My Other DNA

Moon: Yoz people! I'm back with another Yugioh fic! I know I shouldn't start a new fic since I have another one on hand. . . But it's a great idea and I just feel like writing it! I took so long to update this fic because my computer broke down on me a month ago. . . *Sobs*

Joey: Don't cry Moon, at least your computer's back now! *Pats my back*

Moon: *teary eyes* Joey, you're so good to me! *Glomps Joey* I'll make sure I grant Seto's wish of having an interesting lemon scene!

Seto: . . .*blushes*

Yami Moon: *Pulls me away from Joey* Get on with the fic hikari.

Moon: *pouts* Alright. . . I do not own anything that got to do with Yugioh. This fic contains shonen-ai as you can see from there. . . *focus switch to couple on the sofa*

Joey: Oh Seto. . . harder. . . faster. . . Yes!!!!!! Seto!!!!! *Switches back*

Moon: Erm. . . Let's not disturb them. So if you're uncomfortable with this, scram! There's no lemon for this chap yet. Oh. . . and my grammar sucks. So do me a favor for not flaming me, I don't have anyone to edit my work 'kay!

Yami Moon: This fic is rated R for language too. Enjoy the story! *Gets back to see nice show on sofa*

Chapter 1: My Family's Cursed!

"HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY JOEY!!!!!!!!!" Tristen, Yugi, Yami, Ryou, Bakura, Tea and Duke shouted happily while throwing streamers over a particular blond. It's Joey's birthday and Yugi had organized a party for him at his house.

"Blow the candles Joey! I wanna eat the cake now!" Tristen choked Joey's neck jokingly while eying the cake hungrily.

"The cake's mine! And I get to wish before blowing it out!" Joey Wheeler, the birthday boy, removed his best friend's hand from his neck and proceeded to make a wish before blowing the candles out in one-shot.

"What did you wish for Joey?" Yugi, Joey's tri-coloured hair friend, asked as the two of them make their way to the sofa and sat down as the others cut the cake.

"I wish that I'll became a better duelist and will beat Yami in the near future." Joey announced proudly.

"I hope you succeed soon enough Joey." Yami, a spirit from the millennium puzzle, passes Joey a piece of the birthday cake before seating down beside Yugi and share a piece with him.

"Like he is able to. Remember Yami; I'm the only one with enough qualification to beat you, not some puppy dog." Joey turned towards the owner of the offending words, who is none other then the young CEO, Seto Kaiba.

"I not a puppy dog, you rich pig. Why must we invite him anyway Yugi?" Joey complained.

"The more the merrier." Yugi replied sweetly before Yami feed another mouth of cake into his mouth.

"I'm your master puppy. It's only right that I get an invitation. I've kept my promise to stay till the cake is cut, Yugi. Now I've got better things to do." Seto walked towards the door, but before he exits, he cast a glance at Joey, "Pathetic puppy."

"I'm not a puppy!" Joey scowled at the smirking CEO and stabbed his cake mercilessly, staring at his two friends in front of him who had ignored him and are still feeding each other sweetly.

"Hey, by any chance, have you two kiss yet?" Joey asked his two friends with a cheeky smile. Yami and Yugi blushed different shades of red immediately.

"I take it as a yes." Joey grinned, "I'm expecting a wedding invitation from you two next." He joked. Before Yami or Yugi can protest, they heard a shout from the kitchen.

"FOOD FIGHT!!!!" Joey heard Tristen shouted before receiving a nice creamy 'SMACK!' in his face.

"TRISTEN!!!!!" Joey rushes into the kitchen, grabbed a piece of cake and threw it at him.

"Stop guys! Stop!" Yugi panicked and rushes in too to stop the gang from messing up his house, but got smacked in the face with a pie that just flew across the room.

"I teach you guys to throw food at my hikari!" Yami came into the kitchen and joined the fun. Yugi sighed, knowing that it's impossible to stop the food fighting warriors now, so he joined them instead.

Yami, Yugi, Tea and Joey had formed a team against Duke, Tristen, Ryou and Bakura. They were throwing food everywhere and soon the kitchen is a big mess. They stopped when Solomon returned and stared in horror of his vandalized kitchen. He immediately ordered them to stop and clean up of course.

So, after an exciting food fight, they got to go through a horrible cleaning session. Soon, it's late and since they have school the next day, the gang dispersed and return home.

"See ya!" Joey waved to his friends while he turned the corner and head towards his apartment. He arrived outside his house a while later, but before he could even open the door, he felt a sharp pain in his head and he blacked out.

