Sketching My Angel

A/N: Hi PEOPLEZ! I've been rethinking about this story, and the thing is I'm thinking of just shutting it down. I don't know, I mean, Don't you hate it when there's this fanfic that you extemley love! and you just can't wait for the next chapter! but then you wait...and wait...till a week passes, then a month, then a year, and so on, and apparetnly they stop the story. So I don't want people to be miffed or to just leave you guys hanging. So this might be it. But if you want me to continue please contact me with a reason (Contact info is in my profile)

Also! In this fanfic Inuyasha is a hanyou (forgot to say that)


Hope you enjoy

2. Deep Recollections & A Crummy Postion
The star lit skies gleamed as the ink like sky coated the heavens. The wind blow carelessly over the campus and had deemed the whole area barren from any life. It was 12 midnight as the chocolate eyed girl laid in her bed awake she had a sudden urge for chocolate pudding and a glazed doughnut (A/N: funny thing, so do I) She had trouble sleeping when she remembered the guy that she meet, that she saw those eyes before, yet memory was an enemy and she couldn't recall where she had seen him. That and the fact that her boyfriend was getting those 'urges' and it was nearly impossible to keep him off.

She sighed and sat up in her bed, thinking of what can ease herself to a blissful trip to dreamland. "I think I should just take a walk" she said in a whisper as she slipped on her flip-flops and slipped into her favorite robe (which was a pale pink with little kittens and fluffy clouds on them) she walked to her roommate and bent over to whisper to her. "Sango I'm going out for a walk, wanna come with me?" she asked. The only thing that was said from her 'burned out' roomy was a mumble and shook her head to indicate that she wasn't up for a midnight stroll around the campus.

"Can't you sleep like a normal person?" she asked in a semi - raspy/irritated/drowsy voice. "I don't know, it's just---" "It cause of that ass of a boyfriend isn't it?" sango said as she lift her head from the warmth of her pillow case. "He's the problem and you know it, he's the guy that left you that bruise in your arm and you know it", as she sat up and disposed the last ounce of the drowsy contentment that had fell upon on her before he roommate woke her up "you just won't tell me, I told your mother that I'd look out for you and you did the same for my folks. Although, I highly doubt I need looking after" she said as she looked at her friend straight in the eyes. "I know your watching out for me, but look I'm 19! 19 Sango! that's big!" Kagome said " I know I've done stupid stuff before, and naïve even! but I've been hardening my shell!"


"You know that doesn't even make any sense" sango said. "Whatever you know what I mean!" Kagome said as she straightened up "I love him sango, I love him with all my heart, I'm just sick and tired of you putting me down about him. You, mom, grandpa, sota, kohaku, even the milk man!" she yelled and shook her arms wildly. "Hey! at least the milk man has brains and a nice ass!" sango said as she stood her ground, "At least I didn't flirt with the milk man" kagome replied back, as she also stood her ground "HEY! I did that for the sake of the bake sale! because someone left out the milk outside!--", "Well I'm sorry! I was busy with something!" kagome yelled and turned around to go get some fresh air before a hand grabbed her arm.

"You know it was him, he is such a bitch and you know that, and a fucking pussy. He doesn't love you he just wants 'things' from you!", "SO! If he does! what does that mean to you? Maybe I WANT to give it to him!" Kagome yelled back and yanked her arm from her friends grasp. Sango's face turned pale and her eyes reflected pain and anguish. "You know, I don't give a fuck anymore, just get out" she said and flopped back into her bed and covered herself with her lavender sheets.

Kagome turned to her heel and began to walk out of the room, she opened the door to get ready to leave before she heard sango say one last thing "You know this is why I never gave myself to a guy, cause one minute they're all good and innocent, then the next they're asses and they use you. I thought you could handle yourself, but I was wrong" and with that said kagome closed the door.

A dark figure walked stealthily through the corridor of the grand apartment (more like a condo or something like that) as he (the dark figure is a male) seeked out for one room that held, the one person that he needed to talk, he finally reached the left corridor that held 4 rooms. Only one had light ozzing through the crevice of the hollow entrance. "Hey Yasha" said a dark figure in a low yet audible whisper from the outside of the thicket door. The figure tapped lightly at the smooth wooden entrance.

