A/N: Chapter 3 here! I'm sorry about the boring chapter on Chapter 2! I really am. I just needed to improve my writing a bit better so I tried. And that chapter was a foundation chapter, so sorry! Also, I can't believe I got 20 reviews! squeals I can't believe it! First time ever! Well, I wonder if I can get 100? Not likely, but if I got 200 or 300, I would make a sequel or epilogue! However, I hate sequels….Eh he. Sorry if Minuet isn't a song thing. I could've sworn it was. Also, some cussing language here folks. First part is a bore. I'm almost out of the woods of the foundations! Yay! Also, star lamps are made of a small pedestal with some light coming out of it like an AC. There is this yellow thing that looks like a star candy that is hovering from the light ok?

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Ranma ½. There, I said it; now get away from me you damn lawyers! Takes out pointy tip umbrella BWAHAHAHAHA! (To all those who read this, Mia a.k.a. flashpichu, is hyper from sugar donuts, so please ignore.) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (…..)

Minuet of Memories

By flashpichu

Song by flashpikachu

Inuyasha ran like lightning. He zoomed through the corridors and leapt down the stairs. Anyone who would see him would notice him as a silver blur. But during this race, he kept pondering, why was he so excited to meet this person? 'I guess it's because I think it might be that girl from my dream?' He took that into consideration and charged off. He was almost there, the huge door looked miniscule from 400 meters away. He just needed to turn left and he would see the backdoor to the ocean. He streaked through the corridor get to the door when he suddenly smacked into something right on the forehead.

"OOOOOwww!" He howled in pain. Inuyasha was thrown onto the marble flooring, so was whatever that charged into him. Everything spun like a top and the world kept spinning. He tried to put his hand to his forehead which was scarlet and bruised like an apple thrown to a wall. He fingered it and yelped. He knew that turning at a super high velocity and hitting something was not good. Inuyasha managed it however, and stood up, shaking his head to get his wits back. The dust from the smash began to part from the area. He lurched on over to whatever hit him and took in a sharp breath.

There was a girl who was unconscious. Kagome's raven hair was spread all over the marble floor. She was taking in labored breaths and had her eyes shut in pain. 'It's that girl, Kasomething.' He kept thinking until something struck that thick head of his. 'Oh crap! I'm a hanyou so I'm okay, but she's a human!' He thought for 5 minutes on what to do, completely ignoring Kagome's actions on the ground. "If I take her to the hospital wing, the nurses will notice. If I take her to Sango's, she'll know, and being my mom's right hand person, not a good idea. Miroku's….Better not. If I leave her in the forest for the wolves, I'll be the one to pay……Hmm; I think the latter is the best." His subconscious side punched him on his head. So he decided to take her to his room. Inuyasha put Kagome onto his back and walked because his mind was already on blur because of the hit. Luckily for him, it was the middle of the night so no one was much awake. Inuyasha perked his ears as a familiar smell came into his nostrils from his back. It reminded Inuyasha of the heavens, clouds, light and so many emotions, all mixed into one. But those things didn't have scents, so why did he see them? The smell was familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Kagome was beginning to twinge from the throbbing pain. "Hey, you okay?" Inuyasha looked at her in concern. She replied with ragged breathing with her head firing up from fever. Inuyasha decided to go to his room hastily. He jumped each flight of stairs, wincing a little at every landing. After 5 leaps, he was at his room and Kagome was covered with perspiration. He put Kagome on his milky bed, and after feeling he did enough, headed out the balcony again, obviously miffed and confused. He was puzzled like a little boat in a fog. Why, WHY the hell did he save the girl?! He had no concerns for her. He missed the mystery singer once again, for the girl. But somehow, he felt, in some dark corner of his stubborn mind, he had seen her before. Inuyasha put on a dubious look and cast away the thought. He watched the sea go in, then out, in, and then out like a rhythm. The diamonds of the sky was mirrored on the glistening sea as the moon was almost all gone. The vision was ethereal and serene; until he remembered .He knew tomorrow would be the new moon. He pouted. "Great, this is just like that dream. Agh, I can't believe that I keep on thinking about that bitching reverie over and over! Ai!" He ruffled his silky hair in frustration.

