Lebe Wohl!
By Terrenis-chan
E-Mail: [email protected]
Rating: PG (?)
Warning: sappy, death, slash, fantasy, OOC, slightly dark and depressive, AU (no Arwen, just the twins)...
Pairing: Elrond/Legolas (^^ *dances* Yay!)...
Summary: Someone says goodbye in his own way... (Title means Farewell in German)
Disclaimer: Do they belong to me? Is my name Tolkien? I don't think so.
It was a mild late summer night in the valley of Rivendell, also called Imladris in the language of the Elves. Not a single cloud covered the nightly, starlit sky, when Elrond, Lord of the realm, stepped on the balcony, belonging to his own private chambers. The Half-Elf was only dressed in a light sleeping robe and his dark hair was loose, a style he wore every night for several millennia now.
Although it was only shortly after midnight, Elrond found it impossible to get some badly needed sleep. Instead of sleeping, his thoughts lingered somewhere far away. Strangely, it seemed to happen more often lately. He didn't know why he behaved like that. It was like an unconscious procedure, leaving him very tired after a sleepless night.
Tonight wasn't different from every other night in the past week. It always started with him getting restless, as soon as it grew silent in the Last Homely House. Soon it would become difficult to stay any longer in his chambers and Elrond would step on his balcony with the same sense of foreboding in his mind, which he had every night for a week now, gazing eastwards, where the elven realm of Mirkwood was.
Mirkwood – the home of his beloved.
Elrond felt his heartbeat quicken, when his thoughts started to circle around the fair-haired being that had captured his heart straight away, when he had first laid his eyes on him. It had happened on their first meeting several hundred years ago and the Half-Elf still couldn't forget how those blue eyes had enchanted him on the spot...or that golden hair...that wonderful, seductive smile...
A sudden panic attack struck the Lord out of the blue. What if his ever-present foreboding had something to do with his golden-haired prince? What if something terrible had happened to him? What if...?
"No. Never......!" Elrond suddenly shouted out loud into the dark night, refusing to believe the possibility of happening something to his prince.
Luckily for him, none of the other inhabitants of Imladris was awake to hear his sudden outburst or else every elf within the hearing range would have thought that something was seriously wrong with their Lord.
The dark-haired elf took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down his rapidly beating heart. He was dizzy for a moment, but the dizziness passed as quickly as it had come over him. Elrond wanted to go back into his room, when he suddenly heard noises with his sharp hearing. They seemed to come from outside the city. The Half-Elf frowned. Who would arrive here in the middle of the night?
His unspoken question was soon answered, when a lone rider on a white horse appeared moments later within the Lord's sight. Immediately, Elrond felt his lips curl up in a little smile, when he recognized the rider. Suddenly feeling like a little elfling again, the dark-haired Lord back inwards and put a simple dark robe over his sleeping robe.
After that, he left his room and hurried through the empty corridors, until he reached the courtyard. He wasn't sure anymore, if he had seen right up there on his balcony. Maybe his eyes had just played a trick on him. But now, the Half-Elf was convinced that his ancient eyes hadn't deceived him.
Reaching the inner courtyard, the Elf Lord stopped and waited for the rider to arrive, hiding himself behind one of the columns there.
It didn't last long and Elrond caught a glimpse of golden hair between the by the moonlight illuminated trees. The rest of the arrival appeared a moment later. He watched him in his hiding place, waiting for the right moment to come out. Only when the blond rider was near enough, he stepped slowly forwards, a smile on his usually serious face.
"Welcome to Rivendell, stranger! May I ask who graces this house with his presence?" the Elf Lord asked, smirking slightly.
The blond elf smirked back.
"Forgive the late disturbance, my Lord! I'm just a lone traveller from Mirkwood, who seeks a place for the night to stay!" he answered.
Elrond raised an eyebrow questioningly and stared like this at the other elf. For a while, neither of them said anything. Then, all of a sudden, both elves began to chuckle heartily, until it turned into a melodious laughter. The fair-haired elf dismounted and flew straight away into the opened arms of the dark-haired Lord, who embraced him on the spot.
"Welcome back, meleth-nin. I've missed you so much!" Elrond breathed into the other's leaf shaped ears.
"So did I. I'm sorry for not coming earlier! I know you must have been worried about me!" Legolas whispered back.
Elrond loosened his embrace.
"But you're here now! That's all that matters! Come on, let's go inside. You must be weary from your long journey."
The dark-haired Half-Elf took the bridle of Legolas' horse and then both elves went together to the stables to accommodate the white mare in one of the empty boxes. After that, they headed for the house and the part of it, where Elrond's chambers were. Shortly before the stairs, Elrond stopped and looked at the blond elf, who seemed a little absent with his mind.
"Are you hungry? We could stop at the kitchen and make you something to eat!" he asked, frowning, when Legolas didn't answer.
"Legolas? Are you alright, melme?" Elrond asked again, now a little bit worried.
The fair-haired elf looked blankly at the Elf Lord and for a moment, a strange shadow flickered over the prince's facial features, but it disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. Legolas just smiled faintly.
