
Kururu: People, I warn you. This chapter deals with suicide so if you need help, please call the Kids Help Phone Line at 1-800-668-6868 (don't hurt yourself... it's not worth it).


Chapter 5 - Part I - Confessions



I slowly made my way to Tyson's dojo. When I got there, the guys were all worried about me; I must have looked very demoralized.

"Seya, why are you so down?" Asked Ray.

I sighed and sat on the ground: "Sonia..."

They stared at me in surprise; Kai shuddered at the memory.

"What about her?"

"She wants me to go at her party..."

"So? Can't you turn down the offer?"

"No because then she'll bring me there by force..."

As the Blade Breakers invented all sorts of excuses to get me out, Kai silently gazed at me. I was afraid to look at him because of what he had done yesterday.

When I kissed him, it was only for fun but he had been serious about it. And... he had given me my first true kiss two weeks ago.

I wondered what my brother would say...


Kai had knelt down by me; his face was quite close to mine and I felt uncomfortable.

"Listen... I'm sorry for yesterday, I don't know what came over me..."

I relaxed and smiled: "Don't worry, I won't hold it against you."

Suddenly, the doorbell went off and a few minutes later, Tyson's grandfather came in.

"Hey dogs, you have a visitor."

He stepped aside to reveal someone wearing pink from head to toe...



"Sonia, what the hell are you doing here?" Exclaimed Seya, bolting up.

The blond girl looked at her and grinned.

"I came here to invite the Blade Breakers to my big party."


"Because they're rich and famous."

Well that was a good reason, I thought sarcastically.

"What difference does that make?" Asked Max.

"Everyone's who's rich and famous must come." She walked over to Seya, who was standing beside Kai. "Seya is going... Right?"

It didn't sound like a question but like a threat. Seya lowered her head in defeat and sighed.

"Yes, I am..."

As we looked at her, we felt pity for her; we couldn't let her go alone.

"Fine... We'll come too." Declared Ray for us.

Our friend raised her head and stared at us in surprise: "What?"

"Then I'll see you all tonight." Chirped Sonia.

We watched her go. As soon as the annoying blonde left, Seya got angry.

"Are you people crazy or have you simply forgotten the last time?"

"Hold on a second Seya." Pleaded Max.

"She's invited you because she wants to prove to her friends that she knows you!"

"Seya, we..." Tried Ray.

"If you thought that would please me, it doesn't!"

"Seya. Calm down." Ordered Kai.

He passed his arms around her waist and whispered in her ear what seemed like soothing words since she stopped being mad.



Seeing her so upset bothered me.

"Seya. Calm down." I ordered.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and brought my face close to hers; then I whispered softly: "We don't you to suffer alone at that girl's party. We're coming with you to keep you company and for moral support."

She blushed and lowered her eyes: "Thanks... But you don't have to."

"We want to."

I wished I could tell her it was I who wanted to...

She sighed: "The damn thing starts in two hours... How about you come over to my house right away?"

"Sure..." I replied.

We walked to her house, silent all the way there. Once we got there, she left us in the mirrored room and went to change.

"Kai, can I talk to you for a second?"

I followed him in a corner by the window while the rest settled down; we both looked out the window quietly before Ray spoke again.

"So... Have you thought it over?"

"Yeah... Though I'm still not sure. True, she does interest me a lot, but I can't really know yet…"

"Yesterday evening, I thought you went to tell her..."

"No, I didn't..."

"So why couldn't she look at you?"

I sighed.

"What did you do?"

Ray watched me carefully; I knew I could trust him, but it would fell so strange admitting it...

"Please, don't tell anyone; especially not Tyson."

He smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, I'll bring the secret to my grave."

I smiled too; glad I could get rid of this safely.

"Fine, so I kissed her."

"Did she say anything?"

"No, but she seemed afraid."


"I don't know."

He didn't say anything after that.

"Seya's been gone for a while, shouldn't someone check out if she's ok?" Said Tyson after half an hour.

"Yeah, I'll go." I declared.

I left the Blade Breakers and went up to Seya's room. The door was slightly open, so I peeked inside; she was sitting on her bed, her back to me. She had already changed; she was wearing a dark green sleeveless top with black pants.

I went in, forgetting to knock, and called her kindly.

"Seya, is everything ok?"

She gasped and dropped a small golden orb attached to a chain; it was a locket.

"Kai... I'm fine."

She bent down to pick up her golden locket and carefully put it back in the first drawer of her night table. I went over to her and sat beside her.

"Seya, you've been crying."

A tear still trickled down her cheek; she turned away to hide her eyes from me.

"I just got something in my eye..."

