
Konnichiwa! I'm Yasai-chan, and I'd like to welcome you to Audrey Mary's and my fic. A quick warning: this is a Trunks and

Goten fic. In other words, they are a couple. So bye-bye to all you homophobes out there. If you go on and read this, it's

your problem.

Now, if the idea of Trunks and Goten as a couple actually intrigues you, then read on.

Another note is that we played with the ares just for kicks. (Well, we thought that Trunks and Goten were more fun when they

were younger, and Bran and Pan when they were older.)

So...Pan is 16, Bra 17, both in high school.

Trunks is 22, Goten 21, both in college.

Other parts archived at http://geocities.com/aleeaw/dragonball/dreams

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Chapter one: Dreams in the Mist

Spare a little candle

Save some light for me,

Figures up ahead,

Moving in the trees

White skin in linen

Perfume on my wrist

And the full moon that hangs over

These dreams in the mist...

Goten stared out the window at the stars. Somewhere out there under the stars was Trunks. He wondered when he'd begun to

care so much for Trunks. He laughed bitterly. His best friend, and probably the straigtest person he knew, at least in


As for him, he tried his hardest...for his mother. He brought home girl after girl, hoping one of them would spark real interest in

his heart. He knew his mother would react...harsly (to say the least) if she knew he liked Trunks as more than a friend. So he

hid his feelings from the world, and from himself.

Parisu was the latest in a string of girls Goten had brought home to please his mother. She was nice, enough, he supposed. But

she couldn't fill the empty, gaping hole in his heart.

Maybe his mom was right, and he should settle down. But any girl who was nice enough to marry was too nice to be stuck in

an unhappy marriage from the outset. He looked down at the diary in his hands. For three years and counting, he'd been

confessing his feelings to this ratty blue-bound book. Needless to say, he'd made sure no one even knew about the existance of

the book. After all, Trunks wasn't exactly known for his disceetness. If he knew about it, he'd read it for sure, something Goten

would certainly rather not have happen.

Goten sighed again and flopped backwards onto his bed. Who was he fooling? He'd never have a chance with Trunks. World's

most eleible bachelor two years in a row, every gorgeous woman in the world after him...like Trunks would even give him a

second glance with all the potentials he could pick from.

Tucking the diary carefully into his pillowcase, Goten fell into a deep, if not peaceful sleep.

A mysterious figure crept into Goten's room late that night, and slipped the diary from the pillowcase. Hmmmm, he thought,

This might be very useful in the future.

The figure crept out again with the book.

"AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" screamed a voice early the next morning (Saturday.) "HAS ANYONE SEEN MY DIARY???"

"YOU keep a DIARY Goten?" Trunks, who was meeting Goten for a sparring match, asked with a smirk.

"I wonder if Pan took it," Goten muttered to himself. "Ahhh, I have to find it now!" Trunks rolled his eyes, and grabbing Goten