Started: 1-27-04



"False Tactics"

Sequel to Scare Tactics

Disclaimer: Based on CBS's "JAG". No infringement intended. All characters belong to "Belisarius" productions except for my original characters.

(A/N) Welcome back! First off, I highly suggest reading the first story, Scare Tactics, or else this really won't make much sense at all. Anywho, I'm back and ready to start fresh with the new plot. Thank you all for your support! Review responses from the epilogue of Scare Tactics are found below :).

Special thanks to me bud, Elle, who gave me ideas for my epilogue. You rock!!!

Ghettonerd: Thank you so much! I hope this was soon enough!!! :D Welcome back!

LadyJadePerendil: LoL, yeah, and I hope it'll be more funny than anything, lol. No, no, don't worry, I won't do any of "The One" crap, don't worry about that. Ya, since Daniel will be twice the age he was when Grace met him, I'll probably do something with that. Same thing with Eric. Thank you so much, and I hope this came fast enough!!! Thanks again! (btw, your second response will be one after the next response :D). Ah! And look! You were lucky number ~*260*~ on the review list!!! *does happy dance* THANK YOU, LADY!!!

ArwenUndomiel: Yah, CB and DJE did hit about something with the 200th. Yeah, I believe we're on 196, oooh, it'll probably be something with the baby deal, teeheehee....Oh no, no more new eps?? But does that mean they're still showing older ones?? Oh, that's good. I try to catch NCIS when I can, but it's not on the best night for me, but when I do catch it, it's pretty good :D. Hey, thank you so much, I had a blast writing Scare Tactics, and I couldn't have done it without ya!!! Thanks, and see ya next week!!

LadyJadePerendil: Ya, my grandpa has Alzheimer's, and it's hard. And I just thought it would be really sad to add that in there, and hopefully realistic. Thank you, and I'll pray for ur nana. :)

Cmaf: LOL, I'm sorry it wasn't the ending u were hoping for! But you're right, it's not over. I left a lot of things still to be worked out, which is good, because then I have a lot more to work with in this sequel. LOL, I love all those quotes ;). But the "Boo" one just fits ya :D. Thanks again!

Mimmi: Hey there! LOL, well, you guys have made me soo happy. That was the most satisfied I've ever been with an ending, and it couldn't have happened without ya'll!!! Ya, it was sad to write about AJ, but it felt realistic and a fitting ending for him. Even though it breaks me heart!!! Thank you for the constant support!!!

e-dog: LoL, are you kidding, I can't wait to see how I'm gonna pull this off...kidding, kidding, lol. Thank you. *raises coffee mug*

Deb: Yes, it'll be very good with Grace knowing everything on both sides. LoL, this is gonna be so much fun. Thanks for stickin' around!!!!

SarahRabb705: Thank you! Oh my, you know how they say opposites attract, well I believe that also means if two are the side, sparks will fly. It's going to be interesting, lol...

Gillian-Marie: Welcome! It's good to have you!! Aw, thank you so much, I had a blast writing that story, and I think I'll have just as much fun with this one!!!

Winnie Bear: Aw, thank you!!! Glad you came back!!! ;)

Corinne: Thank you, it was wonderful to write!!! I had too much fun! Hope you like this one! Ah! And look! You were lucky number ~*270*~ on the review list!!! *does happy dance* THANK YOU, CORINNE!!!!

Kstorm: LoL, not only is Grace going to have to deal with them, but those guys will have to deal with each other. Muahahaha...heehee...thank you!!!

Madelynne Rabb: Thank you, lol, I was trying to strive for originality, and didn't want to fall into the awful Mary-Sue trap, so that means a lot, thank you!!

Jaggy 107: LoL, thank you! Ya, that reunion is going to be...hopefully interesting, lol. I can't wait for ya to read it!

Carby24/7: LoL, plz don't die!! Look, it's here!!! :D. Aww, I'm sry, I'll remember to post a Kleenex warning if more of that comes up :). Thank you, and see ya next week!!!

Surgeonblue: Was this fast enough?!?! Hope so!!! :D Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it!

