Disclaimer: Oh come on you know how this works. I take the characters from some other authors story and put them into my own story seeing how they play out coming from my mind. That however, does not make them mine. These brilliant characters (save Telepriel) belong to J.R.R. Tolkien.
Thank you to: ifonlyihadorli, Aebbook, Linegon, viviana, Lady of the Lads, s09daniew (think I got that one wrong, sorry!), knowitallshirley, and Lariren-Shadow. You are all wonderful!
As well as:
Aragorn waits for Arwen: It's okay to ask questions, LOL. Hopefully some of them will be answered now. :-D
EL MUCHACHO LOCO: LMAO I am very happy that your story is over 20 words long and I am looking forward to reading it. Thanks for the review!
Rana Nique: I love angst as well. And I am happy my hyperness rubbed off on you!
Tinuveil Undomiel: I am waiting ::twiddles thumbs:: LOL
Rainbow fish: I hope I get to 60 as well! Thanks for the review.
I am sorry to all of you that reviewed and I forgot you. Thank you for reviewing and if you do so again I will not forget you.
AN:I would, as an author, like to develop a relationship with my reviewers. You are all so great and have so much personality, it is fate that you stumbled upon my story! And for all of you reading this for the first time, know that I would like to get to know you so I can bring out the insanity hidden inside of you. Happy New Year! Also, why the hell was my last chapter called History of Magic? LOL sorry, it was meant to be History of Middle-Earth. I got it confused with one of my Harry Potter stories. Sorry.
P.s. Sorry if this chapter is angsty, but my boyfriend broke up with me and I am horribly upset. Ah, well I will quit whining and get on with the chapter. Here it is!
Chapter 22!
All the students had finally been assembled at each of their tables. Each ofthe chairs at Arwen's table had finally been filled up with Dwarves, Elves, Men, and a single Hobbit, Sam. Now Boromir was rambling on about different things. Arwen was starting to zone out.
"Now, I feel that I should be the leader of this group." Boromir said.
"Hey, what gives you the authority over the rest of us?" Gimli asked, peering over the table. He had stacked pillows on his chair so that he could see, but they weren't really doing all that much.
"Well, Dwarf, I'll have you know that I am the Steward of Gondor's first son." Boromir said with pride.
"And your point is?" Eowyn asked, leaning forward and looking at him.
"Faramir, tell your girlfriend to show some respect." Boromir said firmly.
"She's not my girlfriend." Faramir said quickly.
"I am not his girlfriend!" Eowyn yelled, taking a side long glance at Aragorn.
"Whatever." Boromir said, brushing the issue aside.
"Alright, how about we all just decide what we are going to do for our project." Aragorn said quietly. His voice was soft but still commanded respect and authority.
"Oh right. Everyone, this is the great, supposed heir of Isildur. But anyone with any education knows that line was broken long ago. He's nothing but a damn ranger from the North." Boromir said with distaste.
"Boromir!" Faramir said to his brother.
"How dare you!" Eowyn said glaring at the heir. "You don't even know him. Don't you dare judge him just because you are afraid that your precious position may be taken away."
"Eowyn…" Aragorn said gently, laying a hand on her arm. Arwen watched silently.
"What? He should not speak to you in such a way." Eowyn spoke sternly.
"Do not speak to me so. You are weak and below me. You are not but a woman." Boromir said. Eowyn's eyes grew wide and anger flashed her across her face. Aragorn's face grew stern.
"Do not speak to a woman in such a way. Do not degrade her so." he said.
"Do not talk to me about degrading a woman. You sit next to Arwen saying that she is yours and that you love her. And yet on your other side sit Eowyn with whom you are clearly having an affair with." Boromir said with a smirk.
"What?" Eowyn, Arwen, and Aragorn all said at the same time. Arwen looked hurt, Eowyn was looking apprehensively at Aragorn who has stood and was staring at Boromir with flames in his eyes.
"There is alcohol on your breath brother. Perhaps you should step outside." Faramir said to Boromir.
"I think that is a good idea." said Galadriel who was suddenly standing next to them. Boromir looked like he wished to protest but between Aragorn with his death stare and Galadriel who radiated power, he grabbed his bag and sauntered out drunkly.
"Please sit down Aragorn." Eowyn said. She too had stood and had her hand on Aragorn's shoulder. He noded and sat down.
"Eowyn I am so sorry about my brother." Faramir said. She dismissed it with a wave of her hand.
"It is not your fault." Eowyn said leaning back in her seat.
"How about we decide what we are going to do tomarrow." Sam said meekly from his seat at the end of the table. The others nodded or grunted and slowly drifted off into conversations with their neighbors.
"Well that was… interesting." Elladan said.
"To say the least." Arwen mumbled. Aragorn turned to Arwen about to say something but Eomer spoke first.
"Eowyn, if he comes near you at all, you tell me. He will have me to deal with."
"And I as well." Aragorn said. Eowyn blushed.
