First Part
All that Tk could see ...he was standing with Patamon on the roof of a
building. It was midnight and there was a beautiful full moon ilumintaing
the Tower of Tokio. They were expecting someone else but Tk still didn't
know who were expecting.
-Are you sure you want to do this?
-I just don't know. But whatever it happens I know that I must be here , even if I do not know the reason.
Tk was looking at another building, a Tower and besides that Tower there was another human figure looking at them
He took his digivice and made it work.
The light of digievolution turned Patamon into the majestuous Pegasusmon and seconds later Tk was flying with Pegasusmon to the roof of that Tower.
And he could see while getting nearer and nearer long green hair dancing with the soft wind , blue eyes looking at the pair with determination and hanging from her neck there was the antique crest of Hope , the one which belonged to Tk when he was a little child and then sacrified when used to restore the digiworld from Diaborom's damage.
Tk thought that he would never see that objet again but now... someone else was using it.
-Because I am the new chosen of Hope- she said softly - I am the real chosen , your era has gone. I came here to take my place .
And besides her there was an angel , a feminin angel.
-Go!- the green haired girl said in a loud voice.
-Seven heaven's attack!!!!
-wHAT?!- Tk couldn't face the idea that angel could attack as the same way as Seraphimon - how..
-Tk!- screamed Pegasusmon when they were hit by the light of the angel and Tk was taken of from the monture of Pegasusmon and falling ...
But Tk wasn't afraid , he even seemed not to notice that he would die . He was amazed by the strenght of those people. He was still envolved by the light and wondered many things.
Just Why?
-Because you still don't know a thing- the girl said.
And suddenly Tk opened his eyes and noticed 2 things: first ,it was only a dream; second he also fell down to the floor and his head was paining awfully.
-Oh my God.- he just said.-all that I needed .
He stood up just to see how Patamon , once again , was occupying again the whole bed , it was worse than a cat sometimes. Patamon used to move a lot while he was asleep and sometimes used to push away his dear friend and so this wasn't the first time that the morning surprised Tk Takaishi landed on the floor.
Tk couldn't help but laught a bit , he was relieved because the dream seemed so true that he awoke with his heart beating strong.
-I'd better get moving my feet.
Patamon didn't awake when Tk left the room .
Hours later at school , in the middle of literature class a paper plane landed over Tk's book. He took it and realize that there was a note inside .
"soon it will be your birthday , did you think about the present you want? I just know exactly what you want. Kari"
He looked at his friend suprprised , and then she looked at him with a wide smile.
- the plane is cute , right?
- Tai taught you , if I am not mistaken - he gave her his smile too.
And Davis of course, he noticed that.
- he's a champion . So I cannot believe that your birthday si so close , you are growing too fast .- Kari was delighted about the man Tk was turning into , now Tk would be 16 in a few days and he was a very atractive teenager , even more attractive than his older brother Matt .
-And what about me? I'm growing too- that was Davis and his typical jealousy but none of the other two paid attention to mr Motomiya.
-Talk you later- said Kari in a whisper .
-And what about me?! I am almost a man!- and Davis late noticed that the teacher and the whole class heard that . The other students began to laugh and the teacher , indigned because his class was interrumpted by a jackass took Davis from an ear and pushed the guy to the hall.
-And you'll be there the next two hours until you learn that you are not allowed to scream in my class. And you are still very far of becoming an adult because you of your childish acts.
Nobody dared to speak again , mr Takiyima was one of the most srtict teachers of hight school , partidary of the legend that "children can be seen , not listened" and many of them asked themselves why he didn't choose to teach in a military school. Maybe the militars rejected him.
-Mr Takaishi , you'll be the next to read the chapter number 8 . Please , speak in a loud voice .
Tk began to read the book called : Warrior of Hope and he was surpised because he still remembered the strange dream in which his crest was involved. only a casuality.
