Hands Full Of Rainbow


Chapter 10: The Harvest Part II

Disclaimer: I don't own any part of Digimon or Gathering Blue

Thank You's:

Inconnu omg omg omg omg!! I'm such a big fan of all your fics!!! I can't wait till the next update of Seven Days!! Oh, and thank you mucho for reviewing!

TaioraFAN awwww, thanks! Every review matters, good or bad, so thank you!

Shiva-dragon - thank you!!!

Digimon-Taiora another new person! taiora rules! Thanks for being patient and for the review!! :-)

ICE WOLF 741 lol, I'm really glad you liked it! Thanks for the review!

Litanya awwww! Thanks for the kind words! Here's chapter 10! :)

Taidigimon you're so lucky! I wish my school started in September! Thanks for the review!

Sancheko yay! New person!! Thanks so much for reviewing this fic! And yes, school does indeed 'suck'! haha!

Kawaii-Q when does your school start? Everyone I know starts in September! No fair! Oh well, thanks for reviewing!

Lucy Thank you! I love friends too!!

April - thanks for the review!

KaguyaEvenstar hehe, thanks for your review. Welps, here's the next chapter for you! Enjoy! :)

KAT thank you so much! I'm really glad you liked the last chapter! As for Reiye, well it's a weird story... my name is Reiyn (it's actually pronounced as Rin, but to make it easier for Americans, I had my name's pronunciation changed to Rain). But my friends and family call me Reiye (pronounced ree, or ray) for short. I have many names! -


"So, workers, now that you all have joined us, we have a few ground rules to discuss." Yamato began. "You will sit in the center of the first row. One by one we will introduce you to the village. After the introductions, you will be seated and remain there for the duration of the ceremony. Pretty easy right? Boring, but easy."

Tai, Sora and Hikari smirked. They all followed Yamato out to the stage. Poor Hikari kept stumbling and tripping over her pink and yellow kimono. The hall was filled with people. Men, women, and children of all ages came dressed in their finest clothes. The trio filed down the aisle and found their seats.

Sora fidgeted uneasily in her seat. She recalled back on the many times she had come to the Harvest with her mother. But since there was no man in the family, they had always been subjected to the back of the arena. No here she was, in the very front row! She felt a warm hand fall gently on her shoulders.

"You okay?" Tai asked.

Sora smiled. "Yeah, just a little excited and nervous at the same time!"

"How's Hikari? I made this for her last night." He held out a small wooden doll.

"It's beautiful Tai!" Sora said as he watched her hand the small toy to Hikari. Her face seemed to light up. She jumped into Tai's arms and thanked him. She cradled the little doll in her small arms.

Just then a loud gong could be heard ringing through the hall. Everyone rose, as the elderly Warden made is way through the crowd and onto the stage. A rush of applause came hurling down. The Warden nodded graciously, then raised his arms, signaling the applause to halt.

"Friends. Family. We are all gathered here, today on this day of Harvest, to join together in the remembering of our world." He boomed. "Some of you will hear for the first, or maybe even the last time our Song. This will be Satsuki Yatoshi's last year singing our beautiful Song-"

The whole crowd seemed to gasp all at once. They murmured and whispered amongst each other, until a huge uproar began.

"SILENCE!" The Warden bellowed. Immediately the crowd came to a stop. "Since this is his last year, I would like to take this opportunity to present our new singer. Hikari, please show yourself."

The small girl timidly rose and turned to face the audience. She stood on her chair so the people could get their first glimpse of the new singer. The Warden smiled. "And seated next to her is our new Threader, Miss Sora, and the Artisan, Taichi. Both Sora and Tai followed suit and rose together. There was a wave of applause from the audience. Sora beamed with pride.

"Now without further ado, let us bring out, for one final time, Satsuki Yatoshi." The Warden took his seat next to Yamato as the elderly man took the stage. He cleared his throat and began to sing.


After about two hours into the Song, most of the villagers were fast asleep. Sora felt her eyelids droop as she stroked Hikari's hair who was snoring softly in her lap, the small doll tucked safely under her arm. She turned and was surprised to see that Tai was still wide-awake. Something seemed to be bothering him. Sora decided she would ask him what was wrong after a quick nap. She let her head fall gently on his shoulder.


