Caitlin's Boy

Author's Note

This is the sequel to my story "Game of Two Halves". Unlike the first story, this is told in the 3rd person, not the 1st person. I hope you enjoy it. Please read and review and let me know.





Caitlin sat on the back porch and gazed at the land.

My land, she mentally corrected. Mine and Jeff's.

It had been 3 years since that night in the hotel with Paul. She had quit the WWE and gone back to Cameron, moving in with Jeff. He had been great throughout the pregnancy and even better after the birth. He was totally at ease with kids and they loved him so much. So she wasn't surprised when her son started calling him "daddy".

Her son. The words still seemed almost foreign to her after all this time. But she was indeed a mother to a blue-eyed boy, Brandon Jeffrey Levesque. It had taken a lot of time and deliberation, but she'd decided to give him Paul's surname and when Brandon was older, she would tell him who his father was.

"Mommy, lookit," he called, snapping Caitlin out of her thoughts.

She glanced up and saw Brandon sitting with Jeff on his dirtbike, waving frantically.

"I see you sweetie," she replied, waving back. "You boys be careful."

A knot of maternal anxiety formed in her stomach as she watched Jeff start the engine. It had taken Jeff a long time to persuade her to let him take Brandon on the bike, and she still wasn't sure about her decision.

Luckily, Brandon got bored before the knot consumed Caitlin. Jeff lifted him off and he made a wobbly beeline for his mother.

"Mommy!!" He yelled, throwing himself into her arms. "Did you see?"

"Yeah baby, I saw. Was it scary?"

"You might have found it scary." Caitlin tried not to laugh as he puffed out his chest proudly. "But I was brave."

"Yes you were," Jeff laughed, ruffling Brandon's hair and sitting down. "Pretty soon you'll be doing it by yourself."

Caitlin's eyes met Jeff's, and in them she saw a great deal of love, both for her and Brandon. In the last three years she had turned down his marriage proposals at least twice. She just didn't feel she could marry him. He was family, practically a brother, and she felt it wrong. But Jeff still silently held on to hope and she knew he would one day propose again.

"Daddy, I'm thirsty," Brandon tugged on Jeff's shirt to emphasise the point.

"Okay Brando, let's get you a drink."

Caitlin watched Jeff put her son over his shoulder and carry him inside, Brandon giggling hysterically. It wasn't until they were inside that she noticed the car that had pulled up.

She watched as the driver climbed out and slammed the door shut. There was something familiar about the build and walk of the man.

"It can't be," she muttered. "It better not be."

She stayed where she was, and watched the visitor approach. As they came closer, she realised who it was.

"Hello Caitlin. It's been a while."

"Hi Paul."