I know, I know, I really should be updating TTOMAP (The Tricks of Merry and Pippin), but I'm suffering from some major writer's block with that story. I thought of this one night while trying to get to sleep. It's kind of weird, but really funny. I'm writing chapters in my notebook and am almost done with chapter 2, so that should give me a head start. I'll probably update faster this way. This is a Fellowship in modern day fic (well obviously, they don't have Wal-Marts in Middle Earth). Now, without further ado, I bring you:

Trapped in Wal-Mart

Disclaimer: If I really owned Lord of the Rings, do you really think I would be sitting here writing stories about people getting stuck in Wal- Mart? Oh, and for the record, I don't own Wal-Mart either.

The Fellowship plus Arwen, Faramir, and Eowyn, sat around doing nothing. Well, nothing constructive that is. The four hobbits sat around the electric fire and Legolas and Boromir (who is NOT dead) were in front of the T.V. flipping through the channels. Aragorn was talking with Faramir and Arwen. Eowyn was listening to CDs and Gimli was playing on his Gameboy. All of the sudden, Gandalf burst into the room covered head to foot in snow.

"Yes!" he cried, "I finally got my paycheck! Now I can finally get that polka CD I've been wanting!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Legolas said lazily from where he sat, his eyes never leaving Wheel of Fortune, the only remotely good show on. "Just close the door before we all freeze!"

Gandalf shut the door and turned to look at his pathetic excuse for roommates. "Well?"

"Well what?" questioned Boromir.

"What are you all waiting for?" the wizard looked at the blank looks on his friend's faces. "We have to go to Wal-Mart!"

Ten minutes later Aragorn was starting up their junky orange suburban(A/N: Recognize this?).

Why do we have to go to Wal-Mart?" Legolas whined, "Why can't we go somewhere else? I'm sure they sell polka CDs at other places!"

"Don't tell me you're still upset about that paint incedent! That was over four years ago!" exclaimed Gimli.

Four years ago, while Legolas was in the paint section looking for paint to paint the walls of their old house (the one they had before they got evicted because Gandalf forgot to pay the rent), a Wal-Mart employee who was up an a ladder getting some stain down for a customer, slipped and almost fell off of the ladder. The employee was fine, but he had dropped the stain and it happened to fall and spill all over Legolas.

"Well you would be mad too if someone dropped icky brown stuff all over you!" Legolas replied, "Besides, it took me two weeks to get it out."


"We're here!" shouted Gandalf from the passenger seat. "Hurry up and find a parking place Aragorn!"

Before Aragorn could respond, Gandalf leaned over and jerked the steering wheel to the left and into a parking place. The only reason they didn't crash was because everyone else parks as close as the can to the doors on snowy days like this. "There," he said satisfied.

Aragorn sighed and got out of the car along with everybody else.

"Gandalf," Pippin complained, "Why do we always have to park so far away? I can't even see Wal-Mart from here!"

"Uh Pippin, that's because you're facing the wrong way," Merry pointed out.


"Fool of a Took!" Gandalf muttered.

"Let's just go in and get this over with. I've got a Gameboy game to return to." Gimli said.

So the group of twelve set off on the long journey to the doors.

A/N: Did you like it? It's not too exciting or funny yet, but trust me, it gets better. I don't know when I'll post chapter two, it depends on how many reviews I get. So please review!