Disclaimer: I don't own them...never will! So don't sue me!

Ok I know this is weird because I have another GW story going on right now but I got an idea for this story so I'm going to go through with it!

More Than an Idol

Chapter 1: Arrival

Heero grumbled, a scowl imprinted on his face as his best friend Trowa led him through the tightly packed crowd off people. People of all ages and genders jumped and screamed as a college band played.

"Trowa where are we going?" Heero yelled irately over the crowd. He hated large groups of people but Trowa had practically dragged him to this concert

"Wufei said to meet him at the far left of the stage!" The emerald eyed boy said, plowing through the crowd. Someone pushed Heero roughly, causing him to let go of Trowa's hand. He growled in frustration, pushing the person back and looking around for the brown haired boy. Trowa was no where in sight though. Cursing the gods above for bad karma he ran a hand through his messy chocolate brown hair.

Trowa said that Wufei would meet them at the left of the stage so logically he should probably make his way there. He started pushing through the crowd, cursing Trowa for even convincing him that this was a good idea. To his dismay instead of going left the crowd was pushing him closer and closer to the stage.


Trowa had finally reached Wufei across the room before realizing Heero was no longer with him.

"I am so dead!" He practically wailed, cursing himself for not paying attention. "Heero is going to kill me!"

"You lost Heero in the crowd?" Trowa turned to see Wufei, his other best friend standing behind him. In his hand he help 3 passes, ones he had one on the radio to get backstage after the concert. "You're a dead man. So we might as well enjoy ourselves while we can."

"Man I worked so hard just to get him here." Trowa sighed in defeat, his eyes roaming the crowd looking for his lost friend. "I really wanted him to come with us to meet them."

"Well no use crying now, lets just go, they'll be on in 2 minutes." Wufei tossed Trowa a pass and headed toward the guard stationed at the stage door. Trowa followed him with a defeated sigh.


"Ladies and Gentleman! I am proud to bring you the main show for tonight... DARK RHAPSODY!" Heero's head spun around as a voice boomed over the loudspeakers and the people around him started cheering wildly. By now he was trapped right in front of the stage, teeny-boppers surrounding him on all sides. There was a flash of light and 2 figures emerged on the stage, a mix of metal and rock music started playing in the background, making the freaky girls start cheering louder.

Heero sighed; Dark Rhapsody was the band that Trowa was so gaga over. They were a famous group that had over 3 CD's already out. He watched as spotlights flashed onto the two figures. One was dressed in tan pants and a white shirt, a single chain went from his front to back pocket. He wore a single silver bracelet on each wrist and a simple leather necklace with a golden cross around his neck. The gold cross almost matched his light blonde hair. The other was dressed in all black. Bondage pants with multiple straps criss-crossed making Heero wonder if he ever fell over in them. He also sported a black t-shirt that rose when he moves, showing off a firm stomach. The boy had 2 bracelets on one wrist and a slim watch on the other.

Heero's eyes finally reached the boys face, and his heart missed a beat. He had seen lots of pictures of the 2 boys, being friends with Trowa does that to you. But seeing them in person was nothing like the pictures. His eyes roamed over the cheerful heart shaped face, stopping to stare at the single clip earring the boy upper left ear. Almost in a trance he watched as the rope like braid spun as the boy danced. The fey like boy opened his mouth and a clear alto could be heard, breaking Heero out of his trance.

He scolded, crosses his arms over his chest. Pretending the boy hadn't affected him he looked away, centering his attention on the crowd even though he listened to the song.

"Their not that good." He said out loud, as if he was trying to convince himself. A girl next to him sneered at him, probably because he just offended her favorite group. The song ended and Heero tried to edge away and felt a tug on his shirt. He turned to see his sleeve was snagged on one of the gates they have set up to keep rabid fans away from the stage. Cursing he started to tug at his shirt, twisting it every which way in an attempt to set himself free. He didn't notice that the chestnut haired boy was talking until there was cheering all around him. He growled, frustrated he started yanking at the offending piece of material.

"Would you like some help?" Heero looked up startled and found himself staring into dancing Amethyst eyes. Heero pushed down the embarrassment and scowled at the boy. "So everyone think I should help him?" By that time the crowd had started chanting...Duo!Duo!Duo! Said boys grinned even while he heard his partner Quatre groan behind him.

Heero could watch in embarrassment as Duo reached down and unhooked his shirt from the gate. Undone he gave a nod of thanks and turned to leave, ready to mow down anyone in his way when a hand grabbed his shoulder. Confused he looked up into the smiling face above him.

"Where do you think your going?" Duo said with a grin, mischief dancing in his eyes. "I caught you. Which means you're mine for tonight." A shiver ran up his spine and Heero shook his head, glaring at the boy. But much to his dismay before he knew it he was up on the stage, the crowd cheered but Heero felt some of the death glares sent his way.