Nikole1025: LOL, no, really, there have been worse cliffhangers, I promise! :D Tsk, aw, thank you *sniff* you're gonna make me cry, darn it!!! Thank ya so much, and see ya next week!

Chris: Thank you! I can't wait to start on the possibilities of what might happen with 2 Mac and Harms, ooooh my gosh, I hope it doesn't come out stupid!! Thank you!!!

NadaZimri: BAH! Fine, I'll be quiet *sniff*...bein' all mean to me...ya meanie six.. :P, thank, ol' buddy, ol' pal :D.

Harm-n-Mac Shipper: LoL, hopefully not too cruel!! Aw, thank you, I try, I'm just glad ya'll liked it. :). I can't wait for you to see what I have planned for H/M and meeting their older selves and vica-versa...muahahaha....ya, I won't do much with Eric throughout the whole story (since he's twice the age he was when Grace last) but she will meet him again, though he won't know her. It's kinda gonna be tragic, but then she'll realize things about Clay Jr. that she hadn't before, and...wait, I'm not gonna give it allll away :D. heehee....anywho, thanks a bunch!!!

Alex: Oh, thank you!! LoL, you never quite know how many ppls are reading, do ya??!!! :D thank you, and hope you like this!! Ah! And look! You were lucky number ~*280*~ on the review list!!! *does happy dance* THANK YOU, ALEX!!!
Domintel: LOL, oh no! Don't forget about H/M!!!! LoL, thank you so much!!! I think I get what you meant, and I wanted to leave a good cliffhanger, because I knew for a fact that there was going to be a full-out sequel, so I hope it was not that killer of a cliffhanger :D. LOL, nooo, I love long-rambling reviews *snigger* keep everything in order, ur second review response is right below :).

Domintel: Umm, I think I would seriously drive you insane if you were my beta reader, lol. Really, sometimes, I don't finish a chapter until very, very late Thursday I said...insane, lol. I'll try not to make a habit of finishing up a chapter that late. I know if I was more organized than that, I would've added more to the epilogue (I had a whole scene made out in my head for Grace and Eric, but didn't have time to get it down on the comp...). Anywho, perhaps if I better organize myself, I'll consider havin' ya as a beta reader. Thank you for the offer :).

Sunchaser2: Thank you! Ya, it was sad, but somehow, i enjoyed writing it...I think I thrive on that a disease??? :) Thank you again.

Macicat: LOL, just goes to show ya never know how many ppl are reading!!! :) Thank you for reading though. Ireland, really?!?! Wow, that's, hope you didn't have to wait too long for this!!!!! Thank youuu!

Kiwi: Thank you so much!!! I know, it felt soooo weird, not updating the story Thursday night, lol, I've become mechanical!!! :D Thanks again!!!

Clalla: Thank you so much!!!

Maggie: Thank you!! Ohh, i can't wait either, lol, this is gonna be so much fun!!! Thank you!!!!

Kassia525: LoL, thank you!!! Ugh, I'm homeschooled, so I just tried my best to figure out what high school reactions would be, lol. Thank you so much!!!

Moonlights Sundance: Ah! But it's not over yet!!!!! :D Thank you!! LoL, *raises coffee mug* :D

Pissed Off Poet: Hehe, thank you so much!! LoL, I hope you like this one!!!!! LoL, mmm, coffee is goood....:D Ah! And look! You were lucky number ~*290*~ on the review list!! *does happy dance* THANK YOU, POET!

CharmedMummy: 1. Thank you! I didn't really know I was gonna have the H/M future deal until the last chapter. I considered it, but wasn't sure I was going to use it. But now my bud has been feeding ideas into my brain and I hope it comes out good!! 2. Yeah, I was thinking about how difficult it would be for Harm to visit the Admiral. It would be such a shock. Because, probably the only convenient thing about Alzheimer's, is it usually happens gradually, and you can kind of get used to it. But Harm and Mac are pretty much just gonna get hit by this :(. 3. I know, I'm terrible, I never told you who married Webb. Well, I think it was because I couldn't really find a good place to bring it up. But now I've gotten something from the show that I'm going to use, and I promise you'll know who is wife is in this story :). Thank you so much!!!

