Wow, been a while since I updated.....Gomen my few faithful readers!

Ummmm yeah I don't own any of them so don't sue me!

More Than an Idol

Chapter 3: Confusion

Duo woke slowly. His eyes fluttered open to see an unfamiliar ceiling above him. He blinked a couple of times, trying to remember what happened to him. His back ached a little but it wasn't bad, he also had a slight headache but he ignored it, he had suffered from worse before. He raised a hand to run it through his hair only to stop when he met with resistance. Curiously he looked over and his amethyst eyes widened in surprise.

He recognized the room around him as the nurse's office he had seen on his tour, but what caught his attention was the boy sleeping in the chair next to him, one hand clamped around Duo's own almost possessively. Chocolate hair fell hazardously over closed eyes, making Duo itch to brush them away. Duo couldn't help but stare at the beautiful boy in front of him.

"He watched over you the whole time you know." Duo looked up to see Wufei leaning against the doorframe. A knowing smirk was plastered on his face. "Duo you remember what happened?"

"Yeah, jerk fell out of the tree right on top of me." Duo almost laughed, remembering how surprised he was to see the boy that had plagued his mind falling towards him. He looked up inquiringly at the Chinese boy. "What time is it? And where are Quatre and Trowa?"

"Quatre and Trowa are outside taking care of the masses of concerned fan girls. You have a lot of those you know, and they were very worried when word got out you were in the nurses office. And it's about 6, you slept all afternoon." Wufei stepped forward and poked Heero in the cheek. The sleeping boy only mumbled something incoherent and shifted his head so his cheek now laid against Duo's captured hand. "This lug refused to leave your side. He kept saying it was his fault and he would take care of it. He even went out and scared away about half the people out there who wanted in to fawn over you."

"Really?" Duo raised an amused eyebrow; his eyes kept drifting back to the sleeping boy. "Well I think he needs to pay me back for making me miss half of my first day of school." A strange idea formed in the singers mind and he grinned mischievously. Wufei saw the evil look spread across his face and suddenly felt very sorry for his best friend. But maybe this is just what Heero needed.

"Anyway the nurse said you should probably take the back door out since there are masses of reporters still out front." He turned to leave, not wanted to be in the area when Heero awoke. He stopped back when he reached the door, seeing Duo staring intently at his sleeping friend. "Hey Duo," Amethyst eyes met hard onyx. "Don't hurt him." Duo nodded in understanding, putting Wufei at ease.

Heero was dreaming, he was relaxing in a field as a strong breeze tugged at his hair and clothes. The warm sun shone down on him making his skin tingle. He was content, totally in tune with everything around him. Suddenly a shadow covered him. Frowning he looked up to see a person standing above him bathed in shadows. He pushed himself up on his elbows as the person descending upon him, darkness seemed to envelope him. Heero felt his limbs freeze in place, he wanted to yell but his mouth didn't seem to want to move.

Something wet and soft touched his ear, he shivered involuntarily. His heart started to beat rapidly. Air rushed seductively over his sensitive ears making him gasp. "Heero..." He jerked hearing his name spoke right next to his ear. "Heero..."

Someone was playing with his hair. Heero jolted awake, his head shot up only to crack when it connected with another hard form. Through the pain filled fog in his head he could hear someone moaning in pain.

"Damn Heero." Growled a voice to his right. "Twice in one day is a little much don't you think?" Heero cracked his eyes open painfully to see Duo sitting up in bed, he was rubbing his chin. Heero guessed that would be the hard object that he had cracked his head into.

"I think I bit my tongue!" Duo ranted, sticking his tongue out and trying to look over his nose to examine it. Watching the boy Heero blushed, suddenly remembering his strange dream. He couldn't believe he had fallen asleep watching over the fey like boy.

"Baka." He growled, he confusion making him more than a little annoyed. Duo stopped trying to examine his offended part to raise a questioning eyebrow at the Japanese boy.

"What did you say?"


"You're lying! I bet you called me something bad!"


Duo pouted for a second. All he had been doing was watching the boy when suddenly his head had shot up and nailed him in the chin. And now the guy was acting like it was all his fault. "Hey you're the one that put me in the nurses office you know."

"Hn." Heero looked away, embarrassed to be reminded about it.

"And then you attack me again!" Duo was in his element. "And you have nothing to say for yourself?"

