Disclaimer: I don't own CCS

Chapter 1

     "I want to work."

     From the light-orange granite stair, a girl came hopping down the steps and said.

     "Huh?" Mr. Kinomoto looked over his newspaper and gazed at her daughter, dressing in snowy white sweater and a long, jean skirt, "what did you say Barbie?" he asked.

     "I said I want to get a job!" the girl sat down by her father, grabbing his left arm and rested her head on his shoulder.

     "You don't have to, daddy has enough money for you to spend." her father smiled at his daughter, patting her head with his free hand.

     "But, I want to work! I can't depend on you forever!" she started shaking her father's arm, "my friends all have their own job now…" she complained.

     "You can depend on me then." A guy walked over to them from the kitchen, smiling down at them.

     "Right, if you really, really want to work, then go work in your brother's company."

     "But… I want to do it on my own!" she begged, "I don't want to be your doll forever!" she glared at her brother.

     Sakura Kinomoto, 21 years old, has just finished University. She went to Canada for vacation, thought she only lived there for a month or so, but spent more than ten thousand dollars. And while she was having fun there, all her friends have found their jobs, and were all doing great. 'I want to be independent too!' she kept telling her self.

     "Hmm, my princess has grown up!" Sakura's father put down his paper, pulling himself away from her daughter's gripping and looked at her face, "but getting a job is not easy."

     "Yeah, what can you do?" Touya added, giving her an evil smile.

     "I already found one!" Sakura said, lifting her chin up high, "I have past the interview, and will start working in a week." She announced, and before her father opened his mouth, she added, "whether you agree or not."

     "You past… an interview?" her brother frowned; she doesn't even know how to write a resume.

     "Yes I did."

     "Are you sure they are not…" Her father looked worried.

     "It's a toy company." Sakura stopped her father, "it was strange though, for they only asked me a few questions." She frowned.

     "Ohh…" Touya exclaimed, "thought so…"

     "Why are you guys all ohing! As if you know why it was easy…"

     That was exactly what her friends said when she told them about it, but they didn't tell her why but only laughed.

     "Of course, look at your self." Her father smiled, "look in the mirror, you are just like a pretty, living toy barbie doll your self!"

     Sakura sat by the window in the office, daydreaming.

     'This is so boring…' she thought, looking out the window at the blue sky, 'I want to sleeeeeep…'

     Since she was new here, all she had to do was design a few clothes for their company's new toys. 'Don't fall asleep, Sakura… it's only your second day here… don't let they catch your tail…' she warned her self, but her eyelids seemed so heavy somehow…

     She shook her head and cleared her mind; 'I better get a coffee or something…' she thought and nodded agreeably to her self.

     She walked to the little resting room. The room was like the kitchen in her house, it's got everything from water to microwaves. She made her self a cup of coffee, thinking whether there's a place where she can take a nap.

     'The storage room!' a little bell rang inside her head, yesterday when a friend showed her the surroundings, they told her around the café there were four rooms, three of them were for meetings and one was for storing their old toys. She circled the café, finally found one, crappy looking door. She turned the handle and the door opened. The light was on, but no one was there.

     Sakura looked around her; there were all kind of the toys, from computer games to cushions. They were everywhere, guess no one had ever tried to clean them up. At the end of the room there was a desk and a chair, "This place is great!" She exclaimed softly, from now on, she could rest here whenever she wants, without having the risk of being caught by her boss!

     She sat down by on the chair, using her arms as a pillow and rested her head on them…

     "Huh?" a guy stopped by the storage room, "the light's still on?" he murmured to himself, "must have forgotten to shut it down." He opened the door and looked to his left, and turned the switch.

     'Wait a second…' he turned the light back on and looked at the desk at the end of the room. "Is that…"

     This room was his place, whenever he has an idea about their new games, he would come here and draw them down.

     Syaoran, the leader of the video game designing team, since he like the quiet of this place, no one else was allowed in here. He walked curiously toward 'his' table, "a new toy… Yukito want to use this to scare me…" he bent down and looked at the face of the doll that rested on his table, "Eh? It looks so real…" he touched the doll's face, 'a bit cold, but still feel like a real human.' He thought, then remembered it would be really weird if it was warm…

     "Such a pretty doll…" he whispered, 'where's the switch… there must be one somewhere…' he lift up the doll's arm, 'nope…' he then turned to the doll's back, holding up her hair, 'even the hair feels so real… but the switch… where is it?'

Hope you like it, and please leave a review.
