Title: Where Do We Go From Here?

Disclaimer: I don't own anything you recognize.

Authors Note: Here is chapter 14, the last of the old chapters, soon we'll get to see if I can still write this story…. JK I've already finished the next chapter, but I guess it's up to you all to decide if it is up to par.

"Luv ya like a fat kid luv cake"

Katherine Elizabeth

Chapter 14: A Dream, An Owl, and A Giant Squid, All on the First Day

A tall, brown haired girl laughed softly as she ran down the deserted halls of Hogwarts, turning a corner she looked over her shoulder for the boy chasing her, but she found the hall to be empty. No sooner had she stopped to look around in confusion did she hear the sound of someone running at the other end of the hall. She quickly turned and continued running around the corner.

The above mentioned boy ran down the familiar halls of the place he considered home, his brilliant green eyes shining with laughter, as he turned a corner and caught a glimpse, of long brown hair flying down the other end of the hall, and around another corner. He grinned happily at seeing that he was catching up.

Not far ahead of him, the mischievous girl had turned a corner and stopped running abruptly. With a small grin she stepped into a small, dark alcove, and pushed her back up against the wall, so that she was completely hidden in shadow. She giggled a bit and then held her breath.

The boy happily turned the corner, and stopped running. He stood just a few feet away from her looking around in confusion. He had just seen her turn this corner; there was no way she had made it to the end of the long hallway already. An adorable frown creased his forehead, as he turned around completely stumped.

"Dawnie?" He called out in a whisper, but she didn't answer.

Just when he was turning to look down the hall he had just come from, Dawn grabbed him by the arm, and pulled him into the dark alcove with her. He would have screamed out in surprise if he had had a chance, but before he could she had pushed him up against the wall, and had covered his lips with her own, kissing him passionately.

When she finally pulled away, due to lack of oxygen, she placed her hand over his mouth, indicating that he shouldn't talk. A second later Argus Filch came hobbling down the corridor, grumbling to his cat Mrs. Norris, about the stupid students being out of bed. As soon as he was out of sight, Dawn removed her hand from Harry's mouth, and they both laughed, sliding down the wall, to sit next to each other on the floor.

"That was nice, and unexpected." Harry said with a little grin, once the laughter had subsided.

"What the kiss or Filch?" Dawn asked.

"The kiss."

"I had to make sure you didn't scream, otherwise he would have heard us." Dawn replied blushing bright red.

"I gotta say that out of the many ways you could have silenced me, kissing me into submission was an interesting choice." Harry said, enjoying the way his words made the girl before him turn an even brighter shade of red.

"Sorry about that, I don't think well under pressure." Dawn informed him, although both knew very well that as the sister of the slayer, she thought exceedingly well under pressure.

"Don't worry about it, you can kiss me into submission anytime you like, I don't mind."

Dawn couldn't hold in her giggle at that comment, and Harry couldn't hold in his urge to feel her lips against his again. He turned to face her completely, and placing one hand on the floor on the opposite side of her, to support his body, and his other hand behind her head he lowered his lips to hers and…


Dawn Summers shot straight up in her bed, and took in her surroundings. With a sigh, she realized that someone was knocking on her door. Getting off the bed she made her way to the door, and was about to open it, when she realized she was a complete mess, and had slept in her clothes.

"What do you want?" She called grumpily through the door, really not liking that someone had dared wake her from such a wonderful dream.

"It's Draco Malfoy." The person on the other end called out after a moment of hesitation, "I've come to inform you that breakfast starts in an hour."

"Fine." Dawn grumbled, "Which way is the great hall again?"

"Be in the common room in half an hour and I'll show you." Draco called back, and turned away, walking briskly down the hall, not hearing Dawns reply. When he didn't say anything else Dawn shrugged and went to take a shower in the bathroom connected to her room.

While he waited Draco paced the common room, a scowl on his face. To think he had thought that maybe someone could look past his name and want to be his friend. When he had met her on the train, and she had screamed, he thought it was because she recognized him as a Malfoy, but then when she was so nice to him, not that he had returned the favor, he thought that maybe this year at Hogwarts would be different. Maybe he could make a real friend.

Draco snorted at his stupidity, nobody would ever want to be his friend, the only people who had ever been nice to him, where only his friends because they were afraid of him, and his father, but now… Draco didn't even want to think about how the other Slytherins were going to treat him.