"And two warriors wearing the same colours couldn't find which one was the strongest of them. They served the same king and wanted to become his right hand but there was only a place for one of them. But the KING was not able to determine which one of those men was the deserver of becoming his special knight because both of them owned a truly and kind heart and both of them deserved the honour .
- If you can defeat the great Dracon that is destroying my fields, eating my people and a serious menace for peace in my Kingdom , the one who can kill the Dracon and bring it to me ...he'lll be my loyal right hand.
The knights assented and left the court in the search of that Dracon.
People saw them go away and wished that both of them win the encounter. Both of them , the best warriors that the kingdom have ever showed , were the warriors of hope."
And while reading Tk , once again felt involved by the scenes of that dream.
-It is because you still know a thing- he heard that again ! No . He couln'd be dreaming again . It wasn't possible ..or was?
-Oh , here you are - Tk interrupted the reading when he heard the teacher speaking to a recent arrived girl to the class.- Listen my students, she' s Takahashi Hikaru , the new student . Be good with her , she 's from Okinawa.
The girl was staring at Tk , she was exactly the same girl that he dreamt that morming and Tk never felt so needful to scream. How...?!
-Sit next the empty place behind Takaishi's .
-Hello everybody- she said softly- I wish we'll be friends.
But Kari noticed that she was speaking to Tk.
And Tk could hear the following sentence.
-I came here because of you. I am the second warrior of Hope and I have the intend to become the Right hand of the King.
"Nobody knows what Destiny can depare on you. You can meet Destiny under the strangest ways.
Who knows?
I don't know about Destiny, I don't know about secrets of Life.
I only keep my Hope , because I just want to be the best of all of men.
I am the warrior of Hope , and I am the Hope of an entire world.
And if I am Hope , the Destiny of all of men is in my hands."
chapter 1 "Warrior of Hope " .
Now the entire 02 group was around the new student at break time .
-excuse me miss- began to say Davis- I heard you speaking to Tk at classes ...what do you mean by "-I came here because of you. I am the second warrior of Hope and I have the intend to become the Right hand of the King."
The girl was holding a book and seemed so less interested in Davis attention taht she almost yawned.
Cody and the others began to think that she was certainly a witch . She wasn't like Kari , gentle and kind or like Yolei pure and sincere.No , this lady was everything except a delicate flower.
-I am a chosen like all of you , but I am the owner of the digicode of Hope. And I wanted Tk know that.
Tk walked where she was standing , under a tree and suddenly felt the need to have a word with her alone.
-Don't worry about me , gang. This only envolves me .
-No way mister!- argued Davis - we a re a team , and if someone tries to fool a member of the team , is fooling the entire team.
And Hkaru began to laught.
-Yo consider Tk part odf the team? You? I know you Motomiya ! You'd prefer keeping Tk away from your Kari and you can't deny that feeling of unhappiness when you knew that Tk joined the new group od digidestinated at the same time that Kari did.
-What are you saying witch?! - screamed Davis- Tk's is a friend of mine.
The green haired girl looked at Davis with the Word Doubt signed in her face.
-I can only say that I cannot believe that such idiot like you became the "leader" of a group of loosers. I cannot imagine in which thing were the Gods thinking about when they chose you as a digidestinated.
Davis now was thinking in almost 10 ways of killing a girl , whose tongue was as hateful as Beatrice from a Shakespeare's comedy .But Yolei was the one who wanted to attack her phisically-
-I don't know who are you but you don't have the right on insulting Davis , even if he's a jackass he's our friend.
Davis wanted to close Yolei's mouth...friends like hers...enemies weren't neccesary...
- So? - The girl yet was reading at her book , she seemed toi be a bit bored. When breaktime came , Hikaru only wanted to take Tk away and have a talk , and also introduce him to her Digimon companion but Kari and Davis spoiled that and didn't let the pair stay alone. Then Yolei and CODY joined the group and before Tk could say a word they were making the inquisitev questions to Hikaru.
