Hi everybody. Sorry it took so long, but I have been really busy with school stuff.
Thanks for all your reviews!!!
: What is Harry trying to do? You will have the answer in the two next chapters, but I think this one explain it a bit.LoOkYiTsSpAm
: (interesting name). Thank you! But I think learning English is easier than learning French (and a lot easier). I hope you'll like this chapter.Gizachick
: As I said a few chapters ago, this fic isn't mine, I'm only translating. There are 8 chapters in the original version, and I can tell you it is going somewhere. But the "main" story have not been introduced yet (in the English version), just wait for the next chapter.Serebii
: Thanks! Hope you'll like this one.Raphaelle
: Thank you, I try to do my best.Japonica
: Thank for your review. I had to post this one without your help, I hope it will be good..
3. Confrontations.
"Come in!" said the boy in a clear voice. Sirius suddenly got the fugitive feeling that he perfectly recognized him, only by the sound of this voice. He was nearly able to put a name on the invisible face, when all coherent thoughts left his mind.
Remus Lupin had just came in the room.
Obviously, this last week hadn't been nicer to him than it had been to Sirius. The young man had a wasted face, and the look of someone who just lost his reasons to live. And it was probably true realized Sirius. He hadn't had a single thought for Remus, in his pain. He was too busy thinking about James and Lily, about Harry. About Peter. But Remus too had lost everything he had. All his friends had been taken away from him within two days. And him had nothing left to cling to; no revenge, no injustice to fight, nothing, only the pain.
The werewolf took a few steps in the room. He didn't see Sirius, who had stepped back in the shadows, at first. His glance stopped on the young stranger.
"I remember you! You were… You were at Godric's Hollow. I… I saw you cry. You… You knew!"
A single nod. Sirius's throat painfully tightened.
"How could you? You only had to… You should have told me!"
"Oh no, I couldn't!", the voice was hoarse, now. "If you knew how much I wanted… But I wasn't allowed."
There were tears in his voice. Remus stayed quiet a few seconds. He seemed to catch the boy's pain. Wise Remus, though Sirius, always the most comprehensive.
"Was it your owl? Why did you make me come here?"
"It wasn't for me.", simply stated the other.
With a little nod, he indicated the opposite corner. Caught unawares, Sirius didn't have the time to move.
Remus's eyes widened.
"You!", he hissed.
Afterwards, Sirius wouldn't have been able at all to name all the emotions which took his friend's face. Rage, despair, lassitude, maybe; and other ones so melted that Remus himself wouldn't have been able to define them; then rage again. Not a single glint of happiness or relief. Sirius was sure now: Remus didn't think he was innocent.
"You!", he repeated, unable to say something else, as if, since Halloween night, Sirius didn't have the right to have a name, or as if he didn't exist, anymore.
Rage was distorting his face. Suddenly, he bounced on Sirius, seizing his throat. Frightened by all this agitation, the owl let out a piercing hoot flew away toward the still open door.
Sirius didn't feel much better than her. All the frustration and pain Remus had accumulated these last few days seemed to come up at one go. And, in his eyes, it was hard to tell where ended the man and where began the wolf.
The fingers tightened around Sirius's neck, who, weakened by his recent stay in the dementors's good care, was uselessly struggling.
Then, the pressure released, his assailant took a step back. While a tiny second, Sirius thought his friend was coming back to his senses.
Remus's face was really pale, the hatred was darkening his eyes. He only stared at him for a moment, unable to find the words to express his anger. Then he began to shout.
"YOU BLOODY BASTARD! You killed them! How dare you look someone in the face, now? THEY TRUSTED YOU! We trusted you! And you killed them! Murderer!"
And he went on like that, throwing out his rage. Remus's usually sweet voice had become a huge roar. Shaking under the insults, Sirius didn't even try to interrupt; Remus wasn't able to think, and he seemed about to explode by the waves of rage in him. He was shouting his anger, his voice going from low to high in a funny way, like a breaking teenager. In the end, the lack of argument made him shut up. Sirius looked up, hoping the storm gone.
And he got a huge thump in his stomach. Breathlessly, he collapsed on the floor, waiting for the next shock. It didn't come. Shyly, he lifted up his head. The darkness had left his friend's face. A lonely tear was running down his cheek.
"Why?", he asked, "Lily and James, Sirius. And Peter… Why?"
Sirius jumped at Peter's name, feeling the now familiar flood of hatred invading his blood.
