Chapter Ten: And We'll Have a Pudding in Half and Hour
The old Potter estate was hardly what Severus had imagined. The thought of pureblood manors always conjured up the image of limestone blackened with age and moss, towering structures on fields of grass and brush, and in his experience that mental image was usually correct. This time, however, a much more modest structure greeted them. As a clan, the Potters were apparently more interested in agriculture than in building. The house wasn't small, but it was timber beam and hardly large enough to even be consider a "manor". Seeing the decaying mass with its half rotten beams and tiny windows it was no wonder why the last few generations hadn't bothered with keeping to the ancestral home, instead moving into the far more fashionable wizarding hamlet of Godric's Hallow.
What the property lacked in buildings it made up for in trees. Severus hadn't thought there was an uncharted old growth forest left on English soil worth speaking of, but apparently the Potter's had either hidden it magically or spelled one to grow. For miles around there was nothing but ancient trees, so large and massive the ground was nearly devoid of undergrowth save for a small selection of moss and fern. The ancient stones stood proud in a clearing surrounded by a circle of elm inside another of oak and a third of ash. And off to the right, away from house and stones stood another clearing. Clearly it had once been ceremonial, but the large rusting quidditch hoops spoke to its more recent usage. Had he been on better terms with his great-grandfather he would have stopped to ask when the last such duel had taken place here, but as it was the elderly gentleman was making for the far side of the field as quickly as his aged body would allow and he didn't want to interrupt his concerted effort with idle chatter.
There was already a large contingent of spectators gathered. He noticed Hermione stiffen with shock as she noticed several families with picnic spreads out, settling in to watch the affair as it if really was a quidditch game and not a duel to the death. Severus took her arm and whispered quietly, "The Old Families have always considered a duel good sport. There hasn't been one in ages so naturally as soon as word went out the entire lot would descend. The only good thing about the situation is that tradition doesn't allow for cameras or journalists. I am sure, however, that a full accounting will be in the Profit come morning."
Hermione nodded solemnly. The crowd parted for Lord Prince as they neared the mass and they made their way to where a line of stone benches marked the edges of the traditional grounds. Great-grandfather took his seat joining the mostly ancient group of men. Draco looked like the youngest by a century. The seat next to him stayed empty, presumably for the head of the Weasley family who couldn't bear to watch the proceedings.
Percy stood to the far right side of the clearing, his face solemn. If he was frightened of facing the Boy-Who-Killed-Voldemort he didn't show it, and Severus wondered if he was stupid enough to think he could win or a better actor than he'd given him credit for. He knew it couldn't be a late blooming Gryffindor sense of bravery.
Potter had not yet arrived and as the appointed hour drew nearer the crowd began to murmur. The group from Hogwarts stood silently a little behind the benches where the old family heads were seated. No one had words for such an occasion. Ronald looked like he would rather be anywhere else, his eyes darting nervously from his brother to the line of lords that would decide Harry's fate if he should survive the duel. Severus could make out several former students scattered among the crowd and it chilled even him to see how festive the majority were acting. It was only what remained of the Order and the lords themselves that seemed to appreciate the gravity and solemnity the occasion should hold.
At three minutes to the mark a loud pop resounded through the field and Potter appeared suddenly on his side of the open expanse. He had followed Draco's directions exactly and come in the traditional robes of the House of Potter. It was a wonder they still fit since Severus suspected that they hadn't been out of the cupboard since his wedding. The deep red looked nearly black, the silver stitching and runes catching the sun to glint mincingly. Percy hadn't bothered, or didn't own, the proper attire and stood instead in the tailored business robes he was known for. Hermione nudged his arm and nodded towards the Lords who were frowning at Percy in response. He sent a silent thank you to the heavens that Draco had thought to warn Potter, and that the boy had actually bothered to ever acquire the damn things.
Potter turned towards the assembly and Hermione nodded at him solemnly when he caught her eye. He looked resigned and eerily calm.
"He looked just like when he faced Him down." Ron murmured quietly. "Like everything in his life had culminated in that one moment. He wasn't scared then either."
