Koneko-chan: Sorry I'm so late… I had absolutely no time on my hands I had sooo much homework.

Neko: You mean slacking right?

Koneko-chan: No! Just tons of homework! Do the disclaimer Yami…

Neko: Alright, Konko-chan doesn't own Yu-Gi-Oh! or Yu Yu Hakusho so please don't sue my poor little Aibou.

Koneko-chan: Thank you Neko. Now on with the story!

The Ultimate Case

By: Neko Yugi's Hikari

Chapter 6: Meeting the Pharaoh

/Yue to Yugi/Yami//Yugi to Yami/Yue///Yami to Yugi/Yue/

Malik to Marik Marik to Malik Ryou to Bakura Bakura to Ryou

'thought' "speech"

Yugi was running through the halls of Domino High School looking for a way out. 'I hope I can find a way out of here…' thought Yugi soon she found herself in the girl's locker room. The locker room was large and luxurious with lockers lining the walls. Unlike most school locker rooms this one was spotless. It was kept this clean because it was cleaned every day once each morning before school and once each night after school. The parts of the walls that could be seen had beautiful oceanic scenery. The showers were kept fresh with a lilac sent. And was cleaned every other day. 'I remember now I left the puzzle in my locker…' Yugi mused as she walked toward her locker. Yugi looked out the window warily.

"The cloud-thing is coming closer to this very room…" Yugi said to herself quietly. "At least I'm safe… for now." By this time Yugi had gotten to her locker and was putting in the combination. "7 left right one left thirteen right six… there! Now to get the puzzle…" The locker had opened and Yugi was now moving the contents of the locker around, looking for the Millennium Puzzle. When Yugi found what she was looking for she sat down on a nearby bench and pulled off the lid of the box that held her treasure.

After she took the lid of the box off she pulled out the mostly completed puzzle. As Yugi started putting the last peaces of the puzzle together she could barely keep her eyes open. However as Yugi placed more peaces into their place Yugi found herself becoming more alert as if the cloud-thing wasn't there, but in truth the puzzle was actually giving her energy.

Yugi looked up as she saw Joey and Seto walk in. "Hi guys, Seto you do know that you're in the girl's locker room, right?" Yugi looked at Seto suspiciously. "You aren't going to go Hentai 1 on me are you?"

"No I'm not Yugi don't worry," Seto reassured her, waving his hands in front of his face in defense. "Besides Joey would kill me if she caught me and I am loyal to her." Seto looked down at Joey lovingly.

Joey looked at Yugi. "We saw the shadows outside and decided to come and check on you. Are you ok?" Joey asked she was clearly concerned for the smaller girl. Joey looked at the puzzle and counted the peaces left to place, there were four. "You really need to finish that puzzle Yugi. It's important."

"I know Joey, I know. I was about to finish it anyway. What did you call that cloud-thing outside? The Shadows? What are they? And why are they here?" Yugi asked looking to Joey for the answers. "I need to know these things if I'm suppose to even try to be safe. Please tell me…"

Joey looked desperately at Seto and Seto looked right back with the same expression on his face. "We can't tell you, and you know that. I wish we could Yugi. That's for us to tell. Why don't you ask your brothers? They will know more about it then we do Yugi. It's their story," said Seto, looking at Yugi with a sad face, it looked like he wanted to tell her to, but they were forbidden to say anything until they gave her the letter.

"Oh well," said Yugi. "I tried; I will ask my brothers later. I don't think they'll tell me though…" Yugi picked up the next peace of the puzzle and put it in its place. The two watched Yugi put the remaining peaces of the puzzle in place.

"Wow," said Yugi, "This is what my puzzle looks like… Huh?" Yugi felt a presence in her mind. It was familiar but she couldn't place where she's felt it before.

"I fell strange," said Yugi as the puzzle glowed. When the soft glow died down, Yugi saw a man that looked almost exactly like her. However while Yugi had amethyst eyes, his eyes were of rubies, she was 5' 5'' he was 5' 10'' at least! He also had three extra golden bangs that stuck up in the black part of his hair, when she didn't have that.

As soon as the man could see he started looking around as if looking for something – or someone. Yugi could hear what was going through his head as well.

/Where am I? What is this place/ he caught sight of Yugi. /Hikari! Where are we and who are they/ he asked gesturing to Yugi's companions. The man looked bewildered as he said this.

Yugi took a step back. Was he talking to her? If so, who was he and how did he know her nickname? Then she realized that she hadn't heard him physically but mentally. How had he gotten into her mind//Who are you/

The man jumped. /You, don't remember me Hikari/ he looked sad at this. Yugi saw tears forming in his eyes. /Will this make you remember/ he asked reaching for her.

Yugi took another step back but the man just stepped forward after her. As soon as he could he grabbed her wrist. Seto and Joey were confused. No sound had left either the man's mouth or Yugi's and Yugi had suddenly looked terrified and started backing away, the man had just followed. "Hey Yugi what's going on?" asked Seto.

Yugi didn't answer she was to busy trying to get away from this strange person that had come out of her puzzle. "Sorry Seto I don't know who he is, I asked and then he looked at as if I should know him. And I have no choice but to let him do what he wants as I'm now in a corner. The man walked closer. Yugi cringed seeing as she couldn't back up.

The man pulled her close and opened his mind as he tried to find a good memory to show her. He found a good one. The one where they were getting married. Yugi's eyes dilated, she didn't remember having a dream like this. She heard his name in the memory: Yu-Gi-Oh. "I'm sorry!" cried Yugi flinging her arms around him. He smiled down at her and kissed her forehead before letting go….

Koneko: Well that's it. Sorry life got in the way… please review everyone.