-----IMPORTANT----- Right now, I'm crying. Yes, crying. That is because this is the very last chapter and I will write no more. Also, I know I said I was going to make 3 stories, this one, another when Sarah comes back, and another after Terra betrays them but...well, I don't know if I will so don't be disappointed. Now, my last commenting or answering my reviews!

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Flying Star TLTSI- I think I just read Trust. Yes, this is the last chapter. I'm seriously crying because I'm going to miss all my wonderful reviewers, like you.

The White Shadow- Well, there'll be no more cliffhangers because this is the last and final chapter. And, LOL, that was funny. Run, Josh, Run! LOL. Thank you for being such a great reviewer, thank you so much!

Krazy4Robin- Well, your wait is over. No more suspense because this is the final chapter and the very last of this story. WAH! LOL

Pan BraSaiyin- LOL, your language is ok. But this isn't rated PG! LOL, JK. I'm going to miss you, you were a wonderful reviewer.

StarfireLover- Thank you. Well, this is soon and now its over. More tears! LOL. I hope you like it! Thank you for reviewing, it means so much to me!

Starfire Fan- It's ok, you don't sound pushy at all. But thank you for reviewing and saying this was your favorite story, which its status may have changed since theirs a lot of really good TT stories out there. Thank you for reviewing and being a really great reviewer!

BeastGurl7492- LOL, yes, only stupid people could. LOL. Thank you, you are also a great reviewer and I'll never ever forget you.

Demon007- LOL, yeah, I forgot about him, thanks for reminding me! And, yeah, I've been busy with school. We're having end of the year exams and there so hard! So I'm sorry it was a month but now...now you don't have to wait any longer because here is the last and final chapter and I hope you like it! Thanks for reviewing! You rock!

BRIdoubleP- Yeah, Slade's a mean person. But I wanted add...meaner things to him. It made the story more interesting, right? LOL. And I loved your Ella Enchanted story, it rocked! And I won't stop reading my reviews, I just love reading them! Especially if their nice ones. And thank you! I love to make people yell when they see my stories! LOL. That made me feel really good. Whenever I read your reviews, I feel really good, like I'm the best author in the world. Thank you, you have been such a wonderful reviewer! Thank you so much!

BunnyKat- LOL, I didn't know bunnies could growl. Anyways, thank you! Yes, Robin and Star are such a cute couple! And yes, I updated...my last chapter! OMG, I have to go cry again. LOL. Thank you so much for reviewing!

AntimatterManticore- Yeah, that's Slade! Anyways, thank you for reviewing, this means so much to me, words can't express my joy! Thank you so much!

Lyzz2nwn- Sorry I didn't last time! I had so many and I was in a rush! Anyways, I could never ever hate you! You rock! And now there won't be anymore suspense since this is the last and final chapter. Thank you so much for reviewing! I need to go cry again! Thank you THANK YOU so much! I'll miss you when this is all over. Thank you!

Shadow of the Light- Thank you! And I think about it a lot! Taking time out to review my story means so much to me! Thank you! And yeah, this is the last and final chapter. Thank you and I hope you're still pleased when you revisit again the story! Thank you so much for reviewing, you're the best! Thank you and I'll miss you so much! Thank you THANK YOU!

RobinRox13- LOL, I'm a drama queen too! LOL. And now, I updated! And this is the last and final chapter! OMG, I'm going to cry again! WAH! Anyways, thank you SO MUCH for reviewing! Thank you!

Lulugir715- Thank you! When I read your review, I just grinned and now, I'm so happy! Thank you so much! Thank you! You have been so great and I'll miss you when this story is over. And it is! This is the last and final chapter! Thank you for reviewing!

Starfire7777- Thank you! Your stories are good too! Amy, thank you so much for reviewing my story! You are just incredible! Thank you! I'm going to miss you when this story finishes! Which is today because this is the last and final chapter! Thank you so much for reviewing!

Cool Cat 96- New reviewer! Hi and thank you so much for reviewing! Thank you so much! I'm going to miss you when this story ends which is today since this is the last and final chapter. Thank you so much for reviewing!

