Disclaimers: I don't own DNAngel; I'm simply using the characters for my and my muse's entertainment.

Notes: Semi-AU (no Dark or Krad). Satoshi and Daisuke are 17 (at least that's how I see them in my mind for this fic. ^_^;). All chapters will more than likely be POVs by both boys once (no flipping back and forth between them in a chapter unless necessary) or a full chapter of just one POV.

Blind Love by Yaoi Girl

// Daisuke \\

I hear someone enter Satoshi and my room, but I can't see; everything's pitch black and I know my eyes are open because I can feel them being cooled by the breeze coming in from the window Satoshi had opened last night.

"Daisuke?" I hear Satoshi's familiar voice, then a sigh as he walks through the room, and I can vaguely hear him picking up something that sounds like clothing. "Why are you still in bed? It's past noon."

Ever since my house had burned down and taken my family along with it a little over three months ago, Satoshi took it upon himself to take care of me and With. I told him that I had other family that I could go live with, but I couldn't deny his plea for company, seeing as I was his only trustworthy friend.

"Are you feeling alright?" he asks, placing a hand on my forehead.

"I can't see anything," I whisper; I'm afraid now. Why can't I see?

"Your head… Something must've happened when you hit your head last night," he finally says and I feel the bed shift as he sits down beside me, wincing as he places a hand gently on the back of my head.

I had taken a nasty tumble down the staircase last night on my way down for a glass of juice, having missed a step in the darkness, and it ended with my head crashing hard against the banister at the foot of the stairs. After Satoshi had come running downstairs and helped me up, I could see, though it was very blurry. The headache came and went with the throbbing pain as I climbed back up the stairs, followed shortly after by my friend with a glass of juice and some painkillers.

Now the headache's gone, but the bruise and knot on the back of my head are not, and it's painfully clear when Satoshi gently rubs it.

"Let's get you dressed and I'll take you to the doctor."


After getting me dressed and feeding me breakfast, he cautiously led me to the doctor's office a couple blocks away, telling me of everything along our path to be careful of so I didn't trip and fall again.

Satoshi has me sit down while he fills out some paperwork and then I realize how calmly I'm taking this. I'm not the least bit scared if I never see again, though I do already miss seeing the colors of the outside world. I just don't want to have to rely on Satoshi for everything if I never recover from this; I'm already a burden as it is, though he insists that I'm not.

I don't know how long I've been sitting, but I'm guessing about ten, maybe fifteen minutes, and I hear someone sit next to me on the waiting couch, relaxing as I know it's him when he takes my hand in his, squeezing it gently.

"You'll be fine, Daisuke."

I want to protest, saying that I may not, but he's almost always right about things, and I'm sure he's saying that to help himself as well; he must be more afraid than I am.

// Satoshi \\

For the first time in the longest time, I actually want to cry; I'm so afraid that he'll never see again.

Every time I look into his dull, lifeless eyes, the urge to cry becomes stronger. He knows I'm here and I know he wants to see me, to thank me for being there for him, but it seems that he's fighting his own inner demons as his eyes look slowly, blindly around the office. Just being with the person I care about most is enough of a thanks any day.

The day his house burnt to the ground, the police were going to take him away to find some family members to stay with, but I pleaded with my father to let him stay with me, that Daisuke would be the one responsibility in life that I wouldn't fail at. To everyone who didn't know the real me, they all saw me as someone who was completely responsible and intelligent, perfect in everything: school, cooking, life…but I was only doing those things to please my father, thus my failure because I was doing it for him, not myself. But Daisuke would be my responsibility for myself, not for anyone else's bragging rights.

I never once regretted my decision to take him into my home; Daisuke always did what was asked of him, which was never much, only basic chores of helping around the house. Even if he never recovers from this, I'll always be there for him, always be there to take care of him, not just because I consider him my responsibility, but because he's my best friend.

The doctor soon interrupts my thoughts as he calls out his name.

"Niwa Daisuke?"

He gets up on his own, but he doesn't know where to go, other than follow the voice. He knows that he needs me to lead him.

Once we're in the office, I explain what happened the night before, Daisuke telling him that his sight was blurry afterward but thought it would go away by the time he woke up. He never told me that.


After several hours of testing, the doctor had some good news.

"Basically, some things were knocked loose, but they'll heal within a months time. The knot will be gone within a couple days, as will the bruise. He'll have to wear bandages over his eyes until his sight's back to normal, otherwise when they begin to heal and he looks around like he normally does, he'll be straining his eyes and ruining them."

Soon after, with a few more instructions about bathing and such with the bandages, I make an appointment for him to come back in a month. Hopefully, everything goes well.


My first chapter to my first DNAngel fic! I know Satoshi's kinda OOC, but he's allowed since this is semi-AU and there's no Krad to make him act so cold and distant from Daisuke.

So, overall, how was the first chapter? ^_^;