Kari was worried , she felt that that Hikaru was a dangerous person , and she sensed in Hikaru a great power that never sensed in another human . And mshe beagn to think that Hikaru was right about being a digidestinated of Hope , becasue she was sharing a similar KI to Tk .
tHAT WAS VERY STRANGE . An d tk ... Kari noticed that Tk seemed not angry with Hikaru but more than curious about her.
"oh no." Kari thought. " I wish he never ... look at her as I am fearing he's doing. "
Hikaru began to leave the place , she wasn't going to answer questions from people she wasn't interested in treating with , she only wanted to face Tk. Not the entire group.
-I realized something, I am just waisting time here.
-No!- Davis was going to say something else but Tk didn't let him.
-I can understand nothing about this strange situation but can you answer me why are you appearing in my dreams? who's the angel who accompanies you?
Hikaru smiled to Tk in a soft way and nodded her head.
-You are a very special boy , you are too much for this gropu but yet I'm telling you. Hope will be mine , because I understand it's power better than you. You are very ignorant about the Crest of Hope's great power , and I cannot let an ignorant hold the responsability of keeping the entire's world Hopes in the back.
She went where Tk was standing and took one of his hands.
And Tk immediately felt a great aura growing from her hand and it was warmer and warmewr , it was touching a sun .
-I am a warrior of Hope and I intend to keep this power , I understand that the one who holds Hope in his hands will also keep the entire world's Destiny. You are too immature for that honour. I am even more powerful than you are , despite you have a digital angel protecting you.
-AHHHHH..- Tk suddenly felt dizzy and fel down to the grass.
-Tk!!!- shouted Kari and Yolei. Davis held Tk before he touched the ground.
-You witch!!!- shouted Davis furious- what have you done to him?!
Hikaru was walking away from the group but then she turned her face and had the last look at the group.
-I have just let him know why I am a better candidate for Warrior of Hope. good bye.-
And went away leaving an astonished group .
Tk was completely asleep and didn't hear the desperated calls from the girls and Cody.
-Are you sure you want to do this?
-I just don't know. But whatever it happens I know that I must be here , even if I do not know the reason.
Tk was looking at another building, a Tower and besides that Tower there was another human figure looking at them
He took his digivice and made it work.
The light of digievolution turned Patamon into the majestuous Pegasusmon and seconds later Tk was flying with Pegasusmon to the roof of that Tower.
And he could see while getting nearer and nearer long green hair dancing with the soft wind , blue eyes looking at the pair with determination and hanging from her neck there was the antique crest of Hope , the one which belonged to Tk when he was a little child and then sacrified when used to restore the digiworld from Diaborom's damage.
Tk thought that he would never see that objet again but now... someone else was using it.
-Because I am the new chosen of Hope- she said softly - I am the real chosen , your era has gone. I came here to take my place .
And besides her there was an angel , a feminin angel.
-Go!- the green haired girl said in a loud voice.
-Seven heaven's attack!!!!
-wHAT?!- Tk couldn't face the idea that angel could attack as the same way as Seraphimon - how..
-Tk!- screamed Pegasusmon when they were hit by the light of the angel and Tk was taken of from the monture of Pegasusmon and falling ...
But Tk wasn't afraid , he even seemed not to notice that he would die . He was amazed by the strenght of those people. He was still envolved by the light and wondered many things.
Just Why?
-Because you still don't know a thing- the girl said.
And suddenly Tk opened his eyes and noticed 2 things: first ,it was only a dream; second he also fell down to the floor and his head was paining awfully.
-Oh my God.- he just said.-all that I needed .
He stood up just to see how Patamon , once again , was occupying again the whole bed , it was worse than a cat sometimes. Patamon used to move a lot while he was asleep and sometimes used to push away his dear friend and so this wasn't the first time that the morning surprised Tk Takaishi landed on the floor.