"Who is it?" Inuyasha said as his dog ears perked up from the tapping. He looked up from his music sheets. "I want you to come with me to a magical place" said the figure behind the door "may I come in?"."Whatever, just cut the crap and come in" Inuyasha said as he strummed some of the few notes on the music sheet "I swear Miroku your as stupid as that other ass" he said as he wrote more notes on the music sheet. "Who's the other ass?" he asked as he opened the door. "Sesshomaru, and his girlfriend. She is getting on my freaking nerves! she keeps calling me little brother" he said in annoyed tone.

"Ah! composing a song, I haven't heard one in a while yasha" miroku said as he pulled up a chair. "What do you want, can't you see that I'm busy" he said in an irritated tone "damn I can't find another way to start this song". "Hey let me see! I am very poetic you know" miroku said with great confidence.

"Yeah right, the only thing I've read in your work of literature is porn and stupid fantasies that aren't even possible by any force of nature". "At least I got a 'B' on an English paper!" miroku pointed out in their freshman year in the university.

"That doesn't count, the english teacher was an old pervert like you. Now try to use those brains that might still be lodged in there somewhere" inuyasha said as he pointed to miroku's head "remember freshman year in english, you wrote a nasty book report on that romance novel? Which I highly doubt, that it was a romance novel" "Yes and---" "The teacher let you slide by, but then around senior year they put you in therapy to see if you were a deranged sex addict, and it turned out, that later on, they mistook you for another guy, and they put you in one of those mental houses, Which! by the way, was funny!" Inuyasha said with a grin.

"Ok that was not my fault, they confused me with another fellow. Heck! I saw a picture of him, and he was ugly! how can anyone forget this lovely face and mistake it for that?" miroku said as he put his left hand on his cheek "I'm too sexy to be forgotten that easily". "No miroku I think you mean the other way around. Your not sexy, and you are easily forgotten" he said as he adjusted the strings to the guitar.

"Sure just keep thinking that, just remember who gets all the ladies" miroku said. "Maybe you are the ladies" Inuyasha said in a low murmur with a smirk. "What was that?" miroku asked. "Huh? nothing, now get out, people will think I'm gay and I rather not want that to ruin my chances with the fresh crop this year". "Honestly Inuyasha must you speak to our new female students like this?" miroku said as he got up from the chair "Oh! and I wanted to invite you to this new strip joint, that just opened up downtown. It's really cool!" his face glowed with such mischief and delight "Oh! and there's this awesome chick there and she's...Oh God! I can't find the words! but man! she's a goddess!" then his face lost it's shine "yet sadly she only performs on rare occasions" he said as he hung his head ," but I think since there's a high demand on her, They might make her work all week! " he said with a smile.

"Nah, I'm just gonna stay here, I have to finish this thing" Inuyasha said as his eyes were glued on the pieces of paper that laid in front of him. "Ok man your lost" miroku said and began to walk out of the room "and another thing, if you hear me with someone---" "Yeah I know" Inuyasha said as he rolled his eyes.

As miroku left, it took Inuyasha another 10 minutes to give up on his song (more like yell and throw a temper tantrum) he grabbed his jacket and his keys and walked out of his room into the corridor and into the living room and out the door. "Maybe I'll just go walk around the campus" he said to himself as he strolled by the apartment complex and leaped up the roof and kept leaping on, till he was on campus grounds (he's a hanyou).

The air felt crisp as she took a big breath and soaked her lungs with a bracing tingle, that also crawled on her spine. She only wore the robe that she'd wear around the dorm room (you know the one that was pale pink and had kittens and fluffy clouds). If only she didn't have that little quarrel with sango, she could've had some jeans and a decent shirt that didn't say 'I'm daddy's little girl'. Which didn't mean your birth father, it meant the guy that was doing you (A/N:Which I'm not proud of saying) not only that but what if she were caught in this? lord it would kill her! not of shame but of embarrassment.

