Disclaimer: I own nothing

Chapter One - Flitwick's Project

Lily Evans let out a frustrated scream. This was the third time that James Potter had neglected his part in their Charms assignment they were working on. She had hoped when Flitwick had partnered them together that James might show a responsible side and actually do some work but so far he hadn't turned up to a single meeting.

"Whoa, Lily, take a chill pill. I promise you that whatever homework you haven't done it's not as important as my ear drums," Rose Pentworth glanced across the table at her friend.

Lily laughed despite her anger, "Sorry Rosie. It's just that Potter hasn't turned up to a meeting three times in a row. I swear I'm going to Flitwick next time."

"Oh come on, he's probably caught up in some Quidditch training or something. You know now it is when your so into something that you forget everything else around you."

"Come off it Rose, he's probably out with his adoring fans, flirting and caring on. That little female fan club follows him around everywhere," Lily raised her eyebrows at Rose.

"Yeah, I suppose. But you shouldn't always think the worst of James."

"And you shouldn't always think the best! You're far to trusting of people."

"I know it's my curse. I trust everyone and can't hold a grudge longer than a day - after that I'm just pretending."

Both girls laughed and were immediately shushed by Madame Pince, who gave them their last warning. The stressed out librarian turned away but no sooner than she had taken three steps the girls started to laugh again.


James sat his bed in the empty dormitory contemplating the map in front of him. Little dots moved around the lines and curves that made up the Hogwarts castle. A miniature Professor McGonagall was in the staff room, along with Professors Flitwick and Hooch. Dumbledore was pacing his office and Peeves the resident Poltergeist was wreaking havoc with the House-Elfs in the kitchens.

There was a quickly moving dot that caught James' eye as it headed to towards the Gryffindor Common room closely followed by another dot. James leant closer to see who it was.

"Oh my God! I totally forgot about to meet Evans! Shit!" James jumped up from the bed and headed out of the dorm just as the portrait door burst open and shouting filled the room and flowed up to James on the stairs.

"You can't go out there now, Evans will have a fit. And you haven't even thought up an excuse." James told himself and he crouched by the stairs to listen.

"Lily if you'll just calm down," Rose Pentworth's voice came.

"I don't want to calm down! This is the third meeting and the project takes time! My Charms grade is going to drop!"

"Lily, your Charms grade is not in any jeopardy - you're the best student in our year. Only Remus Lupin comes close. Besides I'm sure James was just busy."

"Oh, out with his cherished fan club is now considered being busy?" Lily spat out. James cringed; he didn't ask for all those girls to swoon over him, it just happened.

"Lily, he's Quidditch Captain. He has more responsibility than any other boy in our year. Plus he's cute."

"I don't care how cute he is, he'll be less cute when I'm finished with him. That is if I can bloody well find him!"

At these words James decided it would be the perfect time to retreat to his dorm. The voices faded as he shut the door and mentally kicked himself. He now had the smartest witch in fifth year mad at him.


"Hey James, where have you been? We were looking for you for ages before Peter thought to use the map," Sirius Black plonked himself down next to James on the edge of the lake while Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew sat on the other side of hi,/

"Yeah, James, what's up?" Remus asked.

"Hiding from Evans," James admitted. "I missed a little meeting for our Charms project and now for some God-forsaken reason she's a tad pissed."

As the boys snickered a brown screech owl flew across the lake and dropped a bright red envelope into James' lap. Remus noticed it fist and looked at it in horror.

"Ah James? You might want to look down."

James quickly opened his eyes and saw the envelope Sirius and Peter saw it at the same time. James reached down to pick it up but just as hi fingertips touched the paper, it burst to life and Lily Evans voice screamed out at them.

"James Potter! How could you miss that meeting! Our Charms assignment is due in two weeks and we haven't even started. Do you want to pass fifth year or not! And now you're off hiding somewhere so I can't get my hands on you. If you don't come to the library tomorrow at 7:30 then I swear I'll chop something of yours off your body and I promise you won't be having children when I'm through. And I promise you won't be having children when I'm through. And then I'll go to Flitwick!"

The Howler burst into flames and the ashes landed all of James. The four boys stared in shock at the now empty air in front of them.

:I think it's fair to say she's a little more than pissed, James" Remus finally remarked, a smile twitching on his face. Then he made the great mistake of looking at Sirius who in his attempt to not laugh let out a snort. Soon all but James were rolling around on the grass in hysterics.


The next night Lily sat in the library at a desk towards the back. She had her books open in front of her but her focus was the watch on her left wrist.

"7:29," she muttered. "He's not coming He's not going to show."

But just as the second hand hit twelve James came into the alcove where she was sitting. Books were piled under one arm while in the other hand he held a single piece of blank parchment.

"Am I late?" James gasped as he threw this things on to the table.

"No, unfortunately. Where were you?"

"Quidditch practice; second to last one before the game versus Slytherin next weekend."

Lily raised her eyebrows, "That the only place you were?"