Potter turned his gaze away from them slightly to bow deeply to the assembled lords. He held his wand out flat on his outstretched hands and held the positions until Severus' great-grandfather, who apparently was the defacto leader by age if nothing else, acknowledged him with an imperious wave of his hand. Percy, seeing Harry's action, quickly mimicked it.
Hermione had no idea what the protocols for such an event were beyond the robes and looked towards Severus in question. He nodded slightly to indicate that it was normal and Hermione turned back towards the field. The message Draco had sent via James' patronus had been lengthy and had stretched the ability of the charm to carry information. Severus crossed his fingers and hoped that whatever details Malfoy had included were the truly important ones. Taking the continued silence of the lords as approval, Potter moved onto the small flat stone that marked his starting point for the duel. Weasley, hesitating slightly, moved onto his.
Everything stopped. The crowd grew utterly silent. Everything held that way for what felt like an eternity until the raspy voice of Lord Longbottom intoned a harsh "Begin."
Harry slowly extended his arm going into a languid yet rigid dueling stance. Weasley's nerves finally made their appearance, his own arm shaking as he mimicked the stance. "What…what are you waiting for?" he asked when Potter made no move to attack.
Harry stared at him, his robes whipping in the light breeze the only indication he wasn't made of stone. He let Percy stew before he finally broke his silence. "I invoked the duel, Weasley. You have right of first strike. I suggest you aim carefully."
Apparently Arthur had never taken the time to train his sons on duel etiquette, assuming he even knew. From what Draco had implied, he'd told Harry to follow the most rigid of the codes and Severus saw several of the oldest Lords, including his great-grandfather, nod approvingly. It wouldn't surprise him if Arthur's family hadn't had need of such knowledge in so long it had fallen out of their collective memory. He made a mental note to research when exactly the last such duel had been called.
Percy frowned deeply and took a long moment before firing off the first spell with a loud litany of Gaelic that Severus vaguely recognized as a disemboweling spell. The harsh red light speed towards Harry and Ron let out a squeak as it grew in intensity just before slamming into his friend. For a moment Harry was lost in a brilliant explosion of ruby colored light. When it cleared he stood, his stance still perfect, his shield charm hissing and snapping around him with the dispersed energy. For all appearance he hadn't moved a single muscle.
Potter let his stance fall slowly and stepped with quiet confidence from his spot on the flat stone to move closer to Percy. Seeing this, his opponent began to throw spell after spell at him, moving quickly from his stone marker into a series of evasive dives and rolls in an attempt to dodge return spells that never came. Potter barely moved his wand but silently sent each spell neatly to one side or the other. With each deflected spell he took a step closer until he stood in the exact middle of the field.
"Why won't you fight me?" Percy screamed in frustration, firing another burning spell towards his brother-in-law.
Potter eyed him coldly. "You have done everything in your power to destroy my family, Percival Weasley. I want you to realize exactly how foolish that action was before I kill you."
The crowd murmured and took a collective step back as the air began to grow heavy and the trees began to rustle eerily in the stillness. Severus could smell the sharp taint of barely restrained magic in the clearing and the hair stood up on his arms.
"You forced your sister to endure incredible pain." Potter moved another step, crossing over into Percy's side of the dueling arena. "You attempted to arrest my underage son for no legitimate reason and denied him a chance to see his mother alive one last time." The trees fairly groaned as the magics swirled higher. "You have threatened and interfered with me and mine for the last time." Potter finally came to a stop ten feet from Percy and glared at the man where he stood crouched. "But I have been a friend of your family for many years, Percy. Your parents and siblings stood by me in the war, fought and died for me. Your mother took me in as one of her own long before she had any call to do so. I loved and married your sister and she gave me a home and heirs. If you swear an oath that you will leave here today and renounce your position as Minister of Magic and desist in the persecution of my family, I will lay down my wand and face whatever justice these good men deem fit for my actions."
