hours and hours passed Malfoy. Didn't you know?" Harry said.

"Obviously not Potter." He turned to look at Mallett. Even the darkness could not hide that man from Draco's sight. "And you, how smashing it is to see you." He called out sarcastically.

"You should have never come back Malfoy." Mallett said.

"What can I say? I missed you." Draco replied shrugging his shoulders casually.

Mallett was not amused. He stared at the tuft of blonde hair peeking out from the blanket. "Hand the brat over."

"Oh yes." Draco said, adjusting the blanket to cover the baby completely. "Just because you asked so nicely I'll give him right to you."

"I'll only ask once more. Hand him over." Mallett demanded.

All traces of humor and sarcasm faded as Draco held the baby closer to him. "Just try and take him from me."

Neither Harry nor Draco missed the look Mallett gave the fence. Harry started laughing hysterically. "You have to be kidding me. You can't pass through can you?"

"Somehow we didn't foresee that the old hag would have protective light magic within the fence preventing us from entering." Mallett answered through gritted teeth.

"Careless of you." Harry said with obvious delight. To Draco he muttered, "Any ideas how we are going to get out of this mess?"

"We need to get past the fence and then we can apparate to the Order's headquarter."

They both looked at the fence which in reality was a mere feet away but at the moment seemed like miles. "Easier said than done." Harry said.

"What are you muttering over there about?" Mallett yelled.

Draco stared at him uninterested. "Just how it never ceases to amaze us the extent of your stupidity."

"When the Dark Lord-"

"Dark Lord blah blah blah." Interrupted Harry. "When your master grows some balls then maybe I'll care to listen, but as of now I really don't give a shit as to what he thinks."

Mallett fumed, yet he said nothing only taking out his wand and directing it at Harry and Draco. The other Death Eaters had followed him drawing out their wands as well.

"Going towards them will only get us killed." Draco whispered.

"Then let's go to the sides. We'll make a run for it and as soon as we hop the fence apparate. I'll use the ring to call for the Order just in case we are followed. I'll stay behind for them to arrive but as soon as you get there head straight for the house." Harry said just as quietly.

Draco took a look at the distance they would have to run knowing it was their only option. Not caring if Harry saw or not, he placed his hand over the baby's back and a silver hue spread over him, creating a bubble-like shield. "They're quick. It'll hurt." Draco cautioned, reminding Harry of what would happen.

"What's different from the other times? I always manage to end up hurt or dying when I'm with you." Harry replied smiling mischievously.

Smirking Draco mouthed, 'run'.

In a heartbeat the two sprinted towards opposite sides, Harry taking the right and Draco taking the left. They could hear the curses and hexes being shouted at them but none hit them while they were still within the protected area. The Death Eaters did not stop their spells and within those few seconds of hopping over the fence, Draco and Harry could feel the burn and pain of several curses hitting them before they apparated.

The moment the tips of his shoes made contact with the ground, Draco was racing towards the front. The ring he wore allowed him to bypass any special requirements that were usually needed to reveal the place. He could feel the baby moving slightly but was surprised to hear he didn't cry once. The house appeared as Draco ran pushing forward until he was safely inside.

Breathing harshly he slid down the side of the front door till he was sitting back against it. He could feel the blood running down his left arm but could not find the energy to lift it.

Sarai was the first to be aware of Draco, for she was already downstairs when he rushed through. Without delay she went over to her cousin and seeing the blood running down his arm shouted for Hermione and Ron.

"Draco what happened?" Sarai asked her eyes skimming his beaten condition.

He tried to for words but still he could only focus on the task of breathing which at the moment he was thankful for because he had no idea where to begin. Draco's eyes rose upward when he heard the sound of rushing feet down the stairs.

Hermione and Ron came running to him, his girlfriend kneeling down beside. She let her hand hover over his left arm, not quite touching him yet. "Draco Malfoy the day you stop getting yourself into dangerous situations, might very well be the end of the world."

Draco smiled at his lover. "It's just a little fun."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Fun, you say. You could send a message back to us letting us know something. Instead here we are biting our nails down in anticipation. Anything would be nice."

"Like if we get caught or killed."

"Exactly. Way to think." Hermione smiled at him, to which he gladly smiled back.

Ron glanced behind Draco and at the portrait. "Where's Harry?"

