A/N: Well, the summary is pretty self explanatory, and I'm not sure there's any need for a complete summary, besides, if I were to do that, then I might give too much away like I have a huge tendency to do so. SO, I'm going to shut up for once in my life, and get to the story! (For, that, I deserve a medal!)
Demon In My View
Authoress: Kairei (Miyame chan)
The fight was over as quickly as it had started. The demon fell to the ground, leaving no time for even on last breath. She landed softly to the ground, her back to her fallen opponent. She closed her eyes in soft, silent tribute to the cursed life of the monster before muttering a simple spell.
The demon's body was gone in a second.
"Hn." Her eyes flew open, she turned around the find the source of the voice. Why didn't she feel a presence earlier... then again, why didn't she feel a presence now? All that was behind her was the dark alley and the place where the demon once lay.
"What's the matter, afraid of what you can't see?" The voice taunted. Her eyes squinted in understanding, as she continued to search around for the intruder.
"You're a telepath." She inquired, trying very hard to stay calm. But she wasn't calm, all her other opponents, she had been able to see their appearance, or at least sense their presence. But now, now, there was no trace of another presence among her, with the acception of a few mice one didn't need spritual energy to know of their existence.
"Very good, miko. Hn, seeing how you are at that school of yours, I'd never would've guessed you were a miko... especially one who guards the sacred jewel."
"Who are you?", she demanded, looking around in all directions. How did he know about the jewel? Shivers ran up and down her spine as she tried desperately to sense his whereabouts.
"If I told you, it wouldn't be any fun, no would it?", she heard the voice chuckle slightly in her mind. The masculine tone was unfamiliar, distant and cold.
"What do you want?"
" I just wanted to observe the mighty feared miko that's all. They say you have a pure heart."
"Oh, and who are they?"
He ignored her, something that Kagome Higurashi never tolerated.
"Will you just tell me what you want?" She asked, growing impatient. It was then that the girl saw a blur of movement out of the corner of her eye, but nothing else.
"We shall meet again."
He was gone.
Chapter One: The Child of Fire
[Kagome! Kagome!] She heard the words in her mind. It was a different voice from the one before. This time, it belonged to a woman. [Kagome! Are you okay?]
[I'm fine.] She answered telepathically. Opening a mind link had come easy to her, and that was how she communicated. Who needed a cell phone when you can talk to people with your mind? Hand and wire free, (batteries not included, see store for details.) (A/N: Way to ruin the mood ne? :P)
[That's good, listen, you have got to come back here. Now.]
[Wait! I have to go ho]- It was then that she realized that there was no reason to argue, the mind link was closed, and no longer did she hear the voice. She sighed, once again, she had broken curfew. Once again, she would have to lie to her mother.
But she had no choice, this was her life now. This was what she was. What she had to be, her destiny.
It was the 21st century. The world was populated by humans. Most of them had forgotten so easily over the generations. Forgotten the Feudal Ages, the demons, the monks, the mikos... everything. How could something like that possibly turn so easily into mere fairy tales? But the fact was that it did, and it had to stay like that. That's where she came in.
For as little as one year now, she had been a normal schoolgirl by day, but a warrior by night. As cliché` as it sounded, it was true. Kagome Higurashi was not a normal teenager, and that was the way that it was. She was different, very different. It was now her job to protect the public from the knowledge of demons. If the demons were rediscovered by humans, "it would be a very bad thing" as Botan had informed her.
She entered the worn warehouse, making sure she was out of sight from anyone first.
"Alright, I'm here, what is it?" She asked the darkness. No, Kagome does not have an imaginary friend, nor is she a crazy person who goes to deserted warehouses to talk to herself. But she knew this was no deserted, old warehouse.
It was currently 2:31 a.m., wouldn't the forces of evil be in control without her? Sure a bunch of people could die rendering the world in chaos, but at least she'd get some sleep right?
Suddenly, blinding lights seared through the darkness, revealing what looked like an indoor training ground.
"Kagome-chan!" a cheery voice disrupted the dramatic scene as the owner bounced over to her.
"Leave it to you to be cheery all the time." Kagome said dully.
"Leave it to you to be grouchy on such a beautiful night." Her friend retorted.
"Botan, you mean 'morning' right?" Kagome stated pointedly.
Botan rolled her eyes at her friend. "C'mon, Lord Koenma wants to see us." She said, leading Kagome through the training ground.
"Sure." She followed the blue haired girl through what served as their obstacle course and their only means of training.
Though she had been here for what felt like ages, the truth was, it had only been one year. Still, Kagome couldn't help but look around in awe at the place, and at what she had become.
Never would she forget the day that she realized demons had still existed. She was just another human then, just a girl who thought demons were nothing but fairy tales.
People still thought that. It was the only way the world would be able to keep spinning. Rest assured that if the public knew what she did, mayhem would ensue.
