Story Title: Pending, but maybe Peace of Mind I think that's stupid, though. Suggestions?

Prologue: I don't want to be

Rating: PG13, pending

Author: Ansley

Email: [email protected]

Disclaimer: The song I Don't Want To Be is by Gavin DeGraw. All characters and most places are adopted from either Harry Potter or Sailor Moon. They belong to their respected owners. The story line started from a Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode I watched, but developed differently.

Summary: This world seemed so much more real, but how did she know? She couldn't.

BIG Note: Presently, this is JUST a teaser. I want it to be more, and am writing more to it, but I'm not so sure I'll continue. Please comment and share your thoughts. If I get a very good response, then I'll continue for sure. But, if I don't get a good response, I STILL MIGHT continue it. Well, I WILL continue it; I don't know if I'll finish it. That depends on how you all respond and whether I can keep my mind in one place long enough to finish this. (I have a LOT of unfinished stories.) I like this, and I think it had the potential for me to finish it. Who knows. If you like this story as much as my dear friend Bailey, then I will email you all the chapters as I write them. BUT! I won't post anything more on this until I finish the story, or have come really close to finishing it. Please read my story anyway.

Note: Ahhhhh. Um… Oh yeah! I need a beta? I have one, but I feel guilty asking her, because she's my friend and I don't think she particularly likes betaing. If you are will to beta, email me at the above address. I will return the favor, too! I'm much better at betaing other peoples works than my own. Which is why there are so many errors in this.

FINAL Note: Okay. I hope you enjoy this! Coz I forgot what I was going to say! kthnxbye

Peace of Mind {!!!!} I don't want to be

On Earth, in the Eastern Hemisphere, in Canada, in the province Alberta, near the city Lamont, in an insane asylum, in a room near the top of the building, a girl sat up and opened her eyes.

"Bailey? It's about time. I'll call your family right away."

The girl's eyes couldn't focus, so she looked where she thought the voice came from.

"Bailey? But my name is Usagi…?" she whispered, her voice hoarse.

"Usagi is just in your head, dear. She's made up. Don't you remember who you are? You are Bailey Mae Black. You are fourteen years old. You have an older brother who goes to school in England, and you went there with him once. Surely you must remember your brother, Sirius Black?"

The girl stared blankly at the woman. Another nurse walked in and told the first nurse it was a waste of time, and that the girl would not remember through words from a stranger.

"Bailey, Dear, your brother, he'll be here in an hour, okay?" the second nurse assured her.

"Shingo's coming?" the girl begged.

The first nurse sighed. "No, Dear, there is no Shingo. He is from your imagination."

The second nurse continued, "but I'm sure you'll love this brother just the same. He's real. He's true."

"I don't understand," the girl put her fist in her mouth and started to cry. "Why are you doing this to me?"


It was dinner and everybody seemed to be famished in Hogwart's Great Hall. No words were said as food was swallowed, as though they had not been feed in years. It was a comfortable silence, and nothing could disturb it.

Except for an owl swooping through the air and down to the headmaster. Owl post came in the morning, not at dinner. The comfort passed into stress as everyone watched the older man remove the seal and draw the letter out. There was a pregnant pause in the air as the headmaster read the letter carefully. His eyes widened a fraction, and a few people gulped. Their headmaster never showed surprise. "Sirius Black?" he whispered. He cleared his throat and repeated, more loudly, "Sirius Black. Come here, please."

The usually outgoing and loud boy slowly and quietly stood. He looked nervous, and it wasn't his "oh no, I've been caught," nervous look.

"Sirius, what's going on?" Lily whispered as he passed her.

He kept walking until he was standing in front of his headmaster. "Sirius… I have… news that may be taken either well or badly, but I am not sure." The headmaster handed Sirius a letter, which Sirius received cautiously.

After reading the first sentence, Sirius let out a relieved breath. After the third, he started to grin, and after the last sentence, he started laughing. "Thank god."

"What is it, Sirius?" James asked across the tables.

Sirius turned around to face his friends. "My little sister woke up."

There was silence as everybody watched the cherry Sirius.

Then, "you have a sister?"


"Usagi, wake up!" a girl yelled over and over in her ear. She opened her eyes and caught her breath.

"Rei? Ami?" she asked.

"Yes, Usagi, thank god. What happened to you?" Rei asked.

"I… don't know." Usagi lied.

The two girls walked her home, and she climbed into bed immediately.


"How do I know this is real and the other world isn't?" Bailey asked, after waking from the world she was so sure was the truth.

"Think of it, Bailey. In that world, you're a superhero. And not just ANY superhero, a superhero that is loved by all who are good and lusted after by all who are bad. You are the center of that universe. It's not real," the nurse assured her.

"I don't know." Bailey held her head and thought on it.

"Well, Sirius is here. Maybe that will change your mind."

A boy walked into the room, and the two nurses left.

"Bailey? Fucking thank god!" Sirius gasped as he ran to her side.

Bailey didn't say anything.

"Don't you remember me? They say you don't, but you must! I'm Sirius! You're big brother!"

Bailey didn't remember anything.

"Please, Bailey, remember me?"


She sobbed and tugged her fingers in her hair. She closed her eyes and passed out.


This world seemed so much more real, but how did she know?

She couldn't.


I don't want to be anything other than me

I'm surrounded by liars everywhere I turn

I'm surrounded by imposters everywhere I turn

I'm surrounded by a deadly crisis everywhere I turn

Am I the only one to notice?

I can't be the only one who's learned.