I want to apologize for this in advance. I realize that this is an extremely sad sort of a thing that has been done a million times before, and yet in my desire to not do my actual homework, and lacking actual inspiration to write either a beautiful Lord of the Rings story or one about Star Wars, I have sunk to the level of. this.

Disclaimer: Nope, don't own anything. Well, none of the stuff that you know belongs to George Lucas or Peter Jackson or J.R.R. Tolkien or any of those other brilliant flannelled polo-shirt wearing difficult-language inventing people.

The Attack of the Drones: The Movie Whose Actors Almost Killed Me.

Scene 1: Those Poor Extras

Doomed Guard: M'lady, we are soon going to die. George doesn't want to pay more full-time actors.

Doomed Doppelganger: Thank you.

Ship: Why do I have to get blown up?

Landing Platform: My words exactly.


Padme: No! Corde..

Corde: Never let go, m'lady. never let go..

Padme: Ok. Freaky.

Panaka: What, her quoting Titanic or the near-death experience?

Padme: Take your pick.

Next Scene: Creepy Old Men

Palpatine: This attack on your life * cough * is severely disturbing, Senator * cough cough*.

Padme: Right.

Palpatine: Therefore, we have to give you protection in the form of loyal and faithful bodyguards.

Padme: You'd better not be thinking of who you're thinking..

Palpatine: ..some old friends perhaps?

Mace Windu: Yeah, that would work, Anakin and Obi-Wan have just returned from a mission out in the core.

Padme: Creep.

Scene Three: Deodorant, Anyone?

Obi-Wan: You're sweating.

Anakin: What? Eeww, master.

Obi-Wan: No, you forgot to wear deoderant! * mumbles * sick pervert.

Anakin: .

Obi-Wan: Relax. it's not like she remembers who you are.

Anakin: Gee, thanks, that makes me feel better.

Doors: * open *

Elevator: Thank god!

That's terrible! I am so sorry. (