On Inuyasha's bed, Kagome shook a little and scarcely opened her azure eyes. The fresh cool ocean breeze calmed her as she took in a deep breath. Unbeknownst to Inuyasha, a diminutive thin cerulean glow came from Kagome as it outlined her body. She stopped sweating and breathed with ease again, beaming like a little child. Kagome was curious, and looked at Inuyasha's turned back. She sat up from the bed and tiptoed over to Inuyasha. He heard her and swished around at the exact moment Kagome set foot on the ivory balcony.

"You, you're awake?" He eyed Kagome with a suspicious look as she just gave a light smile. "Are you…." Inuyasha said with a suspicious tone.

Kagome just blinked and tilted her head as if asking him 'what do mean?' She waited for his answer,

"…In league with my mom on finding out who I like and so that's why you were acting as if to be hurt huh! You ARE trying to seduce me!" He pointed an accusing finger straight in Kagome's face which was giving an 'Eh?!' expression.

Kagome did a comical pratfall. She massaged her temples and gave a gigantic dark look that gave a huge 'NO!' as Inuyasha shrank down at Kagome's monster response. After a few moments of Inuyasha's bickering and Kagome's angry expressions, the two yielded and stared out to the sea again.

Inuyasha was sporting another lump but it was beginning to slowly shrink, slowly. He looked over to Kagome who gave a silent giggle. She looked strangely like the girl in his dream. Kagome's ebony hair moved along in motion with the ocean breeze that brought along a sense of tranquility to the two. She turned and looked at Inuyasha with her azure orbs. She was incredibly joyful, beaming like an innocent child. Her eyes reflected happiness for once, not the usual gloom and sorrow that clouded them before. They looked closely at each other until they noticed they were inches apart, and then pulled away in a second blushing.

She really didn't trust him. Not after what had happened and she being what she was, that was uncalled for. Her hope dropped to the ground. Of course, her duty came first. Protecting the jewel was her priority. She could not side track herself. But, what would she do if she really did fall for this hanyou? Why did she even want to? She only met him yesterday and here she is, falling for him, little by little. Kagome had to admit, she felt safe near him in some way. She was lost in her own thought, not noticing Inuyasha's surveillance of her.

Inuyasha really didn't trust her, after what happened to him those 9 years ago. The reason why he ran away from the castle, it was all due to those words he had heard. He gave a slight shudder, but stopped when he saw Kagome. Inuyasha only moved his eyes, not his head to Kagome. He stared longingly at her, being careful not to end up too near her like that time on the beach. He was getting a kind of flashback as she closed her eyes and tilted her head to the right for a cute view at the sea. Inuyasha pondered, so, similar to the mystery girl in his reverie, the only girl who had not treated him like any other kid, without the deranged mom with marriage on the top place of her list of course, was that girl, who left. The two turned to face each other at the exact same moment, only to find out they were so close, they could see the other's reflection in the other's eye. They blushed full on, as Inuyasha was about to ask Kagome something, they heard a creak coming from the door hinges.

[A/N: Zzzzzz Such a boring part of this chapter. Too much detail Agh. Please, keep reading Writer's Block here.]

"WOAAAAAAAAAAH!" A group of people toppled over as they all piled up on top of each other. The door broke down with the collection of spies on top of another. The cluster was consisted of the Queen, Sango, Miroku, Akane, Nabiki, and some fiancés. They glanced at the two on the balcony who were red like cherries. "OOOOOOH! Inuyasha and Kagome, sitting in a balcony, K-I-S-S-I-N…" They chorused at the two, and then abruptly stopped. The crowd looked up with sweat drops all over. "G? Eh heh heh heh eh?" They laughed nervously with a worried tone written all over their voice.