They'd probably treat him the way he had been taught to treat the Gryfindors, the way he had treated them for the past five years. He figured that in their eyes he deserved it, for what he had done this summer. But he knew the truth; he knew that this coming year would only serve as penance for what he had done the first fifteen years of his life. He had betrayed the dark side, and turned to the light, but no matter what he did, he knew they would never accept him, which made him hate them all the more. No matter what Dumbledore said, the Gryfindors would never accept him, and Draco refused to believe anything else. While Draco sulked in the common room, Dawn was just stepping into the shower.

"I lived my life in shadow

Never the sun on my face"

Dawn sang under her breath as she showered.

"It didn't seem so sad though
I figured that was my place
now I'm bathed in light
Something just isn't right

I'm under your spell
How else could it be
Anyone would notice me?
It's magic, I can tell
How you set me free
Brought me out so easily

I saw a world enchanted
Spirits and charms in the air
I always took for granted
I was the only one there
But your power shone
Brighter than any I've known

I'm under your spell
Nothing I can do
You just took my soul with you
You worked your charm so well
Finally I knew
Everything I dreamed was true
You make me believe "

She finished the song as she was stepping out of the shower, and checked the clock near her bed, and frowned, she only meant to take a five-minute shower, but she got distracted by all the different colored soaps and types of bubbles, and ended up taking quite a bit longer. She had been in the shower for twenty minutes, and was supposed to meet Draco in the common room in ten minutes.

Dawn rushed to the foot of her bed where her bags had been placed, and lifted her bag of clothes onto her bed, opening it quickly in search of something to wear. After a few minutes she decided on a light pair of blue jeans, and a baby blue ¾ length sleeved shirt. Because of the lack of time, and a hair dryer, Dawn put her wet hair back in a braid, applied a tiny bit of make-up, and made it down to the common room only ten minutes after she was supposed to meet Draco.

"Thank god your still here, so sorry I'm late, I was sure you would have left." Dawn said when she saw Draco was still waiting for her.

"I said 30 minutes not 45, you're late." Draco replied with a sneer. "Do they not teach you how to tell time at those muggle schools?"

"I know how to tell time, and I know I'm late, I just said that. Plus I said I'm sorry." Dawn retorted, getting annoyed that he seemed always to be in a bad mood.

"Yes well, we had better get going, we don't want to be late to breakfast." Draco said quickly turning and walking away, so that Dawn had to run to catch up to him.

They walked to the great hall at a fast pace, in complete silence, both deep in thought. Draco questioning if he had been too quick to assume that Dawn's behavior this morning had been because of him, and kicking himself for not having a witty and nasty response to her telling him off. And Dawn wondering why in the hell Draco was such an ass. They made it to the great hall in record time, with five minutes to go. Professor Dumbledore hadn't even arrived yet, the only professors at the round table at the center of the room were professors Snape, and two others Dawn couldn't remember what they taught, or their names.

"Mr. Malfoy, you're early to breakfast this morning." Professor Snape pointed out, as they entered the great hall.

"See, no reason to be so grumpy, we're early." Dawn whispered, with some annoyance, so that the professors couldn't hear her. Draco sneered and tried to think of a response, but couldn't find one.

No more then a minute after they had taken their seats, Dumbledore came in followed by Professor McGonagal. As they took their seats, Dumbledore asked how she was enjoying Hogwarts so far. Dawn of course replied that it was very nice. Dumbledore smiled, clapped his hands, and suddenly the table was laden with all sorts of breakfast foods, that Dawn had never had before. Dawn tried to start up a conversation with Draco while they ate, but he didn't seem to think she was worth talking to.

Halfway through breakfast Dawn was distracted by a loud hoot that resonated on the walls of the great hall, as a large snowy owl swooped in through the windows near the top of the room. Several other owls also flew into the great hall, as Dawn looked up in amazement.

"What's with the owls?" Dawn asked, and Draco was about to explain when the snowy owl swooped low over the table and dropped a letter right in Dawns lap. "Oh, I remember now, you use them to send mail, right?"

"Yes, how clever of you, how did you know?" Draco asked sarcastically.

"A friend told me he would send me a letter my first morning here." Dawn replied, ignoring Draco's sarcasm, and picking up the letter. With a smile she began to read.

Dear Dawn,

How are you enjoying Hogwarts? I wish I could be there to show you around, but I'm sure there are plenty of professors around to do that. This is Harry, by the way, if you didn't know, but you probably did. It's so weird to be writing you a letter I just saw you two days ago, plus I never thought I would be writing to you using owl post. I ran into Buffy last night when I was out for a walk, she seemed to be doing ok; I could tell she misses you though. Have you started lessons yet? Once Hermione and I get there we can help, oh and Ron to, but he's really never been one for schoolwork.