On the side of the stage Trowa groaned and hid his face in his hands while Wufei just laughed, holding his sided.

Heero stood on the stage, arms crossed over his chest and glared at the braided boy as the music started up again. Duo started to dance again as Quatre sang about love and heartbreak, his clear tone lulling the crowd. Heero went even more rigged, he would not move or do anything, and he refused to make a spectacle of himself. Looking past the braided boy he spotted Trowa and Wufei on the side of the stage. He glared at them, a glare that promised much pain later on.

"Hey you're supposed to be paying attention to me." Duo's voice whispered past his ear. Heero twitched, feeling the blood rush to certain part of his body. Arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him back against the other boy. He struggled, grabbing at the other boys hands but they were as firm as steel. Duo rocked his hips forward and Heero froze.

Duo almost laughed when the boy froze at his antics. He nuzzled against the boys exposed neck, feeling the shiver run across his skin. Inside Duo was quaking. He would never do something this bold in real life, but now, when he was onstage he ruled. He smirked, remembering when he had first spotted the boy wrestling with his shirt sleeve. He seemed to be drawn to the boy, and couldn't control his actions after that.

Quatre's song ended and the blonde boy sent Duo a meaningful look. Duo nodded and with a sigh unwrapped his arms from around the boy. Plastering a cheerfully goofy grin on his face he turned to the crowd.

"We have an announcement to make folks!" He said cheerfully, waiting for the screaming to stop. "Tonight will be our last show." Duo winced as a mass a wails came form the crowd. He glanced into the crowd to see masses of fan girls screaming and crying.

"We had a lot of fun." Quatre said coming up beside him and putting a hand on his shoulder. "But we want to go home and try living life like normal teenagers. We thank you for all your support and please don't hate us for this one final selfish act." Together they sang there last song.

When it was over Duo turned to talk to his mystery boy only to discover he had disappeared. He looked around but the boy was no where. With a sigh he headed of the stage after Quatre, only after seeing the two boys did he remember that they had promised to meet some fans after the show...but shouldn't there have been three off them?


Heero ran through the streets, totally embarrassed. He vowed when he saw Wufei and Trowa in school in Monday they would be dead.


Duo glanced around amused. They had entered the room where the 2 boys were sitting about 5 minutes ago and so far no one had said anything. Quatre would glance at one boy, then the other and then finally his gaze would rest on the floor or wall before starting the round again. The brown haired boy would keep glancing and Quatre then look away quickly, fidgeting ever now and then. The only sane one in the room was the dark haired boy who was content to like Duo himself, watch the other two boys nervousness.

"So...." Duo tried for the 5th time to start a decent conversation. "Where's your 3rd person? Or couldn't you find anyone?" The brown haired boy spared him a glance before looking away and blushing. Amused at the reaction Duo raised an eyebrow. The Chinese boy coughed.

"Well we had a third person but he got kinda...side tracked." He said, amusement sliding through his ebony eyes.

"What happened to him?" Duo was actually curious; the 2 boys seemed to be hiding something from him.

"Well last time we saw him..." The brown haired one said meeting his gaze for the first time. "He was dancing with you." The gears clicked together and Duo let a wide grin grace his face.

Wufei saw that the boy was about to let loose a stream of questions so he decided to get some of his own in first. "So why did you guys decide to quit?"

"We wanted to try to be normal teenagers." Everyone turned to the blonde as he talked for the first time. Trowa noticed his voice sounded just as musical talking as when he was singing. "Both of us grew up around here so we decided to try to go back to a normal high school and ditch the tutors and everything."

"What high school?" Wufei asked, leading the questions since Trowa seemed to have come down with a case of lock jaw.

"OZ High School actually, we heard it was very good."

"It is."

"Oh, you sound like you've heard of it."

"Actually we go there." Quatre's eyes shot to Trowa before looking away again, a slight blush gracing his cheeks. Duo grinned at the blushing pair before locking his attention on the Chinese boy.

"So does your friend go there too?" He asked, hoping his voice didn't give away how nervous he was.

"Heero? Yeah he does." Wufei felt he knew the way this conversation was going and groaned internally, how unjust he had to sit here and deal with 3 love sick people.

"Perfect." Duo almost growled, rubbing his hands together gleefully as everyone in the room started to back away slowly. Suddenly he jumped up and starts shaking Trowa and Wufei's hands. "Mine name is Duo, what's your?"

"Umm Trowa and Wufei..." said the slightly scared boys.

"I think we're going to be good friends...very good friends."


End of chapter 1! Yay!!! I was tired of the stories of Heero always chasing Duo so I'm making it the other way around! Please review so I know if I need to change things or not and not to mention I love them.