"Justice? You expect this, this antiquated mockery of a court to give you justice?" Percy chuckled darkly. "I'd expect you to know better, even muggle-raised as you are. That gaggle of pureblood bones over there hasn't made a ruling in nearly a century and even if they do decide to break their silence what makes you think the Wizengamot will still abide by their decision? The wizarding world has moved past such popularity contests."
"Really?" Potter raised an eyebrow and gestured with his free hand towards the lords. "I know most of these men no longer claim their family seats in the Wizengamot, but you actually believe that their children, their grandchildren, won't carry their decision? Do you think for one moment that Mrs. Longbottom isn't going to vote whatever way Lord Longbottom tells her to? Percy, I may have been muggle-raised, but I'm not a blind foul. For right or for wrong our world doesn't revolve around the law as much as it does tradition and what you've been doing has flown in the face of nearly everything these people hold dear. You violated my right to control the House of Potter, you dictated the care and treatment I was allowed to give to my wife. You tried to take custody of my children! You've manipulated and twisted the Ministry to undermine me and Malfoy at every turn."
"What does Malfoy have to do with this?"
Potter shook his head and dropped his wand to his side. "Don't think I wasn't paying attention, Percy. The election- I know what you did. Draco Malfoy has as much right to be standing here as I do."
A quite murmur went through the crowd and everyone turned to look at Draco. The blond wizard looked confused.
"You don't have any proof!" Percy shouted, his wand back up and quivering as it pointed at his rival. "I won that election. The wizarding population voted for me!"
"Yes, they did." Potter shook his head sadly. "But you were two days late filing the paperwork to run. You had Ginny call in a favor with Alicia Spinnet who worked in the clerks office to back date the papers. Then a month later she died in a freak broom accident. But we both know Alicia was wicked on a broom, Percy. That wasn't an accident. And Ginny knew it too. She gave me her memories of your conversations. I've left them in a pensive that's set to deliver itself to Lord Longbottom after this is over. If you by some chance win, you'll still loose your position and you'll be lucky if Malfoy doesn't turn right around and challenge you himself."
The crowd burst out in excitement and it took a harsh glare from Lord Prince to settle them back down. Percy was shaking in anger where he stood on the field and Severus could see Draco barely managing to keep from hexing him. If it hadn't been for Longbottom's firm grasp of his arm he might have done it.
"Lies, Potter. You're insane." Percy ground out.
"You aren't the first person to tell me that." Potter crossed his arms causally. "And as far as dark wizards go, you aren't exactly awe inspiring. I suggest you take me up on my offer. Walk away, Percy. Save your father and brothers the pain of your funeral."
"Everything I've ever done, I've done to save the wizarding world from darkness!" Percy insisted. "You want me gone so you can take control of the Ministry!"
Potter rolled his eyes. "If you think for one moment that I couldn't have had your job if I'd given a care to, you're delusional. I've turned it down four times, Percy. Four times! All I wanted after the war was to live a quiet life with Ginny, to raise our children away from all of this." Harry motioned around to encompass the enraptured audience and the dueling field. "Confess to what you've done, Percy, and I will slink back into the muggle world and you won't see or hear from me again if I can help it." Harry's voice turned pleading. "I do not want to kill you."
"You seemed to have no problem killing the four aurors I stationed at your house!"
Apparently not everyone had known that fact and there was a collective gasp from the audience.
"I regretted having to do that." Harry said softly. "But they were attempting to take Molly and Sirius away and prevent me from giving Ginny the peace she deserved. I asked them to leave and they refused." Harry's eyes glistened. "I don't like taking lives, but I'm rather good it. And I will kill you if you don't stop this, Percy. I can't risk you continuing to go after the boys."
"I will not rest until James Potter is in chains for consorting with the enemy!" Percy shouted, "and Sirius Potter should be under close Ministry observation. There is something off about that boy and I intend to find out what. Mark my words, Potter, this will not end until you turn those children over to me so that I can…"
The audience never got to find out what Percy intended to do with the Potter children. Harry's silent spell slammed into him mid sentence and in a flash of green Percy Weasley, Minister of Magic, fell dead.