Tk couldn't help but laught a bit , he was relieved because the dream seemed so true that he awoke with his heart beating strong.
-I'd better get moving my feet.
Patamon didn't awake when Tk left the room .
Hours later at school , in the middle of literature class a paper plane landed over Tk's book. He took it and realize that there was a note inside .
"soon it will be your birthday , did you think about the present you want? I just know exactly what you want. Kari"
He looked at his friend suprprised , and then she looked at him with a wide smile.
- the plane is cute , right?
- Tai taught you , if I am not mistaken - he gave her his smile too.
And Davis of course, he noticed that.
- he's a champion . So I cannot believe that your birthday si so close , you are growing too fast .- Kari was delighted about the man Tk was turning into , now Tk would be 16 in a few days and he was a very atractive teenager , even more attractive than his older brother Matt .
-And what about me? I'm growing too- that was Davis and his typical jealousy but none of the other two paid attention to mr Motomiya.
-Talk you later- said Kari in a whisper .
-And what about me?! I am almost a man!- and Davis late noticed that the teacher and the whole class heard that . The other students began to laugh and the teacher , indigned because his class was interrumpted by a jackass took Davis from an ear and pushed the guy to the hall.
-And you'll be there the next two hours until you learn that you are not allowed to scream in my class. And you are still very far of becoming an adult because you of your childish acts.
Nobody dared to speak again , mr Takiyima was one of the most srtict teachers of hight school , partidary of the legend that "children can be seen , not listened" and many of them asked themselves why he didn't choose to teach in a military school. Maybe the militars rejected him.
-Mr Takaishi , you'll be the next to read the chapter number 8 . Please , speak in a loud voice .
Tk began to read the book called : Warrior of Hope and he was surpised because he still remembered the strange dream in which his crest was involved. only a casuality.
"And two warriors wearing the same colours couldn't find which one was the strongest of them. They served the same king and wanted to become his right hand but there was only a place for one of them. But the KING was not able to determine which one of those men was the deserver of becoming his special knight because both of them owned a truly and kind heart and both of them deserved the honour .
- If you can defeat the great Dracon that is destroying my fields, eating my people and a serious menace for peace in my Kingdom , the one who can kill the Dracon and bring it to me ...he'lll be my loyal right hand.
The knights assented and left the court in the search of that Dracon.
People saw them go away and wished that both of them win the encounter. Both of them , the best warriors that the kingdom have ever showed , were the warriors of hope."
And while reading Tk , once again felt involved by the scenes of that dream.
-It is because you still know a thing- he heard that again ! No . He couln'd be dreaming again . It wasn't possible ..or was?
-Oh , here you are - Tk interrupted the reading when he heard the teacher speaking to a recent arrived girl to the class.- Listen my students, she' s Takahashi Hikaru , the new student . Be good with her , she 's from Okinawa.
The girl was staring at Tk , she was exactly the same girl that he dreamt that morming and Tk never felt so needful to scream. How...?!
-Sit next the empty place behind Takaishi's .
-Hello everybody- she said softly- I wish we'll be friends.
But Kari noticed that she was speaking to Tk.
And Tk could hear the following sentence.
-I came here because of you. I am the second warrior of Hope and I have the intend to become the Right hand of the King.
"Nobody knows what Destiny can depare on you. You can meet Destiny under the strangest ways.
Who knows?
I don't know about Destiny, I don't know about secrets of Life.
I only keep my Hope , because I just want to be the best of all of men.
I am the warrior of Hope , and I am the Hope of an entire world.
And if I am Hope , the Destiny of all of men is in my hands."
chapter 1 "Warrior of Hope " .
Now the entire 02 group was around the new student at break time .
-excuse me miss- began to say Davis- I heard you speaking to Tk at classes ...what do you mean by "-I came here because of you. I am the second warrior of Hope and I have the intend to become the Right hand of the King."
