Disclaimer #1: No, I don't own Naruto or any of the characters in it… Why? Because Kishimoto Masashi and his gang of manga-ka in black suits beat me at that damn poker match… XD Naw, I'm kidding. But the characters in this fic are (c) Kishimoto Masashi.

Disclaimer #2: This fic is SHONEN-AI, more so, SLASH, GAY, blah blah blah. There are many words for guy on guy action, isn't there? XD;; But yeah, if you're not into this stuff, then okay, click the back button. @_@;

HOI! Begin the fic, na no da. XD;


The Things You Say

-Chapter one : the Libra-

Eyes wide, form crouched; camouflaged in thick trees. Sunlight dappled his face as he watched the figure beneath him stop.

"Naruto, you're breathing too loud."

Suddenly, a pair of shurinken shot into the trees, impaling the bark where the blond had previously been. With fast reflexes, he had leapt down from the tree, and charged his rival head on.


Naruto's fist was clenched, ready to strike, but the black-haired boy was ready. He held both arms crossed in front of his face, but nothing connected.

Well, nothing connected there.

"Don't call me dobe, Sasuke-bastard!" Naruto yelled, lifting his knee to strike his opponent hard in the gut. With wind knocked out of him, Sasuke's eyes widened, and he flew back from such a heavy blow. Quick to his feet, he managed to block a string of Naruto's assaults; kick, punch, uppercut, kick, jab, kick. Sasuke blocked or dodged them easily, as he had quite the upper hand when it came to speed.

Forming several intricate hand positions, Sasuke summoned a fireball and launched it at his rival. The blond narrowed his eyes, and summoned his Shadow Replica technique at the last second. One of his Replicas jumped in front of the fireball, taking the hit, meanwhile the other dozens jumped at Sasuke. Pulling out a couple of shurinken, Sasuke annihilated all the Replicas. Only one remained. He smirked in satisfaction, and then charged the real Naruto.

The blond withdrew his two shurinken, and the two began to spar. Neither of the two managed to hit one another, but they both stood their ground. Naruto blocked all of Sasuke's strikes, and in turn, Sasuke blocked Naruto's. The two fought for what seemed at least ten minutes.

Finally, Sasuke flipped one shurinken in his hand, then lashed out at Naruto. It was a direct hit, but instead of blood spilling from the blond's cheek, he exploded into a puff of smoke. Sasuke's eyes widened, and just as he turned, it was too late. Naruto wound up his arm, and punched the black-haired boy hard in the chest. Sasuke grit his teeth as he fell back, but he hand-sprung back to his feet. He had to give the boy credit, as that had been quite the last-minute plan. However, this certainly was not enough to defeat a Sharingan. He smirked, then leapt at his rival and round-housed him quite brutally. The blond's eyes widened, and he flew back, smacking the back of his head on a tree. He sank down, and fell to his front. The boy lay there motionless, until Sasuke grew irritated.

"Naruto, get up."


"Naruto, get up."

Still nothing.

Sasuke rolled his eyes, then approached the fallen boy and kicked him with the tip of his foot.

"Dobe--" To his surprise, his ankle was grabbed with unseen speed, and he, too, was dragged to the ground. Sasuke bit back a yelp, and fell to his back right beside Naruto.

"I told you not to call me dobe, you bastard." Naruto turned his head to flash Sasuke a grin of triumph.

"Don't get cocky. You didn't win."

"What?! Then you didn't, either!" Naruto whined, glaring at Sasuke, who glared right back.

"Don't be stupid. You have more damage, and you used more Chakra." The black-haired boy said in his usual cold tone. The blond growled, then sprang onto Sasuke, holding his fist up then brought it down. Of course, it was easily caught by Sasuke's hand around the blond's wrist.

"Don't be stupid." The black-haired boy narrowed his eyes ever so slightly. They remained in that position for quite some time; Naruto straddling Sasuke's hips with his wrist in the black-haired boy's grip. A soft breeze floated by, ruffling both boys' hair.

Wait… straddling?!

Naruto jumped back, and Sasuke shot up into a sitting position. They both stared at each other, until finally, Naruto broke the uneasy silence.

"Sasuke, we should head back. I'm hungry." The boy turned his head to the side quickly, avoiding his rival's gaze.

"Whatever." Sasuke said quietly… But just before Naruto turned his head, he could have sworn he saw the blond's cheeks redden. He hid his questioning look, and rose to his feet. Naruto did the same, and started walking in the direction of home. Sasuke followed, several strides away from his rival. They walked in silence for an entire half hour, which was rather surprising. It was rare that Naruto was quiet after "winning" a spar.

"I've got a free Ramen pass. All you can eat!" Naruto grinned in his trademark way, then turned to leave without another word. Sasuke narrowed his eyes, knowing full well that free passes were not given out… Especially all you can eat ones! What was Naruto up to?

"Later." The dark-haired boy said in his toneless way, letting his rival walk away. He stood there, watching as the blond folded his arms behind his head and disappeared down the busy street.

"He said that the other day," Sasuke observed, recalling their last practice match. He had merely let it pass, however, for this to happen again? Something had to be up… But what?