Harry turned silently and walked away from the body, coming to a stand still in front of the seated lords. He held their gaze for a long moment before he raised his wand and snapped it in half. Hermione sucked in a deep breath and Severus could feel her tensing at his side.
"It's over." Harry stated coldly, letting the pieces of his wand fall to the ground at the lords' feet. "You'll have the full evidence of Weasley's exploits by morning."
Lord Prince stood slowly. "The duel was carried out properly, even humanely, if I may say so." There was a grudging note of respect in the elderly wizard's voice. "However, this panel must still confer as to the full justification of the other crimes you stand accused of."
"He just used an Unforgivable!" A voice called out from the crowd.
Prince nodded. "Yes, he most likely did. However, can anyone testify to having heard the incantation?"
There was silence. "I thought not." Prince smirked. "And since he has broken his wand, the Ministry cannot test for the exact spell. Therefor we have no proof that would withstand legal trial." He turned towards Harry. "While the Council of Elders debates, may we trust you, Lord Potter, to remain here? We will adjourn to the Stones for deliberation."
Harry nodded before moving off to stand at the edge of the dueling ground, staring up at the rusted quidditch hoops. The lords stood from their places and moved slowly towards the standing stones in the adjacent clearing. Ron's patronus made a shaky appearance before slipping off to notify his father. Draco hung back from the group to stare angrily at Percy's crumbled form.
"Draco," Severus touched him gently on the shoulder. "Go with the other lords. You have to finish this."
"He cheated." Draco growled. "That lying bastard cheated. I followed every rule, did exactly the right things, and I lost because that Gryffindor bastard cheated. And Potter knew. He knew and he didn't do a thing and I just arranged all this to save his sorry ass…" Draco trailed off, his voice going shaky.
Hermione came up to his other side and put a conciliatory hand on his arm. "Harry probably thought Percy was doing the right thing, saving the wizarding world from you." She whispered quietly. "He knows how wrong he was now, Draco. And if you go into that meeting and you impress those stuffy old farts you may come out of this Minister yet. After all, we suddenly find ourselves one short."
Draco turned cool grey eyes to her and blinked to chase away the bit of moister that had gathered in their corners. "Granger?"
"Get in there, Malfoy." Hermione smiled and shoved him good-naturedly towards the stones. "Don't let them smell fear."
Draco obeyed her command haltingly. He entered the stone circle in a daze and turned back to gaze at them for a long moment before taking his place in the circle just before Arthur Weasley slipped into space. The moment he did the circle seemed to shift and the stones to move until the entire clearing blurred out of focus.
"The council is in session." Severus intoned loudly, shifting his focus to his colleague as Ronald moved away from their small group towards his brother's body, Neville trailing silently behind him in support.
"Nev," Ron choked out, "will you help me get him home?"
"Sure." Neville agreed gently. "Why don't you go ahead and apparate and I'll follow along with him. It'll be easier if you can keep the family from watching until I've got him properly laid out."
"Just, just take him to the Burrow. Bill will want to come home for the funereal…" Ron trialed off, unable to finish the sentence. He apparated away without another word and Neville said a quiet goodbye to Hermione and Snape before he too vanished, taking Percy with him.
Hermione and Snape moved in silent accord to stand by Harry's side.
"Do you think it would be bad taste if I refurbished the pitch?" Harry asked in an odd tone as they neared. "I think James and Sirius might like having their own pitch. I didn't realize I even owned one until now."
"Yes, Potter, it probably would be bad taste." Severus advised in his typical snarky tone. "But if you do, let Draco know, will you? He might enjoy beating you to the snitch on the same field where his rival was so easily felled."
"I'm sure he would." Harry smiled ruefully. "They will vote in my favor. I could tell from the way your great-grandfather spoke."
"Most likely. The aurors will still arrest you, of course." Snape advised. "But then, when Draco is appointed Minister I'm sure he will have you released and the official ruling of the council read into law."