~Joey's POV~

Ouch. . . My hand flew to my temple. What a horrible headache. Where am I? I slowly open my eyes and looked around. I'm in my own room.

"Argh? What happened?" I asked aloud. Wait a second, is it just me or did I just heard a soft alto voice coming out of my mouth? I cleared my throat. "Testing 1, 2, 3." My hands flew to my throat. Did I just get a sore throat or what? I sounded like a. . . a girl!

"Are you awake big brother?" I sat up immediately and spun my head around to the source of that question and that caused a sharp pain in my head.

"Serenity! What are you doing here? Eep!" I covered my mouth. No way! I really sounded like a girl!

"Just remain in your bed for a second big brother, I'll get mom and dad to explain it to you." With that, Serenity went out of the room. Mom? She's here too? What a surprise. Well, it's nice that I could see Serenity on my birthday. I really missed her. I looked up at the clock on the wall. It's three in the morning. Doesn't Serenity have to go to school tomorrow?

I lay down on the bed again. Eh? What's tickling my neck? I sat up again to see that offending object. There's nothing there? Weird. I cocked my head to one side to ponder about it, twirling some hair round my finger while it fell over my shoulder.

Hey, wait a minute? My hair isn't that long to fall over my shoulder, what's more twirl it around my finger. I look at the blond hair tangled with my index finger, staring in horror seconds later. I rushed into the bathroom that is connected to my bedroom and look into the mirror.

"AAAAAAARRRRRHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" My hands flew to my rosy cheeks as I look at the gorgeous blond girl, which happened to be a boy some time ago.

"What happened Joey?!" Mom, Dad and Serenity rushed into the bathroom. I turned to face them with horror engraved on my face.

"I'm a girl!!!!" I shrieked. The just looked at me with a look containing no surprise. I frowned.

"Hello? I'm a girl? At least give me a horrified look could you? You're daughter here, who happens to be a perfect teenage guy some time ago is talking to you." I put my hands on my waist, which happen to be rather small. Well, at least I have a nice figure, for a girl.

"Well, you can't expect us to be surprise after knowing that you'll eventually turn into a girl seventeen years ago. At least Serenity could, but we've explained it to her." Dad told me bluntly.

"What? You knew!? Why didn't you tell me!" I screamed.

"Because we don't want you to be horrified, plus, we didn't know when you'll change, so we decided to keep you in the dark instead of you fearing when will you suddenly turn into a opposite sex. We're surprised that you've actually managed to keep that DNA down till you are 17. That's a big achievement." Mom told me with a there's-nothing-to-be-surprised-of tone.

"What? I still don't understand! What's going on in my life!!!!!!!!" I started pulling hair out in frustration.

"Just cool down first Joey. We'll explain it to you. Come into the room and take a seat." Dad pushed a desperate me into my room and onto my bed.

"What's going on dad?" I looked up at him with tears threatening to fall out from my eyes.

"I'm sorry for not telling you this early son. . . erm. . . girl. You see, our family, the Wheeler family, is cursed. At a certain age, differs for different people, your DNA experience a change and you turn into a girl." He told me calmly. Serenity took a seat beside me to comfort me while mom sat beside dad.

"You're a girl dad?" I asked confusedly.

"No I'm not. . Unfortunately, it only happens to the eldest son in the family. Your Uncle Kenneth was a girl before. Now, the curse seems to be passed to you too."

"What curse?"

"Well. . . actually you see, it's just a DNA change. It happened to all eldest sons in the Wheeler family. It's not exactly permanent. You can change back to a guy using hot water and you're a girl when cold water's splashed on you." Dad explained with a shrug.

"There's no cure for it?" I asked eagerly, wanting to get out of this cursed fate.

"There is, but I got no idea about that. But I'll be setting to visit Kenneth tomorrow afternoon with your mother, so you've to take care of your sister okay?" He answered with a smile.

"What? Uncle Kenneth lives in Canada!" I shrieked.

"Yes I know. All we can do now is wish you luck and help you in your state as a girl. That's why I asked Serenity back to aid you." Dad told me with a sheepish grin.

"Can't I change back into a guy? Hot water changes me back, doesn't it?" I eyed him suspiciously. He shrugged.

"I'm sorry Joey. I've lost my job, and in turn, we're broke. And therefore, the electricity bill's not paid. We're deprived of electricity for this month." He apologized with his head down,

"So. . . there's no water too?" I asked, praying that this isn't true.