"Probably with the Order. We ran into Mallett and other Death Eaters while we were there. Some of them might have followed after us so Harry stayed behind to call the Order. He's most likely outside right now." Draco said.

Ron quickly took out his wand from his pocket as he walked to the portrait entrance. "I'll go see if they need some back up." He was out before anyone could say another word.

"I'm guessing that you found it." Sarai said gesturing to the unmoving bundle in his arms. "The weapon that everyone wants so badly.

Draco looked at Hermione, his features softening as he momentarily forgot about his pain. "Yes and no. The thing is this weapon we were supposed to find isn't so much an it." He could see the wheels practically turning in Hermione's head as she quickly came to the answer. Her eyes widened and he was surprised she didn't get whiplash as she continued to look back and forth between him and the bundle. Finally her eyes stopped on the bundle and she said to Draco, "How?"

"I don't know." Draco said honestly, watching her hand hover over the blanket.

Hermione held her breath as she laid her hand gently on the blanket. As soon as contact was made the bundle moved and there was a slight tremor in her hand. She peeled the blanket back to reveal the baby at last, his blond hair sticking up in several directions his dark blue eyes slowly blinking up at her. Despite knowing what she was supposed to expect, Hermione gasped along with Sarai.

"Devlin?" Sarai questioned.

"No not Devlin." Draco said.

"He looks exactly like him though. You can't really believe that he is…" She trailed off not knowing how to put the rest into words.

"He's Devlin's twin brother." Hermione said at last. As if on cue, Devlin began crying from upstairs. "He knows you're back. Pansy's with him right now."

"That boy knows everything when it comes to you and me." Draco laughed. He looked at the baby in his arms. His eyes were a clear blue and focused on Hermione. "Something tells me this one will be exactly the same. He knows who we are."

Hermione wanted to add to that but Devlin's cries distracted her and she stood. "We better go to him and get you fixed up in the process. Let me hold the baby."

Without question he held the little boy up for her and stood with a low groan. He saw Hermione and the boy looking into each other's eyes intently. "It's unbelievable huh?"

"Unbelievable to every degree possible." She answered. "He's a very quiet one."

"He was silent the entire time. Even as we were attacked he hardly moved or cried, almost reminded me of Devlin when I first found him. " Draco paused listening to Devlin still crying. "Almost." He turned to Sarai. "You stay here and don't leave for anything. I'm sure Potter and Weasley have everything under control."

Sarai rolled her eyes chuckling. "I know Draco. I can handle myself, I'm not incompetent."

Draco wasn't convinced. "Somehow you forgot that I grew up with you. You always end up in trouble."

Sarai grinned. "And how quickly you forget who it was that taught me most of my devious ways. I learned from the best."

"That might have been a compliment Sarai. My boyfriend seems to have an oversized ego so I try to keep the compliments to one a day. I think his head might actually explode one day and I kinda need him around for the money." Hermione joked.

"Haha, very funny." Draco said as he put his arm around her shoulder. "Let's go Miss. Queen of Comedy."

Hermione grinned sheepishly up at him as they walked upstairs to their new room. "What about Harry, Ron and the Order?"

"If they need me they'll call for me. I doubt we were really followed, but Harry stayed behind just incase. This place is not exactly an easy area to find."

At the room where the cries were the loudest, Pansy came out looking a bit worried but as soon as she saw Draco the worry went away.

"I was just about to come and get you Hermione. He just started crying all of a sudden. Figures that it would be beca….." but she stopped halfway when she saw the baby in Hermione's arms. After a while she put her hands up in the air as if she was surrendering. "Were you two having some secret, crazy sex affair before Devlin? It's getting suspicious how you two keep bringing in babies. Most of them look like Draco, so maybe its babies from all the girls he slept with. You know what I'm not even going to ask." With that she walked away from them and headed downstairs. "Ron! Where are you?"

Hermione turned to Draco amused. "So are these all your love children then?"

Draco groaned walking into the room. "Of course not!"

"Well you were quite famous for getting around."

"Granger." Draco stressed, and Hermione smiled knowing he only called her that when he was serious or upset with her.

"Who knows maybe one of those times was the charm."

"Cut it out. That Pansy just runs her mouth and doesn't stop. I care for the girl but I am so glad the Weasel is the one to take care of her."

Devlin was standing in his crib, his hands gripping the sides. Tears were rolling down his face and as soon as he saw his parents his cries became small whimpers. "Alright boy enough sniveling, we're here." Draco used his good right arm to pick up his son, Devlin clinging to him immediately.