Harry sighed and looked down finally. "He's a slimy bastard, Malfoy, but he's more honest than Percy, I'll give him that. All he asked from James in return for giving him the information I'd need for the duel was a promise that he'd get me to turn down the job if asked and to put my voice behind Draco's nomination if it came. I figured I could do one better and release the truth about Percy. Hopefully that will be enough to get Malfoy back into the running. I don't know if it's enough to make him and I even, but I thought it would give me a start."
"You did a little more then that, Harry." Hermione argued gently. "You've probably secured him the job without even having to hold the election. If I remember my law correctly, the Council can appointment a Minister to finish out a term without bothering with an election, if the last Minister was deposed or killed during a session – which Percy was."
"Well," Harry shrugged. "Sirius is going to need allies. While I'm loath to get into metaphorical bed with a Malfoy, I know I can count on him as an ally as long as I prove myself useful. He might hate me, but he's not stupid enough to openly challenge me or to do anything to risk losing my support."
"He does hate you." Snape affirmed. "Especially now that he knows you could have had Percy removed from the election from the start."
"I suspected something, but I had no evidence until Ginny confessed it." Harry frowned. "She didn't do that until after the mess with Hermione and that stupid book. After that happened, Malfoy took off for France and he wouldn't return my owls. I'd tried to tell him before."
"I'll let him know." Snape conceded. "That may help to soften his attitude. Of course, watching you cast a silent killing curse will probably do more to keep him from moving against you than anything else."
"Him and everyone else." Hermione shook her head. "Harry, I had no idea you could do that."
"I mastered silent spells not long after you were captured and I haven't needed a wand since the final battle. I just don't like to advertise that fact." Harry shrugged. "That wasn't even my wand. I used Ginny's. I thought it was poetic."
"What will you do after you are released?" Snape asked.
"Leave." Harry sighed deeply. "Now that everyone knows my defeating Voldemort wasn't just a fluke, people will be coming out of the woodwork to challenge me, trying to pit themselves against the Greatest Wizard That Ever Lived. Dumbledore warned me it would happen someday. I just hope they leave James and Sirius alone."
"So you just plan to slink off into hiding?" Hermione crossed her arms and glared. "What about your kids?"
"I'll come get them for the breaks. Would you mind if I picked them up from Hogwarts myself, Snape? I don't want to risk a commotion on the platform if I show up."
"That can be arranged."
"Good." Harry turned back towards the clearing. "It looks like they are concluding."
The lords emerged from the stone circle one by one and disappeared with a distinct pop until only Arthur and Lord Prince remained. The crowd of onlookers backed away as they moved towards the victor.
"Harry," Arthur's voice broke and Severus cast a surreptitious silencing spell so the onlookers could not over hear the exchange. "Harry, I don't know what to say."
"I'm so sorry, Arthur." Harry shook his head, tears welling in his eyes. "I did everything I could but he just wouldn't back down."
"I know." Arthur moved forward quickly and pulled Harry into a tight embrace. "I know, son, I know. And it broke my heart that you had to do that." He pulled away but kept his hands firmly on the younger man's shoulders. "You are a father, and you had to put James, Sirius, and little Molly first and that's what this was – I know that. Percy was…he was my son, and I loved him dearly, but he…he wasn't right in this. I know that."
"You used to call me dad." Arthur's voice trembled. "This doesn't change that, Harry. Even with Ginny gone, you're still one the family and I don't want you to ever forget that. It may take a while before…before we can sit down again, as a family, but I don't want you to think for one moment that we stopped loving you."
Harry sobbed and threw himself into his father-in-laws arms and the two wizards stood on the pitch and cried together. Severus noticed Hermione deflecting the flash of cameras, keeping the moment from being immortalized in photographs and nodded at her in thanks.
Lord Prince finally cleared his throat. "I suppose it's rather obvious that the council has decreed that that Harry Potter was justified in all his actions. We have cleared him of all charges – and while I'm sure that pack of aurors over there will most likely try to arrest you, I'm sure young Malfoy will be clearing that up shortly." Prince smiled ferally. "Now, since you are a free man," he chuckled darkly as Harry finally let go of Arthur, "why don't you go to Hogwarts and see your children. I'm sure the aurors won't mind a good chase."