"Hn...sorry." Heero practically growled it out, suddenly wondering why he was still there since Duo was obviously better. Feeling suddenly very stupid Heero rose to leave when a hand shot out and grabbed his wrist. He turned to glare at the boy, trying to pull his hand away.

"Hey hold on!" Duo said, gripping the boys hand for dear life. He stared up at the boy above him. "You really don't like me do you?"

Heero was startled by the question, not that he let it show on his emotionless face. He looked at the wall. He really didn't hate the boy, it's just the boy made him nervous, and for the life of him he had no idea why. "No, I don't like you at all, you arrogant, snobby and I don't like what you do either" The words rushed out before he could stop them. "You act like your 'all that' and we should all bow down and adore you."

Heero had the feeling that he had gone to far when suddenly he was pushed backwards forcefully. He gasped as his back and head connected with the wall with a crack and he felt his hands grabbed in a vice like grip beside his head. He painfully opened his eyes to see sparking Amethyst. The bottom of his stomach dropped out at the fierce looking boy currently pinning him to the wall. They were so close Heero could feel Duo's heated breath skimming across his cheek.

"Is that how you see me?" The words were grated out through clenched teeth. "When have I ever acted like any of those things you accuse me of?" Heero blinked, suddenly afraid. Duo seemed very mad. It was his fault for saying all those things, but he couldn't take them back. Duo's proximity was starting to affect him, and not in a good way.

"That's how all singers are." Heero growled back. "They convince fans that they love them then they fuck them over. It's all a lie. You all just love yourself; all you see is yourself and your fame and what it can get you." The words fell from his lips like poison, burning as they left, he didn't want to think about it, didn't want to remember.

Duo looked at Heero confused. He had been so mad when he had said all those hateful things that he acted without thinking, confronting the boy. But Heero's last statement confused him. There was something there he was missing. The cobalt boy was looking away from him, messy bangs covering his eyes but Duo could see the tight line of his mouth, something was wrong.

"So you're saying all singers are selfish, that they love only themselves and only use others?" His anger had subsided, leaving him wondering about the mysterious but beautiful boy he held fast to the wall.

"Yes." Eyes still turned away the answer was simple. For some reason it made Duo's heart ache. He leaned closer to the trapped boy, trying to see his face fully.

"So is this a lie too?" Heero almost didn't hear Duo's quiet words; he was too lost in his own world of memories. He turned his head slightly to see what the braided boy was talking about when soft lips covered his own. His eyes widened in surprise and he tried to turn his head to the side to escape. Surges of emotions were plaguing his senses, emotions he didn't want to remember, how could a simple kiss bring it all back so easily?

Duo ground their hips together drawing a muffled gasp out of the surprised boy. Taking the opportunity Duo slid his wet tongue into Heero's mouth, exploring the sweet cavern. Heero's senses were flooded with the scent and presence of Duo. He felt like he was drowning in it.

Duo was in heaven. Heero tasted just as sweet as he thought the boy would. Feeling the boy relax in his kiss he let go of his wrists, letting them fall to the now quiet boy's side. Duo snaked one arm around Heero's waist, bringing them closer together and deepening the kiss while his other went up to tangle in the already messed up hair. He had expected the boy to struggle more, but his submission wasn't all that bad either. Sadly he was running out of air, he retracted form the quiet boys' mouth, nipping the swollen bottom lip as he left.

He looked up into hazy cobalt eyes, Heero looked so cute like this, slightly mused and really goddamn sexy. Heero suddenly blinked and stiffened in Duo's arms. Cobalt eyes became clear and very panicked.

"Wha....why did you?" Heero couldn't seem to form coherent sentences. Duo wanted to smile at the confused boy. He leaned forward so his lips were only inches from Heero's ear.

"Just for your information." He whispered, liking how the boy shivered as his breath caressed his ear. "I run and hide, but I never lie."

............. How the heck did that happen?! Yeah defiantly not what I had planned for this chapter. In fact I think this chapter just totally took a life of its own... Maybe Heero and Duo wanted to do it so bad their affecting me. Yeah so this is not what I had planned but this is what happened, deal with it! And yes I know Heero and Duo are way out of character but that's the only way this will work. Anyway lots of stuff will be explained in the next chapter...I hope...and please review cuz I love it when you do!