"Be careful with your arm Draco." Hermione cautioned.

"I'm fine." He assured her as he walked closer to them and Devlin ceased all whimpering immediately.

They watched as Devlin lifted his head from Draco's shoulders and looked directly at the other boy, who was staring directly at him as well. No one said anything, and Draco and Hermione continued to watch them curious as to how they would react to each other.

Slowly Devlin raised his arm towards him and his brother did the same. Their hands connected and the air around them began to cackle with magic and energy.

"Draco." Hermione whispered, as a shield of pure magic began to surround them.

"It's okay. Just wait luv."

The shield continued to grow until it had encased them all. The boys' eyes were black and they continued to look at each other. As if on cue, they both lowered their hands and the shield was gone as fast as it had appeared. Light returned to their eyes, the black fading until they were a bright green once more. Devlin turned to Draco smiling. "Ro."

Draco nodded almost robotically to his son. "Yea, Devlin, brother."

His brother laughed in Hermione's arms and she looked up at Draco wide-eyed. "So how are you going to explain this?"

"I have no idea." Draco said bluntly, but honestly.

Devlin began fidgeting in his arms and Draco set him down on his feet. Immediately Devlin began walking to every part of the room, exploring every item he came in contact with. He would pick something up only to be amazed by another, the first item now completely forgotten. Hermione placed the baby in her arms on his feet as well. Yet, unlike Devlin he remained where he was observing the room with curiosity. Slowly he began to walk around the room still observing but never touching. It was only till he reached Devlin's pile of stuffed animals in the corner that a true smile reached his face. He started babbling in different syllables as he reached out to touch them. He sat next to the pile, laying his head on them.

'Almost angelic.' Thought Draco.

Meanwhile Devlin had begun climbing atop the chair beside his crib. Hermione quickly picked him up, setting him back down on the ground. "No Devlin. No climbing on the chair." She said reprimanding him.

Devlin was upset for about a whole second before he was off looking for the next adventure.

'Not very angelic.' Draco laughed. "These two are about as different as night and day."

"Draco he's our son too." Hermione blurted out. She looked to him as if waiting for him to say something different.

"Of course he is shorty. He's nothing less."

She walked to him wrapping her arms around laying her head on his chest, directly above his heart. There was something soothing about hearing the steady rhythm beneath his chest. "Can we handle this? Can I handle this? This is another life we are going to be responsible for."

Draco kissed her head. "You are a wonderful mother. The best even. You will be everything he needs. We will be everything they need together."

"I know, it's just so mind blowing. I mean having one son was already impossible, but now we have two and just in a matter of seconds. I know we don't really have a choice in this. We'd be horrible if we were taking in one and not the other. Still, I don't need another second to know he is now my son."

"Me, a father of two sons. If we don't watch it we're going to be in competition with the Weasley family." Draco paused. "My mother is going to be in heaven."

Hermione laughed looking up at him. "I love you." She kissed him briefly before she was interrupted by a crash. Based on instinct they both looked to Devlin first and sure enough he had managed to create havoc in the closet.

Draco groaned. "Devlin, somehow I know you are going to be a lot of fun when you are older."

At hearing his name, Devlin, who was surrounded in a messy pile of his father's shoes, turned and gave his father a toothy grin. He tried standing up but kept stumbling over the shoes. Frustrated, Devlin began magically tossing them out of the closet and scattering them across the bedroom floor. Hermione was about to reprimand him when all the shoes were levitated back into the closet. They looked to the baby who was still lying peacefully and quietly among the stuffed animals, and noticed he had his gaze locked on Devlin. Draco and Hermione stared at the baby in absolute awe.

"Well," Draco said at last. "We know who the neat freak is going to be between them."

Hermione sighed. "Draco, really, is that all you can say. It's obvious he is just as powerful as Devlin."

Draco looked at the mentioned boy. "I think he can talk to animals."

"What do you mean talk to animals?" Hermione asked.

Draco explained how he found the boy and how he seemed to be communicating with the animals in the garden. "Not to mention the first thing he went to were the stuffed animals. The sounds he was making, I think, were different languages."

"Oh Merlin." Hermione breathed placing a hand on her chest. "Every mother says that her children are different from others, but I seriously believe that mine are the most unique."

