Rekindled in the Flames: Chapter 2

I really don't like Courtney, but I am trying to reframe from bashing her or Ric.

Sonny still stood outside the hotel, ready to identify Jason's body for the coroner. Ric was waiting to do the same thing for Elizabeth, and now he was the DA he had more than Elizabeth's death to deal with.

"You okay." he asked his younger brother. Ric looked down at Sonny being the taller man, looking with all the defeat in the world in his eyes. "I'm sorry, dumb question." After a moment of silence Ric spoke.

"She was my everything, my lover, my heart, my best friend she was my soul. She showed me my soul, that it was intact. She helped me feel it. Now I've lost her." Sonny could hear the love and heartache in Ric's voice.

"Yeah I know what you mean." Thinking back the night when Lily died in a car bomb meant for him, the day Brenda supposedly died and the night Carly's car went in to a river.

Detective Capelli ran to paramedics, who were tending to Sage's minor wounds, "We got two live ones inside."

Minutes later, medical teams wheeled Elizabeth out on one gurney and Jason on another.

With in seconds Ric was at Elizabeth's side. Tears of joy spilling down his face, he wanted nothing more than to hold her and never let go.

Sonny couldn't believe it "I'll be damned" Jason never ceased to amaze him, but this toped them all. He was alive and managed to keep Elizabeth alive in the process, not that he could ever leave her behind, but this was truly a miracle from the heavens in his book.

Sonny got to his car, calling anyone who would listen with the good news.

-Two days later-

Sonny, Carly, and Courtney sat vital at Jason's bedside and Ric at Elizabeth's waiting for them to wake up. Courtney was more than a little upset that he almost died for his ex-girlfriend. But she understood Jason couldn't leave someone that was once important in his life behind. He was noble that way, and she knew it.

Later that day Jason's heart-monitor skyrocketed. Jason was trying to wake up. Elizabeth, where is Elizabeth? Elizabeth was trapped, he thought. Jason shot straight and started trying to get up. Jason pulled all the nuisance of wires from his body.

"Jason, calm down." Sonny said holding on to Jason.

"Sonny I have to find Elizabeth." Still trying to move Sonny out his way.

"Jason listen." He said trying to calm him down. "Elizabeth is okay, you saved her, she's alive."

"Is the baby okay?" Sonny nodded "They're both fine motioning his head to the side. Jason looked over to the side seeing his Elizabeth sleeping peacefully. The pressure around his heart deflated, seeing that she was safe.

"How long has she been out?"

"She's been in and out, asking about you." He told him. "I'll go get Monica."

"No Sonny stay. I have to tell you something." Jason dreaded this moment. "Something important."

"Okay." Knowing what Jason was going to tell him. He just wondered if Jason had the guts and the gall to tell him.

Jason sat there trying to figure out what to say. What could he say, he was about to tell his best friend, well soon to be ex-best friend he was about to break up with his little sister. But he had to be straight up with Sonny. Maybe he should wait until he and Liz were out of the hospital, just incase Sonny wanted to retaliate against him, at least he would be in a position to protect Elizabeth and their child.

Sonny sat there watching Jason brow furrow together, as he debated with himself. Sonny didn't want to make this easy for Jason since it was his little sister heart he was going to break.

"Sonny I can't--."

He was interrupted when Monica walked in. "You're up. Finally, I was getting worried. I think I should check your vitals."

While Monica checked Jason, Courtney and Carly walked in. "Jason you seem to be doing okay I'll be back later, Oh and Jason," She turned to face him before going out the door. "Just because I said your doing okay doesn't mean you can leave, the hospital." Monica told him.

Once Monica left, Sonny decided he'd have a little fun. "Jason what were you saying? You needed to tell me something?"

"It can wait." Courtney and Carly rushed him literally buried him in kisses and hugs. Truth be told he was glad to see them too, he was just glad to see anything past the fire. "Jason if you scare me like you did with another stunt like that, you want have to worry about enemies."

"With a friend like you Carly, who needs enemies." He retorted. "Since your in the hospital I'm going to pretend I didn't here that, you wouldn't even be here if it wasn't from the muffin over there."

"Carly" Sonny warned. "Well its true, someone is always saving the china doll princess."

They heard a grown from the other side "Why is the vapid blonde in my room can anyone answer that?" She hated waking up to hearing Carly's voice, but she was glad she had even woken up at all.

Carly arched an eyebrow "Well if it little Miss Muffin, back in the land of the living. I was hoping you never woke up."