The Song was reaching its last hour as people slowly began to wake, some a little embarrassed. Sora opened her eyes and took a deep breath as she began to yawn. She caught Tai's sweet, welcoming scent. She kept her head snugly on his shoulder and looked down at Hikari who was still lying in her lap. She looked up at Sora and smiled.

Sora turned and was shocked to see that Tai was still awake. "Tai? What's wrong?"

He turned to meet her gaze. He had a very serious expression on his face. "I need to talk to you in private as soon as the Harvest is over."

Sora nodded. She looked worried. Tai then gave a reassuring grin and kissed her forehead. Sora was still a little troubled, but remained patient throughout the remainder of the Song.

Satsuki reached the last verse of the Song; his voice was cracking, but still remained strong. Everyone began to rise as he struck the last note. A rush of cheers and applause echoed throughout the arena. The Warden made his way to the stage again and embraced the elderly Singer into a generous hug.

"Well, another Harvest is over, and a new year begins. Enjoy each other's company at tonight's feast and remember the good times of the previous year! Thank you all!"

One by one, the villagers filed out of the hall and into the courtyard where numerous tables and chairs were set up. Though it was now very dark outside, it was hard to tell due to the many lanterns illuminating the field. Tai pulled Sora away from the crowd. He motioned for her to follow him.

He led her through the Manor and out the main entrance. It was cold, and very dark. The only light came from the glorious full moon, which cast eerie shadows around the village.

"Tai, where are we going?" Sora asked nervously.

"Shhh! You'll see when we get there." He was well ahead of her as they walked through the quiet streets. Sora was having a hard time keeping up her kimono prevented much movement. They seemed to be walking for hours when finally Sora could see a dim light.

"We're almost there," Tai called from somewhere up ahead. Sora took a deep breath and continued to follow him. She Tai's voice, but he was talking to someone else. As she came closer she recognized the other voice, but juts barely.

"Koushiro? Tai, what's going on?" Sora gasped.

Tai turned to Sora. She was panting, and her hair was a mess. He smiled, but quickly shook his head. Focus! "Sora," He began. He was stuck, he couldn't say it.

"What is it Tai?" Sora asked confused.

He took a deep breath. "I'm leaving."

Sora's heart sank. "What?"

"I'm leaving the village-"

"Why?" Sora cried. "You can't!"

"Because Sora, I can't keep living here, it's too much, or should I say, too little. I don't want to work at the Manor anymore, I'm sick of it. I've been there for thirteen years with a blade in one hand and a block of wood in the other. Thirteen years and this is all I have to show for it, splinters!"

"That's not true Tai!" Sora said, trying to hold back her tears. "You make people happy Tai, you can change an ordinary block of wood into a beautiful piece of art. Remember how happy you made Hikari? Remember how happy you made me?" Sora choked out.

Tai sighed. He walked up to her and held her hands tightly. "I know, but what good is making others happy when you're miserable yourself? I'm leaving for Hoshino the next time Koushiro's family makes plans to visit there."

Sora looked past Tai and over to the boy who stood silently watching the two. She pleaded with her eyes for him to help her. He met her gaze but quickly averted his eyes, as if he was saying sorry.

"But Tai, we were just starting to get close, and now you're leaving me?" Sora said sadly, casting her tear-filled, crimson orbs on the ground.

"It's not your fault Sora, I've dreamed of leaving for a long time now. I love you Sora, and I want you to come with me. We can start a new life there-"

"But I like my life, I like how things are going for me," Sora said sternly, loosening her grip on Tai's hands.

"No Sora, you don't understand. Now that you're a member of the Manor, you have to commit to it, there's no turning back. You will be confined to your room and do nothing but sew and thread for the rest of your life."

She began to shake her head. But Tai continued. "What do you think they're going to do to Satsuki now that he's announced his retirement? They're going to kill him Sora, they're going to poison him in his sleep and make it look like an accident."

"What?" Sora asked in shock. "Why would they do that? Satsuki may not be singing anymore, but he still has plenty of years left to live!"

"Because he is useless to the Manor now, because he's going to take up space for other workers. That's what happens to everyone at the Manor when they want to quit." Tai said bitterly.

