TITLE: Crossroads

AUTHOR: William Rayne
EMAIL: [email protected]

SUMMARY: Chloe takes a trip to the 'real world', our world

SPOILERS: Set after "Whisper"
DISTRIBUTION: FanFiction.net, email me

DISCLAIMER someone else owns 'em, I'm just taking them out to play. Don't sue me, I have no money

FEEDBACK: Desired like none other.

NOTES: Thanks to Deia for being a great beta reader and having better editing skills than I


Act 1

Chapter 1

A concussion or maybe an overactive imagination, she thought while lying in the hospital bed which was the last place she thought she'd be 2 hours ago or 8 hours ago if her mind wasn't playing tricks on her. Once I can sneak the chance, I'll check my bag and laptop. I'll prove that I'm not going crazy. Though bizarre is pretty much the norm in this town.

Two hours ago she didn't think her day would be as exciting and confusing as it ended up becoming. In fact, two hours ago she went to the bank to get some money to get the new Buffy: the Vampire Slayer Season Five DVD box-set so that she could indulge in a break from reality. After what happened with Clark earlier this week, she felt she deserved it. Things could've ended much worse but at that moment she didn't want to think about it. Only if she had decided to brood over it or if the ATM wasn't broke that day or if she had somehow made it to the door faster or the guard didn't make a move or a dozen other only ifs that still wouldn't change the fact that a wacko had come into the bank strapped with meteorite rock bomb and that the guard tried to be a hero.

She didn't remember exactly how it happened, not that remembering would change the fact that it did, but what she does remember is the madman's thumb coming down on that button and a green explosion. At first she thought she was dead, that is until she opened her eyes. Unless the afterlife was supposed to look like a city park, she was fairly sure she wasn't dead, doubly sure she couldn't or shouldn't be where she was and (after seeing a car with Indiana license plates) she thought, Looks like I'm not in Kansas anymore and God, did I just think that?

Always having been the curious type, she took note of her surroundings in case she needed to make her way back and explored the place she was in, hoping to find a way home. This is so Bermuda Triangle or X-Files, definitely weird. At least I have my computer bag, she thought as she wandered through the town. It was pure luck that she found the boy that would have a profound impact on her worldview. She hadn't wandered far when she ran into him.

Chapter 2

"Excuse me," said a voice behind her as she walked down the street. The voice belonged to an Asian guy, not hot or ugly, just a regular guy. He was clearly nervous talking to her, it wasn't until later she really understood why.


Widening his smile in a semblance that could be construed as charm, he got up some more courage and said, "I'm sure you get this a lot, but in the off chance you don't…has anyone told you that you have an uncanny resemblance to Allison Mack?"

Not exactly what she thought he was going to say, then again in retrospect, she wasn't sure exactly what she thought he'd say but it was definitely not that. She responded with a proper, "Huh? Whatsit? Who?"

Losing what confidence he had, the boy replies, "You know, the actress on Smallville…plays Chloe Sullivan."

"I'm actually more of a Buffy fan…" she trails off as the impact of the boy's last statement registers in her mind. Smallville's not a show…it's my home. How does he know my name? What kind of bizarro world did I wake up in? she thinks as the boy responds to Buffy comment with a vigorous interest.

"…and I'm babbling like a fool while you stare at me like I'm the biggest loser geek in the world," she hears the boy finish as she snaps out of her thoughts, "I'll just leave you alone, sorry to have bothered you."

"Wait," she says, catching his arm. Intrigued by what she has learned and wanting to know more, she smiles at him and says, "Geeks can be kinda cute in their own way, do want to get coffee?"

Surprised, the boy replies, "Yeah, sure…"

"I never caught your name."

"Never gave it."


"Sorry, always wanted to say that…but I really didn't give my name. Josh. And your name?"

Remembering what prompted her asking Josh to coffee, she says coyly, "Promise not to laugh or crack a smart ass comment?"



Biting his lip to keep his initial reaction to himself, Josh responds, smiles and proffers his arm, "Nice to meet you, Chloe. Care to go get that coffee?"

