Disclaimer: Alackaday! I do not own any rights, either Disney or Rings… Sigh
A/N: Well, I suppose you could almost call this a spin off of 'Mirkwood's Home Videos' if you wanted – that is, its about Thranduil, hence the title… And yes, its to the tune of 'The Phony King of England' from Disney's Robin Hood! Oh don't deny it, I know full well you were watching it the other day, I saw you… ^_~ Anyhow, enjoy!!!
Oh the world will sing of Mirkwood's King,
A thousand years from now,
And not because he hated dwarves,
Or wore leaf-crown on his brow.
And while his son, Prince Legolas,
The Fellowship does join,
With (who'd have thought it'd ever happen?!)
Gimli, son of Gloin! (HOBBIT REFFERANCE!)
Mirkwood Thranduil will defend,
Lest darkness come and forest end,
They'll call him the ElvenKing of Mirkwood,
Hurrah for the ElvenKing of Mirkwood!
He sits upon an oaken throne
And hears his people bring,
News of Orcs in roving hordes
On Mirkwood bordering.
So he sent word to Celeborn,
To tell him they must fight!
But, you see, Celeborn's a mute, and doesn't suit,
His Lady of the Light...
He's knew he'd have to fight and alone,
If he wanted to keep his oaken throne,
Hurrah for the ElvenKing of Mirkwood!
So he gathered all his people
And he told them of their plight,
And though forlorn, all bows were drawn;
The Elves ready to fight!
And while there was a spear left
Or an arrow to be sent
Soaring into blackened hearts,
They'd do it 'til they're spent:
But then good Frodo destroyed the Ring,
And all Middle-Earth went to rejoicing!
Hurrah for the ElvenKing of Mirkwood!
Drop dead gorgeous! (son... but that didn't fit... ^_~)
Bare back on horses!
Brave and royal!
True and loyal!
Available son -
But not for long...
Hurrah for the ElvenKing of Mirkwood!!!
Yay! Go Thranduil! Btw, if you wanted to read 'Mirkwood's Home Videos', just go to my home page and it'll obviously be there ^_^ Hope you liked this! Ah, the result of too much sugar can be interesting sometimes… That and the fact that my friend Emily printed the real lyrics off for me, and I couldn't resist doing this!!!
Loadsa love, Estel xxx
And now, bit of shameless advertising…
A joint fic by Estel Elven Enchantress and Mellaithwen-ElvenMaiden – A Mortal's Advantage: Jo and Amy are two ordinary, school bound girls, never having any adventures or doing anything unexpected – until they're thrown, quite literally into the middle of Mirkwood's Palace! After an abrupt arrival and hasty introductions, the girls discover how the Elves have just defeated a dark shadow beneath their golden green eaves – yet something far more sinister and evil is about to pounce on them in their temporary rest. One by one, their new Sindarin friends begin to fall prey to this new devilry, and the one thing that at any other time would be their greatest weakness, now proves to be the girls greatest strength – but will they figure it out in time to save Mirkwood?!
Check it out, you know you want to!!! You'll find it under Mellaithwen's name! Thanks! ^_^