NavyCB: Thank you so much, for your constant support all the way to the end :). Thank you!

Pennithil: LOL, can it get any more confusing?!?!?! Muahahaha...well, don't worry, I'm pretty sure how this mixed up story will be put together again :). Thank you so much!!

Jagchick105: LoL, it's okay :D. Thank you! I find the hardest part is creating realistic characters, and I was so afraid Grace would turn into a Mary-Sue!!! So thank you, that means a lot!! Oh my, you're making me blush, lol. I can only strive to be as good an author as you!!! Oohhhhh my gosh, it'll be sooo much fun how I'm gonna make the past and future H/M interact with each other...teeheehee...insanity ensues...hehe...Thank you so much, it wouldn't have nearly as much fun with out ya!!! *sigh* Unstable needs some work, and I may repost a couple chapters. I was kinda stuck there at the end of chapter 8, and wasn't sure where I was gonna go. But now that's I've had more practice writing JAG fics, hopefully that story will make more sense, lol. You hafta admit, Ariel's story was a little whacked out, lol. *jumps up and down* Yay! I get a Harm-hug!!!! Teeheehee.....*big grin*...LOL, yup, see ya next week!!!!! :D thanks again :).

NadaZimri: LOL, well, I'm just gonna go all out and say thanks for all those extra reviews :)  (lol, it actually feels kind of devious, lol). Ah, and look! You were lucky number ~*400*~  (gee..;D )on the review list!!! *does happy dance* THANK YOU, ELLE!!!

Cmaf: LOL, I already answered you, *giggle* Hope you like this!! 

Chapter 1: Old Acquaintances

0913 ZULU

Rabb Home

Georgetown, Virginia

Grace awoke with a start and she gasped. Her eyes wandered around her bedroom. They adjusted to the darkness and she was able to make out the objects in her room. What kind of dream was that? She had one of those awful dreams where you're running from someone, but you seem to be crawling so slowly. Grace was glad she woke up from it.

 Not really wanting to fall asleep again, for fear of drifting back into the dream, Grace rose to a sitting position, bringing her knees up to her chest. She suddenly found herself thinking about the yesterday's events. What stuck out in her mind the most was visiting AJ. It made her shiver as his expression kept reappearing. That man looked at her and saw a stranger. She looked at that man and saw a dead friend. It was the best way she could describe it. Because as far as the Admiral was concerned, she didn't exist.

 Grace sighed, glancing over at her clock. The digital numbers read off that it was 0400. Knowing she wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, Grace tossed the covers aside and grabbed a sweater. She knew she would be a zombie in school today.


1201 ZULU

"No, I want it!"

"You don't need it! Give it!"

Jake and Isabelle played tug of war with a little plastic bag containing a toy racecar from a cereal box. Isabelle was pulling with all her might using both hands. Jake held on with one hand, rolling his eyes at his sister's stubbornness.

"You don't even like cars!" Jake pointed out.

"But I found it!"

Mac stumbled into the kitchen, putting a shoe on. Her brow furrowed when she saw her two children fighting over the toy. She shot a gaze to her husband at the round kitchen table, who avoided disciplining them by holding the newspaper out in front of him.

Once she got her high heel shoe on, she grabbed the toy from the two.

"Moooommmmm!" The two of them whined in unison.

Instead of throwing the toy away (she knew one of them would be silly enough to brave the garbage can to get it) she stuffed it in her purse. "If neither of you can agree, then neither of you can have it. Now brush your teeth and make sure you have all your homework."

The kids stomped out of the kitchen, shoving each other as they went. Harm slowly lowered the newspaper, his eyes narrowing.

"Where are you going?" He asked, taking notice that she was in a business suit and her hair was done particularly nicely.

"I have an interview." Mac answered quickly as she drained the rest of her coffee.

Harm blinked. "You what?"