"Well. . . I wanted to help. But I'm, having my own financial problem too. So. . . we're sorry, Joey. We'll try to get the water running soon enough. But you have to be stuck as a girl for the time being. Or you could tell your friends and ask for help. I'm sure they'll accept you." Mom told my with an apologizing look on her face.

"Tell me this ain't true." I shook my head with disbelief, "How am I gonna go to school today? I can't possibly stay home all this while!" I screamed.

"Don't worry big brother, you can still go as a girl. Just get enrolled again, I'll be going to your school too! Telling the truth, you look really beautiful big brother, I wished that I'm a guy." Serenity tried comforting me, though she's failing rather badly.

"Change it to big sister Serenity, that way, no one will get suspicious." Mom laughed. I shook my head and admit my cursed fate.

"Get some rest Joey. You'll need it. We get you and Serenity enrolled tomorrow morning. At least you still look gorgeous." Dad patted me on my shoulder and exited, followed by mom. Serenity stayed and coached me on being a girl and went off a while later. I sighed deeply and went to sleep, hopefully, nothing else will go wrong.

The next morning, I got dress without much problem actually. Beside the fact that I've spent fifteen minutes trying to stop blushing when I look at my new naked body. Obviously I'm still a guy, by instinct, but getting aroused by myself isn't fun. Oh. . . and that bra thing is irritating too.

But overall, I have a nice figure and cute angelic face. I bet that no other girls have more perfect figures like mine. At least that's one thing I'm satisfied with. Walking to school with Serenity is fun too, reminds me of the old times. Well, beside the fact that I'm a girl now.

It's enjoyable, really, but it isn't after we stepped into the school. Not that I hate my devilish hot figure and angelic face, it's just that I hated those silly guys whistling at me. Now I know how those girls I hit on felt.

~Back to normal POV~

"I wonder what happened to Joey. He's never so late." Yugi sighed.

"He looked fine yesterday too. I don't think he could be sick, he's never been." Tristen said to Yugi as he took his seat.

"Don't worry about him, maybe he just overslept? Maybe the party made him too tired." Yami comforted Yugi. Yami and Bakura had attended school too as they wanted to be near their hikari.

"Settle down class!" The teacher walked in and the class quiets down. "Before we start today's lesson, I would like to introduce the new transfer student." The teacher said.

"I wonder what kind of student would choose to transfer in during the middle of a term." Yugi whispered to Tea.

"Whoever it may be, I wish it's a pretty girl!" Tristen started daydreaming and drooling. The gang stopped whispering when the door slides open.

A girl with pale, radiant, soft white skin and long, silky blond hair pulled back in a ponytail stepped in. She has a pair of beautiful honey eyes to complement with her hair and small hot lips with a smile that made Tristen go crazy. She has a beautiful figure, small waist and a nice round hips, not neglecting a well-formed breast. All this features are even more emphasized by her a little too tight and too short uniform, which in turn showed off her long slender legs for her too.

"Looks like you got your wish answered Tristen." Yami cackled as he saw the saliva puddle on Tristen's table.

"Back off, that babe's mine." Duke cast Tristen a glare and smiled charmingly at the new girl, who shivered when she saw that.

'Why must I go through all this?' Joey sighed mentally as he noticed the small duel between Duke and Tristen. 'I've better buy a new uniform soon, Serenity's uniform is too tight!' Joey blushes when he saw the guys staring at her with lust in their eyes.

"Please introduce yourself." The teacher smiled at Joey, thinking that she may be a little nervous.

"I'm Joan Wheeler. Nice to meet you." Joey said. 'At least Serenity got me a nice name.'

"Wheeler? Are you related to Joey? Do you know why he isn't in school today? Is he sick?" Yugi asked anxiously. (A/N: I'll address Joey as Joan from now on when he's a girl.)

"Erm. . . well. . . I er. . . I'm his cousin. . . and Joey he. . . he's not in town." Joan stammered.

"Then where did he go?" Yugi pursued with another question that made Joan more panicky.

"Mr Moto, you can continue with your questions when it's break time. Now everybody please hand in your homework. Ms Wheeler, you can take the seat now." The teacher cut Yugi off as she proceeded with her lesson. She was very grateful to the teacher. She walked over to the empty seat beside Yugi, which was supposed to be HIS seat.

"Hey Joan," Yugi whispered to her. She tensed up as she thought that Yugi is gonna ask her more questions about her male self's disappearance again. "I'm Yugi, do you wanna join us for lunch today?" Yugi smiled sweetly at her.

