Disclaimer: I don't own CCS

       J: Thanks to those who supported me & my story all the way through. This is going to be the last chapter, please… enjoy.

       Last scene:

            Sakura followed Yukito and looked. A guy and a girl just came in and they sat down by a table not far from theirs. 'Syaoran... it's that girl...' she glowered at Yukito, 'he knew they were coming!'

Chapter 16

       "Should we go say hi?" Yukito stood up. He didn't wait to hear Sakura's answer. "Ayah, Syaoran!" he waved.

       "Mr. Yukito!" Sakura pulled Yukito's sleeve and said quietly.

       Syaoran looked over at Yukito and waved back, smiling. "Hey man..." he called back. When he noticed the girl sat beside his cousin was Sakura, his smile froze. He stared at Yukito, but didn't say anything, for after all he still knew there's a girl with him.

       Yukito smiled his sly one, didn't back away from of Syaoran's glaring. "Why don't we go sit with them, it would be more like party then." Yukito sat back down and asked Sakura.

       "I think, not." Sakura looked down at her hands, "they are... I think they are uh, dating."

       "Oh?" Yukito looked stunned, 'she already knew about this date?' "How'd you know?"

       "Well, I mean... it's obvious." Sakura smiled weakly.

       "Then what about us? What do you assume they think of us?" Yukito joked, "for business, friends hanging out, or dating?"

       "Of course for business..." Sakura answered.


       'Yukito, you freak...' Syaoran couldn't help but kept staring at them, especially when Sakura was pulling Yukito's sleeve, like they were more than just boss and employee.

       "I got the tickets for a fashion show next weekend. It's like... I'll be on it too," Ayame Nagano asked, "do you think you can make it?" she handed the ticket to Syaoran, then noticed he wasn't paying attention to what she's saying at all. "Syaoran?"

       "Ah?" Syaoran looked back at Ayame, "sorry... what did you..."

       "Nothing..." Ayame clinched the tickets in her hands and dropt them under the table.

       "I'm really sorry." Syaoran realized his ignorance and apologized. He's never lost in girl's interests before.

       "Please don't be. It's ok..." Ayame smiled, looking at her plate.

       "Uh, ah, here's the dessert." Syaoran changed the topic seeing their cakes were coming. One had a fresh strawberry on top, 'it was the one Sakura loved...' Syaoran thought and glanced at Yukito's table.

       "I'm... full." Ayame said softly.

       "Oh?" Syaoran looked back at the strawberry cake, he wished he could go and gave it to Sakura. But Yukito is the one Sakura's going out with now, there's no need place for him any more. He's lost her after all. Like Yukito said he would.

       Ayame saw Syaoran gazing at her cake she pushed it toward him, "you can have mine if you want..." she thought Syaoran liked it.

       "Ah? Oh..." Syaoran glanced up at Ayame. He took a small piece off with his folks and tasted it, "Gosh! It's... too sweet!"

       "Dessert?" Yukito asked Sakura, who shook her head. "Ok..." Yukito looked at Syaoran, who was just about to leave.

       'He is driving her home...' Sakura glanced at them too.

       "You ready to leave?"

       "Yeah, sure." Sakura stood up and followed Yukito to the counter. Yukito paid.

       'She didn't bother to let Yukito pay for the meal...' Syaoran took one last look at them as the left the place, 'she doesn't mind when it comes to Yukito... I never had her...' he thought, seeing Sakura followed after Yukito.

       Yukito stopped his car in front of a house, "you really decided to leave Syaoran?"

       "Ah?" Sakura looked shocked.

       "I mean..." Yukito was cut off by a phone call. He smiled. "Can you guess who it is?" He answered it. "Hello?"

       "Yukito you son of a ! Did I say I gave up on her? Where are you! I want to kick your damn ass!" Syaoran roared on the other side of the phone.

       "Why do you care? So what if she is in my bed right now?" Yukito mocked, trying not to let Sakura hear it. "Did you sent Ayame home safely?"

       Syaoran kept quiet for a few seconds. "Fuck you." Syaoran roared.

       Yukito had to put the phone away from his ear. "Wow, man. I didn't bring her home alright? Calm down." Yukito grinned, 'got him...' "Hey listen, I left something at your house, come'n pick it up ok? But you got be fast... I really don't know how long it can last."

       "Go to hell Yukito! You wait there and don't move an inch! We got to talk!" Syaoran barked.

       "Anyways... come quick, don't tell me you are going to stay over at Ayame's place. Cause my present for you is much worthy. Sayonaraa!"

       "Yukito! Damn you!" Syaoran threw his cell phone out his jeep and drove back to his house at full speed.

       "Yukito!" Syaoran jumped out from his jeep and shouted at the empty street, "Dammit where are you!" he slammed the door shut and walked toward his house while looking around for Yukito's face, "Yuki..." he went quiet when he saw her standing in front of his house, "Sa… kura?"


       "Why... I didn't knew you were..." Syaoran was shocked, "So Yukito's present was... damn him. He just left you standing here?" he opened the door of his house, "I mean it's... freezing out here..."

       "He was, he was going to stay here with me so I can... wait in his car but..." Sakura shivered a little, "I thought... he had done alot for me already..." she looked up at Syaoran.

       "I'm, gosh I'm so sorry Sakura..." Syaoran couldn't resist it anymore. He pulled Sakura into his arms. "Can you forgive me? Please..." he said softly, "I love you Sakura."

       "It was..." Sakura sobbed, but a smile hanged on her face, "really hard seeing you going out with other girls..."

       "Idiot... Don't tell me after all this, you still haven't realize how much I love you." he pulled away a little so he could look at her eyes. "Well, I guess it's not too late to realize it now. I love you Sakura, with all my heart." He paused. "And I'll always be."

       "Promise not to make fun of me any more?" Sakura pouted, but tears trailed down her cheeks.

       "We'll see." Syaoran grinned. He lowered his lips on Sakura's and kissed her in a very passionate way.

       Sakura didn't resist, she knew she missed it so much. She didn't want to lie to her self anymore, she missed his breath, his scents.

       Sakura closed her eyes, and tasted the happiness that belonged to the Barbie doll.

The End

J: Thanks for everyone who supported me this long! I love you all! I might keep writing a second part for it, but… I don't know…

Anyways, I'm so glad that many people liked it. I couldn't have gone this far without you guys, thanks again… oh I don't know what to say… %#$%%&#%%.

Love ya!