"An interview!" She said again, as if it was the most normal thing she could do. Mac then sat at the table, gathering papers into a briefcase. Harm watched with his mouth parted slightly.

"With who?"

"Newman & Lowry, attorneys at law." She said distractedly as her eyes skimmed over one of the papers.

Harm chuckled. "You planning on divorcing me?" He joked.

"I ran into Barb Shirley at the market yesterday," Mac continued, ignoring Harm's joke, "Her brother-in-law is Michael Newman and it seems his partner, Mr. Lowry had a stroke. He needs someone to take over Lowry's cases while he recovers."

Harm made a half smile. "What—you're going to be a lawyer?"

Mac shot her head up, her eyes glazing a bit. "It's not funny. I may have not been in a courtroom for near fifteen years, but I still...pretty much remember everything."

Now Harm started to worry. "Mac...we have three children. The whole reason you gave up your career was to raise them! And—just when did we discuss you going back to work?!"

"We didn't." Mac snapped the briefcase closed and stood, "Besides, I think this a good opportunity for me. As well as for you."

"Me." Harm answered flatly.

"Of course, it gives you better chance to get closer with the kids!"

Harm stared at his wife blankly. "How?"

Mac smiled innocently. "Well, would you mind picking them up from school?"

"Of course not—"

"And bringing them to JAG?"


"Harm, Grace can't watch those two by herself with all the homework she needs to do!"

Harm stuttered to find a good excuse. "An—and what am I supposed to do? I have meetings with the SecNav, Admiral Harley, Congressman Lewis—"

"Just let them stay with your yeoman and they'll be fine!"

Mac challenged the man to come up with a retort to that. He couldn't and finally gave in. "Fine..."

Mac spread a wry grin as she went to the kitchen door, poking her head out of it. "I'M IN THE CAR IN THREE MINUTES AND FORTY-TWO SECONDS!"

Mac listened and heard all of them yell down "okay's" before going back to the kitchen table. Harm had moved to the counter and was putting away the cereal boxes and milk carton. He stopped and stared at his wife curiously. When Mac turned around to see his face, she sighed.


"I still can't believe you didn't tell me about it." He mumbled.

Mac's frame drooped at her husband's expression. She hoisted her purse over her shoulder and pulled the briefcase to her side. "Look, Harm, I just want to try this out," Mac replied, going up to him and straightening his tie, "It won't be forever!"


1245 ZULU

Streets of Georgetown


 "Stop touching me!" Jake complained, shoving his little sister's shoulder.

"I'm not even near you!" Isabelle shot back.

"Hey! You guys, this is your last warning!" Mac cautioned, peering up at her rear-view mirror to see them. The two kids continued to make faces at each other.

 Grace was completely oblivious, her small headphones shoved inside her ears blocked out the noise. Mac, keeping her eyes on the road, elbowed her daughter next to her. Grace's head shot up, her eyes wide. She yanked the speakers out of her ears.


"Change of plans today, guys," Mac started, now that she had everyone's attention, "Daddy's gonna pick you up from school and bring you to the office."

The two kids in the backseat exchanged grins, but Grace narrowed her eyes at her mother suspiciously.

"What? Why," She exclaimed, "Mom, I can't watch them!"

Mac explained the interview that would probably run into the afternoon. Grace listened carefully.

"Bu—but when did you decide to go back to work?!"

"It's just an interview," Mac tried to reason, "it doesn't mean I'm going back to work!"

"But you want to go back to work..."

Mac struggled with a response. "Grace, it's just that I'm—I'm—"

"Bored?" Grace finished for her.

"Wha—how could say that, of course not! I love being around you guys, it's just..."

Grace nodded. "You're bored." She concluded, bringing her eyes to the road.

"Bored with what?" Isabelle inquired, her eyes darting from Jake, who at the moment seemed quite subdued, and her mother and sister.

Before anyone could answer, the car stopped in front of Georgetown High School.

Mac smiled. "Have a good day."

"Bye, Gracie!" Isabelle yelled loudly from the backseat.

Grace cringed as a couple passing students snickered. She mumbled a "bye" as she closed the car door. The window slid down and Mac called after her.