Harry looked to Severus who nodded. "You're the only one that can get into that bloody chamber anyway. Get them and the werewolf out and have a nice visit. When you're ready to turn yourself in come to my office. I'll keep the aurors waiting. Unless of course Draco manages to consolidate power fast enough to preempt them."
"I assume they voted Malfoy in as interim Minister?" Harry asked.
"Of course." Prince sniffed. "It was either him or young Neville and I think we all know that the Longbottoms are an honorable family but rather ill suited to that level of power – at least in this generation."
Harry chuckled. "Nev would turn you down faster then you can say quiddich." He looked back towards Hermione. "Herm, I don't know how to thank you for all this."
"Take care of those kids, Harry, and keep out of trouble." Hermione crossed her arms and glared. "Ron and I am getting too damn old to pull your arse out of the fire."
Harry stepped forward and shyly hugged her. He leaned forward to whisper in her ear, just barely loud enough Severus could make out the words. "You and Snape make a good couple." She stiffened and Harry pulled back to gaze fondly at her. "Just be happy, okay? You deserve that."
"Promise me you'll keep giving him hell?"
She smiled. "Do I know any other way to be?"
Harry chuckled before going stiff. Severus turned to follow his gaze to see the pack of aurors approaching. Severus and Hermione wordless erected a shield charm without thought, their magics combining naturally from so many hours working together in the dungeons.
"I'd better get going. See you back at Hogwarts?" Harry asked.
"Of course." Severus agreed and moved to take his place at Hermione's side. Potter nodded at Hermione and then Arthur. With one last bow to Lord Prince he turned on the spot and disappeared, his disapparition so flawless he didn't make a sound.
"That boy is damn powerful." Prince muttered. "Keep him close to hand, my boy. You've done well to turn him around into an ally."
"We were never really enemies." Snape protested quietly. "I don't like him, but I've never hated the stupid child."
Hermione leaned back into him and Severus raised his hands to gently grasp her shoulders. "I suggest we get going ourselves." Hermione eyed the now frantically moving aurors who were desperately trying to get past the shield charm she and Severus had cast. She turned to Arthur. "Do you want to come with us? I imagine you'd like to see the kids."
"I would, but I'd best be getting home. Ron will…Ron will need me." Arthur smiled sadly. "Hermione, I'm sorry. I really am. I should have done more…."
"It's all right Arthur. I'm were I belong." She patted Severus' hand on her shoulder. "It's all finally coming together."
Arthur looked up to Severus and his eyes darkened for a second before he shook himself and forced his expression neutral. "I suppose I don't have to tell you how brilliant this witch is – and how lucky a bastard you are."
"No, you do not." Severus acknowledged. "Although as it stands I am nothing more than mentor."
"For the moment." Arthur agreed, his gaze flickering to the calculating expression on Lord Prince's face. "I think we all know that's about to change."
With that, Arthur turned and disapparated away. Severus and Hermione did so a moment later, Lord Prince seconds behind them. The three landed at the gates to Hogwarts and quickly made their way towards the headmaster's office.
"How long till the aurors figure out he's here?" Hermione asked as they hastily moved through the castle.
"That lot?" Prince huffed. "Could be days."
"It's refreshing to know that Severus' opinion on the Ministry is a shared family trait." Hermione quipped good naturedly.
"As if you disagree." Severus muttered the password and they all road up to his office in silence. Once inside, Severus took a seat behind the desk and motioned the other to towards the chairs in front. "Now, great-grandfather, I recognize that look on your face. Out with it."
"I'm betrothing you to the girl." He answered without hesitation or apology. He turned to Hermione and raised an eyebrow. "I'm assuming I can work out a price you'll agree to?"
"I'm not a commodity to be bought." Hermione crossed her arms and glared. "Besides, I'm muggleborn."
