YK2: And I decided since I wrote Yuffie's Valentine's Day, might as well do one for Valentine, himself.... Stupid, really

Surka: I got her to add on, Hacker!!

YK2: Though not the way she wanted, I fear...

Surka: !?!?! What's up with you and the weird talking???

YK2: Valentine's Day... sucks... especially if you don't have a boyfriend or any friends to say the least. I'm a bit depressed, I suppose.

~Disclaimer Here~


Red eyes stared at a white ceiling, memories from their owner's past clouding them, leaving them slightly misted.

"Why do you still think of her?" a deep voice growled inside his head.

Vincent remained silent, refusing to answer any of their idiotic questions this time. Galian Beast, Death Gigas, and Hellmasker would antagonize him until he either transformed or Chaos calmed them all down. Chaos was the strongest of the four, both physically and mentally. He, just as most demons, couldn't understand why humans would want to hurt themselves.

"Quiet," Chaos growled sleepily. "If he does not want to tell us, then he will not. If the master wishes us to acquire information, then he shall inform us."

Hellmasker chuckled. "Human-lover.."

"Quiet, all of you," Vincent said aloud; no one but the walls and four demons to hear him. "If I knew why I still thought of her, I wouldn't be thinking of her... I suppose it could be because.. I loved her."

A picture filled his mind and he allowed the demons to look into his memories if they wished to do so. All four eagerly watched as the memory of Vincent and Lucrecia's last Valentine's Day played out in the 'master's' head like a movie.


"Hey, Vincent!" A shorter brown-haired brown-eyed woman smiled at him, her glasses slipping. "Happy Valentine's Day!!!" She handed him a gun. Though Vincent already had a gun, this one was specially designed for his use only.

"Lu, you.. You didn't have to!" He took the gun and looked it over.

"I know! That's what makes this kind of holiday so great! You don't have to, but you do anyways." She smiled as she watched him look the gun over. "It's called the Death Penalty. I designed it for my brother, then when he died, I had given up all hope of making it for someone."

"Lucrecia!" Vincent and Lucrecia both looked over to the doorway where a not-so-friendly scientist was standing, getting more and more aggrivated by the minute. "We still have tests to run on this specimen.

"Y-Yes, Dr. Hojo! Right away, sir!"

She started to follow the scientist inside, but Vincent caught her arm. "Are we still going out tonight?"

The brunette bit her lip. "I.. can't. Dr. Hojo and I... We have some things to discuss about the Jenova Project." Vincent scowled, trying to hide his anger. "Vincent, I'm going through with it no matter what. I don't care if you disagree..."

"But, Lu!! What if the experiment fails and the child dies!?!"

"Vincent Valentine! You, of all people, should know what that feels like! You kill people nearly every day for your job! I can't believe you would say such a thing to me!!"

"I'm not a child murderer! So far, all of the Turk jobs have been for good reasons! A pimp in the slums, some gang members! We don't merely kill! We kill for just reasons!"

The brunette shook her head furiously. "Know what? I don't care anymore!!!" She pulled a ring off her left ring finger and dropped it on the ground in front of the man. "It's over."

Vincent stared in astonishment. "What?" he nearly growled. The fierce determination in her eyes let him know that she wasn't backing down from her decision. Nodding, he dropped his new gun, the gun given to him by her, to the ground. It landed with a thud.

"Fine," he growled, turning to leave. "Have it your way. But just so you know... I'll always love you, no matter what."


"On Valentine's Day?" Death Gigas snarled. "She dumped you, flat on your ass, on Valentine's Day? How.. rude."

Vincent remained silent, remembering the hurt look on her face as the gun, the same gun holstered at his side now, had hit the ground with a thud. Chaos listened in on his master's thoguhts.

"You.. loved her, did you not?"

The other three demons fell quiet at the question.

"I did.. once.. Maybe I still do."

"Once upon a time, perhaps-"

"Oh goody," Hellmasker said sarcastically. "It's going to be a fairy tale!"

"SHUT UP!" Chaos roared and the others fell silent once again. "As I was saying before being so rudely interrupted.... Once upon a time, perhaps you did love her. Now, though. You love her memories. When you visited her cave, before you.. acquired me.. Did you feel the same 'sparks' or 'fireworks' as you did the last time you saw her?"

Vincent stared at the white, cob webbed ceiling once again. "I... No.. I did not."

"So, you're in love with the person she once was," Galian Beast stated matter-of-factly.

Chaos sighed inwardly. "Did I not just say that? Idiotic demons, I'm trapped with idiotic demons and the master whom won't let me out to play..."

Vincent sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. "How long has it been, Chaos? I know it is your turn, once again..."

".... Four months."

The other demons grumbled. Was their master truly going to allow Chaos to wreak havoc upon the monsters outside of town? It was true that it had been at least four months, but the others knew that it had been six months.

Vincent tugged on his cape and hooked it. "Let us find something to destroy then, shall we?"

"Of course," Chaos replied, delighted that he would be able to rip something apart once again. "One question, Vincent." The man acknowledged the demon by stopping before they left the inn room. "Who reminds you of the person Lucrecia once was? A woman very dear to you now, though you refuse to let her; or anyone else, know."

Images flashed through his mind again, allowing the four demons to watch.


"Vincent, we're your friends! You should be able to talk to us whenever!" chocolatey marroon eyes stared into his crimson, never wavering, never suddenly being distracted like so many others might have been. "Just tell us how you feel, dammit!"

He was surprised that the woman could muster up enough courage to actually follow him to the deck of the Highwind, let alone lecture him on what friends were. She brushed a strand on long dark hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear.

"Do you understand?"

She looked hopeful... beautiful... Her eyes shone with hope and true beauty and genuine concern for his well-being. Something he hadn't seen in another's eyes since Lucrecia had left him so long ago.

"I.. understand, yet I do not." She cocked an eyebrow. "I understand that you all are my friends, but... What I do not understand is why..."

With her trade mark half-smile, she shrugged. "Don't ask me. Ask yourself. Why did you decide to come with us? Surely it wasn't to atone more. It was because something drew you to us. Yuffie says the same thing. Red says the same thing. Even Cid says the same thing!"

Vincent nodded. "I suppose that is why..." The young woman started to turn away. "Thank you, Tifa. For a friend, you truly are."


Chaos let out a small snort. "I thought so... Now, let us be on our way. I need to kill something before I go sane..."

Hellmasker got confused. "I thought sane was good.."

"If you don't want to kill things," Galian Beast retorted.

Vincent smirked. How he ended up with a psychologist, a moron, and two sarcastic demons, he'd never understand. Though, they made for an interesting conversation every now and then. Especially the one they'd just had. Chaos's words had been true. He did think of Tifa as he had once thought of Lucrecia. Smart, pretty, kind-hearted, though he was pretty sure that she and Cloud were going to get married.

The inn keeper nodded politely as Vincent walked towards the door.

"Hello, Vincent," a voice caught his attention and he whirled around.



YK2: And that's the end of that one....

Surka: The ending sucked! What the hell were you thinking!?!

YK2: That's what I want to know too.... If I don't post this soon, I'm gonna say screw it... Anyways, review!

Surka: PUH-LEASE!?!?!?!?!?!?

Till Next Time! AUDI!!!

-Yuffie Kisaragi2-