"And you? Where were you? Weren't you supposed to be my friend? And you accuse me without only listen! How can you believe them? You're not better than they are!"
Remus seemed to be taken aback.
"What? How do you…? What shouldn't I believe? You are a murderer!"
"It wasn't me! I didn't betray them!"
"STOP IT! Don't do that. You were their secret keeper!"
A pause. The time suddenly stopped. Each of them suspended at the other's look.
"I wasn't", Sirius answered.
It was only a murmur, but Remus couldn't mistake it.
"It isn't true, you're lying!", he nearly implored him; the uncertainty was a torture.
"No.", Sirius repeated, a little louder.
"And Peter? You killed Peter…"
"Oh no.", he said again, "I didn't. But I'd have love it!", he ferociously added. The hatred was still there, burning him from inside. He started to feel sick.
"But then… Who killed Peter?"
"No one!", this time he was going to throw up. "Peter is perfectly O.K.!"
"Wha… What?", Remus's face lift up for a time, "But, all those people… who saw you killing him… And… All those people you killed…"
Sirius couldn't contain himself anymore.
"It was him", he threw out.
"I… I don't understand…"
"Really, you don't? It isn't that complicated, you know. It was Peter! Peter who destroyed this street, Peter who betrayed them, Peter who accused me, it was Peter!"
"It's impossible…"
"Oh yeah, it is? And why that? It seems natural for you to say I am a mass murderer, but you don't want to believe that the little Peter betrayed? HE WAS THE SECRET KEEPER!", he nearly shouted these last words.
"You think I will swallow that? I do know it was you. I was there! Remember?"
"We switched. Everybody knew it was me, and there was a traitor among us.", he let out a bitter laugh. "It seemed the idea of the year to me. The traitor, whoever he was, couldn't suspect Peter". He looked Remus right in the eyes, "But the trouble is, the traitor was Peter."
"It is impossible", Remus repeated, "James would have told me, if you had switched…"
"No, he didn't. He didn't because…", he hesitated.
A third voice interrupted.
"Because they thought you were the traitor."
Sirius jumped. The boy had stayed away from the altercation. His intervention took both of them by surprise.
"Is that true?", asked Remus.
Sirius sadly nodded.
"I'm really sorry."
"No, don't be.", Remus whispered, "What happen now is only the result of what happened all this year…"
He was speaking for himself more than for Sirius, his eyes strangely shining.
All the tension was gone. Not knowing what to do or say, Sirius looked at this confrontation instigator.
"That's it.", said the boy.
He vaguely looked at him.
"You know… I've always wondering… How it had been, just after. People must have been so happy… But some weren't, were they? Oh, not all of them…"
"Who are you?", simply asked Sirius.
Quietly, as if he had waited the whole evening for someone to ask him this so natural question, he put out his cap, revealing his face.
"James!", exclaimed Remus.
"No, he isn't.", whispered Sirius "He is not James."
However, he could understand the mistake. The boy looked strangely like James. Same face, same dark, messy hair, same smile. But he was younger – even if James was neither young nor old anymore, now – around fifteen, not much. In spite of that, Sirius could have done the confusion if the boy hadn't had very different eyes from James, green eyes. And if there hadn't been this little voice, piercing and obsessing, to harass him, driving him mad. "It isn't him… You know it isn't him." He closed his eyes.
And, slowly, as a dispersing cloud, he saw other green eyes, filled by tears, then a face, stained by blood. Infant's cry seemed to shake the silence. "Oh God, he though, there is nothing more frightening that a shouting baby."
And, as the true lightly touched his mind, he felt a huge wave of lassitude invading him. He didn't have the strength anymore. He was too tired to fight, to hope, to ask questions. He didn't want doubts or hatred anymore, and he didn't want answers. Oh no, above all, no answers. All he wanted was that this world leave him alone, let him cuddle down in a corner, hiding his face in his hands, where the green eyes couldn't reach him. "But why?", asked the little voice, mercilessly. "Because", Sirius answered, in a small child way, "just because." "Because is never an answer, Sirius.", his mom used to say, with a contemptuous look. She was so wrong; it was the very right answer.
He opened his eyes, and it all breaks down, only the green look remained. He suddenly had the impression that his existence was twirling by itself, as when he lost the control of his bike. "You know.", said again the little voice, "You know it all, since the beginning."
Remus's voice interrupted this silent exchange.
"But… Who are you?"
"I'm Harry. Harry Potter."