"Forgive me, but I'm really tired. Maybe I should really go to sleep, if you allow!"
Elrond chuckled and took Legolas' hand.
"You don't have to ask for my permission, meleth. Come, let's get you to bed, my little prince."
Both elves laughed again. Elrond then began to drag the blond elf upstairs. Legolas didn't resist and allowed the Lord to drag him along to the Half-Elf's very own chambers. When they had reached them, Elrond stopped, opened the door and gestured for the prince to enter the room.
"Please come in or do you wish to stay outside for the rest of the night?"
The blond elf pondered over this suggestion for a moment.
"Well, I think I'll accept your offer, if you ask me so politely! After all, how could I decline such a nice offer?" Legolas answered teasingly.
Both of them entered the room. After closing the door, Elrond turned round and saw his prince sitting on his bed.
"Come, let me help you to take off those clothes and then I'll bring you personally to bed!"
Legolas raised one of his fine eyebrows.
"Is that a promise?" he asked playfully.
"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Could it be that we are a little bit naughty? Well, we'll see. Maybe you could convince me later." Elrond said, while looking for a suited nightshirt.
Finally he chose one of his own, since he couldn't find one in Legolas' baggage. He handed the cream-coloured shirt over to the prince, who tried to get out of his dirty travelling clothes. The blond elf gratefully accepted the silken garment from the Half-Elf.
"Thank you!" Legolas said and slipped into the shirt, settling down on Elrond's bed and waiting for the Lord to join him.
"Are you not come to bed, Elrond?"
"No, I'm not tired yet. But I'll watch over your sleep, if you want me to do so!"
The blond elf smiled again and nodded.
"I would like that!"
Shortly before he laid down again, Legolas hesitated for a moment before pressing a butterfly kiss on the Elf Lord's lips.
"Good Night, beloved! I'll see you in the morning!"
"I know. Sleep well, my prince!" Elrond replied while sitting down in a chair next to the bed.
Sighing, the prince finally laid his head on the soft pillow and allowed himself to relax. A moment later, his blue eyes went unfocused, indicating that the blond elf was asleep. Elrond also made himself comfortable and watched his sleeping beloved, caressing one of the soft golden hair strands with his right hand.
He was so glad that his beloved was with him again. Forgotten was the fear that something terrible might had happened to him. Still...why was there still this strange nagging sensation in his heart?
Love it? Hate it? Sorry, if it sucks, but is my second attempt at a LOTR Fic. If I shall continue, please review. If I get enough reviews, I'll write more.
Comments and Criticism to:
[email protected]
^^ Terrenis-chan
Lebe Wohl!
By Terrenis-chan
E-Mail: [email protected]
Rating: PG (?)
Warning: sappy, death, slash, fantasy, OOC, slightly dark and depressive, AU (no Arwen, just the twins)...
Pairing: Elrond/Legolas (^^ *dances* Yay!)...
Summary: Someone says goodbye in his own way... (Title means Farewell in German)
Disclaimer: Do they belong to me? Is my name Tolkien? I don't think so.
It was a mild late summer night in the valley of Rivendell, also called Imladris in the language of the Elves. Not a single cloud covered the nightly, starlit sky, when Elrond, Lord of the realm, stepped on the balcony, belonging to his own private chambers. The Half-Elf was only dressed in a light sleeping robe and his dark hair was loose, a style he wore every night for several millennia now.
Although it was only shortly after midnight, Elrond found it impossible to get some badly needed sleep. Instead of sleeping, his thoughts lingered somewhere far away. Strangely, it seemed to happen more often lately. He didn't know why he behaved like that. It was like an unconscious procedure, leaving him very tired after a sleepless night.
Tonight wasn't different from every other night in the past week. It always started with him getting restless, as soon as it grew silent in the Last Homely House. Soon it would become difficult to stay any longer in his chambers and Elrond would step on his balcony with the same sense of foreboding in his mind, which he had every night for a week now, gazing eastwards, where the elven realm of Mirkwood was.
Mirkwood – the home of his beloved.
Elrond felt his heartbeat quicken, when his thoughts started to circle around the fair-haired being that had captured his heart straight away, when he had first laid his eyes on him. It had happened on their first meeting several hundred years ago and the Half-Elf still couldn't forget how those blue eyes had enchanted him on the spot...or that golden hair...that wonderful, seductive smile...
A sudden panic attack struck the Lord out of the blue. What if his ever-present foreboding had something to do with his golden-haired prince? What if something terrible had happened to him? What if...?
"No. Never......!" Elrond suddenly shouted out loud into the dark night, refusing to believe the possibility of happening something to his prince.
Luckily for him, none of the other inhabitants of Imladris was awake to hear his sudden outburst or else every elf within the hearing range would have thought that something was seriously wrong with their Lord.
The dark-haired elf took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down his rapidly beating heart. He was dizzy for a moment, but the dizziness passed as quickly as it had come over him. Elrond wanted to go back into his room, when he suddenly heard noises with his sharp hearing. They seemed to come from outside the city. The Half-Elf frowned. Who would arrive here in the middle of the night?
