By Dias ( Penname – Tahirah)
Genre: Shonen-ai
Summary: Yami's world has been destroyed by Egypt's enemies, the Syrians. Wandering aimlessly, Yami encounters Bakura, who attempts to rebuild Yami's life. They grow on each other, coming to the point of love. But when a wedge is driven between them, came they overcome the obstacle and stay together?
Disclaimer: I do not own Yuugi-ou. I wish I did, however.
A soft breath of wind quickly passed overhead. The trees swayed and stood still. Evening came to be on the corrupt land of Egypt. Everywhere there was death and destruction, in every town, in every corner of the land. The country's wealth had been plundered, lives taken away. Many lay dead, and just as many were taken as slaves, to live their lives in the obedience of others.
The palace was completely demolished. Silk sheets and wall hangings littered the once sparkling floors, now crowded with chucks of stone. The king had been killed, his priests captured. The servants had scattered at the first sign of chaos and the nobles betrayed their allegiance. There was nothing left.
Buried beneath the rubble, somewhere near the Main Hall of the palace, there was a boy. Injured and unconscious, he was completely oblivious to what had happened around him. Late on the fifth night after the raid, he woke.
The courtyard was empty, remains of shattered statues casting eerie shadows in the moonlight. The boy looked around in curiosity; his former memories forgotten. Bright crimson eyes scanned the area, his keen senses picking up a disturbance. There was something moving in the shadows.
Who's there? Show yourself!" he called into the darkness, his shaking voice echoing in his head.
"Just a simple peasant, looking for things to improve his conditions in life," came the reply.
"A thief?" the boy asked again.
"I suppose you could call me that, but I would call myself a business man. You know, just looking for the best deals. Then again, you wouldn't know the difference, would you? It looks like you were pretty well off."
The boy took a moment to take in what he was wearing. Although dirty and torn in various places, the clothes he was wearing were clearly silk. His arms and neck were adorned in gold and silver jewelry, inlaid with precious stones. He was in shock.
"What's your name?" the thief asked, suddenly strolling out from the shadows to confront the boy.
"I.....I don't remember. I can't remember anything," the boy whispered quietly.
"Well then, I'll call you Yami. You can come with me if you want. All I need is those jewels from your body," the thief contemplated.
"I guess so. It's not like I have a choice, is it?" the boy, now named Yami replied.
"No, not really. My name's Bakura, by the way," he stated.
Something clicked in Yami's mind. His name seemed familiar.
"Aren't you the most infamous thief in Egypt? The one who plunders the tombs of the dead?" Yami questioned bluntly as they walked through the destroyed corridors.
"Hmm.....something like that I guess," Bakura mumbled as he examined Yami's jewelry. "This is solid gold!" he exclaimed, suddenly becoming very excited. "And these, these are pure diamonds! And rubies! Where did you get these pieces?!" he asked hungrily, waiting for a response.
Yami took a moment before answering.
"I think they were gifts. I'm not quite sure."
As Bakura turned his attention back to the armbands and necklaces, content with Yami's answer, Yami turned his attention to the thief. He didn't look Egyptian. His platinum blond hair and pale complexion were the exact opposite of the average Egyptian. His dark brown eyes were full of worry and an unachievable dream. As Yami realized this, everything he had been made to learn came back to him. Among this knowledge was the intelligence of shadow magic.
As if to test his recently regained memory, Bakura, being too obsessed with the gold and jewels, stepped on a jagged piece of glass. He fell to the floor with an 'umph'.
"Are you okay?" Yami asked, worry lining his voice. He instinctively got down on his knees and lifted Bakura's foot off the floor. Bakura was taken surprised by Yami's sudden actions.
"The cut is two inches deep," Yami stated, pressing his hand over the gash, slowing the flow of blood.
"How the hell can you tell that from one glance?" Bakura all but screamed. Yami ignored his comment and put more pressure on the wound, muttering a few incoherent words. A bright blue light suddenly surrounded his hand; not something you'd normally see everyday.
"That answers my first question, but here's another. How the hell do you know how to heal? And with shadow magic, if I'm correct," Bakura inquired, getting hastily to his feet.
Again, Yami hesitated in responding. He sighed and looked up to what had once been a wondrous design that spread across the entire ceiling. Now all that remained was a gaping hole, showing the fading stars in the night sky.
"I can't remember Bakura. All I can remember is that everyone listened to what I said; I was served everywhere I went and all the content I was forced to study and memorize. As for the shadow magic, I was born with it. My overseer made sure I learned every spell imaginable," Yami sighed again.