"Sorry to disappoint you, well actually I'm not, I love raining on your parade. It makes me feel nostalgic" Mimicking Carly.

Before the angry blonde could reply, Max came through the door with a big brown bag with grease on the outer surface. Max gave a slight nod to Sonny, and shaking Jason's hand.

"I heard you were both up and probably starving so I come bearing contraband." He told them putting the greasy bag on the table. Sonny scrubbed his hands over his face thinking of all that grease and fat. "Oh Liz I didn't forget you." He told her taking an another bag out handing it to her.

"Thank you Max." Liz opened the bag and squealed with delight. "Ribs my favorite." Max went to the door and brought in 36-inch get well card. "This is from all the guys, we all signed it." He told her putting the card on her side of the room. Max turned around only to stare in the face of an angry Mrs. Corinthos.

"You know Max how come I never got a card from you and the guys? And how come I don't get ribs?" she asked poking him in the chest.

"No disrespect was intended Mrs. Corinthos, it was just something the guys just thought of." Even though most of the guys like Elizabeth more than they like the current Mrs. Corinthos he thought. "Next time I'll bring you pizza how's that."

"Deal." Max scurried out before Sonny protested the pizza deal he just made. Jason took a long swig of his beer. "Sonny how long is it going to take to get us out of here?"

Courtney had been quiet for the most part staring at Jason's ring finger where his ring was supposed to be, instead she saw the bright circle with an imprint of a ring. She couldn't help but noticed Liz's was missing too. It could be a coincidence it was hot and their rings could slip off due to humidity. She was bought out of thought with Jason comment of "US".

"Who's us?" Courtney asked.

"Well I pretty sure Elizabeth is anxious to get out of here too, just as much as I am." It wasn't a lie Jason thought there was truth in it, but damn he needed to get this off his chest. "Oh your probably right, I mean she's going to want to start a nursery and get things for the baby, and she and Ric are newlyweds again." Seeing if she got any rise out of Jason but didn't. Jason just nodded.

Carly wasn't as naïve as Courtney she knew the tricks of the trade and knew Jason just as well. She saw the hidden meaning in his words. She couldn't believe it, she got her claws into Jason again. But she'd be damned if she gets back in Jason's good graces again. She'd make sure of it.

Sonny stood back knew what each was thinking. This is going to be messy, and he was caught in the middle. His sister and his strained marriage to his wife on one side and Jason on the other. Where do his loyalties lie? Then there was the Ric factor. Which was the biggest mystery factor of all in this equation.

Just then, Monica came back. All the evidence of outside food had been dealt with. "Jason I need to take you up for a little testing. Jason began to protest, but stopped when Monica gave him a glare that rivaled his own so he quickly complied. "Fine." he said defeated.

Two orderlies rolled Jason out. "We'll be by later," Courtney told him. Sonny ushered Carly and Courtney out. When they got to the elevator Carly made up a lie about going to see Bobbie. Actually, she went to pay Elizabeth a visit to let her know where she stands.

She closed the door and the blinds so she could get Elizabeth alone for a few minutes. She made a few slow strides to Elizabeth's bed. "Once again you have Jason panting after you. You know I don't get it, what is it about you that make men weak in the knees huh? Max, Francis, Marco, Johnny hell all of Sonny's guards." Elizabeth sat up. "Carly."

Carly put her hand over Elizabeth's mouth. "I'm not done, not by a long shot." Taking her hand away, she disconnected the call button. "You will not, hurt Jason like you did before, you see he loves Courtney and they will be together. You may see an opening because they are having problems now, but Courtney is twice the woman you are, and she deserves Jason unlike you."

"Well you got the twice the woman part right, have you seen how huge she is? Carly glared at the younger woman. "What's the matter Carly feeling threatened by me? Liz shook her head. "Of course you are because you feel threatened by any women who can be first in Jason's life, as a matter a fact you feel threatened by any women who is not related to Sonny or Jason. You settled for Courtney, because you knew Sonny wouldn't have any romantic interest in her. You always need Jason to clean up after you. He should be at your beck 24/7, and you wouldn't be able to handle it if he wasn't. See Sonny and Jason are your self-proclaimed territory, and I'm moving in on it. You can believe that."

"If you're going to fight, you come with it little girl. In the end Jason will see you for what you are." With having said that Carly left.

Elizabeth laughed slightly "No, Carly you come with it, I want give up Jason not this time."

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Okay promise Jason will tell Sonny in the next chapter. See how Carly reacts to Jason declaration of love. Please review let me know what you want to see.