"Erm. . . well. . . okay." Joan hesitated but she decided to join them, as she does not have anyone else to go with, except Serenity who will most probably join Yugi and company too. Both Yugi and Joan turn back to the teacher and concentrate on class but what she didn't notice is a glance thrown to her by Seto.

~Soon, it's break time. . .~

'Hmmmm. . . Finally! Lesson's over!' Joan yawned stretched her arm as the teacher exits the room.

"Hey Joan, let's go to the cafeteria!" Yugi told Joan as the rest of the gang joined him at his table.

"Okay!" Joan smiled happily as she finally could do some of her favourite things despite being a girl. Eat!

"It's my pleasure to meet you Joan! Call me Tristen! I'm one of Joey's best friend!" Tristen rushes over to Joan and shook her hands furiously as she stood up.

"And I'm Duke. Nice to meet you too, I'm also one of your cousin's best friend." Duke pushes Tristen away and took Joan's hand, kissing the back of her hand as he tried to get into Joan's good book.

'Dream on. When are you my best friend?' Joan thought irritably as she fake a smile.

"Can you tell us where Joey went?" Yugi asked again with puppy eyes as they walk to the cafeteria together while Tristen and Duke fight to stand beside Joan.

"Er. . . I. . ." Cold sweat started forming on Joan's forehead as she tried to think of a reason.

'Serenity! Help! Why didn't you think of a reason for me?' Joan panicked. Fortunately, somebody called her name and saved her when they enter the cafeteria.

"There you are Joan!" Serenity jogged to Joan with a big smile on her face.

"Serenity! You're here too!" Both Tristen and Duke shouted. Then they stared dagger at each other, followed by an action of looking from Serenity to Joan.

"I think I prefer Serenity." Tristen said and walk over to Serenity.

"It's your lost. Joan's hotter." Duke stood beside the now very irritated Joan.

'Get away from me and my sister you jerks.' Joan thought mentally as she tried not to shout her thoughts out.

"Hi Tristen, hi everybody! Looks like you've met our cousin, isn't she hot? She was worried that she couldn't fit in fine. See what I told you Joan?" Serenity teased and winked at Joan who had narrowed her eyes and stared at her younger sister.

"Don't worry Joan. I'll be here for you." Duke took Joan's hand and placed it in his, as a way to comfort her, but in turn made Joan more frustrated and disgusted.

"What happen to Joey, Serenity? Joan didn't answer me just now." Yugi asked worriedly.

"Erm. . . well. . . he's fine. He just isn't in town this instant. Don't worry about him! He'll return soon! That's what he told me to tell you." Serenity lied as Joan stared at her, surprise that she could actually lie so well.

'I swear that I'll never lie in front of Serenity ever again.' Joan thought remorsefully as she thought that Serenity had picked up the lying habit from her.

"It's best that the puppy don't return so soon. The air's much more cleaner without the puppy's stench polluting the environment." Seto smirked as he heard what Serenity had said.

"I'm. . . I mean. . . Joey's not a puppy! He's a very nice guy who cares for all his friends and family, unlike a selfish rich pig like you!" Joan shouted frustrated at Seto, shocking the whole gang by her anger. Seto narrowed his eyes and glared into Joan's eyes, which made her gasped as she felt her soul being read.

"I think you'll fit the word puppy as well, being as rude as that cousin of yours and most of all, resembling that rude mutt a lot." Seto smirked, seeing how frighten Joan is after he point out that she resembles Joey.

"Kaiba's right, you sure look a lot like Joey." Tea said as she realized this fact after the mentioning by Seto. Both Serenity and Joan sweatdropped as they panicked about how to get Joan out of this sticky situation.

"I. . . I do? That's no surprise. . . heh. . . our relatives are surprise by the fact that we resemble each other so much too. Hehehe. . ." Joan lied.

"Maybe your dad went fucking that mutt's mother and in turn resulting in you, or should I say it's your mom that's the adulteress." Seto smirked, but it was wiped off when he received a tight slap from Joan.

"Don't ever insult my family you jerk! You can insult me all you like but leave my family out of this!" Joan shouted as she leaves a red handprint on Seto's left cheek.

"Joan!" Serenity exclaimed and grabbed her from behind as she saw that Joan is now trying to punch Seto.

"You better look out, bitch." Seto was shocked but he recovered fast enough to not let anyone see his expression, then he walked away before getting humiliated any further.

