
By: Demoness Mark

Author's Note: I have fixed the mistakes that were brought to my attention. I hope people like it better now. Feel free to find more stuff for me to correct, as I'm sure that there is more. This was written late at night, so I bet that there are at least some grammatical errors.

He's the one I always wanted, but He never even saw me. No, He only had eyes for the redhead. I love Him, I hate Him. Such a trite saying but so true. I do love him, with all my heart, but I wish He was a million miles from me, that we had never met, that I never loved Him. I hate Him with all of my heart as well, I hate that He picks her over me, that he hates me, that he kills me. I am what I am because of Him.

I first met Him at the train station. He was a year older than me and my most disliked cousin's best friend. My blood-traitor of a cousin has three best friends, but my brother and Him are closest to each other. He helped me with my trunk, His tone flirty and his eyes sparkling, until my brother told him who I was. That was when I fell for Him, and first learned to hate my cousin.

He is what made me who I am today... a Death Eater in training is how He and His friends would put it. It's ironic that the day he marries will be the day I will become what he most hates. He made me who I am. He always tormented us Slytherins, He is the one who is responsible for most of us becoming what we are. It was not the lust for power that drove many of us to Voldemort, no, we Slytherins are wiser than that. Voldemort only offered power to the weak, to the stupid, no Voldemort offered us what none of us could refuse... Revenge.

It is I who tortured the Hudges, not for pleasure, but for the fact that it would hurt Him. It would hurt Him that the night of His dress rehearsal for His wedding to the redheaded snippet that his closest friends were tortured to the breaking point, leaving their son to be raised by a strict and abusive uncle. Leaving their son to be a failure, I ensured that, I damaged his memory beyond repair. I hurt His godson, and He will never figure it out... not until it's too late.

It is His fault that I will be forced into a loveless marriage. It is all His fault. He could have rescued me, saved me, instead he chose a woman who I hated and who hated me and needed no rescuing. He killed me, the real me, not the me who will be a Death Eater, or the me who tortured the Hudges. He killed the me who could laugh and cry and love. I am called a murderer, but is he not also a murderer?

He killed me once by changing after finding out who I was, and once again when He went after her, a third time and a fourth and a fifth and more every time He said cruel and hateful things to me, a millionth when He proposed to her.

I am Bellatrix Black and James Potter killed me, though I still breathe. Tell me who is truly the killer?