His unspoken question was soon answered, when a lone rider on a white horse appeared moments later within the Lord's sight. Immediately, Elrond felt his lips curl up in a little smile, when he recognized the rider. Suddenly feeling like a little elfling again, the dark-haired Lord back inwards and put a simple dark robe over his sleeping robe.
After that, he left his room and hurried through the empty corridors, until he reached the courtyard. He wasn't sure anymore, if he had seen right up there on his balcony. Maybe his eyes had just played a trick on him. But now, the Half-Elf was convinced that his ancient eyes hadn't deceived him.
Reaching the inner courtyard, the Elf Lord stopped and waited for the rider to arrive, hiding himself behind one of the columns there.
It didn't last long and Elrond caught a glimpse of golden hair between the by the moonlight illuminated trees. The rest of the arrival appeared a moment later. He watched him in his hiding place, waiting for the right moment to come out. Only when the blond rider was near enough, he stepped slowly forwards, a smile on his usually serious face.
"Welcome to Rivendell, stranger! May I ask who graces this house with his presence?" the Elf Lord asked, smirking slightly.
The blond elf smirked back.
"Forgive the late disturbance, my Lord! I'm just a lone traveller from Mirkwood, who seeks a place for the night to stay!" he answered.
Elrond raised an eyebrow questioningly and stared like this at the other elf. For a while, neither of them said anything. Then, all of a sudden, both elves began to chuckle heartily, until it turned into a melodious laughter. The fair-haired elf dismounted and flew straight away into the opened arms of the dark-haired Lord, who embraced him on the spot.
"Welcome back, meleth-nin. I've missed you so much!" Elrond breathed into the other's leaf shaped ears.
"So did I. I'm sorry for not coming earlier! I know you must have been worried about me!" Legolas whispered back.
Elrond loosened his embrace.
"But you're here now! That's all that matters! Come on, let's go inside. You must be weary from your long journey."
The dark-haired Half-Elf took the bridle of Legolas' horse and then both elves went together to the stables to accommodate the white mare in one of the empty boxes. After that, they headed for the house and the part of it, where Elrond's chambers were. Shortly before the stairs, Elrond stopped and looked at the blond elf, who seemed a little absent with his mind.
"Are you hungry? We could stop at the kitchen and make you something to eat!" he asked, frowning, when Legolas didn't answer.
"Legolas? Are you alright, melme?" Elrond asked again, now a little bit worried.
The fair-haired elf looked blankly at the Elf Lord and for a moment, a strange shadow flickered over the prince's facial features, but it disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. Legolas just smiled faintly.
"Forgive me, but I'm really tired. Maybe I should really go to sleep, if you allow!"
Elrond chuckled and took Legolas' hand.
"You don't have to ask for my permission, meleth. Come, let's get you to bed, my little prince."
Both elves laughed again. Elrond then began to drag the blond elf upstairs. Legolas didn't resist and allowed the Lord to drag him along to the Half-Elf's very own chambers. When they had reached them, Elrond stopped, opened the door and gestured for the prince to enter the room.
"Please come in or do you wish to stay outside for the rest of the night?"
The blond elf pondered over this suggestion for a moment.
"Well, I think I'll accept your offer, if you ask me so politely! After all, how could I decline such a nice offer?" Legolas answered teasingly.
Both of them entered the room. After closing the door, Elrond turned round and saw his prince sitting on his bed.
"Come, let me help you to take off those clothes and then I'll bring you personally to bed!"
Legolas raised one of his fine eyebrows.
"Is that a promise?" he asked playfully.
"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Could it be that we are a little bit naughty? Well, we'll see. Maybe you could convince me later." Elrond said, while looking for a suited nightshirt.
Finally he chose one of his own, since he couldn't find one in Legolas' baggage. He handed the cream-coloured shirt over to the prince, who tried to get out of his dirty travelling clothes. The blond elf gratefully accepted the silken garment from the Half-Elf.
"Thank you!" Legolas said and slipped into the shirt, settling down on Elrond's bed and waiting for the Lord to join him.
"Are you not come to bed, Elrond?"
"No, I'm not tired yet. But I'll watch over your sleep, if you want me to do so!"
The blond elf smiled again and nodded.
"I would like that!"
Shortly before he laid down again, Legolas hesitated for a moment before pressing a butterfly kiss on the Elf Lord's lips.
"Good Night, beloved! I'll see you in the morning!"
"I know. Sleep well, my prince!" Elrond replied while sitting down in a chair next to the bed.
Sighing, the prince finally laid his head on the soft pillow and allowed himself to relax. A moment later, his blue eyes went unfocused, indicating that the blond elf was asleep. Elrond also made himself comfortable and watched his sleeping beloved, caressing one of the soft golden hair strands with his right hand.
He was so glad that his beloved was with him again. Forgotten was the fear that something terrible might had happened to him. Still...why was there still this strange nagging sensation in his heart?
Love it? Hate it? Sorry, if it sucks, but is my second attempt at a LOTR Fic. If I shall continue, please review. If I get enough reviews, I'll write more.
Comments and Criticism to:
[email protected]
^^ Terrenis-chan