Rolling her eyes, Grace turned around. "What?"

"Aren't you gonna wish me luck?" Mac said with a strange twinkle in her eye. This woman was actually excited about the possibility of going back to work!

"Sure, Mom."


1247 ZULU

Dupree Mansion

Outside Georgetown

 Mac breathed in deep, but her mouth filled with dusty air, and she coughed lightly. Her head was resting on something soft and warm and she opened her eyes to see Harm's chin. She brought her head up from his chest and got into a sitting position. Mac squinted her eyes as light broke into the basement from the hole in the stairs. She felt strange, like she'd been stretched, and then something else hit her...she had no clue what time it was. Her internal clock wasn't sending any signals. She only knew it had been one minute and seventeen seconds since she woke up. So for the first time probably ever, she looked down at her watch.

0748 hours.

Mac shivered as a frigid breeze tunnelled in from the hole in the stairs. That was not a simple chilly October draft. So did they actually cross over?  

Mac looked down at her fiancé. He seemed so peaceful. Then she realized he might have a concussion. It was a far enough drop that he fell, and then she fell on him...yeah, he was probably in pain too. Mac nudged him to get no response.

"Harm, wake up." She ordered, elbowing him.

A little moan escaped him and his brow furrowed some. He cautiously opened his eyes and stared at Mac for a moment. His eyes darted around the room before landing back on Mac.

"Did we..."

Mac nodded. "Yeah, I think so. It's almost 0800."

Harm grunted as he sat up with Mac's help. "You all right, sailor?"

He stood, wobbling a bit and massaging his lower back. "I'll live."

Mac stood with ease. "Thanks for breaking my fall."

"Yeah, well you almost broke my neck." Harm protested, rubbing the back of his head, "What happened?"

"You tripped and fell in."

Harm narrowed his eyes. "Then how did you get here?"

Mac shrugged. "I went after you."

"What?!" Harm exclaimed, "are you nuts?!"

Seeing no point in getting into an argument about it, Mac put her fists firmly on her hips. "Look, we're stuck here, all right? I think right now we need to concentrate on our next move."

That was good enough for Harm, and he fell silent for a moment. "We should get to Grace." He suggested.

Man nodded, crossing her arms tightly against herself, her light autumn jacket not really helping against the cold that swirled around the basement. "Good idea...where would she be?"

Harm checked his watch, then shrugged. "School?"

The Marine started to pace, tapping her chin. "Right. Georgetown High. We'll have to hitch a ride."


1316 ZULU

Harm wrapped his arm tighter around Mac, trying to shield her from the icy wind. They both stood rigidly at the end of the Dupree driveway, looking left and right down the road, hoping, no, praying for a vehicle to come.

It only took a moment more for Harm to realize his thumb had gone completely numb. "I think my thumb in frostbitten." He said between clenched teeth.

Mac huddled closer into Harm as a strong gust whipped through them. "Is it purple?"

"No." Harm replied after quickly examining it.

"Then it's fine for now."

"For now?!" Harm exclaimed.

"Keep your thumb out, a car's coming!"

It was true, Harm had to squint his eyes, but he saw the glint of red metal coming near. He stuck his arm out further as the rusty pickup truck neared. He could see it slowing down.

"I think he's gonna stop."

The truck came to a short stop in front of them. The driver rolled down the fogged window. "Ya'll need a ride?" The driver was a man in his middle thirties wearing a tight-fitting wool hat with earflaps, quite resembling a biplane pilot, only without the goggles. A beard was growing unevenly on him, and his eyes glazed. The wind whipped around the stench of cigars, and Mac and Harm exchanged glances. It might be the only car to come around for a while.

"Yeah, we need to get to Georgetown." Harm answered hesitantly.

The man nodded, staring at Mac for a little too long before rolling up his window. "I'm going in that direction. Be glad to give ya'll a ride."

Harm and Mac walked around the front of the truck, Harm watching the man through the windshield as he eyed Mac again. Harm opened the passenger door, feeling the heat escape from inside and the intoxicating stench of the cigars. It brought back a distant memory of when he smoked, but Harm found no craving for them. Being able to resist cigars was now child's play.

