Summary: Tohru and the whole gang have finally grown up and graduated. Tohru now attends Tokyo University, but the question is where has Sohma Kyo been? After graduation; things changed, and he simply disappeared for a month or more. K+T. read x review, please & thanks ^_^  

NOTE: * means thoughts

Japanese lesson #01 xD

Ohayou – Goodmorning      

         *I've grown up, grown into a woman.

         Growing has consequences though...

         Growing up means having to let go of things

         and having to take in new things.

         In my case I had to let go of my past life.

         My life of living an adventure each day.

         I had to let go of the life of being with a "family"...

         Now I am sitting here in my room,

         wondering if I will ever get that life back.

         I know in my heart that I may never get it back...

         but I still hope because those years

        were the best years of my life.

         ...Now they are just old memories...*

ch001 - [A Mystery]

     The long hand of the clock hanging off the all of the classroom finally hit the 12, causing the bell to ring throughout the room. The rustling of papers and chairs being scraped back spread throughout the room, and in less then ten seconds the room was completely empty. Tohru squeezed through the growing crowd and found her friends Uotani and Hanajima leaning against a wall outside of her classroom, waiting for her to come out.

"Uo-chan! Hana-chan! Ohayouu!"

cried out Tohru happily when she finally reached them.

"How was class today?"

asked Uo curiously as they began to walk Tohru back to her dorm. Tohru bit her bottom lip and racked her brain for any interesting thoughts, but couldn't really come up with any so she said,

"Ahh, same as ever, nothing interesting happened or anything like that."

*Not like before..*.

"Well today in class I took an exam and got a D+,"

said Hanajima monotonously. Tohru and Uo looked at each other and gave her the thumbs up while laughing nervously, thinking in their heads that a D+ was not exactly good.

"Hey, aren't you guys glad that today is the last day of classes for a whole entire month? I can't wait for the freedom!"

exclaimed Uo happily while she stretched her arms out and blew out a deep breath at the same time.

"Are you going to go back to the Sohmas?"

asked Hanajima, facing Tohru,

"Ahh...Yes, I am and I feel very excited,"

said Tohru with a nostalgic smile on her face,

*Maybe I'll see you...*

"I'm glad,"

replied Uo and then her eyes brightened up,

"Oh! Hey that reminds me, what exactly is happening with you and the Prince lately? You guys have been very buddy-buddy,"

said Uo with a teasing smile as she poked Tohru playfully on the shoulder,


cried out Tohru, her whole face heated up and turned red,

"No, no, no! You misunderstand! Me and Sohma-kun are just friends! I mean... we've hung out a couple of times, but I just don't see him in that way."

"Whatever you say Tohru,"

said Uo with a playful shrug, not really believing Tohru was telling the complete truth. When they finally reached Tohru's dorm they all said their goodbyes and departed to their own rooms. Tohru entered her room and closed the door behind her. Her thoughts were suddenly all jumbled up for some reason. In two days she was going to be back to the Sohma's household she was partly excited but partly nervous as well. What would it be like to be back in a place that she hadn't been in for a long time? Would she be welcomed with open arms? But most importantly, would he be there?

*I miss him...I want to see his face again, hear his thoughts again, even hear his complaints. I just want to hear it all..*.

After graduation Kyo had mysteriously disappeared without a word and that had worried Tohru a great deal. When she asked Shigure where he was he would just get this look on his face and then look away. She had worried about him throughout the summertime and even now, but whenever bad thoughts about him came up into her mind she would constantly say to herself that he was probably off training in the mountains or doing something connected with martial arts. However, deep down in her heart she always had this sinking feeling that he might not be in training. The part that hurt the most though, was that he hadn't even said one word to anyone before he left. Not even a proper goodbye, he had just simply vanished. She thought they were friends...

Tohru sighed and leaned against the wall, lightly banging her head on the wall. She then shook her head furiously and squeezed her eyes shut, thinking of Kyo caused too much pain. She opened up her eyes and looked at her empty open suitcase lying on the ground so she decided that maybe packing some of her clothes would get her mind off of the pain and onto some more positive thoughts instead. After all she was a true optimist.

The sun rose bright and early and ribbons of sunshine wrapped around the city, waking Tohru up. She opened her eyes groggily and slipped out of bed. She then did her daily morning routine and then went outside her dorm to meet with her friends, she and her friends had decided to hang out with each other on that particular Saturday morning. She knocked on Uo's dorm at around 10:45am and the door opened seconds later.

"Ohayou, Tohru! Oh! I have big news for you, come in, come in,"

Uo was so excited as she ushered a confused Tohru into her room. Hana was sitting on the floor as well, and watched Uo as she cleared her throat.

"What is the big news, guys?"

asked Tohru curiously as she looked back and forth at both of them. Uo looked up at the ceiling with a devilish grin on her face then said,

"Weeeelll... I kinda fixed you up with someone last night. He's a friend of mine and his name is Shinjiru Souske..."

Uo saw Tohru's mouth open a little and held up her hands in defense and said quickly,

"Before you say anything, I just have to say that he is a really nice guy, and he's tall, handsome, and of course, single! Isn't this great news?"

Tohru's mouth was wide open by now and she lost her voice for a second; when it came back she said incredulously,

"B-but I don't even know this guy! This is crazy Uo-chan!"

Uo bit her bottom lip and debated,

"But Tohru-chan, this is your chance. Your chance to finally meet the man of your dreams! I mean, you and the prince are just "friends" right? ...So, c'mon Tohru, me and Hana just wanna see you happy. And don't you worry about him not liking you because you are by far the greatest person that ever walked on whaddya say Tohru, will you meet him? Please?"

Uo looked at her with puppy dog eyes and pouted, making Tohru bow her head down. She knew that she couldn't refuse or she would hurt Uo's and Hana's feelings so she said with defeat,

"Allright, I'll meet with him tonight."

"Great! Meet him at the Sushi bar on 57th at 9:30pm okay?"

exclaimed Uo happily while clapping her hands together with triumph.

After a few hours of hanging out with Uo and Hana, she was back in her room actually feeling a little excited about her date with this Souske character. She hugged her pillow to her chest and after a while of thinking she decided that maybe she should go out and buy some clothing for this big date. After all she really hadn't gone out on a date with anyone since the beginning of college, she really didn't know why. She got up and put on her jacket, then grabbed her umbrella in the meantime because she had remembered hearing on the radio that there was going to be a rainstorm later that night.

It was 7pm and Tohru was holding two bags of clothing and an umbrella over her head, feeling pretty satisfied that she was actually going to maybe look nice for this thing going on tonight. She was actually humming a little song because she was feeling so happy. But, her thoughts of her date all went down the drain when she saw a familiar figure leaning on a nearby brick wall....

It was Akito. 

Reviews would be super nice, please ^___^


Dooon't worry, Kyo will make his appearance in the next chappie, hehs. :]
