Me: HI EVERYONE! I'm bored so I thought I'd make this story cause it sounded cool to me DON'T SUE ME IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT!

Zero: Yes please sue her


Zero: O_O

Squid: Whatever

Me: ....Ok!

Title: The Next Challenge: High School

Rating: PG-13

Genre: Drama/Romance

Summary: The D-tent boys are out of CGL and live in Houston. Their about to face their next big challenge: High School. They'll go through heart break, break-ups, graduation, loss, gain, and more R&R


Chapter 1: First Day of School

"Hello Houston! And what a beautiful day we have ahead of us! Temperature in the ninety's and not a cloud in the sight!"

"Oh, shut up you damn alarm," Squid mumbled, unplugging his alarm clock, which went from reading 6:30 to blank. Today was the first day of school, and the first time Squid had to wake up early in three months.

"ALAN!" A female voice called.

Squid remained silent, trying to get back to sleep.

"Alan, you gotta wake up," His aunt Amy walked into the room, carrying some clean clothes for him. "It's the first day of school!"

"No..." Squid groaned, pulling the blankets over his head.

"Yes..." His aunt mocked him, pulling off his covers, leaving Squid shivering on his bed in just an undershirt and his shovel boxers. (AN: HAHAHAHAHAHA)

Squid got out of bed, his hair a mess, and stretched and yawned. He scratched the back of his head and headed for the bathroom.

"'Atta boy," His aunt smiled and walked back downstairs.

"Well," Squid mumbled in the bathroom. "It's better than what my mom would do to me on the first day of school."


"ALAN! GET YOUR SORRY ASS OUTTA BED THIS INSTANT!" His mother shrieked, clearly drunk.

"Why?" Squid grumbled.


When Squid finally did, his mother surprised him by hitting him across the head with a beer bottle.

"Ow," Squid whispered so his mother wouldn't hear him. He touched she spot where she hit him and felt warm blood.

"NOT GET DRESSED AND THEN GO! I finally get you outta my house." She spat at him.

"Okay," Squid obeyed.

"Don't gimme that ungrateful tone!" She growled at him. "I take care of you, I give your food, clothes and shelter, and THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME!?"

"Sorry, mom," Squid knew he had nothing to be sorry about, but he didn't want to get his mother worked up.

"Sure ya are..." She glared. "Just like yer father... an ungrateful, selfish little bitch."

*End of Flashback*

Squid's mother was back in New York. She refused to take him back when he got out of camp, so she send him to live with his aunt and uncle in Houston, which, coincidently, is where the rest of the D-tent boys were living.


Zero was up at six o'clock that day. He loved the first day of school. Now that he could read and write, he felt great. He had been getting tutored over the summer to reach his grade level, which is ninth grade, so he wouldn't have to go back to sixth grade.

Zero bounded down the stairs at six fifteen.

"Hey mom!" He called throughout their three story house. Well, their very big house. Not yet a mansion; about halfway there.

He went into her room and found her still in bed.

"Mom, c'mon! Get up!" He shook her.

"Hector..." She groaned and glanced at the clock. "It's six twenty. Go back to bed..."

"But school starts today!" Zero protested.

"You have another hour and forty minutes before it starts," His mom grumbled.

Zero sighed. "Fine. How bout I make you breakfast and you be up in twenty minutes?"

Anna, Zero's mom, eyed him. "Okay,"

Zero smiled and went over to one of the other rooms on the second floor. The room of their cook. She was already up and was about to go down to the kitchen.

"Hector! Hi! How's it goin?" She smiled brightly.

He smiled back. "Hey Lindsay. We need to make my mom breakfast. We have twenty minutes. Let's get started!"

She grinned cheekily. "You mean, *I* have to make breakfast for your mom. *You'll* watch."

He shrugged. "That works too,"

*Twenty Minutes Later*

*In the Kitchen*

"Okay Lindsay, Mom'll be in here in a minute. Let's make sure we got everything. Scrambled eggs?" Hector asked.

"Check," Lindsay grinned.







"Pancakes and syrup?"


"And toast?"


"Okay, we got everything. Now remember, *I* made this breakfast, not you." Zero said.

"Right," Lindsay winked.

Anna walked in and saw all the food and gasped. She looked at Zero and then Lindsay, and then back at Zero. She grinned.

"Can't fool me Mr. Zeroni,"

Zero put on a big smile. "I know,"


*7:45 am School*

Stanley was walking around the school with Zero trying to find out where to get his schedule. Zero was doing the same.

"HEY CAVEMAN! ZERO!" They heard someone yell out. They looked around and saw Squid and Zigzag coming their way.

"Hey guys!" Caveman waved. "Do you know where we get out schedules and locker thingys?"

"Yeah, the freshman are somewhere in this hall, the sophomores are a few hallways over and the juniors and seniors are in the next building." Squid told them. Him and Zigzag already had their things and had been looking for some people. Squid was a junior and Zigzag was a senior.

"Thanks," Stanley went to fine the one for sophomores and Zero went over the freshman one. Squid went after Zero and Zigzag went after Stanley.

"You excited for school?" Zero asked him.

Squid made a little laugh. "Yeah right. I've been dreading it for months."


"Yeah, so how about you?"

"Sorta, given the fact that I've never gone to school before," Zero told him.

"Oh. Well, take it from me. It sucks."

Zero laughed.

They got into the office and they saw Twitch there. "Hey Twitch!" Squid and Zero called, getting in line behind him.

"Hey guys!" Twitch turned around and waved.

"So, you and Zero are freshmen together! Isn't that exciting!" Squid clapped his hands together. Zero and Twitch stared blankly. "Well, you two can hang out together, and I'm gonna go see if I can find... someone else. Bye!"

They waved good-bye and then turned to each other.

"So how's it goin?" Twitch asked him.

Zero shrugged. "Okay, I guess,"

"You excited 'bout school?"




Their conversation stopped there and it was Twitch's turn. "Name," The lady asked.

"Brian Poletiek,"

"Hold on one moment," The lady left and then came with a couple slips a paper and a few books.

"Here, this one is your schedule," She pointed to the first sheet. "And this one is your locker number and combination." She pointed to the other sheet. "These are your books for Algebra, History, English, Science, Biology (AN: Are those the same things? I don't think so....), and your elective class, French. Next."

Twitch waited with Zero while he got his schedule, locker and books. They had the same books except Zero was taking Spanish instead of French.

It turns out that they had lockers next to each other so they put their books in and compared their schedules.

"Okay... so it looks we only have algebra together." Twitch said, peering at both schedules.

The bell above them rang and Zero grabbed his biology book and Twitch grabbed his history book and they went their separate ways.



Magnet: Yeaaaaaaaaano

Me: *glares*


Me: *covers face* You guys are mean *cries*

Both: O_O

Zero: I'm nice!

Me: YAY! ^_^

Zero: See, watch me be nice! PPL R&R NOW!

Me: ^_^

Zero: ^_^