A/N( Hey everyone. My name is Jasmine. This is my first fanfiction, so
please when you review it, don't flame. You wouldn't like it. Well anyway
here is my first chapter. Please review.
Disclaimer- I do not own all of the characters in this story. The only character that belongs to me is Alissa Malfoy. The plot of this story is mine.
~*~Slytherin Princess~*~
~*~Chapter 1- The Truth~*~
17-year-old Hermione Granger was sitting in her bedroom admiring herself in the mirror.
"Wow wait until Harry and Ron see me" she thought to herself.
She had changed a lot over the summer, but anyone would change If you went from living a normal muggle life to finding out you were, not who you thought you were, and then having to live with the slytherin prince.
She sat there thinking about that night..
Hermione was sitting in the living room watching TV with her mom when she heard the door open and her father walked in. He looked at Hermione's mom with a questioning look, all of a sudden they both cleared their throats.
"Hermione dear, your father and I have something we need to tell you" her mother said while moving to sit beside her.
"Ya ok, what is it?" she asked
Her father sat down and cleared his throat.
"Well hunny, your not really who you think you are" her father told her.
"What are you talking about?" she asked very confused.
"What your father is trying to say is you are a pure blood witch, your father and I have been very well known in the wizarding world for a very long time, now we just didn't know how to tell you". Her mother explained very quietly.
"WHAT!" she yelled with fury in her voice. "So your telling me that I have lived my whole life in a lie" she screamed
"Sweetie please calm down and try to understand" her father smiled.
"You see we weren't going to tell you until your 18th birthday but now something has come up sooner than we had expected it too so now we have to tell you" her mom explained.
"What the hell could be so important that you have to spring something like this on me" she yelled.
"Well dear your mother and I have been chosen to raise a heir for Voldermort" her father Whispered.
"You WHAT, your on his side" she screamed
"Honey calm down, we have to send you to live with some very close friends of ours and they are a very well known wizarding family" her mom said trying to sound clam.
"Who are they, as far as I knew you didn't have any friends!" she cried
"The Malfoy's" her dad answered
"What you can't be serious I cant live with Draco Malfoy" she whispered while tears were running down her face.
They have to be joking she thought.
"Please tell me you are joking," she said calmly
"I'm afraid this is no joke hunny, you will be leaving tonight, Lucius will be picking you up around 6:00 pm," her father answered
"You're serious?" she asked
"Yes dear" her mother said calmly.
~End Flashback~*~
And now here she was, it was the end of summer and Hermione had been staying with the Malfoy's all summer. Luckily for Hermione, Draco hadn't been around all summer, but Hermione did get along with his sister Alissa Malfoy, Whom she didn't even know that Draco had a sister. She had been going to A different wizardering School, but this year she was tranfering to Hogwarts. In the short time they've known each other they had became the bestest Friends.
A/N- well that's my first chapter I hope you all like it, please review me and let me know what you think of it.
Disclaimer- I do not own all of the characters in this story. The only character that belongs to me is Alissa Malfoy. The plot of this story is mine.
~*~Slytherin Princess~*~
~*~Chapter 1- The Truth~*~
17-year-old Hermione Granger was sitting in her bedroom admiring herself in the mirror.
"Wow wait until Harry and Ron see me" she thought to herself.
She had changed a lot over the summer, but anyone would change If you went from living a normal muggle life to finding out you were, not who you thought you were, and then having to live with the slytherin prince.
She sat there thinking about that night..
Hermione was sitting in the living room watching TV with her mom when she heard the door open and her father walked in. He looked at Hermione's mom with a questioning look, all of a sudden they both cleared their throats.
"Hermione dear, your father and I have something we need to tell you" her mother said while moving to sit beside her.
"Ya ok, what is it?" she asked
Her father sat down and cleared his throat.
"Well hunny, your not really who you think you are" her father told her.
"What are you talking about?" she asked very confused.
"What your father is trying to say is you are a pure blood witch, your father and I have been very well known in the wizarding world for a very long time, now we just didn't know how to tell you". Her mother explained very quietly.
"WHAT!" she yelled with fury in her voice. "So your telling me that I have lived my whole life in a lie" she screamed
"Sweetie please calm down and try to understand" her father smiled.
"You see we weren't going to tell you until your 18th birthday but now something has come up sooner than we had expected it too so now we have to tell you" her mom explained.
"What the hell could be so important that you have to spring something like this on me" she yelled.
"Well dear your mother and I have been chosen to raise a heir for Voldermort" her father Whispered.
"You WHAT, your on his side" she screamed
"Honey calm down, we have to send you to live with some very close friends of ours and they are a very well known wizarding family" her mom said trying to sound clam.
"Who are they, as far as I knew you didn't have any friends!" she cried
"The Malfoy's" her dad answered
"What you can't be serious I cant live with Draco Malfoy" she whispered while tears were running down her face.
They have to be joking she thought.
"Please tell me you are joking," she said calmly
"I'm afraid this is no joke hunny, you will be leaving tonight, Lucius will be picking you up around 6:00 pm," her father answered
"You're serious?" she asked
"Yes dear" her mother said calmly.
~End Flashback~*~
And now here she was, it was the end of summer and Hermione had been staying with the Malfoy's all summer. Luckily for Hermione, Draco hadn't been around all summer, but Hermione did get along with his sister Alissa Malfoy, Whom she didn't even know that Draco had a sister. She had been going to A different wizardering School, but this year she was tranfering to Hogwarts. In the short time they've known each other they had became the bestest Friends.
A/N- well that's my first chapter I hope you all like it, please review me and let me know what you think of it.