 They squeezed into the front seat; Harm keeping a protective arm around Mac, who unfortunately was sitting in the middle. As Mac put on her seatbelt, Harm caught the man looking at her again, and the sailor fixed a hostile expression on the guy. He got his message across and the man's eyes quickly shifted back to the road.

"Ya'll in?" The man asked as Harm shut the car door.


The truck shifted into gear and jerked forward.

 The wind played with the large snowflakes that started to fall, blowing them in every direction. It made visual conditions horrible and Harm hoped to God this guy knew where he was going. The man didn't seem stressed by it and just shook his head.

"Storm's pickin' up. Good thing I got to ya'll when I did!" The man said confidently.

"Yeah, thanks, Mister..."

"Ah, just call me Earl." He said with a toothy smile.

The officers didn't proffer their names and Earl didn't ask, or at least didn't ask their names.

"That's a pretty remote spot you was at. Car break down?"

Harm and Mac exchanged glances again. "Sure."

Earl was about to ask something else when sirens sounded from behind them. Harm peered at the car door mirror and saw blue and red flashing lights.

"Ah, damn it." Earl mumbled as he slowed the car down and pulled it over, "figures I get caught in the middle o' nowhere."

A few minutes later, the police officer came up to the driver's side window and tapped on the glass. Earl put on a smile and rolled down the window.

"Problem officer?"

The cop's expression was deadpan. "You were speedin', son."

Earl's eyebrows drew in, in confusion. "Really?"

The cop nodded his head towards the back of the pickup truck. "What do you got covered back there?"

Earl shrugged. "Farmin' supplies."

The cop chuckled. "Oh, really. And what grows this time of year?"

Earl's smile diminished. "Uh..."

"Why don't I take a look. You stay right there." He ordered.

When the cop left, Earl slowly turned his head to his passengers. "You might wanna run."

Harm narrowed his eyes. "Why?"

"Cause that cop is about to find ten kilos of cocaine in my trunk."


1403 ZULU

Georgetown Police Station


Harm slowly tapped his fingers on the hard metal of the table, keeping his gaze locked with Mac's, who sat across from him. They obviously hadn't run, thinking it would only make things worse. But this situation didn't look good either. The interrogation room door opened and Detective Cutler entered the room. He had a briefcase, which he placed on the table, snapping it open.

"How you folks doin'?" The forty-something man said as he took out a couple Ziploc lunch baggies.

Harm leaned forward in the chair, lacing his long fingers on the table. "We've been better."

Cutler grunted in reply as he sat down. He then took a police report out of his briefcase, skimming over the pages. "You say you were just hitch-hiking?" He asked sceptically.

Harm nodded. "That's right."

"Mm...and we thought we'd be nice and we went out there to tow your car which you said had broken down, but you see it's strange because we couldn't find your car." Cutler dropped the report on the table, looking back and forth from Harm to Mac. When they didn't answer, Cutler continued.

"There's something else interesting. Your name's Rabb, isn't it?"


"Well, you see, you license we have from your disturbing. It says here you were born in...lemme see...ah, yes, nineteen sixty-three." Cutler held up the license in front of Harm. He then cranked his head around, looking at the picture. "If I may say, sir, you look pretty good for fifty-seven years old."

Harm made a wry chuckle. "What can I say—diet and exercise."

Cutler lightly laughed. " and exercise...were you also aware, Mr. Rabb, that your license expired twelve years ago?"

Harm eyes shifted to Mac, who pursed her lips. They were busted.


1645 ZULU

Georgetown High


 Grace more than once in her life felt eternally grateful to have Clay as a friend. She knew she was nodding off and Clay had just kicked the back of her chair, making her sit up straight. The neighbouring students stifled their laughs. Grace sunk down in her chair a little, just happy the teacher didn't catch her. She made a mental note to not wake up before dawn ever again.

