Teen Titans meet HARRY POTTER

Holy crap, it's been 2 years since I actually thought up of this. However, another question I bet you're asking is: why the hell is there another chapter?

Simple, some people don't understand what the fuck is going on here since I wrote this story when I was 10 and 10 year olds are shitty in grammar. I'm 12 now and my grammar and shit like that has gotten better. I should tell you though, when I was writing this story when I was 10 I wrote it with Microsoft Word 1998 and it probably fucked up a few things that I intended to have at first. This chapter is just chapter summaries and the back scenes behind them and why the hell I wrote them because many people think I was on drugs while writing this.

Chapter 1

The first chapter ever of this wacky trilogy I wrote. I'm not sure if thinking of writing this story was a long term want or an all of the sudden idea I thought up of and wanted to do badly. Well, I do remember that back then I went to this future and original Hogwarts role play with this girl name Jasmine, and I'm not sure if I thought about doing this while on there. I mention this because some of the future failure plots on this came from there. I also, by the way, wrote this because I liked Teen Titans and Harry Potter. Raven happened to be my favorite back then.

Chapter 2

In this chapter, the Titans have their first day of class. Snape, of course, is a pissed off teacher and since he's such a bitch, gives Raven detention. Draco and his friends also happen to be annoying bitches, and Raven nearly kills them if it wasn't for Umbridge who gives Raven detention. However, Umbridge is also a pissed off teacher and as seen in this chapter, gives Harry detention and curses at her class. Which, by the way, I hear rumors during the 5th grade back when I was in Catholic school of our short and small boob teacher curse at us annoying little shits.

Chapter 3

This is the first corny love chapter to appear in this story. Raven and Harry are in detention, and as seen in Book 5, they cut themselves because that is their detention. Raven and Harry speak to each other with Raven's hot mind powers. Nikki, me, or fake witch me appears. The term "Obverate, Darkess, Oblivion" is some words I thought up to make myself seem Ravenish like the wacky 10 year old I was. Darkess though, was the last name of Jasmine's character on the role play board I went to back then.

Chapter 4

After watching the episode Fear Itself at least two times I think, I've decided to make this chapter. Now before I heard some of the quotes from fear itself wrong, so you can see that in this chapter. I also wanted show off Sirius and Remus, because everyone loves Sirius. As for Harry's dream, I wanted some Book 5 in there since this book takes place in Harry's 5th year which all the titans are at as well. This chapter was kind of corny.

Chapter 5

This is another corny chapter as well. It's a love chapter, with Robin and Starfire finally realizing that they love each other. Even though in the newly decided prequel Resident Evil: Code Teen Titans they loved each other before this but I'll tell the rest of the story in the third season. Also, in this chapter it is known that Cho and Cyborg are going out and Draco is a bitch about it. It's also the Halloween ball soon, and Harry finds Raven who was kidnapped by Voldemort in a dream Harry had in chapter 4.

Chapter 6

It's the Halloween ball, and everyone is looking nice. However, Pansy and Draco steal Raven's mirror that leads into her mind, and during the party they release Raven's emotions. Voldemort appears, and kidnaps Raven again and Nikki. He also tries to make Snape and evil Death Eater again, but the Titans and Harry stop him from doing that shit. Since preventing Snape from becoming evil again, they find themselves in the Hospital Wing and some more corny shit happens.

Chapter 7

Snape has amnesia, and Cyborg has made Snape believe that he is gay and has hot anal with Dumbledore and Umbridge. Harry, however, has become quite gothic and starts cutting himself like the emo in love he is. They go to Divination class, and such loud bitching happens, that Mrs. Norris dies. Snape also tries to have anal with Dumbledore, but that fails and it is said that the Chamber of Sex has been opened.

Chapter 8

Harry wakes up, and announces that the Chamber of Sex is the Chamber of Secrets. He and the Titans go down there and they see Voldemort who wants to unleash something to make gay marriages and yaoi exist forever so George Bush can kiss his ass. They also notice that Raven is there, and they fight Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Meanwhile, the teachers are having a wild party and Umbridge and Snape realize they have a lot of common, so they walk over towards Snape's office to have sex but Snape gets sent to the Chamber of Sex to do combat all of the sudden. Later, it is known that Voldemort's weakness is mushrooms and a smack at his wang.

Chapter 9

Pansy and Draco are up to no good again, and they steal Raven's mirror again. The Titans except Raven go into Raven's mind, where lots of crazy shit happens. Like Happy Raven being called a lesbian and Sad Raven being so sad. Raven realizes what the fuck is going on, and goes after them. They then see Brave Raven, who uses her Cleavage to destroy Trigon. Cleavage, by the way, was a word I learned on Mother's Day when my sister asked if her cleavage was being shown off.

Chapter 10

Raven's brother, Blood, appears. I bought a Teen Titans DC comic, and I thought Brother Blood was Raven's brother because you know how dumb 10 year olds are. Anyways, Blood appears and annoys the shit out of Raven. I got this idea from my old friend Aimee who said her little brother was annoying. Anyways, some more Umbridge x Snape goes on, which is shown how Snape wants cleavage. Blood is sent into them, says some random ass shit and he and Umbridge scream the shit out of each other. In this chapter, it is shown that already Umbridge hates Blood and lots of fucking screaming is going on.