"Wow. You're going to be damn useful in life. But I think we've lingered too long. Even in all this chaos, the people would still love to see a thief hung. Now come on!" Bakura urged, and, much to Yami's disgust grabbed him by the upper arm and dragged him out the ruined palace and away from Yami's previous life.
The High Priest paced anxiously in his cell, his mind clouded over by the past week. How had he, the second most powerful person in Egypt, along with the other five priests been taken here, to the very heart of their enemy's land? Their king had been killed; his son lost and their land torn into pieces. Set ran these things through his head over and over again, but he still hadn't come up with a logical explanation.
A loud noise disturbed Set's thoughts. A Syrian guard had unlocked his cell and was opening the door. Behind the guard, Set could see the outlines of five men, Syria's chief advisors.
As the guard opened the door all the way, the five men stepped into the dimly lit cell. The guard shut the door once all five had entered the room.
"What do you want?" Set spat at the advisors. They chuckled at his antics.
"Is that all Egypt is made of? Men with foul tempers? No wonder it was so easy to conquer," the leader of the five spat back.
At this, Set launched himself at the leader, the tallest of the five. His face told everyone who saw it that he was not a man to mess with. Set's charge was prevented by two of the other men who held him back from their leader.
"My name is Damon. You will learn to fear my name in time. But for now, chain him down,"
The lesser advisors who held him pushed him until his back was against the wall, then snapped chains around his wrists and neck.
"Now, you asked me what I wanted," Damon began as the guard let the other four out of the cell. "What I want is to know all of Egypt's little secrets. It's a pity your king was killed; he would have made an excellent source of information. So I guess I'll have to settle with you. Now, where should we start?"
"Our country isn't completely defeated, Damon," Set sneered. "You didn't find the king's son did you? He's what will bring Syria to its knees. He's got more potential that your entire country and more to spare. He'll destroy you all!!" Set yelled psychotically. Damon's face went pale.
"There was a son? As in a prince? You're lying, aren't you? Tell me the truth, you conniving bastard!" Damon demanded.
All he got as a response was Set's insane cackling.
Dias: Well, do you guys like it? If so, I'll post more. I've got the entire thing written in my notebook.....
Dark Dias: Ya, your English notebook.
Dias: I was talking, you know. Anyway, if you guys like it, I'll put more up. And for Mind Shuffle II, I have no idea when that is going to be updated. Sorry to those who are following the story. Gomen nasai!!
By Dias ( Penname – Tahirah)
Genre: Shonen-ai
Summary: Yami's world has been destroyed by Egypt's enemies, the Syrians. Wandering aimlessly, Yami encounters Bakura, who attempts to rebuild Yami's life. They grow on each other, coming to the point of love. But when a wedge is driven between them, came they overcome the obstacle and stay together?
Disclaimer: I do not own Yuugi-ou. I wish I did, however.
A soft breath of wind quickly passed overhead. The trees swayed and stood still. Evening came to be on the corrupt land of Egypt. Everywhere there was death and destruction, in every town, in every corner of the land. The country's wealth had been plundered, lives taken away. Many lay dead, and just as many were taken as slaves, to live their lives in the obedience of others.
The palace was completely demolished. Silk sheets and wall hangings littered the once sparkling floors, now crowded with chucks of stone. The king had been killed, his priests captured. The servants had scattered at the first sign of chaos and the nobles betrayed their allegiance. There was nothing left.
Buried beneath the rubble, somewhere near the Main Hall of the palace, there was a boy. Injured and unconscious, he was completely oblivious to what had happened around him. Late on the fifth night after the raid, he woke.
The courtyard was empty, remains of shattered statues casting eerie shadows in the moonlight. The boy looked around in curiosity; his former memories forgotten. Bright crimson eyes scanned the area, his keen senses picking up a disturbance. There was something moving in the shadows.
Who's there? Show yourself!" he called into the darkness, his shaking voice echoing in his head.
"Just a simple peasant, looking for things to improve his conditions in life," came the reply.
"A thief?" the boy asked again.
"I suppose you could call me that, but I would call myself a business man. You know, just looking for the best deals. Then again, you wouldn't know the difference, would you? It looks like you were pretty well off."
The boy took a moment to take in what he was wearing. Although dirty and torn in various places, the clothes he was wearing were clearly silk. His arms and neck were adorned in gold and silver jewelry, inlaid with precious stones. He was in shock.
"What's your name?" the thief asked, suddenly strolling out from the shadows to confront the boy.
"I.....I don't remember. I can't remember anything," the boy whispered quietly.
"Well then, I'll call you Yami. You can come with me if you want. All I need is those jewels from your body," the thief contemplated.
"I guess so. It's not like I have a choice, is it?" the boy, now named Yami replied.