Draco smiled proudly. "Of course they are. They are…"

"Malfoys." Hermione finished with a laugh. "I think I got it by now."

He grabbed her hand and led them to the bed. He sat down on the edge with Hermione sitting on his lap. "So what shall we name our newest addition to the family?"

"How about Evan?" Hermione suggested. "I've always liked that name."

"No." Draco said immediately.

"Okay then, Daniel."

"Absolutely not."

"What about…"

"No." Draco said cutting her off.

"Maybe..." Hermione started.

"No." Was the immediate reply.

Hermione groaned, burying her head in the crook of his neck. Yet she smiled, recognizing the same stubbornness. "Déjà vu' all over again. Draco you're doing the same thing you did when we were trying to pick out a name for Devlin."

"Your point?"

Huffing Hermione bit the side of his neck in frustration. "You're a jerk."

"Hmm, bite me again and we'll see what kind of man I become." Draco said lowering his voice as his hand began to slide up her leg.

Hermione clung to him tighter closing her eyes as she felt every nerve in her body awaken just like it always did when he touched her. "Draco, stop." She whispered as his hand reached her thigh.

"I will. After I get what I want." He said huskily as his hand disappeared under the skirt she was wearing.

"Oh Merlin, luv." She murmured breathlessly. "We shouldn't be doing this."

Draco smirked, letting his lips brush lightly across the side of her neck. "And yet we are."

Hermione pushed him away trying to gather her senses. "We can't. Remember, the boys are the pressing matter at hand."

He pouted removing his hand from underneath her skirt. In that moment Hermione wanted nothing more than to take that lower lip in her mouth and kiss him hard. Somehow she managed to restrain herself and tried to persuade herself that she was not going to get all worked up just from a couple of touches.

"Fine." Draco said agreeing reluctantly, resigning to just keeping his hand on her thigh.

"Back to naming the little one. Should I even try to suggest a name?"

Draco was silent for a moment before he said, "Landon. Landon Blake Malfoy."

"Landon Blake Malfoy." Hermione said, testing out the name. "I like it. It's weird how you just randomly pick a name that fits so well in a matter of seconds. Freak." Hermione laughed wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing him on the lips. "Either way another point goes to Daddy."

"Naturally." Draco said smugly.

Hermione rolled her eyes but let him get away with the comment. "Devlin and Landon, our two boys. My parents are never going to believe this."

"Your mom is going to kill me." Draco said deadpanned. "That is if your father doesn't get to me first. Poor kids are going to have to live without a father."

"Oh come on, my parents love you Draco. When you were gone I told my mom about you and what you had to do. After that all she could do was talk about poor dear Draco. She even started on me about not being nice to you during school when most of the time you were the one being mean. Still, all she could say was that poor darling Draco. Sometimes I just felt like screaming my head off."

Draco smirked. "Now look at you. Most days now, you are screaming my name when I…" He looked down towards his feet and saw that his sons were staring up at him wide eyed. "Uhh shouldn't you be off chewing on some furniture?"

"Draco." Hermione admonished. "They're not animals."

"With the way Devlin acts and eats I'd say they are. The kid loves his food."

"Ood?" Devlin asked perking up.

"See, animal." Draco said.

"You're impossible." Hermione said.

"Am not."

"Then you're incorrigible."

Draco grinned sliding his hand up her skirt once more, enjoying the way her eyes closed at his touch and the sounds she made. "I'm just incorrigible when I don't get what I want."

Sooner than he liked Hermione snapped out of her trance and slapped his hand away. Sighing Draco once more reluctantly moved his hand out from her skirt. "Focus luv, focus." She looked pointedly at her boyfriend, to which he simply chuckled at. She got off his lap and started walking around the room picking up the toys Devlin had managed to toss around.

"What you don't want to sit with me anymore?" Draco asked.

"I'd rather walk around a bit and stretch my legs." She instantly realized what that could also imply and quickly added, "And if you mention other ways that I could stretch my legs you will be bunking with Dobby in the kitchen." He smirked, raising his eyebrow letting her know that it was exactly what he was thinking of and she had to suppress a smile. "Then if you're not here who's going to keep me company in the night? I might just have to take care of some…urges that I have myself."

Draco groaned at the images her words brought as he looked at the woman before him. "Are you flirting with me Granger?"

Hermione smiled seductively. "Me? Flirt with you? I'm not that desperate."