Lagging behind much more than he would any normal person, Sasuke began his pursuit of Naruto. The blond purely seemed to wander; they had passed the Ramen shack at least twice. Perhaps he had already figured out Sasuke was following him? Doubtful. Although, Naruto did have heightened hearing… Sasuke shrugged it off. He continued to follow the blond through alleyways, until finally, Naruto hopped onto a crate, then to a roof. He began to climb higher and higher, until he sprawled out and yawned.

Sasuke remained on the ground, forming a plan in his mind. Nodding, satisfied with his decision, he hopped onto the same crate, then onto a ledge just underneath the rooftop in which Naruto lay. He stood, back glued to the wall, and listened for any sound.

Hours seemed to have flown by. Sasuke began to wonder if his rival had simply fallen asleep. He looked up at the almost completely set sun, and then rolled his eyes. It would be dark soon. Perhaps Naruto only wanted some time alone…

But then he heard it.

Frozen to the wall, Sasuke's eyes widened. Was that sniffling? He strained his ears to try and prove that theory wrong… Unfortunately, it was not.

Naruto was crying.

Sasuke bent one leg at a time, trying to get feeling back into them. He waited for the sounds to cease, but the quiet snuffling was replaced with little snores. Taking this as his opportunity, the dark-haired boy jumped up, grabbing the ledge of the roof and swung himself up. Landing in a crouching position, his eyes fell upon Naruto. He was flat on his back, with a hand resting on his tummy. His head was slightly tilted to the side, with lips slightly parted. The only noise made on this roof was soft snores from Naruto.

Approaching cautiously, Sasuke crawled over to the blond's side. He sat down, with one leg folded at his chest. Dark eyes traveled up Naruto's body, then rested upon his tear-streaked face. Sasuke winced ever so slightly, not understanding what would make the boy cry. He had never really seen him cry before… So it must be something truly important to him. He rolled many things over in his mind, hypothesizing what could be the problem.

Naruto shifted, his body turning in his sleep. He was now facing Sasuke, who remained unmoving.

"Dobe… What did you do?"

Subconsciously, Sasuke reached out and brushed Naruto's tears away. He looked down at his wet finger, and furrowed his brow. Was it that he had been too rough with the fireball in that day's battle? Or maybe he had punctured Naruto's gigantic balloon of pride? No, Sasuke had used his fireball many times with his rival… And the other thought… Sasuke could not help but smile; Naruto's pride could never be dented.

The moon was shining, casting shadows and illuminating the sky, while the night sky became a blanket of stars. Each star glowed soft or bright, either way it truly was a beautiful sight. They winked down at the two boys, who still remained on the roof. Darkness had fallen long ago, but neither had wanted to go.

Not that Naruto could. He was dead asleep.

Sasuke, too, was lying down, right beside his rival. Hands folded behind his head, he looked up at the sky and stargazed. In the past several hours, he had identified each and every constellation of the zodiac. However, his eyelids started to feel like lead. He took this as a signal that it was time to go home, the both of them.

The dark-haired boy got to his feet, stretching his arms above his head. He looked down at Naruto, who was still fast asleep. Leaving him outside all night like that… He could catch cold.

Not that he cared. Why should he? But if Naruto sneezed all over him during a match…

Heaving a sigh, Sasuke picked the sleeping boy up and held him firmly in his arms. Naruto was fairly light, which was a bonus for Sasuke, as he was rather tired. Holding his rival close, he leaped from the roof and began the fairly short trip to Naruto's home. He landed just outside the boy's open window, crouching down on the windowsill. With an elbow, he nudged the window open completely. Sasuke slowly lowered the boy onto his bed, looking down at the fully clothed Naruto.

"He's missing that hat," Sasuke smirked, scanning the filthy room for Naruto's sleeping cap. Spotting it hanging on a doorknob, Sasuke snuck inside the room and avoided stepping on the sleeping form. He steered clear of all the random items littering the ground, and finally retrieved the hat.

"There." Sasuke whispered, fixing the hat on Naruto's head. He was about to leave, when he felt his hand brush against something cold. Blinking, Sasuke looked down and saw that his hand was touching Naruto's; it was awfully cold. He rolled his eyes, feeling very much like a mother, and pulled his rival's blankets up. Naruto smiled, and mumbled something incoherent in his sleep. Sasuke jumped back a little, eyes wide and cheeks faintly red.

What the hell was he doing?

Sasuke quickly fled the room, and began leaping from roof to roof, speeding towards the Uchiha Mansion. Questions flooded his mind, although the most reoccurring one was, "why?"

The dark-haired boy shook his head. He was not thinking straight at all; it was probably because he was tired. Sasuke landed soundlessly in front of his house, but before he did, he glanced up at the sky. His eyes traveled about, in search of that one particular sign—


He sighed, then turned and entered his house. He climbed the many staircases, making his way to his room. The paper door slid open, and Sasuke entered tiredly. He stripped from all clothes, save for his boxers, and then unceremoniously fell into his welcoming bed.



Author's Notes: Neeeee?? So how did I do? XD; I'd love to hear your thoughts on this so far. I need some inspiration, too, because my muse is currently whoring himself off to all my other friends. *sighs* But yeah! I'd love to hear from you. XD

Starry Things: Well, for those un-diehard Naruto fans out there… Naruto is born October the 10, which means that his zodiac sign is Libra. Gee, I wonder why Sasuke was staring up at it? :O!!