Sometimes I think of you. Sometimes I dream of you. Sometimes I think I see you. And sometimes, I hear you calling out to me.

I had a dream last night...

'Minerva, I'm coming...'

Are you? I used to always dream of us being together again. Remember you once promised me,

'If one day I'll suddenly disappear, then I'll come back for you. I'll never leave you alone...'

Yes, you never did, did you?

You're probably still somewhere out there. You disappeared one day. Everyone thought you were dead, but I knew you were still out there somewhere.


I felt you, and I heard you calling.

How many years has it been? Ten? Twenty?

I lost count.

You know I tried so hard to tell myself that you were gone. But at night, when I lie in my bed I felt you hold my hand and whisper in my ear, ' I love you.'

I just couldn't forget. Somehow I knew that you were still with me, or at least waiting to claim me again.

I was right, and I did find you.

I had visited my mother and father that night, for the very first time in years. Remember how I used to complain about them so much? They were muggles and they hated me for having powers. And they sent me to live in a castle far away from them, so I could learn magic.

I arrived at my old house, ever so small and unchanging. My room was made storage, and the house was empty when I arrived. But I only thought it was.

I saw you in the living room; you were sitting and smiling sweetly at me, with my parents' dead bodies littered on the floor.

You smiled at me and said, 'Isn't this what you wanted?' Was I crying? Maybe.

I didn't know what to say. So I ran away from you. I left my house and ran, I didn't know where I was going, but I ran. Where I stopped running doesn't matter anymore. Because I finally knew you were alive. But was it really you I saw? Or someone who looked like you, and inside was someone else.

Then, you were lost again. But I never forgot about you.

Years had passed again with no news of you. I thought you were gone for sure. But somewhere, in the back of my mind, something was saying you were still there.

And again, I was right.

Albus came to me one day. News about a new Dark Lord had come.

You remember Albus don't you? You always had a strong dislike for him, I never did know why. You never told me.

He grasped my shoulders with his hands, and he told me, 'Minerva it's him...'

He needn't explain I knew what he was talking about, and no matter what I did, even if I refused to believe, deep inside of me I knew it was true.

And you know what I did? I ran away again. I ran from the truth once more.

Curse you. Curse you whose name I cannot speak. And curse you whom I love.

And today, when I looked at some old photographs from school, I found a picture of you and me. We were embracing in a scenery of falling snow, and we were looking into each others eyes with no thought of leaving the other.

And I thought of you.

And I dreamt of you last night.

'Minerva, I'm coming...'

And it's times like these I think of you. I dream of you. I see you. And I hear you calling my name.

And it's times like these that I fall to my knees and I cry and I say to myself.

'Tom, I love you.'
