
The Wagners


The Wagners - Part I


"And he likes his coffee with sugar and cream."

"Sugar and cream, O.K. got that," Piper said. Her two weeks of training had come to a end and now she was the owner of Wyatt Productions personal assistant.

It was Friday morning and back after a very important business trip Piper was going to meet her boss Mr. Wyatt for the first time, she was scared but also excited, she had heard nice things about him but then lady who had the job before Piper was a older lady, maybe he was nice to her out of respect. "What if I am really bad at the job, I screw up on my first day or something," was all racing through Piper mind.

"Good Morning Everyone!" She heard a man's voice say. "Hi Mrs. Kingston."

"Good Morning Leo," Mrs. Kingston said. It was Mrs. Kingston's last day and she was leaving with Piper to replace her.

"And you must be Ms. Halliwell?" Leo asked Piper.

"Yes that's right Mr. Wyatt."

Leo put out his hand to shake Piper's hand, "Welcome to Wyatt Productions."

"Thank you," Piper smiled.

"Well I'll be in my office if anyone needs me."

"O.K. Mr. Wyatt."

"Mrs. Kingston come in my office, we're gonna talk," Leo said pointing his hand to his office.


The day was a breeze for Piper, typing things up, taking calls, organizing meetings just normal personal assistant stuff. It was 5pm time the end of the working day and Piper was getting ready to leave. "You off now?" Leo asked as he came out of his office putting his coat back on.

"Yes Mr. Wyatt."

"O.K. you got any messages for me Ms. Halliwell?"

"Just the one Mr. Wyatt. Darryl Morris rang up and asked if you could return his call."

"Thanks. I see you on Monday morning then Ms. Halliwell having a nice weekend."

"You too Mr. Wyatt," Piper said and then Leo left.

Piper got her things together and made her way to the lift, it was her first day today on her own and she liked working for Mr. Wyatt he was a nice man. Through gossip from Mrs. Kingston Piper knew Mr. Wyatt was divorced, he wasn't that old, he had to be about the same age as her, about 30 give or take a few years. She also thought her new boss was handsome but she knew better than to have relations with people at work or your boss for that matter from past experience. She thought it was best to keep way from dating people at the office, it was best to keep things simple.

Piper was walking towards the subway when she top outside a baby store. Looking through the window at the baby things brought a smile to her face. Since Piper was a teenager she had wanted to have a baby but wanted to have her baby with the man she loved, she hadn't found him yet but that still didn't stop Piper from dreaming about the little girl she was going to have, so she thought. She walked into the store and went to the baby girls section. She saw a beautiful pink dress with pink bows and white lace. She touched the lace on the dress, "Natalie," were the words that came out of her mouth, the little girl she had always dream of that was hers.


It was night time and Piper was in bed in her apartment reading To Kill A Mocking Bird one of her favorite books. She looked at the time and it was past midnight and she was getting tired. She place the book on the night stand turned off the light and went to bed...

"... Please sweetheart smile for the camera," A mother asked her daughter, it was Piper and her daughter Natalie. The daughter Piper had been dreaming about for years. They were in the living room of a old Victorian house with a man there taking Natalie's pictures.



"No Mommy. When is Daddy coming home?"

"Look Mrs. Wagner, If you like I can come some other day," the man behind the camera said

"Look I'm really sorry. Natalie seems to miss her father, he's been out of town of two days and he returns today. That's all she has been looking forward too."

"Don't worry Mrs. Wagner five years olds are like that at that age."

"Sorry for wasting your time."

"No I understand."

"I'll call you to arrange some other time to take the photos and this time I'll make sure my husband is here."

"That does sound much better," the man joked

"Once again, I'm sorry."

"No, there is no need to," the man said as he had packed all his gear and was ready to leave.

"I'll show you to the door," Piper said


Piper showed the man to the door and went back in the living room to her daughter, "Natalie, do you know we wasted that man's time"

"Mommy I want Daddy," Natalie said has she crawled into her mother's laps and hug her.

"I know sweetheart I miss him too, just wait a while and he will be here soon."

"Mrs. Wagner dinner is ready."

"Thank you Kate," Piper said to the maid.

Sudden they heard the front door open, "Is that Daddy!" Natalie said as she jumped of her mother laps and ran to the front door.

"Natalie wait for Mommy," Piper yelled as she followed her daughter. Piper turned into the hallway to see Natalie in her husband's arms.

"And how is my angle?" her father asked.

"Daddy I'm soooooooo happy you are home" Natalie said as she wrapped her little arms around her Daddy's neck and kissed him on the cheek. Just then he looked up and saw his wife's stare. He walked towards his wife with his daughter.

"And how are you sweetheart?" He said as he place his daughter on the ground and wrapped his arms around his wife's waist. He was a lot taller than Piper and could rest his chin just on Piper's head.

"A little mad."

"Well is there anyway I can change your mood honey?" He said as his placed a kiss on his wife's lips.

"Maybe." Then he placed another kiss on his wife lips, "Before we carried away dinner is ready."

Her husband withdrew his arms from his wife's waist and picked up his daughter as he and his wife walked into the dinning room for dinner.

"Hello Kate" he said to the maid.

"Hello Mr. Wagner."

Piper, her husband and Natalie sat down to have dinner. During dinner Natalie wouldn't stop talking about what she did for the two days while her father was away, finely dinner was done.

"Natalie it's time for a bath and then its off to bed," Piper said.

"But Mommy Daddy just got home."

"I know sweetheart but Daddy not going anywhere he will be home tomorrow and I'll make sure of that," Piper said has she smiled at her husband

"Daddy can you give me a bath" Natalie pleaded

"Why not?" Piper said as she looked at her husband with another smile...

Piper got up happy in the morning with a smile on her face thinking about her dream. She always had dreams of her as a mother and Natalie was her daughter. Piper sometimes had dreams with other people in them too but they were nobody she knew, she didn't think much of it, all she knew was she was happily married to Mr. Wagner and they had a little girl together and they love each other so much...
