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Part 14a – Darkness Rising

"There you are. I suppose I should have known that I would find you out here."

Zechs turned his head at the sound of his father's voice. He had retreated into the rose garden to be alone. The past few days had been trying, to say the least. As word of his return spread to the kingdom, guest arrived at the palace with well wishes and greetings. Of course, each and every one of them needed to be properly attended to.

"What is it, Son?"

The prince looked up at his father, questioningly.

"You look unhappy. Why?" the king asked as he settled down on the bench next to his son. "I thought we talked everything out."

That they did. His father had been surprisingly understanding, in Zechs' opinion. He had agreed to give every White Fang member who chose to settle down in Sank, a small piece of land. It had been harder to convince him to allow those White Fang members who weren't ready to put away their weapons for good, to join Sank's royal army.

"It's not that, Father."

"Then what is it, Milliardo? You need to tell me."

The young man winced. "That name, Father… I don't think I'm quite ready yet to be Milliardo Peacecraft again." The prince stared into the starlit sky and sighed. "Please don't get me wrong. I have been looking forward to this. I'm glad to be home with you, Relena and all my friends, but…I need to leave again."

King Stephán looked at his son. He was trying hard to hide his shock and disappointment.
The prince lowered his gaze and stared at the ground. "I'm sorry, Father…I know…"

"No, M…, Son. Don't be. I suppose I was simply expecting too much. I had this vision that you would come back and that we could pick up where we left off two years ago like nothing happened. But of course, that is a rather unrealistic dream."

Zechs gave his father a ghost of a smile. "I won't be gone for too long, I promise. I just need a little more time to come to terms with all of this. And…" His smile grew wider. "I have to take care of something. There is somebody I really care about, and I owe her an explanation and an apology."

"A woman?"

"You seem surprised, Father?"

Now king was smirking. "I told you once that I'm very well aware of what is going on around me. One would have to be blind not to notice that you fancy young men and, that the relationship between you and Heero had started to grow beyond friendship. Though I would accept any choice you make, I do admit I would be pleased if your future mate would be a woman. After all, only a woman can provide this family with the next heir to the throne."

The prince laughed, but it sounded a little embarrassed. "Father, right now I'm not even sure if she ever wants to see me again. So please let's wait a little before we make wedding plans."

"Very well, I'll have Captain Treize prepare an escort for you."

Zechs shook his head. "No escort. I'll be only taking Walker with me. He should be back soon."

"But…," the king tired to object.

"Trust me, Father, I'm much safer on my own," his son assured him.


Sally was on her way back to the castle from a visit to the marketplace, when she was suddenly seized by her right arm. The young woman jerked around. "Get your hands of me," she snarled.

The assailant was a tall man dressed in a dark hooded cloak. He released her arm and pushed back the hood that obscured his face. "Lady Sally?"

Sally blinked, as she recognized the young man. "Zechs…I mean, your Highness!" She stared at him surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"I need your help, my Lady. I have to see the Princess."

"I'm not sure that she wants to see you," Sally told him honestly. "She was really angry at you."

"Yes, I guessed that much," Zechs replied somberly. "I can't say that I blame her. But I need to talk to her. I never had a chance to apologize. Will you help me, please?"

The young shield maiden thought about it for a moment, then she nodded. "Very well, I'll help to bring the two together. The rest is up to you. But mark my word, Sir." She scowled at him. "Crown prince or not, if you hurt her again I'll find you and make you regret that we ever met."

Zechs smirked. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Meet us at Silver Lake, at dusk."

"Thank, you. I'm deeply in your debt, my Lady."

"I'm not doing this for your sake, your Highness," the young woman replied. I'm only doing this because Noin has been miserable ever since you left.


King Dekim and his nephew were sitting down for dinner when one of the guards walked into the room and approached the king.

"Forgive the intrusion, your Highness," he whispered, so low that Trowa could barely hear him.

"I just wanted to let you know that Sir Duane has arrived."

Dekim nodded. "Take him to my study. I'll be there shortly."

"Yes, your Highness." The guard bowed and retreated.

Soon after, the king excused himself, stating that he had important matters to tend to.

Trowa frowned, as he watched his uncle walk away. Who is this Sir Duane, and what's all the secrecy about? I suppose there is only one way to find out.
He called for one of the servants. "You may start clearing he table," he told the man. "I'm finished as well."

The prince left the hall, but instead of going to his quarters he headed outside.

With the experience of somebody who had done this many time before, Trowa climbed one of the large oak trees in the garden. He used a long branch to swing to one of the lower roofs. From there he scaled down the wall, using small crevices between the rocks to keep from falling, until his feet hit a thin ledge. That ledge led right to the window at the king's study. Slowly, Trowa balanced along the ledge until he reached the open window. The sun had already set, and it was dark enough to do this without having to fear that somebody might see him.

The prince could hear his uncle talk, and he stopped and listened to the conversation.

"Are you sure that you will be able to do it?"

"Have I ever given you any reason to doubt my abilities, your Highness?" asked a second voice; Sir Duane Trowa assumed.

"The king of Sank is not an ordinary target," Barton pointed out. "He is well protected, and I've heard rumors that he has not only one, but two wizards in his services."

"I assure you, there is nothing to be concerned about. King or not, it is all the same to me, as long as the prize is right." Duane laughed in a sinister way.

There was a quiet thug and a jingling noise, like somebody had thrown a money bag onto a hard surface. "I'll give you have of the bounty now. You will get the rest when your job is done and I receive word of his death."

The prince's eyes widened. He suddenly realized that his uncle's visitor was an assassin, and that his target was no one else but King Stephán Peacecraft.