Taking his arm and affecting a smile, Chloe says, "I'd like that."

Chapter 3

"How could you not know that? It's practically a part of American mythology, like Paul Bunyan and Benedict Arnold."

"Benedict Arnold is a historical figure, not a tall tale."

"Not my point, my point is that Superman is a cultural icon. Everyone knows who he is…or at least I thought until I met you," Josh states incredulously and flags down their waitress, "Alice, you got a minute?"

"Sure, what you need? A refill?"

"No, just a quick question: You know who Superman is, right?"

"I was never really into comics…"

"Ha," Chloe says emphatically.

Disregarding Chloe's reaction, Josh states, "But you do know some stuff, even the basics. Do me a favor and tell her what you know to prove my point. Please?"

Sighing, Alice says, "Alright. It's not much. Strange visitor from another planet, found by the Kents. Um, raised in Smallville. Blue spandex with the 'S' thingie. Thing I never got was how the people in Metropolis and especially Lois didn't make the connection between Clark Kent and Superman. I mean, come on, like glasses make such the difference. That's all I know, you're minute's up hon."

"Thanks," replies Josh as he leans back into his chair triumphantly.

Her thoughts were reeling from the newfound information; she strove to control her reaction to what the knowledge the waitress took for granted. She could tell by Josh's quizzical expression that her attempt and not being slack-jawed had failed. She wanted to know more but didn't want to draw suspicion to herself. Besides, if I even tried to tell him the truth, he'd think I was insane. I'd think the same thing if someone told me they were from the world of Warrior Angel.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, sorry," she awkwardly recovers from her thoughts, "It's just that…wow. This is just so fascinating…"

Chloe was grateful for what happened next since it diverted the subject of her not knowing this 'lore'. Josh attempted to raise one eyebrow questioningly at her but succeeded in screwing up his face in such a way that the only proper reaction to it was for her to laugh. This, of course, led to Josh realizing the humor in his action and laughing in turn.

When they finally managed to catch their breathe, Chloe went back to prodding for more information in hopes of figuring out a way back to where she belonged.

"So, I didn't hear any mention of my namesake in Alice's Superman lore…"

"I wouldn't have expected you to," seeing Chloe's perplexing look, Josh explains, "That's standard Superman canon. Smallville is a modernization of story. 'Before the legend...before the icon...there was a teenager named Clark Kent' is the promo line, I think."

"That still doesn't answer my question."

"The show is based on the eventuality that Clark becomes Superman but from all indications, it has broken traditional canon regarding Superman's teenage years. Chloe Sullivan is a new character, a 'Lois Lane' type that gets Clark into journalism so to say. In fact there's this interesting theory that some have that Chloe is Lois and I'd have to say after the last ep and the penname thing, I'd be prone to agree."


"Sorry, forgot you don't watch. Uh, well in the last ep, Chloe's been fired from the episode before that from the Daily Planet since Clark developed his super-hearing and accidentally managed to hear Chloe talk with Lionel which…" noticing the absolute look of confusion he was getting, Josh summarizes, "anyways, she tries to get a story published and since it won't if her real name is used, she says to use a penname…her cousin, Lois Lane."

"And that answers my question how?"

"I think I confused myself there," Josh laughs, "Long story short is that the Smallville series has deviates from traditional Superman lore which is the comic book version. In the comics, there was never a Chloe Sullivan, Lana not Pete knew Clark's secret, etcetera. Given the way the series is going, I'm of the opinion it's a universe unto itself."

Processing what she's gathered, her journalistic nature demand hard evidence and Chloe responds, "I think I'd probably understand better if I could see the show."

"Well, if you trust me, I got the last 2 eps on tape and the Season One box-set back at my place or if you don't, if your computer there can play DVDs then I can get the box-set, up to you."

"Your place it is then."

It was Josh's turn to become a bit slack jawed. Chloe enjoyed the feeling for a bit then decided to make sure he didn't get any dumb ideas and added with a coy smile, "I trust my pepper spray."