Draco stood walking towards her slowly. "Vixen." He whispered approaching her.

She was going to reply back when she noticed his left arm was hanging down by his side. "Draco! Your arm! It's still hurt. I can't believe I forgot about that."

Draco looked at his arm and shrugged. "Not really a big deal. It's just bleeding a little."

Hermione rolled her eyes trying to be patient with him. "You're being too simplistic even if you are a male."

"That's sad, making fun of your beloved when he is pain."

"Well my beloved seems to have enough energy to argue back so all is well. Now let's head to the bathroom and get you patched up."

"And the kids?" Draco asked.

"We'll bring them. I haven't given Devlin his bath yet so I can give them both a bath at the same time. Then we feed them and put them to sleep."

"So I take one and you take the other?" Draco suggested.

"Seems like now, we are never going to be without a baby in our arms." Hermione said picking Devlin up as Draco scooped up Landon. Hermione switched Devlin so he was snug against her side as he rested on her hip. They walked to the bathroom that connected to their room. Hermione luckily had managed to get a room that had a connecting bathroom because she knew Draco wouldn't agree with a room unless it had one.

Once they were in the bathroom they put Devlin and Landon on the ground, Hermione handing them a couple of bath toys to play with while Draco took a seat on the toilet.

"You know the drill, off with the shirt." Hermione instructed.

"I know the drill alright. I take off my shirt and you take advantage of my body." Draco teased.

"Why is that you always have to make a comment like that whenever I have to patch you up?" Hermione said laughing.

"Cause I'm so desirable." He quickly answered.

"Vanity is the one sin that you do not try to make up for." She stopped her teasing when Draco peeled off his bloodied shirt and she was able to see clearly that black and red blood had mixed.

Red from the cuts on his arm and body.

Black from the cursed tattoo on his left shoulder.

"You didn't say anything about your tattoo." Hermione said filling the sink with warm water.

Draco sighed rolling his shoulder. "Don't like to acknowledge it much. When Mallett and the other Death Eaters showed up, I'm guessing my father knew that I was in the same proximity as them. That or he just has bloody good timing."

"Language." Hermione said automatically. "It looked like it was a pretty bad one." She dunked a towel in the water and started cleaning the blood off of him.

"He has no mercy that's for sure."

She took his chin in her hand, turning his head side to side as she took a look at the damage on his face. "Your face has a few nicks and cuts on it."

"That's mostly from the tree branches and vines that whipped us when we were in the forest." Draco closed his eyes and leaned back resting as Hermione patched him up. The worst was the tattoo as usual and Hermione really wished she could get her hands on his father.

"All done." Hermione said letting the stained water drain from the sink. "Feel better now?"

"I don't know I really like your hands on me."

Hermione smiled. "It never ends with you." She turned to her two boys who were still playing on the floor. "What good boys, being so patient for mummy and daddy."

Devlin immediately knew he was being praised and stood smiling walking towards her. She felt that Landon understood too but he just smiled and remained on the floor. "I think we should get a dog." She said randomly.

"A dog? Woman you've gone bonkers. This isn't the first time you suggested this either." Draco said shaking his head at her. "Why on Earth would we get a dog?"

"For Landon mostly. If he talks to animals then we should probably have an animal that he could talk to."

"Just let him hang around Potter and Weasley. They're just about animals themselves."

"I'm serious."

"I'm serious too shorty. We can't get a dog now. Where would we put him and where would we get the time to spend with him? Dogs are also time-consuming."

"I know, you're right." Hermione said knowing that he was right. "I just want to make sure that we give him everything he needs."

"We will. We'll start with a bath." Draco said standing to turn the water on in the bath tub, letting his hand linger under the faucet testing the water until the temperature was perfect.

Devlin's bath seat was already in the tub and Draco took his wand from his pocket to conjure an identical to that one.

Hermione had already taken off Devlin's clothing and now had one laughing, naked, blonde little boy running around the bathroom. She took off Landon's clothing as well leaving her with a smiling, naked, green eyed Landon. In that short time that she was undressing Landon, Draco and Devlin had managed to create some mischief. Draco was chasing Devlin around the bathroom and the baby was laughing, completely red in the face from the fun chase. "Draco we're supposed to start calming them down not starting a day in the park. They'll be going to bed soon." She picked Landon in her arms and placed him in the bath seat Draco had conjured.