"Yoo-hoo. Kagome?" The girl was brought out of her thoughts when Botan's voice sounded mainly in her left ear. Sure enough, she saw a cheery face framed by electrifying blue hair standing next to her.
"Y-Yea I'm fine." She ensured her friend, who nodded before opening the door.
Stepping into the room, Kagome heard an array of voices.
"Oh! Kagome-chan's here, Lord Koenma." Magenta eyes met Kagome as the owner smiled at her. She was sitting next to a young man with dark hair and violet eyes, who's hands were both tied behind his back for……… some reason. In front of them was a small speaker which rested on a mahogany table.
"Oi." Kagome said, eyeing the chains which bound the man's wrists. "He at it again?" She asked her friend, who had returned to glaring at the man.
The woman called Sango huffed, glaring at the perverted houshi, Miroku. He wasn't exactly a monk, nor a priest really. He did however, have the same spiritual power of a monk from ancient times.
Sango was a human, but, like Kagome, she too had spiritual powers. A demon exterminator from birth. (A/N: I know she doesn't have powers but this is my story so if I say that the sky is orange than so be it! Muahahahaha!)
"Thank you for joining us Kagome, I trust your mission went well?" Kagome smiled at the speaker, sure she couldn't see the man, but she had always found this part so exciting. She had always felt like one of Charlie's Angels because of it. Her boss, "The Mighty Lord Koenma" was located in the Spirit World, a realm hidden from the Living World, as she had come to find out. She however, had never seen him, him being her boss and all, she would have thought to see him at least once in person. But he was a very busy man, so he had told her. Kagome would imagine how he looked like, probably tall, strong, and well………mighty.
"Yes Koenma, for a demon with three jewel shards, his only strength was stubbornness and a bad temper." Kagome explained, taking a seat.
"Well, I have another mission for you. This one is a doozy."
Kagome yawned lazily, "Can't Sango, Miroku, or Inuyasha do it?" She asked, closing her eyes.
The door
slammed open. "Feh. What did
you say wench?" In stepped a boy clad in
a red shirt and long, baggy pants. His
silvery hair cascaded down around him like a waterfall.
Kagome smiled at him innocently. 'I guess not.' She thought to herself, sighing.
"I take it Inuyasha's in." Koenma said from the speaker.
"Well, this could concern all of you anyway." Koenma said, they heard him sigh after a brief moment of silence. "His name is Hiei………"
He was a bit hesitant to leave, though he wasn't about to admit it to himself. Indeed she was beautiful.
But the fact was that she was still a ningen, another useless human brat trying to get in the way of his demon world domination plan.
No, really, he had a plan, hell, he wrote a book about it.
Anyway, the demon called Hiei glared at his surroundings. It wasn't really that he was angry, other just figured that he glared so much, it just sort of stayed there.
His temper and crude attitude was always blamed on what he was. A fire apparition. His attitude matched raging flames, marking his firey attitude that we all love so dearly.
"Did you kill her?" Hiei knew he was there, still, he hadn't planned on acknowledging his presence. This was difficult however, when asked a question.
"No." He said simply, figuring it was no use to simply walk away, he stood there, awaiting what the man had to say.
He heard a soft, masculine chuckle. "Ah, quite a beauty isn't she?"
"Hn. That has nothing to do with it." Hiei informed him, his eyes narrowing further. He glared slightly at the man in front of him. He was the demon who had been like a father to him. The man who had found him, and thaught the young demon everything he knew………
two things……..
to fight……….
And to kill.
Never, at least not that he could remember had he ever once thought twice of this barbaric way of life.
The man had taken the innocence of a child, and forged him into a cold hearted killer. Hiei was not spiteful of this at all.
In fact, he was thankful to the pack of demon thieves who had raised him. He was strong.
And that was all that he needed.
All that he wanted.
The man sighed. "Hiei m'boy, I'm counting on you." He reminded the fire apparition. "She will make us big money dead you know."
Hiei scoffed. "Hn." , he said. What he really wanted to say was "You mean It would make YOU big money." Or "Why don't you kill her yourself?". But something had told him not to. Something had always told him not to stand up to this demon.
"Just be quick about it Hiei. But remember, you have to get to the jewel first."
"Hn." Hiei avoided his eyes carefully.
"She is ten times worse than those stupid spirit detectives. If she isn't destroyed, things will only get worse."
"Hn." Was his only reply.
"I'm counting on you m' boy." With that, he was gone. Probably off to feed on yet another human's soul.
He took the photo of the girl into his hand, staring at her angelic features with mild interest.
"Hn." He said, and with that, the picture was engulfed in flames, the fire reflecting in his already crimson eyes. "She'll die."
A/N: Dun Dun DUUUN!
Ah but will he kill her? With my twisted and evil brain you just never know!
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