Authors note - hey!! This is me, Melody along with another story, I haven't really decided the pairings yet so tell me what you think. By the way this is gonna be a Yu Yu/Inu cross over. Ok well along with the story. ^-^"

It had been two days after they completed the jewel. Naraku was defeated. But in those Two days a big decision was made. The wish. Kagome told Inuyasha to wish for what he wanted. And he did. Or at least he thought he did. He wished to be a Full youkai. That wasn't really what he wanted. All he wanted was kagome. His mind knew it and He knew it. But his lips wouldn't say it.

The last words Inuyasha said to kagome were, "Your mine. And mine only. I will make sure it stays that way." then he ran off in his full youkai form. Ever since then Inuyasha would check upon kagome to make sure of that. But he never controlled himself. He always found her dead in the night at the god tree and yelled at her. Sometimes hurt her. But that wasn't what he wanted.

"Kagome." said Inuyasha tauntingly. It was late and everyone was asleep. Inuyasha was sitting in his old spot atop the God tree. They always met there. Inuyasha forced her to meet him there. Or he would hurt her friends, his old ones. "What." she whispered. "You have been doing well." he said smirking. "You are obeying." he said. Kaogme looked at the ground, then the tree. It didn't matter. She didn't want to face him again.

"But Its only been two days. Kouga will come soon. But I will come sooner." he said jumping down from the trees. Kagome looked up at him. Into his eyes. They were no longer the beautiful shimmering Gold. They Were cold. And red. Full of hate. But she didn't notice the speck of sorrow there either. "What do u mean?" said kagome. "I will make sure that kouga doesnt take you." he said as if she was annoying him. "Why," said kagome, "do you still protect me?"

"I have told you. You belong to me and only me. You are mine." he said. "Let me go to bed." said kagome coldly staring back at her spot on the ground. "No you cannot." he said. "Then what do you want?" said kagome frustrated. "One thing." said Inuyasha looking at her. "What." she said. "You." said Inuyasha Then jumping into the tree's and running off.

~Kagome's Pov~ That was actually scary. He didnt yell or anything he was calm......What did that mean? Im so confused. I have a feeling Inuyasha will try something. Well if he does then I will too, I've got a plan. Kagome walked back to the hut and found her space on the floor inside and laid down.

"Kagome?" said shippou in a sleepy voice. "Where did you go?" he said crawling up to her. "Water, I was thirsty." she said making room for shippou. "Oh." he said unconvinced. "Good night." he muttered and they both fell asleep. * * *

~The next morning @ breakfast~ "Morning kagome-chan!" said sango cheerfully at breakfast. "Good morning." said kagome sleepily. "Something wrong Lady kagome? You look tired. If you want you can lay down in my lap." said miroku. "You wish miroku." said kagome while sango slapped him on the head. "Don't I know it." said miroku rubbing his head. Kagome sighed and sat down. She was still confused about last night and she didnt get much sleep. "Kagome-chan?" said shippou yawning widely. "Hai shippou?" said kagome eating her porridge. "I love you... gome" said shippou yawning on the ka-gome part. "Hey guys Im going out on a walk. I'll be back later." said kagome.

"Can I go kagome?" said shippou eagerly. "I would prefer if I went alone today baby, but I promise to play with you when I come back." she said. "Ok....." he said slightly put down. "Be careful lady kagome." said miroku. "Bye kagome!" said sango.

Kagome walked along the ridged rocks across a small flowing river. She stopped to dip a foot in then continued across to a shady spot with a huge flat rock under a large oak tree surrounded by flowers. Finally sometime to myself. I know that Shippou is suspicious. He cant find out. If he did it would break his heart.

Kagome sat down and relaxed, closing her eyes. Little did kagome know she was being watched. She was to busy wrapped up in her thoughts to notice the person coming closer.

Im so worried about this. And Im....sad. Im sad that Inuyasha chose to be a full demon. I cant believe it. I don't know what to do. Should I stay in the fedual ages? Or go home? There is only one I can go to now. And one I can never come back to.

Kagome heard someone jump down from a tree. She immediately opened her eyes to see....... Inuyasha. "Morning wench." said Inuyasha in a cocky tone. But not just that but he sounded.....evil. Like sesshoumaru its smooth but, creepy. "........." kagome said nothing.

Oh Kami why is he here?!? then she remembered what he said last night. "But its only been two days, he will come. But I will come sooner." were his words. "Why are you here? And why now?" said kagome. "Kouga is going to seek you today." said Inuyasha. "How do you know?" said kagome. "Because I heard 2 of them from his pack talking along the river. Then I killed them." he said in a drawling voice but a glint in his eyes. "Inuyasha! Why? Why did you kill them! They never did anything to you!" said kagome rage building up inside her.

"Payback for when they kidnaped you." said Inuyasha simply. "But now I have come for you." said Inuyasha. "Inuyasha I.......wont go." said kagome. "You don't have much of a choice wench. Either you go or I kill sango, miroku, and shippou and you go." he said smirking. "I cant go.not with you. Not ever. I don't belong to you and I never will." said kagome.

"YES YOU WILL AND YES YOU DO." yelled inuyasha.