Sora was quiet for a moment. "How do you know this?" She finally asked.

"Yamato told me. Only the Keepers know about this, no one else. That's why I want you to come with me Sora, I love you too much to put you through all this."

"But what about the others? What will happen to Mimi, and Joe, and Hikari?"

"They'll be fine. The Warden has ten years left before Yamato becomes the new Warden. Yamato said he's going to make a lot of changes. He knows I am going to leave, and he knows I'm asking you to come with me. He'll cover for us, don't worry."

"But Tai, I don't think I'm ready to leave..."

Tai's heart fell. "Well, then there's nothing I can do about that. I don't want to force you into anything you're not ready for."

Voices could be heard around the village. "The Feast must be over." Koushiro said. "Come on, in here!" He unlocked his mother's bakery and the three crept in quietly. Koushiro led them to the back of the shop and unlocked another door, which led them upstairs to a small room. There was an old oven and stove in the corner. Empty boxes lay scattered on the floor and in the center of the cramped room was a table with four chairs. Once again, the moon emitted disturbing shadows through the dusty window.

Sora wiped an area of the window for her to look through. She gazed out onto her village, lost in her own thoughts. Tai and Koushiro were hovering over a map of the town, talking amongst themselves in low voices.

"So, it's settled then," Koushiro said at last. He stretched his arms and reclined back in his seat. The crowd outside began to settle down as the night drew on.

"Yeah," Tai sighed, a little sadly. "C'mon Sor, we better get back home. Yamato's covering for us."

Sora didn't move from her spot. She continued to stare aimlessly out the dusty window. Rage, and betrayal flowed through her veins. I can't believe him! How can he leave me like this? Especially after this morning, did that kiss mean anything to him? Great, my very first kiss from Tai is also going to be my last! Sora couldn't hold the tears in anymore. She simply let them flow casually down her cheeks.

"Sora?" Tai came close to her and placed a soft hand on her shoulder. She turned immediately and threw Tai's hand off her. She stared bluntly into his deep russet eyes as more tears began to build up in her own. She shut her eyes tightly and rushed out of the room. "Wait!"

"Sora! Slow down!" Tai called to her. She was well ahead of her on the pathway back to the Manor.

Sora ignored him. She sped up her pace, refusing to talk to him. She hurried down the path, she hated being out at night. Though she dearly loved her small village, strange things would happen after dark. She heard the town drunks snigger and laugh in the pub, exchanging crude words at one another.

Finally, the golden lanterns of the Manor could be seen up ahead. She hastened her step in anticipation, as if the glorious castle would disappear if she didn't get there soon. She heard music, it was a harmonica's tune. It grew steadily louder when finally she saw Yamato sitting on the stone steps, playing beautiful music to himself.

He removed the instrument from his lips when he saw her. "Sora-san-" he began, but she didn't answer. She merely bowed her head slightly and hurried into the Manor and up the stairs of the Eastern Tower. Soon after, a breathless Tai came panting over. He collapsed on the stairs next to Yamato.

"I'm guessing it didn't go too well," Yamato stated bluntly.

Tai shook his head miserably, still trying to find his breath. "Is she up in her room?"

"I guess so, she didn't say anything when I saw her. What are you going to do?" Yamato asked.

"I have no idea." Tai buried his head in his hands. "I don't want to leave without her, but I can't stay here any longer."

Yamato nodded quietly. He was about to say something when Tai's head shot up from his hands.

"I've got it! Yamato, do you still have it?" Tai asked, pointing to his fingers.

"Yeah, it's in the safe, and still in the box you carved!" Yamato smiled. "But are your it's a good idea? I mean, she was really mad at you."

"I know. I've got about a week until I leave, hopefully that'll give me enough time to make everything up to her!"

"Good luck!" Yamato said patting his friend on the back.

"Thanks, well I'll see you tomorrow morning. 'Night." Tai said as he headed inside. He heard Yamato resume where he left off. The harmonica's tune echoed throughout the serene village and into the night.


A/N: So sorry for the late updates!! School is becoming IMPOSSIBLE to handle! I've got loads of homework, colorguard everyday after school and competitions every weekend!! Please forgive! And please review!!