Draco scooped the laughing Devlin in his arms making his way to the tub. "Mummy's ruining all the fun. We don't like her anymore huh son?"

"Oh real mature Daddy." Hermione said as he placed Devlin in his bath seat.

Draco took a seat on the toilet once more watching Hermione pour the warm water over their son's heads. He watched her silently for the rest of the children's bath time. Listening to her soothingly talk to Devlin and Landon. Laughing when Devlin stole one of the bath toys from Landon's hands and shoving it in his mouth, as Landon began to cry. It was a first of many sibling rivalries to come. Smiling when Landon blinked for a couple of minutes trying to get the water that fell into his eyes out when Hermione poured water over his head rinsing the shampoo out.

Finally Hermione stood turning off the water ending bath time officially. Draco started laughing and Hermione frowned at him. "What?"

"So who exactly bathed who?" He laughed gesturing to her water soaked clothes.

"Oh hush and grab a baby." Hermione grabbed one of the towels she brought and wrapped Landon in it lifting him from the tub before walking out of the bathroom.

Draco grabbed the second towel and wrapped Devlin in it as he lifted him out of the tub as well. "Come on troublemaker. The sooner we get you dressed the sooner we can feed you. That means we can then put you to sleep thus allowing Daddy to play with Mummy in bed."

"I heard that Draco!" Hermione called out from the bedroom.

Draco smirked, walking back into the room as Devlin chirped, "Ood! Ood!"

Some time later they both had Devlin and Landon dressed in footie pajamas completely fed. Draco placed Landon beside Devlin in the crib. Hermione leaned over the railing to give both boys a kiss. "Good night my little ones. See you in the morning."

Draco grabbed Hermione's hand as he led them out of the room. He closed the door and was not unsurprised to see that she looked worried.

"What are you worried about?" He asked already knowing the answer.

Hermione bit her lower lip as she thought more and more about the situation. "It's just that it's Landon's first night here and maybe I should stay up there with him."

"If he is going to be with us from now on we can't treat him any different from Devlin. If Devlin goes to sleep on his own then so does Landon." Draco tried explaining to her.

"You're but then again we're in a strange house he doesn't know about. Not only for Landon but for Devlin as well. He doesn't know where we are. All he's ever seen is the Head's Tower and my parent's house. He's only been here once when we visited your mother."

"They will both be fine." Draco shrugged as they reached the bottom of the stairs. "Besides they're boys."

Hermione rolled her eyes at her boyfriend, "Being boys has nothing to do with it."

"Well we have other issues we have to deal with at the moment."

They headed straight towards the kitchen knowing that it was the one place where you could find someone in the house. Sure enough, Ron, Pansy, Harry, Sarai, his mother, Dumbledore, Remus, Tonks, Mad-Eyed Moody, Mr. Weasley, Mrs. Weasley and Snape were all crowded around the room. There were many others but he was sure they were sleeping or stationed elsewhere.

His mother was the first to rise up from the chair and he inched back in fear when he saw the dark look on her face. "Draco Malfoy! Just who in heaven's name do you think you are? How dare you not come to visit me after you woke up from that horrible coma? I was worried sick!"

Draco looked to his girlfriend for support but received none. "I told you, you should have seen your mother. You should have listened."

Narcissa began wagging her finger angrily in front of Draco's face. "Oh you make so angry sometimes. I had no idea what happened to you." She took a deep breath and lowered her hand. She hugged him tightly and despite being lectured Draco readily hugged her back.

"I'm sorry to have distressed you mother." Draco said.

Narcissa pulled back and kissed her son on the cheek. "I know I sound like a broken record, but please just take care of yourself."

Draco nodded, as his mother took her seat at the table and looked at Harry, who was leaning up against the sink with Sarai at his side. "Any followers?"

Harry shook his head. "None. The others waited with me for a while just in case but no Death Eaters showed up."

Not one wanted to ask the obvious until Dumbledore spoke up. "You were successful." There wasn't a question in his statement.

Draco, Hermione, Harry, Sarai, Ron and Pansy all shared a look. "Yes." Draco said affirming it.

Mrs. Weasley stood from her chair and wrung her hands together. "I'll make us all some tea."

"So what is it?" Remus asked curiously.

"Are there are any evil auras surrounding it?" Mad-Eyed Moody questioned, getting straight to the core.

"No!" Hermione protested. "Absolutely not."