Kagome ran, ran as fast as she could. Inuyasha let her have a head start, besides he liked to play hide and seek.. She was almost there, but she slipped on the rocks across the river. She quickly pulled herself up but was pulled out by the scuff of her shirt and thrown over Inuyasha's back. "Let me down now Inuyasha! I don't have to go if I don't want to!" she yelled. "You will go." he Siad running with her over his back. "LET GO! SANGO MIROKU HELP!" screamed kagome.

"Shut up wench or I will kill you." he said holding his claws to her throat. Kagome hushed herself. 'Stupid ass I knew he would try something like this.' she thought. Kagome soon fell asleep. * * *

kagome awoke hours later in a large bed. "Why so shocked?" asked a cocky voice. She lifted her head up more to see Inuyasha in a corner of the room. "I cant believe it......these last 3 days have been.......terrible. I just want to go home." she said. "This is your home." said Inuyasha.

"Enough. Now change into this and we will dine." Inuyasha said holding up a dark silky maroon dress with a small train at the end. It had slender straps and looked tight. It was really beautiful, she would never listen to him. "No." she said. "Fine. If you don't eat with me then you don't eat at all." he said walking out. "Baka....." she mumbled, walking over to sit on the window seats.

She looked at the dress he had offered. It was hanging on a corner of a wardrobe. On the hanger was a tiara or woven leaves made of silver and a silver chain on which hung an aster made of lapis. It was really pretty too. She sighed. 'Why did he change? What happened to us Inuyasha?' she thought falling asleep on the window seat. * * *

Kagome woke up in the bed. 'Funny I thought I fell asleep in the window.' she thought. "Ow." she rubbed her head. She got up and walked into a small room next to hers. It had a small private indoor hot bath. "He knows me too well." said kagome taking off her clothing and dipping into the bath. "This is so soothing, this being the only thing that is comforting." said kagome her eyes closed.

She scrubbed herself clean and grabbed a towel hanging nearby. Once she dried she entered the bedroom to find that her other clothes were gone. 'I bet that bastard took them' she thought. "Damn it....." she mumbled. "Looking for these?" said Inuyasha holding up her clothes. "Give them." kagome scowled. "Not unless you wear the dress." he smirked. "Why is that damn thing so important?" she said. "I don't want to wear that. I want my own clothes." she said. "Too bad." he said.

"Change." he turned around to face the other direction. Kagome sighed and put on the dress. She zipped up the back. "There." she scowled. He turned around. He walked to the dresser and put the tiara and necklace on her head, necklace on her neck. "I feel stupid." she sighed. "This is dumb." she said. "Breakfast." he said. "Fine....." she said walking downstairs with him.

Kagome ate her breakfast, (honey ham, eggs, and toast. ^.^) "Ok Im done now let me go home. Kouga is probably gone now." she said. "Actually I kinda want you to stay here. Your tolerable company." he smirked. "What? No! Please let me go home!" she begged. "No. Your staying." he said. " least let me say good bye." she said looking at the floor trying to hide her tears. "Only if you be good." he said tauntingly. "SIT!" she said coldly. She waited to hear a thump then a string of cursing. But it never came. She looked up. He was standing as tall as ever smirking. "What?" she said confused. "Why didn't it work?" she asked. "You'll find out soon." he said grabbing her around her waist and jumping out the window. * * *

kagome walked up to the hut. She moved open the door. Inside there was shippou, mirkou, sango and Keade. "Kagome!!!!!!" squealed shippou jumping up and down. "See I told you she didnt leave forever!!! Oh kagome I missed you!!! we all thought you went home forever!!" said shippou excitedly.

"Where exactly were you kagome-chan?" asked sango seriously. "I was...." "With me." Interrupted Inuyasha by walking into the hut. "You have gained an extraordinary amount of energy Inuyasha." said miroku curiously. "Shut it monk." said Inuyasha. "Listen guys.....well. I'm going to stay with Inuyasha from now on." said kagome holding in her tears. "Why?" said sango. "Oh! Kagome can I come! Please I know I can! Cant I? Or you'll sit inuyasha right! Huh? Huh kagome can I?!?" said shippou excitedly. "Oh, I wish you could shippou-kun." I said. I looked up at inuyasha. He was standing there. Obviously proud of himself that he finally had over come the subduing spell. But there was something else as well. He knew something. Something I knew I would soon hate. "But kagome-chan, I don't understand, why are you leaving?" asked miroku. "I don't really know myself, But I'll visit you I promise." I said. I hugged miroku and for the first time he didn't grope me. "Miroku you've been a pall and a crack up pervert from the start. But you're the best." I said laughing. I moved to sango next. I gave her a tight hug.

" were gonna miss you kagome, you know. It wont ever be the same without you." said sango. "Sango, my best friend. You've helped me threw everything. I will miss you too." I said. Shippou ran up to me slowly. He looked sad and hurt. Rejected. His eyes sparkled with tears. "Kagome don't go. I love you, you're my mommy. I don't want you to go, Inuyasha will never bring you back, he will be selfish!" he cried. tears leaked out of his eyes. "No,no,no,no shippou-kun. I wont be gone. I will always be here," I said stroking where his heart was. "Where?" he asked. "In you heart." I said. I smiled and let everything go. I cried. Shippou and I hugged each other I held onto his tiny hands and he gripped me tightly, afraid if he let go I would be gone forever.