She then took another path that lead to a small area that some of the students would sit and eat lunch or have picnics and what not. She remember something from her past as she continued to walk along. Her father. He always loved to take her to picnics and fishing (even though she hated the waiting part of fishing. you know waiting there silently and sitting there until you felt a fish on the other end) but he was the reason that she grew up loving nature, and as the years went by they still continued to take that old jaded path that they took from the first day that they brought her from the hospital. Yet sadly, destiny had a cruel side to it (more like bitchy, but you get the point). Her father died at a young age right before her little brother was born. It was a heart breaker for her family, and for herself. She had to leave her old home in Kyoto and moved to Tokyo to live with her grandfather in the old Higurashi shrine that stood tall over the secluded hill that sustained itself over the decades up till now (it needs major repairs). Over the years her mother and grandfather had worked hard to keep the shrine up and running. Her mother worked at a pharmacy in the morning to the afternoon, then went to work at a textile factory, in the late afternoon to the early night. It was nearly impossible to see her mother at times, which prevented them to ever get to know one another as mother and daughter. As for her grandfather he managed the shrine and worked in a pet store part time to also help out. In the end she ended up being her little brothers mother (in a way) and her sister.

Although, her mother had fallen ill a couple of weeks back, from exhaustion and over stressed from the long hours of working, which caused kagome to worry endlessly about her mother. So she decided to take a job at a local place downtown, it wasn't something that she was very proud of, but it did get a decent pay and not only that but it also got her to do something she loved. She sat on a near bench and took off her flip-flops and let her bare feet touch the wet grass, brushing her toes and the soles of her feet, as she sat there and let the waves of wind wash over her, as though it were the ocean in high tide. She began to remember the day. The day of her father's funeral...


It was near the end of September, the autumn trees wilted their leaves and left them to decay and wither on the cold ground. The air was was musky and some what foggy. In the distance figures were seen walking through the cemetery. The stale air hung in the air as mourns silently walked on, with their teary eyes and grief-stricken pain that throbbed in their chest. Her mother walked along the coffin that her beloved husband laid in. She did not shed a tear as she walked on, her grandfather walked with her as he chanted old prayers, for the sake of his son-in-law. A little girl walked behind the two grown ups and she carried her baby brother in her arms (she was 7 at the time). Even though she was not accustomed to having a sibling (not that she eve had one) she still had this feeling of protecting him as she held him near her chest.

They finally made it to the burial site were the coffin was meant to be drowned 6 feet under and smothered with earth (meaning soil). After what seemed like an endless eternal nightmare to the little girl, the funeral ended with a short speech of her father, some roses and other flowers that were thrown, and some sobs that could tear your heart into pieces. As all the family and friends left, kagome's mother was still there in front of the tombstone. She went on her knees to see the name of her husband, engraved on the white stone. Kagome looked at her mother, with tears blurred her vision. At the time her mother was an admirable women that wore bright colors that glowed on her, though she wore a black dress she seemed dreary and heartbroken. She was so classy too, and good hearted, she never let a frown slip on her face, not till today that is.

"Mommy?" the little girl asked as she walked to her mother closer. Her mother turned her head and smilied sadly while a tear streaked upon her face. "Yes honey?" she said as she wiped the tear from the back of her hand. "Why did daddy die?" she said now almost sobbing, but still holding onto her little baby brother as tight as she could. "It's just fate dear, fate is a mysterious thing" she said as she reached out for her two children and held them both tight in each arm "I know this is hard Kagome, but we have to move on. Your father wouldn't want us to be sad, would he?". The little girl shook her head in response rather than say anything as she attempted to choke back the tears. "Do you know what it says here?" her mother said as she pointed to the tombstone that had more engraved words. "N-no" she said as she wiped the tears. "It says, 'To a man with great love that gave all to his family and to all that he knew. A great son, a great brother, a great father, a great husband, and---" she stopped to breath, her chest squeezed a bit while her throat tightened at the last line "and a great man who loved his children very much".