It took a few seconds for the absurdity of this declaration fully penetrate Remus's mind.
"What? But… That can't be…"
Sirius intervened.
"Remus, wait."
Remus watched him carefully. He didn't seemed particularly incredulous, nor even surprised; but he had that really tired look, like someone really exhausted who realize that he still had a lot of things to do. He was just near the boy, who didn't move. Remus watched him lift up a lock of dark hair.
"It is true", he said.
Unable to speak, Remus approached. Sirius showed to him a strange, bolt shaped scar, which marked the boy's forehead.
"You see that? It is where Voldemort… I saw it."
Suddenly embarrassed, Harry – but was it really him? – stepped back.
"Here we go, people always come back to this scar.", his voice had a bitter note.
"But… It is impossible!", how many time did he say in this endless night? "He can't be Harry! You are mad, both of you, Harry… Is only fifteen months old!"
Lupin stared at him; Harry bit his lip, fully aware of being taken for a fool. And it wasn't the explanations he was about to give which could help the situation. He looked at Sirius for support, but the young man also wanted to understand.
"Right!", he said, "How is it possible?"
"I can't explain. That… That wasn't supposed to happen… Well, I mean, not like that…", O.K, that mustn't really help them. He tried again. "I sort of… come from the future.", no, told that way, the story seemed far too absurd, a bit like those silly science-fiction films Dudley used to watch on Friday nights, some years ago. "I mean, I went back in time. Obviously, I'm about fourteen years back."
"But how? And why?"
"I told you, I'm not sure. Something must have gone wrong. I have to… I have to see Dumbledore."
"But tell us at least…"
Sirius stopped. There was a fall noise near the door. Surprised, Harry saw Hedwig slowly rise, preening her feathers. She had came in so fast she had missed the chair. She winged toward Harry's shoulder. He smiled.
"Where have you been?"
But she started to nibble his ear, then pecked at his sleeve.
"Hey! What is wrong with you?"
She behaved a really strange way, flying from Harry to the door before coming back to him, then doing it again.
"I think she wants us to follow her.", Lupin said.
Harry nodded. He caught his wand and headed toward the door, following in his owl's track, Sirius and Lupin after him.
"Just great.", muttered Sirius, "What is it now?"
No one answered. They followed the owl flying before them through the branches during a few minutes. Then, as the cold started to numb them, Hedwig slowly went down to settle under the trees, just near a dark mass. Harry approached and realized, horrified, that it was a corpse. It was a human being – unconscious, dead? He stepped closer. Trees here were more far between than near the cabin, and their branches allowed the moonlight to come down, lightening the inert face.
A face he knew very well.
Far away from this cabin, but in a no more luxurious-looking one, old Ben Emmerson was peacefully reading his newspaper, comfortably seated in his favorite armchair. He was delighted; diner was ready, he had just settled the table and cleaned the room. His wife was about to be back, and she, who usually spent her time saying he was an old good-for-nothing who spent his days smoking his pipe in his old armchair, was going to have the shock of her life. He was already laughing at the though.
An article suddenly caught his attention: "A gas explosion make several victims in London area!" Nelly's sister lived in London, could something have happened to her? "My God!", he whispered, looking at the black-and-white photograph.
The kitchen door slammed. "Nelly?". She didn't answer. Packets probably filled her arms. Their grandson surely thought she was his own Father Christmas. "Nelly, I have something to… Nell? Is that you?" Of course it was, who else could it be? She still didn't answer. He stood up. "Do you need a hand?". He reached the kitchen. "N…Nelly?". It wasn't Nelly. In front of him stood a woman he had never seen before. Tall, with long dark hair. "Who… Who are you? And what are you doing here?"
"I am a Blue Moon's servant.", her voice had something terrifying, he felt as if he had just drunk a glass of iced water. She stepped closer. Her eyes had a metallic gray shade.
"What… What do you want from me?"
"You're only a pawn in the game, muggle, but you have to be gone…"
She gently touched his cheek. It was like being touched by a snake. What did she call him?
"What are you going to do…"
She stepped back, then, suddenly, disappeared. Ben blinked.
He heard a muffled sound, like a buzzing, which seemed to come from the floor. Petrified, he saw a huge dark dust swirl slowly rise up. And it came closer to him. Suddenly blinded, he felt the panic invade him. He started to shout when the swirl swallowed him. His last though was for his wife, before the dust disappeared and let him fall down, empty, like a rag, on the floor.