Sir Duane said something else, but he had lowered his voice and Trowa had trouble understanding him. As he tried to move closer toward the window the ledge crumbled beneath his feet and a few pieces of stone fell into the yard below. The young prince almost slipped. As he fought to regain his balance, the conversation suddenly stopped. He could hear a chair being moved and then some footsteps. Towa pressed his body flat against the wall and held his breath.

King Dekim's head appeared in the window frame. The man looked around, mumbled something that sounded like:"Perhaps a bird…," and closed the window.
The prince cursed silently. He waited a few moments before he once again tried to creep closer. Through the lit window he could see his uncle and the visitor sit at the table. The men shared a pitcher of wine and talked. Trowa couldn't even read their lips, because the king was sitting with his back to the window. At one point the assassin raised his head and looked straight at the window. Trowa swallowed, as he quickly pulled his head back.

This is no use, he told him self. I heard all I'm going to hear. If I stay here much longer they might really discover me.

Slowly he inched back. His mind was reeling as he scaled down the wall and jumped into the yard. He couldn't get Sir Duane's face out of his head. He was certain that he had met that man before, he just wasn't sure when and where.


"Sally, can't you at least tell me where you are taking me? What is all this secrecy about?" Princess Noin asked as she and her shield maiden left the castle just as the sun was setting.

"Very well, we are going to Silver Lake." Sally replied. "But that's all I'll tell you for now."

Noin frowned. Why Silver Lake? When they were younger they would go there and bath at night, but they hadn't done that in years. The last time she went there was together with… She quickly banned that thought from her mind. Her father was right. She probably wouldn't ever see Zechs again. It was no use wallowing in memories.

"Why Silver Lake?" she asked.

"I'm not going to tell you, your Highness, so you might as well stop asking."

The princess snorted very un-ladylike. "Fine, be that way."

Her friend laughed. They rode quietly side by side until the reached the lake.

Noin frowned when she noticed a man standing at the shore. He was leaning against one of the large willow trees. In the light of the setting sun, his long hair shimmered like gold. The princess swallowed. Zechs? No, it can't be.

He must have heard them approach, because he suddenly turned around to face them, his crystal blue eyes lit up in delight. "Princess."

Noin's yaw dropped. Suddenly her chest felt awfully tight and she had difficulty breathing. She had to stop herself from jumping out of the saddle and running to him. Somehow she managed to keep her face neutral as she dismounted deliberately slow. "Zechs, what are you doing here?" she asked. "I thought you had returned to Sank."

"I had to come back. I needed to talk to you." He walked over to her and went down on one knee. "I needed a chance to ask for your forgiveness."

Sally, who hadn't even dismounted, turned her horse around. "I'll leave you two then. Princess Noin, Prince Milliardo."

Noin turned to her shield maiden, surprise in her eyes. "You knew about this?" she asked.

Before Sally could say anything Zechs intervened. "I asked her to bring you here, Princess. So, please don't blame her for anything."

As the blond maiden rode off and disappeared in the distance Zechs stared down at his boots and sighed. "I don't even know where to start."

"You could begin by telling me why you lied to me? I realize that at first you did what you had to do to protect your men. But why didn't you tell me the truth later on? Why did you have to keep up the charade?"

The harshness in her voice almost made him cringe. "You are still angry, aren't you?"

"Of course I am angry. What did you expect? I trusted you. I thought you trusted me too."

"I understand." Zechs lowered his gaze. "If you want me to leave, I'll…"

"I don't want you to leave, you dimwit."

He looked at her and raised one eyebrow in surprise, as he inquired. "Then, what do you want me to do, Princess?"

"I want you to promise me that you will never lie to me again. And then I want you to take me into your arms and kiss me; kiss me like you have never kissed me before."


"Where have you been?" Duo asked when Trowa returned to his quarters.

"Outside," the prince replied.

"Is something wrong?" the braided squire wanted to know.

"Yes, my uncle has finally gone mad," Trowa growled, as he pulled of his soft leather gloves and threw them onto the bed.

Duo grinned. "I thought we realized that a long time ago."

"This isn't a jesting matter, Duo. He has hired an assassin, a man named Duane, to kill the king of Sank."

"What?" Duo's jaw dropped, and his eyes went wide. "Why would he…?"

"Apparently he is trying to proof his allegiance and worth to Emperor Tubarov."

"This is madness. How does he think Sank is going to react to the assassination of their king? Peaceful country or not, they will most certainly retaliate."

Trowa nodded grimly. He walked to the window and stared outside. "It will lead Crownwood directly into war; a war this kingdom can not afford, especially not so close to the harvest season. I will not stand by and let this happen."

"We need to warn them," Duo suggested. "If I leave immediately I should be able to reach the royal palace in Sank before Duane."

"Duo, this is dangerous," the prince pointed out, as he turned to face his friend.

Duo snorted. "Do you think I'm not aware of that? Do you have a better idea?"

Trowa sighed. "I'm afraid I don't. I'm just worried."

"Worried about me?" the braided youth joked. "Do you have so little confidence in me?"

Trowa's lips curved into a soft smile. "Very well, prepare yourself to leave. Just be careful, Duo."

"Aren't I always?" His friend laughed. He looked at the prince and frowned. Trowa had grown serious again. "Is there anything else?" he asked.

"This man, Duane, I met him before. He came to visit my uncle once before, many years ago; shortly before my father died."

Duo's eyes widened. He knew that Trowa had always suspected that the king's dead was not an accident, and that his uncle was somehow involved. Was this proof that he was correct? Did Dekim truly go as far as to hire an assassin to have his own brother murdered? The thought sent a cold shiver down Duo's spine. "Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."


Author's Note: If you haven't already please take a look at the new title graphic at my website (Check profile for URL)

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