"Mommy" said the little girl as she hugged her mother. "Yes?" she asked as she hugged her back. "is everything going to be ok?" she asked as she caught her breath as though it would destroy her chances of a magical wish. She needed to know if everything was going to be alright, that nothing would change and that's they'd be back home as they try to live on, she needed--- No! wanted to hear it from her, as though it were a life or death sentence, to ease her from this bad dream. "I...I don't know kagome, I just don't know anymore" she said with a sad smile. Kagome looked up to see her mother looking down at her with a sad smile that found it way to her face while new tears began to run down on the side of her cheeks. At that moment her grandfather came and joined the group hug. That was they day that everything fell apart and that was the end of the smiles and the laughter that would ever escape from her mother's lips...

End of Flashback

She opened her eyes to see the skies baring little candles that gleamed fiercely in the dark ink like heavens. "What I would do to have you back" she said as though it were a small prayer, but she knew better, it would never come true nor would be heard by any god. "Well I guess I should head back" she said as she got up and began to walk sluggishly. "I walk through the land, and I've swam through water, yet I still cannot reach you, even though I still believe your in my heart, the pain of it all is that I'm missing a part of myself and when you left you took it with you and you said you'd never give it back" she said to herself as she continued to walk on.

It was one of her father's poems that he wrote a while back when he first meet her mother. She remembered him saying it was they only thing he could offer her at the time. His love, his soul, and his heart. Back then she never understood what that meant and was disgusted whenever her parents kissed in front of her. She'd always flush when her parents laughed at her gestures, and would say 'One day love will strike you and you'll be doing the same thing', she on the other hand would reply by saying 'The day that happens is when pigs fly and birds bark'. Again the sinking feeling came to her mind and sank even further to her stomach.

"Hey what's a pretty thing like you, doing out so late?" asked a voice that was heard behind her. Her spine ran a chill of fear as she ignored the man behind her, she continued to walk on as though nothing happened. "Come on what's the matter? All I want is a little fun" he said as he gained a little more speed as he followed her. At this she increased her speed as well as her heart that pulsed from utter terror. All that she heard was her heart beating and the gasps of herself trying to in take an out take air as she ran. She then saw two men underneath a light post talking. "Hello!" she yelled as she waved her arms "You have to help me!" as she finally made it to them and bent over taking in some air "there's -gasp- guy following me -gasp- I need your help" she said as she finally managed to say as she looked up at the two strangers.

"So?" said one of them as they took a drag of his nicotine stick. "W-what?" she said in horror to see the both men walking a little bit closer as the one that followed her came near as well. 'Oh no' she thought 'They're all in this together?' she screamed inside her head as her face turned ghostly pale. "Oh boy! we've got a good one tonight boys" said the other one that had a rope in one hand. The guy that came after her grabbed her shoulders and spun her around and shoved her to the ground. Her head meet a boulder that banged her head, she screamed in pain as she felt some liquid on the back of her head. The man that ran to her went down on his knees and spread his legs and hovered over kagome hips.

"Hey Tomo save some for us this time ok" said the guy with the rope. Kagome's eyes froze, she knew what that meant, she wasn't stupid, all her life she tried to protect herself from these types and now it was over. She closed her eyes and told herself it was another bad dream. The guy that was on top of her bent down and whispered in her ear "Just be a good girl" he whispered in a husky, yet demanding tone "and I just might let you live" he then forced his lips on her's.

Then all of a sudden the guy shot up screaming in pain. his comrades came to see what had happened, and they notice that the girl's hand was a switch blade and that it was pierced through his stomach. Crimson liquid seeped through steadily yet quickly as kagome withdrew the blade when the gory liquid touched her hand. She stood up quickly and held the knife in front of her as though it were a blade. "Come any closer and I swear I'll kill you" she yelled to them, even though her voice had a hint of fear and uneasiness. "I mean it!" she yelled as she stood her ground. Never in her life was there a time where she wished she had a gun more than now, and now it was to late. This, sadly, is her last option to preserve her honor (either that or kill herself to preserve her honor like the samurai's did back in the old days). In the great words of an unknown person, 'Die Trying'.

To Be Continued...

Hope you liked it!

yea very awkward and I'm sorry if you were disturbed with the whole 'almost raped' thing.

But! she wasn't! or will she? who knows

I do but I might not want to add another chapter for a while.

I'm going to post other stories, so yea...

