Disclaimer: Don't own Inuyasha...though I very much would like to be Rumiko Takahashi, because she does. However, please don't steal my storyline, or original characters. Because I came up w/ them on my own...and I'm kinda proud of that. lol. I also don't own the song Still Far Away by Staind that I used for this chapter.

AN: Sorry it took me so long to get this up! My dad was off for like a week and I couldn't really typ at all, and then I've have band camp all last week, and I have it again next week...well, enough excuses...here's the last chappie!

"Are you sure you have everything Kagome?" Shippo asked searching her bag.

"I won't if you keep emptying it like that Shippo." She said with a giggle as she put the few things that he had taken out back in. She then picked it up and placed it on her back. "Wow, it's so light. I wonder how long I've been gone."

"We better get going if we're going to get back to our village by nightfall." Maya said as she went outside along with Sato to join the others. Kagome and Shippo soon followed.

"Well, I guess this is where we go our separate ways." Miroku said.

Maya nodded, and then whispered to Sango who was on Kirara, "If he starts groping other women again just come and tell me." She finished with a wink.

Sango laughed. "Don't worry; if he does he'll just have to find another woman to bare his children."

Kagome turned to Sango. "So you two are together now?" Sango nodded. Kagome instantly hugged her. "I'm so happy for you Sango!"

"We should probably get going." Sango said once Kagome released her. They all nodded. The two groups then turned and began their separate ways.

This is my life
It's not what it was before

"Thanks for everything guys!" Maya called back waving. "Good luck getting Inuyasha and Kagome together Shippo!"

Both Kagome and Inuyasha's faces turned bright red. "Let's just go home." Inuyasha muttered trying to act as if he hadn't heard that last comment.

Inuyasha's remark, however, triggered a thought in Kagome's mind. Home. Was that even in her time anymore? Lately she had even been feeling more at home in feudal era with all her friends.

The rest of the day was spent walking in mostly silence. Shippo avoided Inuyasha for fear he would be strangled to death for the comment Maya made and Sango and Miroku simply enjoyed their new found company. Inuyasha and Kagome however, had much more serious things on their minds. What would Kagome do once they returned to the village?

All these feelings I've shared
And these are my dreams
That I'd never lived before

The two days it took to return to the village seemed to drag on forever. The second day was just as the first, in silence. It wasn't until late morning on the third day of walking that they reached Kaede's.

One by one they filtered into her hut and surrounded the hut. "It's been a while." She said with a wrinkled smile.

"Yeah, it has." Kagome said half heartedly attempting a smile.

Somebody shake me 'cause I
I must be sleeping

"It's good to see you again." Shippo said bouncing over to Kaede and giving her a hug with his tiny arms. Kaede hugged the little kitsune back before placing him on the ground and stirring the soup she had cooking. Her smile faded when she noticed Kagome's grim expression.

"Are ye feeling alright Kagome?" She asked worriedly.

"Yeah Kagome," Shippo added. "You seemed depressed the whole way back."

"Hmmm?" Kagome said snapping out of her thoughts. "Ohh, I'm fine. I actually wanted to ask you something Kaede."

"Yes what is it?"

"The jewel," She took the shikon no tama that was around her neck and handed it to the old miko. "Its power is gone now because I made wish on it. Do you think I will still be able to pass through the well?"

"You have truly completed it.." The old women mused as she examined the jewel. When she was done she looked up at the young miko. "You are correct, the jewel itself it powerless. I cannot say for sure, but I believe it will let you return to your time since that is the one in which you belong. I do not however, think it will allow you to return to this time."

Kagome nodded. "I thought it might be something like that."

Now that we're here, it's so far away
All the struggle we thought was in vain

"So Kagome can't stay with us?" Shippo squeaked.

"I'm gonna go take a walk." Kagome said as she took the jewel back from Kaede and stood up. She picked up her bow and the arrows she had gotten before they left for Kaede's just in case. "I'll be back later."

They sat in silence, all thinking of what it would be like without Kagome around. After a few minutes Inuyasha stood up and left the hut without a word.

"Where's he going?" Shippo said about to follow. Miroku, however, put a hand out and stopped him.

"He's probably going after Kagome." He pointed out. Shippo mouthed an O and sat back down.

"So," Kaede began. "If the jewel is complete, you must have defeated Naraku as well?" They nodded. "Tell me what happened then..."

And all the mistakes, one life contained
They all finally start to go away

Kagome ran her hand thoughtfully over the lip of the well. She heard a soft thump from behind her, followed by footsteps. She knew without looking the only person it could be.

"You're going to leave us for your time...aren't you?" The person asked.

"I don't know yet. Besides, I wouldn't leave before telling everyone goodbye first-if that's what I choose to do anyway." She said turning around to see the person approaching, confirming it was who she thought it was. "Yaknow, I never did thank you for saving me during the battle with Naraku."