Oh yeah, the owl that delivered this letter is Hedwig; she should be waiting for you to write a reply right about now. Just call out her name, hand her your letter, and tell her to take it to me. She'll know what to do after that. Oh and if you ever want to write a letter when Hedwig is not around just ask someone where the owlry is and they should be able to help you. Well I had better be off, see you soon.


Dawn smiled happily as she folded the letter, and put it back in the envelope, before noticing that the snowy owl, Hedwig was sitting on the back of her chair waiting for her reply.

"Oh," Dawn said in surprise at seeing the owl so close. "Hello…"

"She doesn't talk." Draco pointed out patronizingly.

"I know that," Dawn said turning to look at him. "Hey you wouldn't happen to have a piece of paper and a pen would you?"

"If by paper and pen you mean parchment and quill then yes." Draco replied. "But I don't carry them around with me, so you'll have to wait until after breakfast."

"Ok, thanks, um…" Dawn glanced nervously over her shoulder, at Hedwig. "What do I do about her?"

"You can tell her to go home, and I'll take you to the owlry after you've had a chance to write your reply." Draco suggested, not knowing why he was being helpful to an annoying girl who was practically a muggle.

"Oh, ok" Dawn turned to the owl. "um… shoo?" Hedwig seemed to raise a non-existent eyebrow at her. Dawn looked to Draco for help. Draco sighed, and pulled something, that looked like a bird treat, out of his pocket.

"Go home," Draco said, as he held out the treat. The owl looked at him in annoyance, but nevertheless picked up the owl treat in her mouth, and took to the air.

"Thanks" Dawn said, as she went back to her breakfast, and Draco went back to ignoring her.

Once breakfast was over, Dumbledore informed Dawn that she should come to his office after lunch and they would decide on her classes, until then she was free to do whatever she like. Dawn thanked Dumbledore, and followed Draco out of the great hall.

"I assume you'll be wanting a tour of the grounds?" Draco asked, when he noticed Dawn peeking curiously out a window.

"Sure, but I really should write a reply to that letter." Dawn said as she looked longingly out the window at the sunny grounds. "Then again a hour delay wont hurt, will it?"

"Course not." Draco replied, and he led her to the front door of the castle, and out into the grounds of Hogwarts.

Draco showed Dawn all around the school, starting with the courtyards, going by the Whomping Willow, the Forbidden Forest, passing Hagrids cabin, and last he took her to the lake.

"It's beautiful here." Dawn commented as they stood looking out at the lake.

"Yes I can see how certain people might think that," Draco replied, "To tell you the truth I never really liked the lake much."

"Actually I meant the school as a whole." Dawn replied. "But why don't you like the lake? It really is beautiful."

"I just don't like it."

"Why not?" Dawn asked her curiosity peaking, "There has to be a reason." When Draco still didn't respond Dawn went on.

"Come on you can tell me?" Dawn pushed, "You can't swim can you?" She asked in an exaggerated condescending tone.

"What, of course I can!" Draco yelled, "The only reason I don't like the lake is because of the bloody giant squid, I happen to be a…" Draco cut himself off and suddenly became very cold. Dawn couldn't help laughing at the expression on his face, while he glared at her for tricking him into revealing his secret.

"Geez Draco calm down it's not a big deal, so you're afraid of the giant squid…"

"I did not say that!" Draco interrupted, "All I said was that it is the reason I don't like the lake, I am not afraid of the stupid thing."

"Whatever you say Drake." Dawn replied.

"The name is Draco, and I don't feel the need to explain myself to someone like you," Draco replied tersely, "The Malfoys are a very important, and powerful pureblood family, and you should do well to remember that before you go making trouble with me again."

"Wait, what?" Dawn asked more than a little pissed, "Someone like me, how dare you, I don't care if you're the bloody Queen of England, you don't have the right to talk to me that way! This stupid tour was your idea anyway, I was gonna go write my letter to Harry, and you're the one who insisted on giving me a tour!"

"Dammit," Dawn interrupted herself suddenly, "What time is it, I've got to get back and write my letter before I meet with Professor D."

"It's past noon." Draco told her after a quick glance at the sky, though he was miffed that she dared to lecture him. "And it's too late for you to write your letter now, it is lunch time."

"Oh," Dawn sighed, promising herself not to let Draco off the hook for his comments earlier, "Fine, if you're gonna be pissy about it let's go to lunch."

