Letter One

            He was in a camp on the British shore. They would be setting out soon for France. He felt a nauseous feeling in the pit of his stomach. To take his mind off the impending battle looming in the distance, he pulled out a sheet of paper and began writing his first letter to Renea. It had been over a week since he'd arrived at the camp. He'd hoped to send a letter to her sooner, to ensure her that he'd gotten there safely. He wasn't sure of how long it would take for the letter to get there.

            He tapped his pen against the table he sat at, wondering where to begin. At last, he put the pen to the paper and began to write.

                        Dear Renea,

            Greetings from the British shore! Sorry I wasn't able to write to you sooner but the captain has been keeping us busy. How are things back at home? Things have been fine here. I've gotten to know some of the guys in my squad and they're all great. There's Caparzo and Mellish. They're real characters. They're always joking about something. Then there's Jackson. He's from the south, he's got the accent and everything! He's a sharpshooter and he's really good too. There's also Reiben. He's from Brooklyn and he's pretty full of himself but he's an okay guy. There's sergeant Horvath. He's a nice guy and he's been friends with our captain for quite some time. At last, there's Captain Miller. Nobody knows much about him, not even Horvath. The guys have even got a bet up to see if they can get him to talk. He's alright though. We'll be doing the invasion soon. We'll be setting out on ships for France sometime early in the morning. I'm a little nervous but I'm not too worried. Our guys have been bombing them for the past few days so things shouldn't be too rough. I'm not sure when I'll get to send you another letter so don't worry if you don't get one for a while. I miss you so much! Say hi to mom next time you see her. I love you very much!

                                                                        Yours truly,


            As he looked up, he saw the captain approaching them. "Alright you guys, you had better hit the sack. Tomorrow's going to be a long day."

            Irwin folded the letter and slid it into an envelope. He hastily scribbled the address on the envelope and set it aside. He would drop it off to the mail service before he went to bed. He gathered up his things, placed the letter on top, and set off.