Inuyasha flared a crimson red aura, baring his fangs and complete with him cracking his knuckles threateningly. Kagome blazed a navy cobalt aura with chickadees and birds hovering around her, resonating with the similar dark look. The duo gave a very dark look as the group gulped down their panicking hearts.

Inuyasha leapt directly at the assembly of spies first. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" he yelled a battle cry, the crowd shrieked and dispersed hastily as Inuyasha made a huge hole about 5 feet apart and 6 feet in diameter right in front of his door, which was the marble hallway. Behind Inuyasha came a barrage of birds, screeching and eyeing their targets then diving like a missile as everyone ran for the sake of their lives.

"Grr, COME BACK HERE!!!!!" He bellowed as it woke everyone in the castle, shaking a fist at the runaway crew who frantically ran this way and that squealing. Kagome calmed down then, calling off the birds, walked off into her room which was right next to Inuyasha's. The queen had given her a real room, not the futon screen door areas of the local servants. "Hey wench! Where you going? I need to ask something!" He was answered with wary eyes of the servants and responded, "SOD OFF!"

"INUYASHA! WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!"His mom shouted and kept running before Inuyasha could respond. Kagome was quite amused and happy, giggling madly in her mind. She headed off into her room, waving to Inuyasha as she saw him blush into a beet. He waved back and she opened the chestnut door as Inuyasha heard the slam of her body on the mattress with the springs squeaking on the pounce. He kept waving until he noticed he was acting like an idiot and snapped himself back into reality.

"Damn, I couldn't ask. Crap." He cursed at himself before giving a huge yawn and directed towards his room. He picked up the fallen door and set it back on the hinges. He had a good day today. Inuyasha threw himself onto the bed with a 'thunk'. He yawned and slumbered instantly. He hoped he'd have that memory again.


Kagome lied down on her stomach, fingering her smooth ivory blanket. Her room was identical to Inuyasha's. However, there were stairs that led down to the veranda. The balcony there was lower than Inuyasha's, so she couldn't really see him. She remembered how the Queen had given her this room after the dinner.


"There, there dear, now stop crying. Inuyasha isn't that mean." The Queen assured Kagome as she pat Kagome's back. Kagome had been walking blindly, only going where the Queen directed her. The Queen opened the door and Kagome just went in, not even noticing where she went. Kagome was led in as the Queen slowly crept out of the door and closed it. Kagome blinked away her tears until she noticed she was in another room.

It was so enticing. The ivory walls all over the place complete with beautiful pictures covering them. A rare star lamp was sitting near the queen sized bed. There was a closet filled to the brim with kimonos and little sakura saplings in crystal magenta vases in the corners to lighten up the place. To the right of the gigantic bed, was a vanity mirror that was made of pure shiny redwood was glistening. On top of the desk were several fans with a box loaded with hair accessories. The marble floor shone brightly by the moonlight coming in through the veranda. There were stairs that led down and to the right where the balcony was as another star lamp lit the area.

Kagome gasped in awe and absorbed in the atmosphere as she shoved the windows open in the balcony. Her face met with cold winds as it sent her shivering. But the familiar scent of the briny sea also blended in her. She stepped out and noticed some familiar presence. It was Inuyasha and Miroku. He was above her veranda and apparently he was deep in thought.

"Great…I did nothing and mother beats me up. Who knew an obi was lethal?" Inuyasha murmured in a peeved-off tone.

"Ah Inuyasha, women can make anything a lethal weapon. From vase to hair accessories." consulted Miroku. Inuyasha was obviously giving Miroku some sort of dubious look for Miroku instantly replied back. "I'm serious Inuyasha, I should know after 7 years of getting hit. But at least I had quite some enjoyment…yes, enjoyment indeed."

"Guess you're right you lecher. Right Miroku, tell me, which weapon was very, VERY dangerous?" Inuyasha challenged Miroku with a belittling tone.

