This is slash, Boy on boy love. Don't like it don't read it...

This is the last chapter of this story. I am aware of the shortness of this chapter...and all of my chapters.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. All Hail J.K Rowling
Harry stood in the libary of the Malfoy Manor, Draco and him had been here for one month and everything was perfect. He smiled to himself and sat down in a chair waiting for Draco to come back into the room from his shower.

Draco walked into the libary with a large white towel wrapped around his waist water droplts dripping down his chest slowly. "I'm finished" Draco said leaning next to Harry and kissing his cheek.

"Draco must you stand there like that half naked? It's torture I swear" Harry mummered looking at Draco.

Draco laughed "Oh don't look me like that, you do have that auror thing to do today don't you?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

Harry groaned "I totally forgot about that" he said streching "If I would have remeber I would have gotten in the shower with you" he said looking Draco over again. "But, maybe you could use another shower?" Harry asked batting his eyelashes and pouting slightly.

Draco let out a groan "Oh fine, but stop looking at me like that" Draco said grabbing Harry's arm and pulling him up. "Now, come on" Draco said walking back towards the bathroom pulling Harry behind him.

Harry stepped out of the bathroom his cheeks flushed and being tired 'Draco is so damn great' He thought to himself grabbing his clothes and pulling them on.

Draco came out of the bathroom dressed a moment after Harry walked out. "Hurry up Har, you will be late." He said watching Harry get dressed "You wanted to be an auror even though we don't need jobs so you're going to go."

-3 years later- (Yes, I skipped a bit of time. Just so you know the girl is about 2)

"Draco!" Harry called once he got home from work looking around "oof" He said with a smile when their daughter Raina jumped on him. "Hey sweetie" Harry said ruffling her jet black hair.

Draco walked into the room looking at Harry and smirking "Got your hands full?" He said looking at Raina and Harry. "Raina come here" Draco called holding his arms out for a hug. The blue eyed girl ran to her other father smiling. Draco gave her a hug "Now, go get your cloak" He said looking to Harry.

Harry moved closer to Draco after the girl ran off and kissed him passionatly putting his arms around the blonde headed man in front of him. "I love you Draco" Harry mummered against Draco's lips

Draco smiled and pulled back from Harry "I love you too Harry. Now I promised your daughter a horse ride so let's go outside" Draco said taking Harry's hand in his and picking up their daughter with his other arm holding her tightly.
Well that's it. It's over Hope you enjoyed it, If not I don't care I just enjoyed writing it. shrugs If I was to get enough reviews I would do a short sequel thing.