Prince waved off her concern. "You're the first witch in decades that he's bothered to give the time of day. If anyone can get him into bed and producing an heir it's you. At this point I'm desperate. He's the only one I can even remotely trust with the Prince legacy and he's remained stubbornly childless. I can't even find a nameless bastard anywhere – and I've looked."
"How do you know I'm even capable of having a child?" Hermione asked softly, her hand fluttering self-consciously to where Severus knew the scars from Lucius' dungeon had once been.
Prince snorted. "You're both potion masters. If you wanted it, you could conjure one in a caldron and frankly I don't care if you do so long as there's Prince blood in the mix. Do it naturally, or force one magically – hand it over to those inverts you work with to raise – I don't care. Just get me an heir."
Hermione turned to Severus, her expression a mix between repulsion and amusement.
Severus sighed. "He is desperate. You should make sure to set the price high."
She smiled darkly. "I already live with you in the same castle. Can't imagine sleeping with you will be too much of an imposition."
"You must have forgotten what I'm like in the morning before the tea kicks in." Severus retorted.
"Nobody can ever forget that." Hermione joked softly, her hand reaching across the desk to take his. Her eyes bore into him, a sudden seriousness taking over her expression. "I won't take a penny to marry you, Severus Snape. But it'll have to be you who does the asking. I'll not follow the dictates of your great-grandfather. I'll only do this if you want it."
"For the right reasons?" He couldn't help but sneer even as his thumb moved soothingly over the back of her hand. "Love and all that catswhulp?"
"I think we both know how we feel about the "L" word." Hermione smiled bitterly. "But I rather enjoy your company, and you apparently do mine. I'm not sure how I feel about adding in any sexual components to this," she ignored the somewhat shocked intake of breath from Prince at her bluntness and continued. "I haven't been with anyone since the war. I don't…" she trialed off and looked away.
Severus stood up and went to her side, kneeling down till he was level with her seated in the chair, his hand never letting go of hers. "I do not require anything from you that you cannot give." He reached out to tip her face up to his, his free hand going up to cup her cheek, her tears cool against his skin. "If you marry me it won't be for an heir, or to make that pompous dictator over there happy. It will be because you want to live by my side for as long as we both draw breath. And whether we do nothing more than share rooms, it will do us both well to have the company. And if we do more, than I will welcome whatever you find you can give and no more."
"I never took you for a romantic." Hermione's voice shook.
Severus let his head drop until they rested forehead to forehead. "I'm not – but I find I prefer you here, with me, over anyone else. I suppose that is the basic truth of it."
"Are you asking me then?"
"Are you accepting?"
"Only if you are asking."
"Only if you are accepting."
Lord Prince rasped his cane against the desk. "I'm taking that as a yes to both. I'll post the banns in the morning."
Severus looked up and scowled. "Are you still here?"
"I'm feeling voyeuristic." His great-grandfather smirked. "Now I know better than to offer to plan a wedding for you but I'll go ahead and see to all the legal paperwork. I'm sure young Malfoy will be amenable to seeing it pushed through the proper channels." Prince stood up and made a mocking bow to Hermione. "I've rather enjoyed meeting you, my dear. I do hope you'll make life in the family interesting."
"Oh you can count on that." Hermione replied darkly, her teeth flashing.
Prince chuckled and left the office. Hermione turned back to Severus. "Are you really okay with this?"
"What would you do if I said I was more than okay with it?"
She bit her lip. "I'd kiss you, if there weren't about three dozen portraits watching us and if Harry and company wasn't about to burst through that door any second."
"I'm sure he's busy communing with his dead wife via his necromancing son." Severus whispered in her ear. "And damn the portraits."
She smiled as his lips gently met hers.
A/N: And so it ends. Thanks for the patience as I struggled to finish this one. I wanted so much to include all the little details - Draco taking over the MoM, Harry and Ginny post-death, all that, but in the end I think this is where it needs to stop. It's simple and it's solid. Thank you for all the kind reviews and encouragement. It's been a wonderful journey.