"Calm down shorty." Draco said.

"It's not true though."

"He doesn't know Mione." Harry said.

"Well if any of you are capable of telling us what is going on that would be helpful." Snape said snidely.

Draco glared at his godfather. "I was getting to that." He explained to everyone about his dream all the way up to the part where the old lady had showed him the door.

"What was in there?" Tonks asked excitedly.

"A garden." He paused looking at everyone's anxious' face unsure of how to continue. "And a baby."

"A baby?!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed setting the tea tray on the table. "What on Earth is baby doing in a garden?"

"The baby is the weapon, right?" Remus asked knowingly.

"Yes. At least he is a part of the weapon." Draco answered.

"The baby is Devlin's twin." Hermione said.

There was a round of questions and surprised gasps, excluding Dumbledore, which was not surprising in the least. "Look everyone needs to calm down for a second." Harry said taking control of the situation. "Obviously Devlin and…the other one.."

"Landon." Hermione interrupted. "We named him Landon."

"Okay, Landon it is." Harry continued. "The two of them make up the weapon Voldemort is so desperately seeking."

"Which is why it is more important than ever that we keep my sons safe." Draco stated.

"Your sons?" Snape asked.

"Yes my sons. Landon is my son too." He looked around the room daring anyone to challenge the declaration.

"I'm a grandmother of two boys." His mother exclaimed beaming.

"Mother, really this is not the time." Draco said.

"Oh hush you." Hermione said, smacking his arm.

His mother nodded gratefully at Hermione. "Thank you dear."

Draco looked back and forth between his mother and girlfriend. "Okay this united front you two have against me cannot lead to anything good. Remember I have two boys now, it will be three against two. You two understanding this?"

All he received was a few giggles from two of the most important women in his life.

"Malfoy it just proves to show that you are not all high and mighty as you like to perceive." Ron said, putting his two cents in.

Malfoy was entertaining the thought of punching the red head when Harry fell to the ground, clutching his forehead in agony. "What the hell is the matt--" Draco started but grabbed his shoulder as ripple after ripple of pain surged through him. It finally let up but then it came back all at once even stronger and he too fell to the ground.

The pain was excruciating and images began flooding his mind.

Cold blooded murders of children.

Rapings of women by countless men that had become monsters.

Men being tortured to the brink of death only to be healed back to endure it once more.

He did not know how long these images appeared but he knew he was watching years and years of torture suffered at the hands of Death Eaters.


He lay gasping on the kitchen floor and Hermione's face was the first thing he was able to comprehend. "Hey baby, it's okay now." She said caressing his face, his head lying on her lap.

Draco tried speaking but could not get enough air into his lungs. In the end he settled for turning his head into the palm of her hand. As soon as he closed his eyes, the images came rushing back.

Women screaming as they were brutally cut into.

Children being burned alive.

The sound of his father breaking his last nerve.

He threw himself to the side rolling to the floor as he puked up everything in his stomach.

How many times did he have to endure this? This had to be punishment for all the sins he had committed.

Harry was not fairing much better, his end result also ending with him puking his guts out as well. He was leaning against Sarai, pressing his face into her chest as his eyes shut tightly as repressed tears struggled out from his eyes.

Hermione pulled Draco back into her arms constantly pushing his sweaty bangs to the side whispering comfortingly into his ears, even as the blood soaked through her shirt. "Shhh, luv I'm here. I'm here."

It was where they remained because the images did not stop till the next morning. The images only coming to an end for the two had blacked out from the constant plague on their minds.

:author slowly coming out of hiding:

So far no once actually has come through on their threats on killing this much deserved author who practically abandoned the story and her faithful readers. I don't think an apology would suffice…just hoping this chapter will bring something to the table in my peace offering.

So yes, new developments in the story coming through. I should have Draco's story, and the boys' story as to how they came to be within the next several chapters. I'm even going to be taping into Snape's story as well. This will hopefully bring a lot of ooohhh's and aaahh's.

No lie I'm recovering from a major writer's block. I have so much that I have planned for the story but kinda stuck on how to introduce it. I know how my ending is going to be and I've even toyed around with the ideas for a sequel. When reading reviews I'm getting a lot of positive input and that is helping me so much. So what do you think about a sequel? Depending on what you want it will affect the story.

So review and give your input!! Review!! Help this author bring the story to you. Thank you!!