"You shouldn't have done that Joan!" Yugi said worriedly.

"I'm. . . I'm sorry. I just hate people insulting my family." Joan sighed as she calmed down.

"Seems like you resemble Joey more than just looks. Joey hated people insulting his family and friends too." Ryou pointed this out and got Joan and Serenity into a sticky situation again.

"Erm. . . I'm rather close to Joey you see. Influenced by him, we sort of grow up together. Hey stop talking about this! I'm hungry!" Joan lied again, hoping that Serenity would not follow her example.

"You sure are influenced by Joey! You like to eat too!" Tea joked as they went to get their food.

~After break and back to class, it's near the ending of the day and they're having Biology. . . (I skipped because there's nothing I want to write about)~

"Alright class! Before I end today's lesson, I would want to announce that there would be a project given to you again!" The Biology teacher grinned widely while the class groaned.

"Not again. This is the third one for the term!" Tristen groaned.

"You will do this project in pairs." Everybody looked at their best friends when the teacher said the 'do in pairs' part.

"But I'll be pairing all of you up." The class groaned again, except that it's louder this time. Half of the guys in class glance hopefully at the present hottest babe in class, Joan, while half of the girls glance at the icy but handsome CEO, Seto Kaiba. Both of them shifted in their seats and wish that they didn't end up with either of those people that glance their way.

"Now please move and sit with your partner when I called your name. Ms Tea Gardner and Ms Mary Taylor. . ." The teacher started reading off a piece of paper in front of her. Tristen and Duke groaned as they realized that they're paired together.

Joan chuckled; she's amused by the pairings of the teacher. She wondered if the teacher's pairing them for the project or for matchmaking them. Yugi is with Yami and Ryou got together with Bakura, she looked around and saw most of the famous couples in class are paired together.

'I didn't know that Biology could be a matchmaking session too.' Joan thought amusedly, but quickly wiped it off as she heard her name being called.

"Lastly, Ms Joan Wheeler and Mr Seto Kaiba." Joan gasped. Seto's fan girls glared dangerously at Joan while Joan's fan guys glared jealously at Seto.

"No way I'm gonna be pair up with that jerk/bitch!" Both of them stood up and shouted at the same time and the class was shocked by their outburst.

"Please mind your language Ms Wheeler and Mr Kaiba. That's no way to speak to one another or what's more, in front of your teacher." The Biology teacher shook a finger at them. "My decision's final and please sit with each other now while I give out the instructions."

Joan and Seto glared at each other angrily but followed the teacher's instructions, but instead of beside each other, there's an arm's distance between them. The teacher sighed and gave out the instructions.

"Later, please send one representative to pick out a piece of paper from this bag. It'll be the topic for your project. And I expect the project to be done before the summer holidays, which is in two weeks' time and the grades will be reflected in your overall results. It'll take up almost half of it so make sure you work hard on it or get a failing grade. And if you do, you're gonna forfeit the vacation." Joan groaned.

'Kaiba better be good in Biology because I sucks. And I don't wanna get a failing grade!' Joan peeked at Seto who's paying attention to the teacher.

'He doesn't look bad when he's not insulting people. Maybe he should keep his mouth shut more often. He looks hot like that. Wait a second. . . what am I thinking about!!!' Joan slapped herself mentally.

'I'm a guy! I'm a guy! Only my body's a girl! Joey you idiot! It must be those female hormones!' She blushes when she realized what she had just thought about Seto.

"There'll be no time given to you during other Biology periods so use your own curriculum time for the project please. Now please come in front to pick a paper," The teacher ended and students started going up front to pick their topics.

'Idiot me idiot me!' Joan is still trying to keep her blush down and was unaware that the teacher had ended her speech. She didn't notice that Seto had went up to pick the paper when he saw that she's busy with her own thoughts. She also didn't noticed when Seto returned with an irritated expression on his face. Seems like he didn't pick a nice topic.

"Are you gonna start discussing or continue blushes about god-knows-what over there, bitch." Seto's voice pierced through Joan's thoughts. She spun her head around to face Seto, giving him an annoyed look but blushes when she met his beautiful captivating eyes. She shook her head to keep her thoughts in check before replying Seto.

"I'm not a bitch you rich jerk." Joan hissed at Seto.

"Whatever. I suggest that we do this project over at my house. There are more than enough resources for this dumb project. We'll start today after school, which is in a few seconds. The sooner we finish this project, the faster I can get your face out of my sight." Joan was about to retaliate when the bell rang.