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Okay, I only did the people who reviewed for chapter 21 but thank you to anyone who I didn't thank! Every single one of you rock! Oh and my goal of reviews is...250. If you want, can you try and help me get that goal? And can you guys read and review my Ella Enchanted stories? If you like the book, I mean. Thank you if you do! Anyways, here is the last and final chapter. Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Teen Titans.

Robin didn't know what to do. Starfire's eyes were wide with fear. But then they narrowed and she kicked at Slade. "HE WILL NOT BE YOUR APPRENTICE!" She yelled.

Robin could only watch, helplessly, from outside. Slade got up slowly and then laughed. "Starfire, that was a very bad decision and it will cost you greatly! Your life will do!" And then he pushed the button.

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"WHERE IS EVERYONE?" Pac yelled. He had been sitting there for hours. He swore under his breath and began to throw stones at the walls.

Suddenly, he heard something behind him. He backed away from the wall and, suddenly, it was blasted down. The Pazadanas were there and then cheering.

"The prince is safe!" One of them shouted. Pac grinned. He began to fly out of the cell and then looked back.

"Slade...if we ever meet again, maybe we can have another agreement...like, partnership," Pac muttered under his breath. He then flew off with his people, who nothing of their prince, who was a cruel, evil man.

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(Okay, remember when the king sent them that transmission, demanding that they got his son back? And they sent that picture of Star and the king said it was the princess of Tamaran? And remember that he left the picture on the screen and then someone came and saw it? Well, here's the person who came and saw it.)

The yellow head girl slowly closed the door behind her. She made sure no one was there and she put her hood over her face, to conceal whom she was. She began to walk over the desert sand slowly, the wind blowing everywhere.

She tightened her hold on the butterfly clip. She stared at it. It was the only thing from her past. She only remembered waking up in a cell and the name of her door had said a name. She guessed it was hers. She had left, because she was frightened. But why has she been there?

The girl turned her attention back to the picture of those heroes. They came from Earth...like she had. They were superheroes that defended a city. They were the Teen Titans, always fighting for justice.

The girl decided she would go to them. She decided not to tell them she couldn't remember who she was. She'll make up a past. She'll make up a story.

She began to walk again. She ran a finger over the name that was engraved on the clip. Sarah. Who was Sarah? She couldn't remember but something told her that this Sarah wasn't bad. That they had been close once. But who was she?

Then, Terra began to walk on, walk back and steal a transport and go to Earth and find the Teen Titans.

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Starfire fell over, panting. Robin clutched the bars that separated him and Star. "STARFIRE!"

Starfire was gasping for air. Slade began to laugh. "Choose now, Robin, or the girl dies!"

"I'll be your apprentice just stop!" Robin cried.

Slade grinned. "Now that's better..."

Suddenly, Starfire kicked out with the last of her energy and sent Slade flying into a wall. Slade got up and growled. "I see. If that's the way you want to play, then fine." A helicopter came up behind the Titans and blasted down the wall. Slade jumped in the helicopter and said, "We'll meet again, Titans, but next time, you'll be on member short."

Robin muttered, "Not this time." And he took a freeze disk and hurled it at Slade's helicopter. It froze and fell and crash. It then blew up and it looked impossible for there to be a survivor, let alone the bones.

Robin ran inside. "Star!"

Cyborg grabbed her arm and began to take blood test and shake his head. "This is worse, this is much worse."

Sarah stared. "Starfire...don't die. Please don't die. I can't lose another friend. Please...don't..."

Beast Boy was bawling out his eyes. "Starfire! Who's going to eat my tofu? Who's going to eat mustard? Who's going to clean my underwear?"

Raven smacked him. "Enough. Who cares about your pathetic under wears? Who cares about your nasty tofu? Who cares who eats mustard? All we want is Starfire to live, you block head!"

Starfire looked at them weakly. "Friends...please, do not argue. Please...I know you feel deeply about one another. So please...confess your feelings before it is too late. Something like...this...could happen to...you," Starfire's voice was getting softer and softer by the second.

Raven turned the Beast Boy, hands over her chest. Beast Boy imitated her.

"I love you," they said in unison, except Raven said it through clenched teeth. Some things exploded but Raven ignored them.

Starfire smiled. "I am so happy that with my last moments, I can see my friends for...the...last...time," Her voice was barely a whisper.