Chapter 11

Since Umbridge is such a bitch, I've decided to kill her. Another Hitler, or Hitler 2 appears and he must be stopped before another world war happens. So the Titans try to stop him. When they kill him, Umbridge appears and starts bitching. One Winged Angel starts playing, and Umbridge for some damn reason is in Sephiroth's outfit. They kill Umbridge Final Fantasy way, and she is sent into hell.

Chapter 12

The reason Blood came to Hogwarts from Azarath, was because of a gang he was in. Which, at school we had D.A.R.E and there was all this shit about gangs, drugs, and shit like that and how we shouldn't do that shit. Anyways, the Titans fight Blood's x-gang, and Jinx and Blackfire who were in his gang get sorted into Ravenclaw. There is also a Qudditch match that was going to go on tonight at that chapter with a thunderstorm, which during the time I wrote this chapter there was a thunderstorm going on. During the summer after 5th grade a lot of fucking thunderstorms went on, and it made me happy not to go to the pool.

Chapter 13

I've decided to write previews and do a sequel for this story. Why? Because I love this story so damn much and looking at the success, a sequel must be made. One of the previews, the last preview with tall buildings and shit like that comes from Deep Dive. Deep Dive is the secret ending in Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix which back then a lot of KHers did speculation crap on what the fuck is going to happen in KH2, which most of it was false. Aside from that, Snape decides to make a plan to get back Nikki and fight Voldemort and more classes go on.

Chapter 14

Umbridge comes back from hell, and Satan and God decide to have a war in hell, a class happens, and everyone prepares for tomorrow, or the next chapter. Better yet, when that crazy ass fight happens.

Chapter 15

More classes happen as long as crazy shit like Terra hitting Umbridge with her rocks. Hot damn, two teachers go attacked in this episode. Hurray for Teacher abuse! By the way, March 12 is my sister's birthday, and March 12 2004 is also the last day of Catholic School and signing up for public school, yay! That day, by the way, was the happiest day of my life.

Chapter 16

A fight of doom begings. Lots of shit fighting happens. Draco is a benedict, and Voldemort grows Trigon large. Mushrooms and a smack at the wang have no effect on Voldemort, However, Blood and Raven merge, fire a beam at Voldemort and destroy him. However, he disappears into Snape and they get Nikki, and walk off.

Chapter 17

Raven has detention with Snape, and Voldemort 'Ansem from Kingdom Hearts style' goes out of Snape's body, and takes control of Raven. Raven then goes to Slytherin Common Room, drags Nikki out to the Forbidden Forest, and Voldemort then takes control of Nikki. The Titans try to stop Nikki, and they succeed.

Chapter 18

This is a chapter dedicated to Robin and Starfire shippers with the hot 1337 corniness.

Chapter 19

In this chapter, it is learn about the episodes season three of Teen Titans has, along with a Qudditch match and Raven bitching.

Chapter 20

During the summer after 5th grade and before 6th grade, I went a lot to this secret board on Neopets called the Jelly World Chat, so that's why the petition is there, because they say they were going to take the JWC away. Anyways, in this chapter there's a lot of bitching and going off into the distance. Also, there's these cloaked dudes, an idea I got from KH and Raven seems a bit weird.

Chapter 21

In the 6th grade, we got Life Science textbooks. In those life science textbooks, I finally learned how we reproduce. The discovery of this shocked me so damn much, I could not help but say: WHOA! Also, in this chapter Voldemort tries to kill Harry but some shit how you have to write a novel to kill Harry happens and Voldemort wants to kill J.K Rowling.

Chapter 22

I like Code Lyoko, I don't love it as I love Teen Titans but I saw it on TV while I had the TV and computer on, so yeah. I saw a regular Code Lyoko episode not on Miguzi, and it sucked balls. Also, about me bitching about the computers at school? We had Macs and I couldn't go on the internet and do projects, and it sucked. Strangely enough they changed the internet we used… thank god.

Chapter 23

I like the title for this one, and the two after this one. Anyways, there's a crazy party at Hogwarts and I lie about how Blood was invented. Besides, in the 3rd grade I read a lot of goose bumps, anyways, they kick ass. Oh, and Raven has this weird ass prophetic dream about Trigon ruling the world and children singing the shitty Trigon song.

Chapter 24

A serious chapter for serious Raven who goes seriously evil. Blood goes into Raven's mind to try and help her, but when he confronts Anger, he gets possessed.

Chapter 25

Raven fights with her possessed brother, Blood while some memories from the episodes of Teen Titans pop up. How shitty is that, I think I'm gonna add stuff from Resident Evil: Code Teen Titans the prequel and replace it with the quotes that are up there. I'll do that when I'm nearly done with that story and when I'm done editing.

Chapter 26

The last chapter or episode of this season. Why do I refer to them as seasons? I dunno, I might make it into a flash movie. Do not ask me about Dumbledore's behavior, and lots of kissing goes on.

And, that's the summary for all the chapters in this first part of the trilogy of shit. Also: HAPPY BIRTHDAY THIS STORY!

Two years, baby! May this year be great!