"Do you know how cliché that is?" I joked.

She smiled and wiped her eyes with a tissue.

"I guess..."

But her green orbs were still shrouded with sadness. I knew she needed someone to comfort her, so I passed my arms around her shoulders and brought her closer to me.

"Seya, tell me what's wrong."

She huddled and rested her head on my chest.

"If it's because of me..."

"No!" She cut, "No, it's not. Actually, it's being going on for a while now..."

"What has?"

"My brother was supposed to come back home three months ago but still hasn't and I'm really worried."

I stroked her hair gently: "What if he were staying at your uncle's?"

"Improbable, but I have no way of checking... One thing for sure, if he were in town, you'd hear about it."

After a little, I asked her: "Why do you give in so easily to Sonia? She can't make you do anything you don't want to."

"Sonia, when she's not being mean, is like a friend to me..."

I stared at her incredulously: "Her? Your friend? How?"

"You might not believe it, but she actually looks out for me in her own way..."

"Yeah right..."

"She's kept me alive all these years, ever since my mother passed away and my brother left..."

"What do you mean by kept you alive?"

"I... I've attempted suicide more than once..."

I remained speechless as I looked at her but knew she wasn't lying. When I had met her, I noticed old cuts on her wrists, I just hadn't asked her about it.

"Seya... I know how you must feel."

"How can you?" She began crying.

I sighed, thinking about my own life and how painful it was too...

"You're not the only one to have ever tried suicide..."

She raised her eyes to meet with mine.


"I have many scars to prove it..."

I removed my right arm from around her and my glove. I passed my finger on a long white line, beginning from my wrist and going all the way to my elbow. You could only notice it if you searched for it; it had been done some years back but the memory of the cause was still there, fresh...

"I've never told anyone about it... Ray saw it but I lied to him, I told him it was because of a Bey battle I had."

Seya passed her own finger gently on the scar, making me shudder.

"I don't really know why I'm telling you all of this but... it feels good..."

She stopped me, laying her finger on my lips.

"Then continue... It's helping me too..."

So together we shared painful memories; as she spoke, I understood how much we had in common...



Kai's been gone for half an hour and we were starting to wonder where he went.

"Now we have to check on Kai too..." Sighed Kenny.

"Why are they taking so long?" Asked Max.

"I don't know, but I'll go look for them. I doubt it takes Seya an hour to change in the first place." I said.

I left the room and went upstairs but then I stopped; where was Seya's room again?

Oh yeah, that way...

As I reached the door, which was half closed, I stopped again and furtively glanced inside. Kai was with her; he was talking...

"Ever since I joined the Blade Breakers, I've only tried a couple of times... The last attempt was when my Dranzer had been taken away... I had locked myself in an empty room at Tyson's and with my pocket knife, I slowly slit my wrist..."

"Then what happened?" Whispered Seya.

"Ray managed to get the door open and took the knife away; he still has it... He bandaged my wrist without talking and not once did he scream at me, calling me a fool like everyone else always had... I still remember his eyes; he looked at me with pity and understanding, but I don't think he truly understood..."

Seya hugged him lovingly, a small tear slipped down her cheek.

"I do Kai... I understand..."

Slowly, I crept away and made my way downstairs back to the rest, thinking over what I had overheard...

"So Tyson, did you find them?" Asked Max once I came back.

I didn't answer.

"Tyson, are you ok? You look pale." Inquired Kenny.

I didn't know whether to tell them or not, but then, I decided not to; it was his secret, it was Kai's...

"Yeah, I'm fine and yes, I did find them."


"They'll be coming down soon."

"Oh good."

Just as he said that, the two entered the room holding hands.

"Hey guys, where have you been?" Smiled cheerfully Max.

But his smile and cheerfulness faded once he saw the sorrow and suffering in their eyes.

They remained quiet as they walked past him and towards Ray.

"Tyson, what happened to them? They look as if they've been beaten like dogs." Whispered Kenny to me.

"I don't know..." I lied.



Kai and I went downstairs to join the others; he brought me in a corner by the window where Ray was already there.

His golden eyes watched us as Kai sat down and pulled me onto his lap.

"Where have you been?" We were asked again.

"In her room... We have been talking..." Answered Kai for me.

"Alright. By the way, how much longer until the blonde's party?"

"Forty five minutes or so..."

"What do you want to do in the mean time?"

"Nothing really... besides chatting."

So as the two boys talked, I hummed a song, one that I would never forget.


Kururu: More on the way... Sorry the POV kept on changing, but it was hard to keep it on to just one or two people... Anyways, I never knew I could write in such a depressing way...

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