"Tsk, tsk, don't doubt me so much my friend. There are such as lamps, chopsticks, tree branches, combs, brushes, bins, books, clocks, obi belts, kimono sleeves, fans, and etc." Miroku droned on and on as Inuyasha sweat dropped. "…Say, that new girl doesn't seem bad. Don't you agree now Inuyasha?" Miroku spontaneously asked. He poked Inuyasha hard in the ribs with an elbow.

"Well, she's a crybaby/ I did nothing and my mom goes choking me with, a lethal OBI belt!" Inuyasha spat. Kagome burrowed her brow in anger. "You know, I really honestly don't see what's so great that…ACK! You chickadees here again!?"

Kagome beamed.

"Ah c'mon Inuyasha, admit it. She isn't that bad." Miroku smirked and kept badgering Inuyasha as the chickadees kept pecking.

"All right, ALL RIGHT! I'll tell you the truth." The chickadees went away and perched on the rails of Inuyasha's balcony as if waiting for his answer. "She is…different from those pig headed princesses. "

"You find her interesting, do you not? Seriously, she was found wounded to the core and after the servants brought her in, they left the room. When Sango came back, the girl was healed. Quite interesting, and not to mention Inuyasha, you actually had a look in your eyes that you had a spark of interest for her." preached Miroku.

Inuyasha cracked his knuckles and counted to ten, trying to bottle his livid anger. "Okay, so she is different. But not in a good way different- OWWW! I swear, I will learn archery and SHOOT YOU DOWN YOU PACK OF FEATHERS!" the chickadees went with a 'humph'. "Okay, maybe Kagome is somewhat in a good way too." Inuyasha moved his iris to the star lamp on his right as he leaned against the silver railing, blushing a bit. "Still, she looks so similar to Kikyou you know?"

"Yeah, let's hope she isn't like her." Miroku gave a shiver as Kagome beamed brightly.

Kagome smiled gently then brought herself down to earth. Why did she have these feelings for him? She questioned herself as she stumbled back into the room dumbfounded.

End Flashback

Kagome gave out a silent sigh. 'It's a shame I can't see him'. She mouthed yet another deep sigh as she blushed. 'Wait, why am I concerned about whether I can't see him?!' She put her hands to her cheeks and looked at the ground flustered. Some fauna had been watching her as they chattered at her embarrassment. They were creating quite a pandemonium as Kagome plopped her head onto the pillow. She was so confused. Kagome was oppressed at her own self until, she decided to sleep, her head flooded with Inuyasha. But somewhere, somehow, in her mind, she knew, it could never happen. She wept silently throughout the darkness.


The next morning, the queen went for a stroll around the castle corridors, screeching for people to be wake up as she went back to the throne room. The Queen was sitting on her throne, in high spirits as ever. She was a morning person, Kagome was not.

"C'mon Kagome! The Queen beckons you!" Sango dragged a half sleeping bedraggled Kagome off the bed and into a loose jade kimono. Kagome gave a yawn silently as little tear droplets came out from the corner of her eyes. However, the ruckus was not only happening here. Everywhere in the castle, little high giggles came from the rooms of the castle. Next to Kagome's room was the raging battle of Inuyasha who was rejecting quite forcefully that he wasn't going to go to breakfast.

"Get away from me! I told you! I'M NOT GOING!" Inuyasha bellowed.

"Inuyasha, come down from the picture frame." Miroku said slowly.

"Go to hell ya perverted Bouzo!" spat Inuyasha as he spurned down every one of them.

Faint incoherent murmurs were heard as the men began coming up with a plan.

Kagome gave Sango a 'are they always like this?' face as Sango nodded in reply and grasped a wooden brush. She was now mercilessly brushing Kagome's bed hair. Kagome mouthed a yelp as little comical streams of tears fell from her face. Sango replied to Kagome, "Don't worry, ugh Kagome, ugh I won't, ugh rip out your hair. This hair is thick though…whew" Sango swept off perspiration from her brow as Kagome was now twitching from pain. "Oh I'm sorry!"

