Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine except, well I will tell you which ones are mine when they come into the chapters but since they haven't yet, I wont bother.
Authors note: This is an AU , alternate Universe. I hadn't originally intended it to be that way but I realized since they all meet in such different ways than normally, it would have to be! Please R&R. I would really appreciate it. Thanks so much! *mwah*
Middle-Earth High
Chap. 1 At Imladris
"But Ada! I don't want to go! I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to!!!" Arwen Undomiel yelled to her father, Elrond.
"But everything is going to be fine princess, I promise. And I will be teaching there, so I can watch over you!" As her father said that Arwen fell to the floor in tears.
"I don't want you to teach there! You are so embarrassing!" She yelled.
"Oh Arwen, stop being so dramatic. Go to your room and pack. Now." Elrond spoke sternly to his only daughter.
Arwen turned and stomped out of the room and went out of her father's house and into her own. As she walked up the winding stair case to go to her room, there was a knock at the door. Arwen went and opened the door.
"Glorfindel! How wonderful to see you." She said happily to the handsome blond elf at her door.
"Arwen, do you have to go to that stupid high school as well? Because Erestor and I have to go and I swear to you we will not survive with out you Arwen. Erestor is no fun. You're the only one that is brave enough to put us up to playing tricks on your brothers and such! And lately Erestor has been trying to get me to braid his hair for him! It is rather frightening I must say." Glorfindel said this so fast he had to stop and catch his breath.
Arwen laughed. "Sadly, yes I am going. But at least I know that you and Erestor are going now. Did you know that my Ada (father) is going to be teaching there! I want to know whose bright idea this was. Having a school high school for Middle-earth inhabitants. It's absurd I tell you! I am thousands of year's old and very wise I might add, and I am going too have to be among men who are only a few decades old, and…and… DWARVES!"
Glorfindel gasped. "NO! Are we really going to have to be in the same building with dwarves!?! I won't stand for it. I just wont." He finished, stomping his foot.
" I know Glorfindel, I know. But at least…at least we will be able to be together." She said, her voice hopeful that Glorfindel would agree with her.
" Yes, as long as your Ada doesn't slit my throat first." He said.
" Oh don't be silly Glory-o!" Arwen said playfully.
"Undomiel please don't call me Glory-o. Your brothers have been making fun of me non-stop since you started calling me that!"
"Oh fine." Arwen said. " Well I had better get going. I have a lot of packing to do. And I need to track down the seamstresses to see if my dresses are ready." She finished.
"Okay. Namarie (farewell)." He whispered as he kissed her lightly on the lips. Arwen smiled and then shut the door.
As she walked up the stairs to go to her room, again, she thought about her relationship with Glorfindel. He was nice, and handsome, and a good pick for an elf princess like herself. Her father didn't mind him that much, at least he hadn't tried to kill him by having Galadriel cast a curse on him like he had her other suitors. But Elrond still didn't exactly approve. He knew that had a relationship and he didn't really try to stop it, but he wouldn't allow them to show there affection in front of him. "He's so over protective." Arwen thought. Then her thoughts turned back to Glorfindel. He was an amazing elf. Good looking, smart, charming, a warrior… and he cared for her deeply. He loved her. "but…" Arwen thought " Do I love him?" She decided that honestly, no she didn't. He was great but she couldn't see herself with him forever. Also, she had the gift of foresight, and she had for seen that the love of her life wouldn't be him. That he would be someone unexpected. When she would meet him she didn't know but she was looking forward to it whenever it did happen.