"And so you see that a protozoan that uses a flagellum to manoeuvre around is placed in phylum Mastigophoria, unlike the paramecium, which uses cilia, is placed in phylum Ciliophora—"

 A knock on the door interrupted Mrs. Barnet and the teacher put down the chalk, and went to answer it. Someone murmured something to her from the other side, and Grace felt she would almost fall asleep again.

"Miss Rabb?!" 

Grace stirred and straightened her spine. "Yes?"

"You have a phone call from your father. Go to the principal's office to take it."

Grace's brows drew in. She couldn't help but inwardly scoff at the thought that her father forgot how to get to the school. She stood, shrugging at Clay before leaving the classroom.

 Grace followed the woman who had delivered the message through the vacant halls. It felt so weird to be here when everyone was in class. After a couple turns, they came to the principal's office, and the woman nodded at the phone on her desk.

"I'm going to get coffee." She then said, though Grace knew it was only to give her a little privacy.

Grace picked up the black receiver and put it to her ear. "Dad?" There was a pause on the other line, and she could hear him breathing, "Daaaad." She dragged out in a singsong voice.

"Grace, it's—it's me."

She chuckled lightly. "Yeaaaah, I know, what's up?"

He suddenly sounded a little frustrated, and sighed impatiently. "N—no, Grace, I mean it's me...Harm."

Grace's smile faded and her breath caught. "H—Harm?"

"Look, I can't really explain it right now, but we need your help."

Grace didn't comprehend what he just said. She was still stuck on, "It's me...Harm."

"Grace? Are you listening to me?"

"H—how did you—it's impossible!" She somehow choked out.

"Grace, listen, Mac is with me too, and we' a bit of a you have a credit card?"


1714 ZULU

Georgetown Police Station

 Grace stepped out of the cab and stomped up the stone steps leading to the police station. When she'd first realized those two had come into her world, she was afraid. Utterly afraid. What would happen if they knocked into her parents? But worst of all, would they have to stay here and entire year before going back? That had scared her the most. But now, after having to sneak out of school during lunch, grab a cab, run home, steal a credit card from a drawer her parents didn't think she knew about, and spend more money on a cab to get to the police she was furious.

 Grace yanked open the door, rudely brushing past an officer. The place was loud with phones ringing and people talking and the occasional prisoner getting mouthy with a cop. Grace went to the front counter where a cop typed away at a computer. The woman had her blond hair pulled tightly back and it shocked her when Singer came to mind right away. Grace shook the image away and cleared her throat to get the woman's attention. The cop's eyes snapped up, then narrowed when they landed on Grace.

"Can I help you?"

Grace nodded. "I'm here to pay the bail money for Harmon Rabb and Sarah Mackenzie."


1750 ZULU

Newman & Lowry: Attorneys at Law

Fairfax, Virginia

 Mac never realized she could have been this nervous. She tapped her fingers nervously on the armrest, and crossed and uncrosses her ankles. She sighed several times, eventually catching the attention of the secretary. Mac made a friendly smile, and the young woman forced a smug smile in return. Mac had a sudden urge to want to slap that woman. But she restrained herself and returned her gaze to the floor.

 The intercom on the secretary's phone beeped, making Mac stir in her seat. She hoped the woman didn't see.

"Yes, Mr. Newman?" The secretary answered perkily.

"You can send in the next interviewee."

"Yes, sir."

The secretary nodded at the door. "You can go in."

Mac clenched her jaw. "I heard." She mumbled.

The former Marine stood, the high heels digging into her feet. If this went well, she'd have to get used to wearing these every day again, instead of her comfortable tennis shoes. Mac knocked on the door, then entered. The office wasn't spectacular. Not like her office at Dalton's firm with a city view, but it was lavish enough with nice furniture and plenty of room.

Mr. Newman stood, giving a wide, crooked smile. Mac stopped in her tracks, and she tried to hold back her surprise. The man was the splitting image of Mic. Mac swallowed, half expecting Mr. Newman to greet her with a, "G'day, mate!"