Sango was towing Kagome to the vanity mirror and put some beautiful emerald flowers on her head. Kagome gave her a look. "Sorry, Queen's orders, but this gets very tiring, being the Queen's right hand servant. I bet you wonder why Inuyasha has so many fiancés huh?" She had read Kagome's mind. She gave a nod and tried to stop the unbearable pain on her head. "Well, I was hoping you'd know." Kagome sweat dropped.

"Say, for one thing, after yesterday, a lot of people had been talking about you two!" Sango added cheerfully to a blushed Kagome. "However some people go farther than the truth…" Sango sighed; Kagome wondered what she meant as she heard some things happening in the room next door.

"GOT HIM!" The noise next door was increasing as the tussle soon became a wrestling match.

"LET GO YOU ARSEHOLE!" Inuyasha was throwing off the people who had thrown themselves on Inuyasha (not euphemism). The scene was not visible to the girls next door, but hell, who needs a screen here?

"C'mon Inuyasha! Admit it, TELL US WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY NIGHT!" Miroku was tugging on Inuyasha's hair as the hanyou tried to shake him off and growled.

"Mie mought mee momber ment bu bhere!" 'I thought my mother sent you here!" was muttered as Inuyasha was at the bottom of a dog pile. He was pinned to the marble ground and didn't like it.

"No, your mother didn't send us. That was a lie." Miroku replied with a mocking voice.

"Mie mwill bmoke bu Mimkoru!" 'I will choke you Miroku!'

"Useless threats." replied Miroku with a wagging finger.

"I'll useless threat YOU!" Inuyasha broke free and leapt off to the balcony.

"You were doing something weren't you!" Miroku accused as he had a wry grin. He smirked as Inuyasha cracked his knuckles.

Kagome didn't like what Miroku said and put on a face telling him to shut up although she was blushing more than wanting Miroku to be quiet. Sango obviously saw this but waited until beating Miroku up to a bloody pulp to give Kagome the answers she needed.

"I didn't you Bouzo!" Inuyasha spurned back and Miroku had a hint what had happened.

"You, you kissed her huh! The infamous Inuyasha gave in to a girl!?" Miroku said with slit eyes. Inuyasha gave him a skeptical look. "Well if you didn't, I will take the liberty of asking you-know-what. Maybe she will fall for me?" Miroku spoke with haughtiness Inuyasha was heading in to knee him in the twins' playpen but Sango got the satisfaction of hitting Miroku.

"Stop coloring the facts you pervert! That's not true! You cause enough pain by being lecherous, now you're a liar?!" Sango preached on and on. She had hit Miroku on the head with a vase as Miroku was lying down with swirled eyes. "You are a harasser to women asking 'will you bear my child?'! Stop torturing Kagome and Inuyasha." Kagome came in through the door and saw what had happened. Sango turned to face Kagome and gave her a thumb-up and a grin as she stepped on Miroku once again.

Kagome knew she found a friend.

After the mêlée, the residents headed to the throne room where the Queen had been twiddling with a lock of hair whilst sitting on the golden chair. She straightened her back and cleared her throat, "Well to-be-fiancés, today will be a special day. Inuyasha will take each one of you sightseeing in our wonderful kingdom!" bursts of giggling and squealing integrated itself to the atmosphere. "However, only four shall go today." The Queen quickly added as the stuck up princesses began groaning un-lady-like. "The names of the princesses are, Kikyou, Sasuke, Sayo, and Kagome!" Sango came out with Kagome lagging behind. Kagome now had a fan, her hair tied by a silk ribbon and a woken up look. Inuyasha was already in the throne room with eyes opened half way. He glanced at Kagome and blushed a bit. He then gazed on over and his eyes met with Kikyou. She donned a lavender kimono with petunias in her hair and all the other accessories. Kikyou smiled to Inuyasha and gave him a caring smile…It looked caring, but it was actually an empty beam. However, Kikyou understood Inuyasha and his past. She knew what it felt like because of her experiences. Ever since they were kids, they were always together. Sometimes, he'd believe Kikyou was the mystery vocalist. Inuyasha really did have feelings for Kikyou and it was a mutual feeling. He flushed into scarlet.