Chapter 4

When they got to his apartment, Chloe asked if she could jack an internet connection from him. At which Josh told her that he had WiFi or she could take use the cable for his X-box. As Josh went in search of his DVD box-set, Chloe searched the internet for 'Smallville' and became engrossed on some of the sites. So much so, that Josh scared her when he snuck up to see what she was looking at and commented about some good fanfic sites he's found. She checked some out, saved a few of the "Chloe/Clark" ones that looked fairly innocent to peruse later and turned her attention to her host. Watching the 'Whisper' episode sent chills through her spine since the events depicted in the show was what happened in earlier in the week and the uncanny resemblance between the actress and herself. When they got to 'Delete', Josh made a comment that would come back to haunt her in a few days.

"What I don't get is if Clark was hypnotized to kill Chloe, why use a truck? Unless some part of him deep down wants to pull the punch and not use his powers. Or maybe it's just a writer's mistake."

After seeing the two episodes Josh had on tape, Chloe was thoroughly intrigued and asked to see some of the DVD box-set. They got through the first DVD before Chloe realized nothing in the show would help her get back home. Reaching the point of desperation, she asked Josh, "So you're a big fan of this, huh? If I told you a plotline, you think you could provide any insight on it?"

"I'm not obsessed with the show but know enough of it that I think I could give it a shot. You're obviously hooked on this, thinking of writing a fanfic?"

"Yeah, something like that."


"Hmm, 'kay, here's the deal. If a 'Kryptonite' bomb," she paused, trying to get use to this world's term for the meteor rocks then continued, "somehow sent one of the characters to the 'real' world…this world."

"I think it would be more exciting visually, sorry, but I just see writing that fic as kinda tough."

"Let me worry about that. Anyways, they're in the real world and want to get home...how do you think they could do that?"

"Wow. Um, uh. Well let's see, there's no such thing as Kryptonite here so that can't be a catalyst on this side. Actually I'm stuck on how the bomb can break the barriers that are supposed to exist if you believe in alternate reality universes…well, supposedly schizophrenics can see other realities so if the bomber was a madman…"

"Well he did seem kinda…er, we can make him crazy, that works," reading the look on Josh's face, Chloe could tell he might be on to something and prodded him to go on.

"My only guess is that wherever they arrived would still have the dimensional 'rip' near it. And given what I know about the natural state of the universe, it'll want to heal it…but who knows how much time that'll take, it may be seconds or years. Other than that, I'd have to say the character would be stuck in our world."

Chloe's mind was racing with this new information, she hoped Josh's theory was correct and a portal existed and was still there. Glancing at the clock, she says, "Oh my god, look at the time. I gotta go."

"Uh, ok. Can I at least walk you back?"

"Um, I'm only in for the day and as fun as this is, I'd…"

"Nevermind, it figures," Josh says dejectedly.

"You're a nice guy, you'll find someone."

"Heard that before."

Taking pity, Chloe offers, "Well, if it ends up that I'm here for more than the day, I'll come by. Promise."

Smiling, Josh replies, "I'd like that."

"Um, listen, can I get a favor before I go?"

"Depends what it is."

"Can I buy your box-set from you? I won't have time to get it and I'm certain that I won't find it where I'm going."

"Uh, ok…$60."

"Deal," Chloe gratefully replies and hand him the money she originally intended for another DVD set and puts the new one in her bag, "Gotta jet. Thanks, I had an amazing time."

As he watched her dash out the door, Josh says aloud to himself, "Weird girl. Interesting fic story she came up with…"


Chloe ran back to where she woke up and looked around. After a few minutes of looking about, she thought to herself, This is ridiculous, I don't even know what I should be looking for. What is a dimensional rip suppose to look like anyways? Then she saw it or rather felt it and turned to see the area before her rippling. Here goes nothing. She touched the ripple and blacked out. Chloe woke up in a hospital bed. Did that really happen? she thought to herself. She looks over to see her bag sitting on the table next to her hospital bed. She pulled a DVD box out of her bag and her world suddenly shattered. Oh my God. It's real.

*Commercial Break*