"Good afternoon, ma'am, I'm Matt Newman." He introduced himself with his very American accent, and he stuck out his hand. Mac shook it, her nerves calming a little. They sat down, and Newman whistled to himself as he skimmed through a paper on his desk, his finger going down over a list of names.

"Uhhh...Mrs Rabbi, is it?"

Mac made a dry chuckle. "Uh, heh, no, Mrs. Rabb."

"Oh, sorry." Newman apologized, though he didn't sound the least bit remorseful, "So, Mrs. Rabb, you were in the Army, right?"

"Marine Corps."

Newman waved his hand dismissively, his eyes still glued to the paper in front of him. "Ah, same thing."

Mac bit her tongue and let that slip. "I was a JAG lawyer most of my life," Mac opened her own briefcase, pulling out a folder, "This is my record of the cases I won...and lost."

Newman took it curiously, flipping it open and reading softly to himself. " is impressive, Mrs. Rabb."

Mac smiled, feeling it was the first thing correct to come out of that man's mouth. "Thank you, Mr. Newman."

"But, uh," Mac tensed...there was a, 'but,' "but it looks like the last case you did was about fifteen years ago." 

Mac bit her lip. "That's true. I retired to start a family. But I've been brushing up, reviewing old cases. I don't think I've lost anything..." Mac could see the dwindling interest in Mr. Newman's expression.

The awkward silence that followed was interrupted by Mac's cell phone. The jingle was to an old Beatles song, and Mac gasped. She reached for her purse, ripping the top flap open. She grabbed for whatever was on top, and brought out a little plastic bag containing the toy racecar. Mr. Newman's brow rose and Mac's mouth hung open.

"It—it belongs to my kids, they—they were fighting over it—" Mac stopped trying to explain and dug for her phone. She finally found it and pulled it out. "Excuse me a moment, it's my husband." Mac stated quickly when she saw the phone number. The woman hurried out of the office into the waiting room, finally able to answer the phone.


"Mac, I just got a call from Grace's school."

It was a tone Mac hadn't heard from her husband in a very long time. "What's wrong?"

"She's missing!"


1758 ZULU

Rabb Home


Grace's anger completely fell away when she saw Harm and Mac. In fact, as soon as she saw them, both looking angry and tired, she jumped from her chair and ran to them, hugging them both. Then it was down to business. During the cab ride to her house, Grace listened to them explain how they came forward, and ended up in jail. Grace shook her head.

"I don't get it. Why didn't you guys, you know, disappear once I left?"

Harm sighed, biting his lip. "That woman...Mrs. Nelson."

Grace made a little gasp. "Nolson..." She corrected him, but her mind had gone elsewhere. Her mouth was agape and she buried her face in her hands. "Oh my God, Nolson, why didn't I remember that?! She has to come back too!"

The rest of the ride they spent in silence. Harm and Mac knew Grace was mentally kicking herself. And she should probably be left alone in her own torments.

 Grace thought it best for Harm and Mac to come to her house for food and showers and clothes. Then she would get them to a motel until they figured out exactly what they would do.

Grace finished making them sandwiches, and Mac came into the kitchen, a bath towel wrapped around her wet head. Harm almost choked on his food when he saw her.

"Nice fashion statement." He teased.

Mac childishly stuck her tongue out at him, and Grace couldn't help but smile. They were so much more youthful. Sure, her current parents still picked on each other, but it wasn't as realistic when they looked so much older.

As soon as Mac saw the sandwich that Grace had made for her, the woman's eyes bulged and she grabbed the food, shoving it into the mouth. Mac was no doubt ravenous, having missed breakfast, her favourite meal, and most of the lunch hour now gone.

 Grace smile bent into a frown, and her insides suddenly went numb. The deadbolt at the front door clacked and the door opened. Grace's lips parted, and Mac and Harm looked up from their meals.


"Oh, God." She said breathlessly.

Harm and Mac didn't need an incentive from Grace to hide. The two jumped out of their seats and squeezed into the walk-in pantry on the other side of the room. Grace closed the double pantry doors as her parents breezed into the kitchen.




Heehee, hope ya like. See ya'll next week!