They quickly turned away from the lake, and Dawn followed Draco back up to the castle, feeling pissed at Draco for being such a basterd and a little guilty about putting off writing Harry's letter, but hoping he would understand.

Meanwhile back on Privet Drive Harry Potter, had just got home from a walk through the park when he noticed his owl Hedwig waiting outside his window to come inside. Harry rushed to open the window and let the annoyed bird in. He was surprised to see that Hedwig had returned without a letter, and he frowned as he poured her some water, and took out a treat for her.

'Why didn't Dawn reply?' Harry wondered as he looked at the bird with a frown, hoping that nothing had happened to his friend on the way to Hogwarts. After a few moments of petting Hedwig in slight confusion, Harry left his room to go for another walk, figuring that Dawn would send her letter using a school owl. At least he hoped she would.

Back at the school Draco and Dawn were just finishing up lunch in the great hall, where, surprisingly almost all of the professors that Dawn had met the previous evening, and at breakfast were eating lunch, including the headmaster. During the summer most of the professors did not take all of their meals in the great hall, so it was unusual for most of them to have showed up, especially Professor Dumbledore who was a very busy man.

Draco figured they were all still curious about Dawn, because they seemed to be looking at her with renewed interest, as if they had just learned something very strange about her. Little did he know that they had in fact just learned that Dawn was the sister of the slayer, but Draco wasn't supposed to know that. All Draco knew was that Dawn just recently moved the UK and had never been to magic school before, which meant she was a Muggleborn, and he being a Malfoy was inclined to think her beneath him.

As Lunch was winding down the teachers began to get up and leave, saying a quick goodbye to their colleagues, but not really paying much attention to Draco and Dawn. Finally the last few professors were gone, and Dumbledore stood, and asked Dawn to follow him to his office. He led her up several flights of stairs, and down several hallways before finally stopping in front of a statue, where he spoke the password, Swedish fish, and led her up the revolving staircase. Once inside they both sat down, and Dumbledore offered her muggle jellybeans, which Dawn accepted with a grin. Once she was settled Dumbledore began.

"Well Dawn as you are aware, it is not often that Hogwarts accepts students of your age with little to no magical background, but I felt that in your case an exception must be made, do to your special circumstances." Dawn nodded at his words, seeing that he was not finished.

"The case being such that it is it will be imperative that you work extra hard these two weeks before the other students arrive, so that we may catch you up on some of the basics. Although it will not be possible for you to be at the same level as the others in your age group, we will try to work out a plan so that within a few years you may be able to graduate. I have requested that Mr. Malfoy help you during the first week, being that he is second in his class, and once Ms. Granger has arrived she will most likely insist on taking over your tutoring, though I'm sure you will still be open to some help from Mr. Malfoy." Dawn nodded, and Dumbledore barely even paused to breath as he continued.

"Even with the help of such intelligent students, the next two weeks may be trying, and so I think it would be best if we narrowed down your subjects to the most needed. Do you agree?"

"Yes sir." Dawn spoke for the first time since he started his spiel.

"Alright then here is your subject list, and schedule for this summer" Dumbledore waved his wand and a few sheets of paper materialized in front of her. "You shall have time to look those over later, if you have any questions I'm sure Draco can help you."

"On to our last piece of business, your sorting." Dumbledore announced.

"My what?" Dawn asked, looking up from the papers.

"Your sorting, every student at Hogwarts is sorted into a different house in which they will live.." Draco informed before Dawn cut her off.

"Oh yeah, sorting, Harry told me about that, I almost forgot" Dawn exclaimed excitedly. "When are we doing that?"

"Actually I was going to leave that up to you, would you like to wait and do it with the new first years, or do it now?" Dumbledore asked.

"Now," Dawn almost yelled in excitement, she really hoped she was in Harry's house. "I'll do it now!"

"As you wish, may I ask you to take a seat on that stool," he pointed to a stool at the side of his desk, "And put this on." Dumbledore stood and removed the Sorting hat from the shelf behind his desk. Then he turned and handed it to Dawn, who looked at it with a wrinkled nose before taking it, and placing it upon her head. For a moment all was silent before she heard a scratchy voice grumble in her head.

"Mhmmm, interesting… aaah , very interesting………."


Authors Note: Alright finally on to the new chapters, hopefully Draco was a bit more in character, though I will say he is gonna be a good guy, well mostly, at least he'll want to be one, not to sure how it'll all work out yet. Hopefully I can try to make his change realistic, but if there are any serious flaws in his character, let me know and I'll try to fix them.

"Luv ya like a fat kid luv cake"

Katherine Elizabeth