"Time to go bitch." Seto commanded.

"I'm not your dog, jerk. I'm just gonna pass a message to Serenity before I go, alright!" Joan snapped and went out of the classroom towards Serenity's class, cursing and storming all the way.

"Joan! You've come to pick me up?" Serenity's sweet voice soothed Joan's anger.

"Erm. . . well. . . Serenity I'm sorry. I can't walk home with you today. I've to go over to Kaiba's place for a science project. I'm really sorry sis." Joan apologized.

"Oh. . . is that so. . . I guess it can't be help then. So, I'll see you later in the day!" Serenity sounded a little disappointed and that made Joan guilty. But she gave Joan a sweet smile and reassured that it's fine as schoolwork's more important. With that, Joan went to find Seto.

"Took you long enough bitch." She heard Seto's voice when she was reaching the exit.

"I'm not a bitch!" Joan shrieked.

'Damn it Kaiba. Why must I be stuck with him? What can be worst?' Joan stormed her way towards Seto, who had started to walk to the car park.

"Hey Kaiba, you have not told me our topic for our project yet. I'm sure you did pick out something good right?" Joan asked, just remembering that Seto had not mention about the topic yet.

"I'm plagued with bad luck since I'm stuck with you. What do you think?" Seto shrugged as he open the car door of a silver sports car, reluctant to tell Joan the topic.

"You could at least tell me. Nice car by the way, I didn't know you could drive." Joan followed and was completely mesmerized by the elegant car and stood there admiring it for a moment. She snapped out of her daydream when Seto opened the roof, it's also a convertible.

"I don't have so much time for you to stand there and drool over my car, get in now." Seto smirked at the sight of Joan's impressed face.

"You don't have to command me, I'm not a dog. I wonder where the 'gentleman' in you went, can't you even have the courtesy to open the door for a girl?" Joan grumbled and hopped into the car, gaining Seto's disapproval.

"There's something called the door. Do you know that? If you want me to act like a gentleman, be a girl first." Seto started the engine and sped off.

"I am a girl!" Joan shouted out in frustration.

"You don't act like one." Seto smirked. One of his hands is on the steering wheel while the other is resting casually on the windowsill. His hair is now moving gracefully with the breeze, and with the smirk, the word 'hot' can't even describe him.

'Whoa. . . is it just my eyes playing a trick on me or did Kaiba just look extremely hot.' Joan blushed and felt her heart thumped loudly in her chest. She continued to stare at Seto, admiring the beautiful sight in front of her. She blushed more deeply and turned her head away when Seto turned to face her, resulting in their eye contact.

"Falling in love with me?" Seto smirked when he realized that the reason of why Joan's so quiet is that she's looking at him so intensively with a blush on her face.

"N. . . no way I would! I rather go to hell!" Joan stammered as Seto let out a small cackle. They remained silent for a little while before Joan broke it.

"You still have not told me what's the project topic we are doing on. I can't search for information without knowing the topic first you know." Joan asked again and Seto fidgeted in his seat.

"It's not the kind of topic you'll like doing with me, or should I say, the opposite gender." Seto evaded the question again.

"I don't care what stupid topic it may be. I just want my grade and my vacation. So are you gonna tell me or be a coward and dodge the question again?" Joan challenged Seto, knowing that it would force the topic out of him, but she regretted it immediately when Seto said it.

"Sexual Reproduction of Humans." Seto hesitated but he hated being challenged by people. He smirked triumphantly as he saw Joan blushed different shades of red before muttering something.

"Dumb topic." Joan looked away and they remained silent for the rest of the trip. Soon, they reached Seto's enormous house and realized that Mokuba had went over to a friend's house and thus let the servants and maids go on a leave for a day as he assumed that Seto won't stay home for long.

What could happen between those two? Stay tune!

T.T End of Chapter T.T

Yami Moon: Hey Moon! Moon! The chapter's over!

Moon: What? Seto and Joey are at it again! Now Joey finally managed to get on top. Oh wait. . . Seto flipped them over again. Aww. . . too bad for Joey. . . *ignored Yami Moon and concentrate on 'show' again*

Yami Moon: Must you be the commentator? *sweatdrops* Well. . . I guess my hikari ain't free now. *sigh* Please review! It encourages us to write more and faster of course.

Moon: *suddenly shouts* Whoa Seto! You rock!

Yami Moon: *sweatdrops* Well, that's all folks, stay tune and watch out for the next chapter coming soon! Don't forget to review! *pauses* Now where's the popcorn?