"Do not fret. He is all talk." she said, tucking some hair behind her ears. Suddenly the bell rang.
"Thank the Valar." Arwen said standing. She grabbed her bag and walked quickly out of the room not speaking to anyone.
"Aragorn, I think that you and Arwen need to sit down and talk together." Legolas said.
"As do I." he said frowning.
"You and my sister both need to learn to control your jealousy." Elladen said.
"Aye." Telepriel seconded.
"I know, I know. But how can one not be jealous when you know that as you walk through the halls everyone man, dwarf and elf is looking at her. Dreaming about her. Me thinking that everyone of them is better than me, deserves her more than me." Aragorn said quietly.
"Ah nonsense." Eomer said clapping his friend on the back. "She loves you and no one else. There never will be anyone else."
"Do you realize, Aragorn, that Arwen probally feels the exact same way that you do?" Telepriel said. "That is what happens when you are in love. So much as a look from another woman to your love will drive you mad. Luckily Arwen is more civil than that, but still."
"You're right. I have to go talk to her." Aragorn said, preparing to leave.
"But perhaps… perhaps she wants some space for now Aragorn." Eowyn said joining the group.
"No, I don't think so." Telepriel said.
"Maybe. Maybe you should wait until later." she said.
"No, go!" Elladan said, pushing Aragorn out the door. Eowyn pursed her lips and sat down with a sigh. She closed her eyes and rested her head back on the chair, listening as the chatting group walked out. She couldn't keep this up. Aragorn really seemed to love Arwen, and though he showed some interest in her, it mot likely was just a friendly intrest. Besides, there were other people here that seemed to care about her. She hoped at least.
Suddenly she felt hands go over her eyes and a smooth voice saying "Guess who?".
"Eomer, I thought you left. It is lunch hour, go find Lothiriel. She was looking for you earlier you know." Eowyn said.
"Eomer? You do not know your brothers voice very well for it is not he." said the man, taking his hands off of her eyes and coming to stand next to her.
"Faramir." she said.
"I thought perhaps I could escort you to lunch." Faramir said extending his hand. Eowyn smiled.
"Certainly you may." she said taking his hand.
Arwen walked out of the class room into the busy hall. She could feel tears burning the back of her eyes, begging to fall. But she would not let them. She would be strong. She was stronger than this.
"But you're not this strong. Aragorn makes you weak every time you see him. If you so much as hear his voice you surrender to him." she thought to herself.
"Arwen, there you are my love." said a figure in the shadows of a small, dim hallway off to the side of the building.
"Estel?" she asked smiling.
The figure chuckled. "No, it is I, Glorfindel." he said stepping forward.
"Oh." she said, clearly disappointed.
"You said you would talk with me, remember?" he asked beckoning her into the hall.
"Yes, of course. But can we make it quick?" she asked raising an eyebrow in question.
"Yes, beautiful one. I will not keep you from your lunch hour." he said. "I just wanted you to know that I wish for us to put the past behind us. I understand that you truly love Aragorn now, and I will leave you two at peace. I wish for us to be friends again though Arwen. You know, how we used to be, before we became intimate?"
"Yes, that would be nice." she said.
"Because you are a wonderful person and I want you too be happy. I hope that you can accept my apology for what I have done. For how foolish I acted last night with Aragorn. I hope that we can again be friends." he continued.
"Of course Glorfindel, of course."
"You are the sweetest person alive my lady." he said opening his arms to embrace her in a hug. She smiled and took a step towards him. But instead of feeling his arms around her, his hand grabbed her face and she felt his lips on hers. She tried to pull away, but his right hand was on the back of her head and the other was slithering slowly, seductively down her back. He would not let go.
"No." said a voice. Glorfindel let go as Arwen gasped for air, before turning to look at who it was.
"Aragorn…" she whimpered. he merely shook his head, pain written brutally all over his face, and turned and walked away. Arwen gasped as her hand covered her mouth in shock. "No." she said turning to Glorfindel who was smirking happily. He turned and practically skipped away.
"No…" Arwen whispered as her fragile body began to be wracked my sobs. She leaned up against the wall and slowly slid down, her bare back being scratched by the bricks. What should she do? Go after him? No, he wouldn't believe her. How could Glorfindel do this? How could he? She hated him… she hated him!
"I HATE HIM!" she screamed putting her head in her hands, crying. Their relationship was over. She had a feeling today. She should have known. She had a feeling today. She had a feeling. Not knowing what else to do, Arwen sat there, sobbing.
AN: Wasn't that sad? Was it written really cheesy? You see, I am an actress and have figured out how I thought she should react. I could play it but it was so HARD putting it down into words. I hope it didn't suck to much. Review and tell me the awful news. Sorry it's so sad, but I am sad and my feelings always end up in my work somehow. Please review, maybe it will cheer me up! More review notes next time.
P.s. Is anyone besides me proud of how quickly I updated?