"Of course not, because you know I would just have to have been scalavanting(I don't know where this word came from - I though it was in the dictionary but apparently not) around somewhere with a member of my 'fan club', as you like to call it, wouldn't I?"

Lily blushed, "I never said that."

"Next time you decided to share your feelings with a friend, check to see if the person your going to diss is around, especially before you start screaming so the entire castle can hear," James retorted and started to move the book s around. "Can we just get this whole thing over with?"

Lily just looked at James in shock for a moment. Did he really care what she thought about him? By the sound of it she had really offended him.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to be rude."

James didn't even look up, "Yeah, whatever Evans."

Lily frowned and started to work. They worked in almost silence, only speaking when one needed to ask the other an assignment question.


"Oh my God," Lily exclaimed, looking at her watch. "It's a half hour past one in the morning. We're going to get in huge trouble."

"No, we won't," James looked quite confident.

"Why won't we?"

"They have to be able to see us to catch us, don't they?"

"Yeah, so? I can't do charms to make myself invisible."

"Ah, but I have something better tan that," James reached into his bad and pulled out layer of silky silver material.

Lily gaped at him, "that's . a lot better," she managed.

James threw the Invisibility Cloak over his shoulders and motioned for Lily to come closer. She hesitantly did, though she was not anxious to be trapped under a cloak with James, but what choice did she have?

"Reach up Evans, and hold it closed at the top," he instructed. As she pulled the cloak together she felt James' arms slip around her waist to hold the mild secure. Now she was so close to him, she could practically feel his heart beating. They walked as quickly as they could through the dark corridors, stopping whenever one heard footsteps, or at least thought they hears.

As they entered the empty common room Lily tried to pull away but found James' grip around her waist was too strong. The more she pulled the tighter he held her. Lily managed to squirm around in his arms so she could see his expression.

James looked down at her with hazel eyes filled with laughter.

"Let me go, Potter," she asked.

"Not until you kiss me Evans. I need a good night kiss or I can't get too sleep."

Well try Sirius; I'm sure he'd be happy to get some action."

"Nah, we've tried it before - it just wasn't the same. Besides; he'll be asleep."

"Then I guess you'll just have to go without. Now let go of me!"

"No way, Evans, you owe me. You would have lost your badge if you'd gotten caught outside after curfew." Again James slightly tightened his arms.

Oh my goodness, if it will get me out of here and into my bed," Lily reached up and pulled James' head down to hers. Just as their lips brushed Lily pulled away. James' eyes flew open and he let go of Lily/

"Good night Potter," she sang as she ran up the steps two at time. Before James could respond she was gone with him left staring after her. How did she not feel that? He wondered. For at the spilt second their lips had touched James had felt like he had been hit by a rod of lightening.


"I think we're finished Potter," Lily announced five nights later. Like the first night, they were the only two left in the library.

"It's about bloody time. You've had me in here every night since Sundaye.

"Well we had to get it done. I don't do anything half way Potter, you should know that."

"I don't know about that. That kiss you gave me the other night was not up to scratch," James raised one eyebrow, something Lily wished she could do.

"I don't waste my kisses on the undeserving."

"We I'm not the undeserving - I just worked my butt of for his stupid project."

"Come on, I need my sleep," Lily said as she packed up her things.

"Alright you royal highness," James quickly threw this things into his bag and pulled out the Cloak. He threw it over them and they hurriedly left the library. They entered the common room to find it not completely empty. Sirius, Remus and Peter were still up and talking adamantly.

"So once you transform into Wolfboy, Moony, we transform and join in you in the shack. Once we've got -" Sirius was interrupted as they heard a gasp. Turning around to face the empty common room they were just in time to see Lily pull the Invisibility Cloak off and run up the dormitory stairs.

James pulled off the cloak and looked own at Remus, "Shit, now what are we going to do?"

"What were you thinking, bringing her in here under the Cloak?" Sirius asked angrily.

"What were you thinking, talking about it in the middle of the common room where anybody could hear you!"

Remus stood up. "Guys don't fight. Lily won't tell anyone, she's smart, she'll work it out that it's important that no one knows.

"What? What happened?" Peter asked, looking back and forth between his friends. "I'm lost, no one ever tells me anything."

"Oh shut up Peter," James said, glaring at the confused boy. Peter stood up angrily and stormed off up the dormitory stairs.

The three boys stood staring at each other, one blonde and tired looking, one brown haired and angry and the other black haired and apologetic.

Finally James sighed, "I'm sorry Moony."

Remus shook his head, "You didn't know we'd still be in here. WE really should have been talking about it in our room, anyone could walk in and hear us. Let's just be thankful that it was someone we can trust now that she knows."

Sirius suddenly looked like Christmas had come, his anger evaporated. "Say Prongsie," he said to James, "What exactly were you doing with Evans?"

"Kill the dirty thoughts I know are flowing through your mind Padfoot, We were working on Flitwick's project. We just finished it tonight." James smiled as Sirius looked crest fallen.

"Nothing fun ever happens around here."


Hope you liked it! Review it please..
