[Author's Note: Peach Girl isn't mine, for it is the property of Miwa Ueda, even though I wish it was mine D: But Crying Rain is indeed mine XDDD Based after the end of Peach Girl: Change of Heart #6]

Momo's amber eyes widened in shock. She stared at the azure water that was crashing furiously on the rocks as her mind went completely blank. Her tanned face felt numb. After about 2 minutes (even though it has seemed like an eternity), her mind spun around. "T-T-Toji...K-K-K-Kiley....I love...I honestly don't know..." her voice trailed off in the golden sand. Thoughts rushed through Toji's cluttered mind. iDoes she love me? Does she love Kiley? Does she just despise both of us? Is she in love with both of us?/i Momo collapsed in the sand, and her anxiety was visible. She turned around to obscure the transparent stream that was expected to come from her eyes. Her tears faded away into the ebony sky. And like the stars, they faded away for miles. This mild, brief, breakdown led to a gentle kiss from Toji. Toji's sandy blonde hair brushed her face. She nearly fainted and then rummaged through her purse. A razor with a pink handle was grasped in her hand. She depressed the blade onto her wrist, cutting her artery. Crimson blood poured out of the slice. "MOMO! SOMEONE, PLEASE GET AN AMBULANCE!" cried Toji. Everyone around him around him ignored his call. "He's just playing a prank," scoffed an elderly woman with chrome hair. A young boy yelled, "Hey, I guess you haven't heard the story of the little boy who cried wolf!!!" Toji sighed as a tear ran down his pale cheek. He grabbed her cell phone, in hopes of calling an ambulance, but the battery was dead. He removed his shirt to put pressure on the wound in hopes of stopping the bleeding. But his navy blue uniform got stained red immediately, making it a dark purple hue.brbriAm I...alive? I feel like I'm floating in mid-air...everything is growing darker...my wrist feels no pain...maybe I'm dead...,/i thought Momo groggily. Back at the restaurant, where Kiley lay ill, things wouldn't appear much better. Kiley felt feeble...he felt weak...it seemed as if he had no control whatsoever on how he felt. Blood, sweat, and tears stained a day that was supposed to be pure bliss. The pale-skinned boy repeatedly tried calling his significant other, but no answer.

[Author's Note: There ya have it! Chapter 1. I'm planning to write more chapters, don't worry! Please review :) (And yes, I know this is a midget chapter XDD)]