"Huh?" Inuyasha questioned. "But you're the one who-"

"You took the blow of Naraku's tentacle, and then the full force of the cliff." She interrupted before her could finish. Her gaze turned slowly from Inuyasha to the ground below her. "That's why you were injured so badly, because...you saved me..."

And now that we're here, it's so far away
And I feel like I can face the day

"I always save you. That's nothing new." Inuyasha remarked, causing Kagome to smile a little and look up at him.

"Yeah, that's true. I guess it was my turn to save you." She said with a smile, but then added on a darker note, "But...now you can't use the jewel to become a full demon."

"Don't be stupid. I wouldn't even be alive to become a full fledged demon if you hadn't made that wish. Besides, I thought you said you liked me better as a hanyou anyway."

Kagome's smile grew as she walked up to him and gave one of his ears a tweak. "I do, but I want to be with you no matter what form you take."

Inuyasha stared at her unsure of what to say. Did she really mean that? She wanted stay with him?

"Inuyasha," Kagome began snapping him out of his thoughts. "I need to know something..."

"W-what is it?" Inuyasha stuttered under Kagome's gaze. Her deep chocolate orbs were looking directly into his golden ones.

"How do you really fell about me Inuyasha?" She said taking a seat on the lip of the well, making sure there was no way she was going to fall in first. "Are we really just friends?"

And I can forgive
And I'm not ashamed to be
The Person that I am today

Inuyasha stared intently at the ground. He wasn't really expecting Kagome to just come out and ask him how he felt like that. It wasn't that he didn't know how he felt about her, that he knew very well. Actually saying how he felt was the part he could never seem to get out right.

Kagome too was staring at the ground. The silence was killing her. Regretting asking the question in the first place she was just about to tell him to forget it, that she was stupid for asking, when she felt him sit on the well next to her.

"Yaknow..." He began. "Every time you go through the well I'm afraid you won't come back to me."

"But I always do. You should know that by now." She said looking up at Inuyasha. He turned and looked at her.

These are my words
That I've never said before
I think I'm-- doing okay

"But how do you know it won't just seal itself up? Like it might be now?" He looked away again. "When you leave, it's like you never existed here. I can't see you, sense you, I can't even smell you scent after a few hours...I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't be with you anymore."


The hanyou then turned to Kagome and looked her in the eyes. "We're not just friends Kagome. We never could be...because what I feel for you is nothing like what I've ever felt for anyone else. I-I love you Kagome."

Kagome stared at him for a moment before leaning up and kissing him softly on the lips. "I love you too Inuyasha." Kagome said sweetly as she pulled away and looked up at him once more.

And this is the smile
That I've never shown before
Somebody shake me 'cause I
I must be sleeping

A smile formed slowly on her face when she noticed the huge grin on his. "You should do that more often."

"Do what?"

"Smile." She said happily. Then she stood up grabbing his hand in hers. "I guess we should be getting back now."

Inuyasha simply nodded in agreement and they started to walk back hand in hand.

I'm so afraid of waking
Please don't shake me
Afraid of waking
Please don't shake me

"It's like I'm dreaming" Kagome said as she looked up at the clear sky.

Inuyasha looked at her with a somewhat panicked expression. "You don't think this is a dream world again do you?"

Kagome laughed in response. "That's not what I meant. Everything just seems so perfect."

After that they walked in silence for a short while longer before Inuyasha pointed out the obvious. "We're not going in the direction of the village."

"I know that. I need to do something first."

Now that we're here, it's so far away
All the struggle we thought was in vain
And all the mistakes, one life contained
They all finally start to go away

They soon reached the god tree. Kagome took one of her arrows and walked up to it letting go of Inuyasha's hand.

"What are you carving?" The curious hanyou asked.

"A message to my family." She said as she dug the point of the arrow into the trunk of the tree.

"But aren't you-" Inuyasha began but stopped when Kagome moved away from the tree showing off her carving skills. "You're staying?"

Kagome smiled again and nodded. "I know I'll miss my family. But no matter which era I decide to stay in I'll regret a little. But if I went back to my time I don't think I'd ever forgive myself."

"Well I'm glad you decided to stay for once." Inuyasha said with a smirk as memories of all the times he tried to stop her ran though his mind.

"Me too."

And now that we're here, it's so far away
And I feel like I can face the day
And I can forgive
And I'm not ashamed to be
The Person that I am today

I've decided to stay.
I love you all.

Okay! that's the end! Tell me what you think because this really didn't come out exactly as I had hoped and If you want I can rewrite it and change it a little. I'm not sure if I will do an epilogue at the moment or not, but I probably will. I'm just not sure how soon I will post it.

I'll update and do review responses later. sorry!