Kagome saw the whole thing and a tint of jealousy ran through her.

Four carriages were set outside as two stallions of auburn and blonde stood silently in Kagome's. Carriage horses were the job for the untamed as the riders whipped them. The horses were snorting and pawing the ground in frustration until Kagome came by. They reared and trotted in place for her to nuzzle them. She grinned and nuzzled and petted them as the carriage men looked in awe. Those horses were the most untamed so they were to be carriage horses, but this girl was petting and cuddling them without being hoofed or stamped on.

Sango was already in the carriage and stuck her head out of the curtained windows. "Kagome, get in or we'll leave!" Kagome turned after giving the horses one final nuzzle and got in. She sat on the cushiony seats as she admired the velvet feeling. The driver got into position and was about to whip the horses to go when suddenly they moved by themselves. They trotted down the road as tame as a loyal Labrador. Their ride was nice and smooth but the other carriages didn't have much luck. In the madness, the other two fiancés' carriages were let loose as the horses ran free. Kikyou's carriage horses reluctantly listened to Kikyou, who had a frigid air around her.

Inuyasha was riding an ebony mare who tried to buck him off every now and then. He kept a firm grip on the reins and was getting annoyed. Miroku was on a milky stallion and the horse was obedient. 'Lucky bastard' thought Inuyasha. He despised Miroku.

"Well Inuyasha, who do you intend on taking first? Miss Kagome or Miss Kikyou, and as you know, the sights are quite beautiful today." Miroku faltered and looked at the royal horses galloping about in the fields. "Well, uh, anyway, I bet you're going to go with Kikyou huh. That is, unless something did happen that night." Miroku raised an eyebrow in suspicion and was answered with a sharp jab in the ribs.

"Get your head out of the trash you sad excuse for a houshi!" yelled Inuyasha as a counterattack. He looked smug as Miroku looked at him in defeat.

Miroku burrowed his brow and was positioned in the same spot, looking for a comeback insult. Before he could Inuyasha replied. "And I have to take all four of them, but Sasuke and Sayo can kiss my ass. Kikyou and Kagome shall be nice." He nodded and then realized what he said and looked embarrassed at what he told Miroku.

"Aha! Nice, huh, nice…..buster, prepare to be blackmailed." Miroku answered with a sly grin.

"Damn!" Inuyasha slapped his hand to his forehead, muttering incomprehensible curses. The mare saw an opportunity and tried to buck him off again, then, succeeded. Inuyasha landed on his butt onto the dusty path. He chased after the loose mare as they ran through the fields.


Kagome was looking out the curtained window with a hand on the velvety smooth seats. The horses were happily trotting as the driver looked on in amazement. Sango was yawning and glancing at the coming spring. Kagome continued to look outside at the trees. The robins and blue jays were twittering gaily in the filtered sunlight that came through the emerald tree leaves. The sparrows were screeching at one another as squirrels frantically looked around for the nuts they had in winter. The cherry trees were in full blossom as sakura fell through the windows like a downpour. The mixture of light pink and white made Kagome sleepy. She hadn't slept much the night before. 'The night before…ah…Inuyasha,' She blushed and looked down. Sango saw this and grinned.

The horses were arriving at a road. The ladies exited the carriage and began to view the bustling village. Behind their carriage was Kikyou. She gave a haughty voice and came out of the carriage like the stuck-up bitch she was. Sango rolled her eyes and directed Kagome over to where Inuyasha and Miroku were.

ACK! I'm so sorry about the VERY late update! I had SOO much work! District Tests are bombarding me like crazy. I hope you will still find the interest to read this! SOOO much fluff next chappy! I apologize about the late update. I really am. Sorry! The next chapter: The Sightseeing. Of course, I'm halfway done with chapter 4 now! PLEASE READ AND REVIEW! PLEASE KEEP READING AND I'LL GIVE YOU CANDY! T-T I hate school… I hate Algebra 2.

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