The girl was holding a book and seemed so less interested in Davis attention taht she almost yawned.
Cody and the others began to think that she was certainly a witch . She wasn't like Kari , gentle and kind or like Yolei pure and sincere.No , this lady was everything except a delicate flower.
-I am a chosen like all of you , but I am the owner of the digicode of Hope. And I wanted Tk know that.
Tk walked where she was standing , under a tree and suddenly felt the need to have a word with her alone.
-Don't worry about me , gang. This only envolves me .
-No way mister!- argued Davis - we a re a team , and if someone tries to fool a member of the team , is fooling the entire team.
And Hkaru began to laught.
-Yo consider Tk part odf the team? You? I know you Motomiya ! You'd prefer keeping Tk away from your Kari and you can't deny that feeling of unhappiness when you knew that Tk joined the new group od digidestinated at the same time that Kari did.
-What are you saying witch?! - screamed Davis- Tk's is a friend of mine.
The green haired girl looked at Davis with the Word Doubt signed in her face.
-I can only say that I cannot believe that such idiot like you became the "leader" of a group of loosers. I cannot imagine in which thing were the Gods thinking about when they chose you as a digidestinated.
Davis now was thinking in almost 10 ways of killing a girl , whose tongue was as hateful as Beatrice from a Shakespeare's comedy .But Yolei was the one who wanted to attack her phisically-
-I don't know who are you but you don't have the right on insulting Davis , even if he's a jackass he's our friend.
Davis wanted to close Yolei's mouth...friends like hers...enemies weren't neccesary...
- So? - The girl yet was reading at her book , she seemed toi be a bit bored. When breaktime came , Hikaru only wanted to take Tk away and have a talk , and also introduce him to her Digimon companion but Kari and Davis spoiled that and didn't let the pair stay alone. Then Yolei and CODY joined the group and before Tk could say a word they were making the inquisitev questions to Hikaru.
Kari was worried , she felt that that Hikaru was a dangerous person , and she sensed in Hikaru a great power that never sensed in another human . And mshe beagn to think that Hikaru was right about being a digidestinated of Hope , becasue she was sharing a similar KI to Tk .
tHAT WAS VERY STRANGE . An d tk ... Kari noticed that Tk seemed not angry with Hikaru but more than curious about her.
"oh no." Kari thought. " I wish he never ... look at her as I am fearing he's doing. "
Hikaru began to leave the place , she wasn't going to answer questions from people she wasn't interested in treating with , she only wanted to face Tk. Not the entire group.
-I realized something, I am just waisting time here.
-No!- Davis was going to say something else but Tk didn't let him.
-I can understand nothing about this strange situation but can you answer me why are you appearing in my dreams? who's the angel who accompanies you?
Hikaru smiled to Tk in a soft way and nodded her head.
-You are a very special boy , you are too much for this gropu but yet I'm telling you. Hope will be mine , because I understand it's power better than you. You are very ignorant about the Crest of Hope's great power , and I cannot let an ignorant hold the responsability of keeping the entire's world Hopes in the back.
She went where Tk was standing and took one of his hands.
And Tk immediately felt a great aura growing from her hand and it was warmer and warmewr , it was touching a sun .
-I am a warrior of Hope and I intend to keep this power , I understand that the one who holds Hope in his hands will also keep the entire world's Destiny. You are too immature for that honour. I am even more powerful than you are , despite you have a digital angel protecting you.
-AHHHHH..- Tk suddenly felt dizzy and fel down to the grass.
-Tk!!!- shouted Kari and Yolei. Davis held Tk before he touched the ground.
-You witch!!!- shouted Davis furious- what have you done to him?!
Hikaru was walking away from the group but then she turned her face and had the last look at the group.
-I have just let him know why I am a better candidate for Warrior of Hope. good bye.-
And went away leaving an astonished group .
Tk was completely asleep and didn't hear the desperated calls from the girls and Cody.