"No, not really. My name's Bakura, by the way," he stated.
Something clicked in Yami's mind. His name seemed familiar.
"Aren't you the most infamous thief in Egypt? The one who plunders the tombs of the dead?" Yami questioned bluntly as they walked through the destroyed corridors.
"Hmm.....something like that I guess," Bakura mumbled as he examined Yami's jewelry. "This is solid gold!" he exclaimed, suddenly becoming very excited. "And these, these are pure diamonds! And rubies! Where did you get these pieces?!" he asked hungrily, waiting for a response.
Yami took a moment before answering.
"I think they were gifts. I'm not quite sure."
As Bakura turned his attention back to the armbands and necklaces, content with Yami's answer, Yami turned his attention to the thief. He didn't look Egyptian. His platinum blond hair and pale complexion were the exact opposite of the average Egyptian. His dark brown eyes were full of worry and an unachievable dream. As Yami realized this, everything he had been made to learn came back to him. Among this knowledge was the intelligence of shadow magic.
As if to test his recently regained memory, Bakura, being too obsessed with the gold and jewels, stepped on a jagged piece of glass. He fell to the floor with an 'umph'.
"Are you okay?" Yami asked, worry lining his voice. He instinctively got down on his knees and lifted Bakura's foot off the floor. Bakura was taken surprised by Yami's sudden actions.
"The cut is two inches deep," Yami stated, pressing his hand over the gash, slowing the flow of blood.
"How the hell can you tell that from one glance?" Bakura all but screamed. Yami ignored his comment and put more pressure on the wound, muttering a few incoherent words. A bright blue light suddenly surrounded his hand; not something you'd normally see everyday.
"That answers my first question, but here's another. How the hell do you know how to heal? And with shadow magic, if I'm correct," Bakura inquired, getting hastily to his feet.
Again, Yami hesitated in responding. He sighed and looked up to what had once been a wondrous design that spread across the entire ceiling. Now all that remained was a gaping hole, showing the fading stars in the night sky.
"I can't remember Bakura. All I can remember is that everyone listened to what I said; I was served everywhere I went and all the content I was forced to study and memorize. As for the shadow magic, I was born with it. My overseer made sure I learned every spell imaginable," Yami sighed again.
"Wow. You're going to be damn useful in life. But I think we've lingered too long. Even in all this chaos, the people would still love to see a thief hung. Now come on!" Bakura urged, and, much to Yami's disgust grabbed him by the upper arm and dragged him out the ruined palace and away from Yami's previous life.
The High Priest paced anxiously in his cell, his mind clouded over by the past week. How had he, the second most powerful person in Egypt, along with the other five priests been taken here, to the very heart of their enemy's land? Their king had been killed; his son lost and their land torn into pieces. Set ran these things through his head over and over again, but he still hadn't come up with a logical explanation.
A loud noise disturbed Set's thoughts. A Syrian guard had unlocked his cell and was opening the door. Behind the guard, Set could see the outlines of five men, Syria's chief advisors.
As the guard opened the door all the way, the five men stepped into the dimly lit cell. The guard shut the door once all five had entered the room.
"What do you want?" Set spat at the advisors. They chuckled at his antics.
"Is that all Egypt is made of? Men with foul tempers? No wonder it was so easy to conquer," the leader of the five spat back.
At this, Set launched himself at the leader, the tallest of the five. His face told everyone who saw it that he was not a man to mess with. Set's charge was prevented by two of the other men who held him back from their leader.
"My name is Damon. You will learn to fear my name in time. But for now, chain him down,"
The lesser advisors who held him pushed him until his back was against the wall, then snapped chains around his wrists and neck.
"Now, you asked me what I wanted," Damon began as the guard let the other four out of the cell. "What I want is to know all of Egypt's little secrets. It's a pity your king was killed; he would have made an excellent source of information. So I guess I'll have to settle with you. Now, where should we start?"
"Our country isn't completely defeated, Damon," Set sneered. "You didn't find the king's son did you? He's what will bring Syria to its knees. He's got more potential that your entire country and more to spare. He'll destroy you all!!" Set yelled psychotically. Damon's face went pale.
"There was a son? As in a prince? You're lying, aren't you? Tell me the truth, you conniving bastard!" Damon demanded.
All he got as a response was Set's insane cackling.
Dias: Well, do you guys like it? If so, I'll post more. I've got the entire thing written in my notebook.....
Dark Dias: Ya, your English notebook.
Dias: I was talking, you know. Anyway, if you guys like it, I'll put more up. And for Mind Shuffle II, I have no idea when that is going to be updated. Sorry to those who are following the story. Gomen nasai!!