Chapter One

"I'm going home and there's nothing you can do to stop me," shouted Kagome, as she ran to the Bone Eater's Well. Following behind her was a very pissed Inuyasha. He grabbed the girl's oversized book bag and made her fall flat on the grass underneath her feet. It was a normal summer day in the past, well as normal as a time-traveling girl's life can be.

"Stupid girl, you're not leaving me again," Inuyasha barked. Kagome just crossed her arms over her chest.

"Why not?"

"Because you belong here with me and Miroku and the others."

"Yeah, well I don't want to spend my summer vacation with a demon who can't control his temper; a monk who can't keep his hands to himself; and an exterminator who's instinct is to attack anything that even walks funny," Kagome listed. She really missed her friends, and the stubborn hanyou couldn't see that.

''Are you saying that you'd rather go home to a bunch of helpless wimps then- -," Inuyasha pointed to Kagome. "I knew it! You're ditching me to see that Hobo guy!"

"His name is Hojo and it's really none of your business if I see him or not," Kagome sighed in stress.

"I'll make it my damn business, wrench."

"What did you call me?"

"You heard me, wrench."


"Dirt bag."

"One more word and I'll say it," warned Kagome.

"Bitch." That one word really let all hell break loose.

"Sit!" Inuyasha came crashing down in a flash of red and white. But Kagome wasn't done with her torment yet. "SIT,SIT,SIT,SIT,SIT,SIT,SIT,SIT,SIT,SIT,SIT, AND SAY HELLO TO MY GOOD FRIEND:SIT!!!!!" With a satisfied look on her face, Kagome jumped down the well.

"So, tell me again to where everyone had gone," Miroku asked as he calmly sipped his tea in the corner. He and Sango were the only ones left in Kaede's hut. Inuyasha and Kagome stormed off after breakfast, and the two other friends decided not to get involved this time.

Sango finished collecting the breakfast dishes and took a seat next to the monk. "Kaede and Shippo went into the village to check on the villagers, and Kilala went with them just in case any demons decided to attack them." Sango closed her eyes and thought. She had always liked the summer, ever since she was little because everyone was always in a good mood. She would have thought a little more, if only she hadn't been interrupted by a hand moving down her backside.

"PERVERT! I CAN'T EVEN THINK WITHOUT YOU TRYING TO GROPE ME!" Sango screamed as she hit Miroku with her oversized boomerang. The monk fell to the ground, a giant lump on his head and his right hand twitching. Thank God that at that moment, Inuyasha came walking in with a claw on his injured back. Sango immediately ran to his aid. She helped him to sit down in his usual corner.

"May I ask where Kagome is?"

Inuyasha huffed. "That bitch ditched us. She said something about 'summer vacation' or something like that. I just don't get why she would choose her dorky friends over me." Inuyasha's eyes wandered to Miroku, who was still unconscious. "What happened to him?"

Sango rolled her eyes. "He did it again and I gave him his rightful punishment." She smiled as she saw Inuyasha's doggy ears droop in the thought of Kagome leaving him.

"Well, we only have a few more Jewel shards to collect and Naraku will be slowed down by the heat. What do you say if we take a little vacation of our own, while someone gets closer to Kagome in the process....." :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::

Well, that'll satisfy your hunger for now. I know you were really into it, but my hands hurt now. Review about my writing skills and about suggestions and opinions. I promise to read all of your reviews and check to see if I update, which'll be really soon. Thanks!