"Come on kagome." said Inuyasha. I looked up at him. How? Why? Why would he do something like this? Break my heart twice. First by leaving me. Then by making me leave them. "I love you shippou. My baby. I will come get you, I will find you." I whispered, giving my baby a kiss. * **

We got back to the castle in an hours time. I tried to memorize the way, but it was all a blur. "Inuyasha? How can you do this? Did you even see shippou? The way he cried?"I said my eyes tearing up. Inuyasha seemed to be fighting for words. "Kagome......." he said between gasps, he was fighting himself. What was happening?!? "Help!" he said. I saw a flash of his golden eyes. Then they turned back to red and he stopped having a fit. "Inu.....Inuyasha?" I said. "GO," he growled, "Upstairs!" he yelled Infuriated. I ran up the stairs in fear of getting struck.

What was wrong with him? For a moment I thought I saw the old inuyasha.... I was broken from my thoughts by Inuyasha who came crashing threw the door. He looked very angry. I backed up to the wall, as he got closer. His body was now up against mine. "What?" I said, looking at the floor. "Why can't you just leave me alone?" I asked.

He laughed. I knew I was in trouble. Inuyasha started snogging on my neck. Oh great like I really want a big ugly red mark on my neck. I tried to kick him off, but he had hold of my legs and arms. "Let go." I mumbled. "Why do you continue to torment me?" I said rudely. "Because your so cute when your mad." Inuyasha teased. "Well Im better when Im not mad!" I growled. He slapped me upon the head, and let go of me. "Ow." I said sarcastically.

I sighed, where was the real Inuyasha? The loving one, the one that protected me. I missed that. And I would never get that back. I was angry at him. I never wanted to speak to him again. I wanted the real him back. Inuyasha wasn't saying anything. He was only looking at me, sensing my sadness, with amusement. I looked away from him. I couldn't look into his cold eyes any more.

"Dinner is ready lord Inuyasha." A servant said from the door. "Of course." Inuyasha said. Inuyasha grabbed my hands and guided me back to the dinning room once again. I didn't have much of appetite. I was too empty to feel anything. "Eat." commanded Inuyasha. "Im not hungry." I said. "Then Go with out." he said. * * *

-With Yu Yu and the Gang- Yuske had just been released from school, and had Kuwabara on his heels. "Come on Yurameshi, Just Tell me where she's at!" Kuwabara yelled trying to dig threw Yuske's Back Pack for the communicator.

A familiar DUN DUN DA DA DUN, rung in Yuske's back pack. He dug threw it before Kuwabara had a chance. Yuske opened it. "Boton here!" she said in her always delighted voice that yuske hated, because she was always in a good mood when he wasn't.

"Hey Boton. What are you doing calling here?" he said in a bored tone. Kuwabara snatched the communicator from him. "Uh, Hey Boton!" he said smoothly. "Oh hello there Kuwabara!" she said sweat dropping.

-Yuske's POV- I grabbed back the compowder from a flirting kuwabara. "Well straight to the point yuske, there is an emergency mission, and we need you right away at headquarters." boton said. I groaned. "Another one? The championship was enough." I said.

"Yuske you were made spirit detective for a reason." she said. "Ok Boton we'll be right over, but it better be good." I said closing it, and pushing away kuwabara. "Lets go." I said. * * *

When we arrived at the spirit headquarters, Kurama and Hiei were already there. "As I suspected." I said eying them. "Cut it yuske." said a familiar annoying voice. It was Koenma. I rolled my eyes at the two foot tall toddler. "You Have a serious mission, so Im going to get down to the point. We have been tracking a girl for many years now In the Fedual Divisions. She is human but not only human. She has been taken by a hanyou, now full demon. She was the former protector of the shikon no tama, also known as the jewel of four souls. The hanyou took the Jewel and Deceived Kagome, in thinking they were in love. He has taken her captive and we need you to get her back." He said as a matter of factly.

"Is that all?" I said yawning. "It will not be easy Yuske, This demon had defeated the all powerful Naraku and many demons to get there. You must also gain the trust of kagome, she is also very powerful, and you could get hurt if she feels threatened." Koenma said. "Good luck with your mission." he said.

In a matter of secounds they were transported to the Fedual ages. There stood a hut, and a small village. "I know this place." Kurama said suddenly. "You do?" I said looking at him. "My....Other side. Youkou. This is where he lived." he said.

-Regular POV- "Then it should be easy for you to find your way." Hiei said un-caringly. "As there were no directions to where the place the hanyou may be." he said. "This kagome, she sounds pretty!" Kuwabara said day dreaming. "Get a grip kuwabara, she's probably some stuck up snob." Yuske said. "Well lets get going then." said Kurama smiling.

Authors note: Lalalalalla!!! So how'd you like it? Pretty good huh? *not very modest am i?* ok well review if you like!!!! Love much, Melody