Robin squeezed her hand. "You're not going to die, Star. There is no possible way! Something...anything. Right now, Cyborg's doing your blood test. He'll find something!"

Starfire's eyes were filled with pain. "It...hurts...so...much..."

Sarah's eyes lit up. "That's it! Blood! Who has the same blood as Star?"

Everyone began saying what type they were.

Raven, "I'm A."

Beast Boy, "Dude, I'm A too!"

Cyborg, "B."

Sarah, "AB."

Starfire sighed. "I am...O."

Robin's eyes widened. "Star, I'm O too." He turned to Sarah and Cyborg. "Hurry, begin the blood change!"

Starfire's eyelids closed slowly. Sarah took some of Robin's blood. Star breath became softer and softer. Sarah was waiting for the tube to fill. Star began to go limp.

The bottle was filled.

"Hurry!" Robin yelled. Sarah immediately poked Star with the needle and the blood began to leave the tube and into her veins. Star now was crying.

"Too late...too late..." she muttered. "Too much...pain!" She began gasping for air.

Then she went very, very still. Robin glanced at the tube. It was empty.

Robin grabbed Star's shoulder. "Starfire! Starfire..."

She didn't move. Robin began to cry. Sarah and Cyborg swore under their breath and Beast Boy fainted. Raven turned away so no one saw the tear that trickled down her face. Things blew up but no one paid attention.

"She's gone now...she's gone for real now," Robin moaned.

"Who's gone?" A voice asked.

Everyone jumped and saw Starfire, smiling. Everyone began to talk at once.

Cyborg, "Don't do that!"

Beast Boy, "Wah, that was scary!"

Sarah, "OMG, you scared the heck out of me!"

Raven, "So you are alive..."

And Robin. "Starfire..."

Then they kissed as Beast Boy and Cyborg gagged. Raven smacked Beast Boy and Sarah smacked Cyborg. But they all smiled.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------

"Finally! We're home!" Beast Boy exclaimed. They all gathered outside of Titans Tower, looking at it.

Then Sarah broke the silence. "I'm...leaving."

Everyone turned to her in shock. "What?"

"I'm leaving. I have to go. It's time for me to move on, to get going. I had always wanted to see the world."

Robin's arm was over Starfire's shoulder. He smiled. "Sarah...before you go..." he revealed a Titans communicator with a T on it. "Now you're a real Titan."

Sarah stared at the gift. "Robin...thank you. But this T's going to stand for Traveling Titan."

Everyone nodded and moved away, giving Cyborg and Sarah some time alone.

"Well...I guess this is it," Cyborg said.

Sarah smiled, tears in her eyes. Then, on tiptoes, she kissed Cyborg. "Hope you'll remember me." There was a familiar twinkle in her eye.

Cyborg turned red. "With that kiss, I couldn't even try!"

Turning away, Sarah flashed one last grin and walked away, her figure disappearing after she walked a long way.

Cyborg sighed and went inside and Raven and BB followed, arguing about something. Starfire and Robin stayed outside though and enjoyed the privacy.

Starfire bit her lip. "Robin?"

Robin smiled. "Yeah?"

Starfire looked down. "Remember when we were tangling from that cliff? Remember what you said to me?"

Robin feigned forgetfulness. "I don't remember, Star. Want to refresh my memory?"

Starfire smiled. "You said that you loved me. Did you really mean it? Or were you just, 'caught up in the moment'?

Robin grinned. "First, let me just tell you this: Don't Die now or Ever. Star. I'll never live without you. And if that isn't a good enough clue, here, let me give you another clue."

And then he leaned down and gave her the sweetest kiss ever known to any living creature.


Wah, the end! Anyways, please review! It might have been corny but I'm sorry... Oh and can you please read and review my Ella Enchanted stories? Please? Now, I will take my leave. Please Review. (Tamaran Girl leaves and so the story finishes with many tears shed. She waves goodbye and leaves. No one knows if she will return. But she thanks every single one of you for reviewing and hopes you will review now and help her meet her goal of 250 reviews. Thank you if you help. Tamaran Girl has updated for the last time. Tamaran Girl leaves the stage.)