Disclaimer: I don't own Third Watch or anything else affiliated with Third Watch but I do own my own characters. Enjoy!

Mistaken Identity

Chapter 1

Two pairs of feet slipped and slid fighting to keep their traction on the iced New York City sidewalks. Until finally the smaller pair lost the lost the fight. His feet flew up in the air almost comically and Carlos landed hard on his butt. "Damn it!" He shouted ignoring the laughter above him. "Shut up Davis." Carlos said unconvincingly as he slipped trying to stand up. Ty kept laughing and offered a gloved hand to Carlos. "You okay?" Carlos stood up and rubbed his back. "I'll live. Can't wait until it's spring." "You mean you don't enjoy the snow and the sleet and the ice and-"

"No! I'll be happy when everything melts and it gets hot and I don't have to wear half my wardrobe outside just to stay warm."

They were only walking from the parking lot to the front door of their apartment building. They continued walking the short distance until they reached the building's front door. They opened the doors and were met with a nice gust of heat. "Thank God." Carlos muttered and they both began taking off their bulky jackets and gloves. 'I'm tired and I want sleep.' Carlos thought as he trudged towards the elevators. He saw a sign taped on the doors and felt his mouth drop as he read it. "How can the elevator be broken?" Carlos said staring at the sign posted on the elevator doors.

Ty grabbed the sign reading it aloud. "Repairs needed for broken cables. Sorry for the inconvenience." He said flatly. It was twelve thirty at night and after a long and hectic shift, they were ready to relax. Carlos rolled his eyes and sighed exasperatedly and started towards the stairway with Ty behind him. "For what they charge here, we should have personal elevators." Ty said trailing behind a groaning Carlos 'I'm gonna pass out on the way up.' He felt light-headed from his cold and thought briefly about taking the next day off. 'Who wants a sick paramedic working on them?'

They slowly made their way up the five flights to their apartment while thinking about their shifts. There was a bad hit and run outside a nightclub on grand opening night. Ty still had images of all the people that were in the path of the car sprawled on the street and sidewalk where some patrons were trying their best to help them. 55-Charlie and 55-David eventually found the abandoned vehicle on the side of the road late that night. They got the license plate number and easily tracked the man down. Carlos had seen the drivers' handy work up close and had hoped Bosco found the asshole first.

They quickly reached their apartment and heard the neighbors loud music blaring through the door. "Can't you arrest them?" Carlos asked unlocking the door. Ty shook his head. "This is the thousandth time you've asked me that and no I can't. No probable cause. Plus they just moved in two weeks ago, give them a little slack."

"They're probably smoking that wacky tabacy. Riding the white horse? The painted pony? Smoking that peace pipe? Catching-"

"I got it! They're getting high, gees." Ty laughed as Carlos got the door opened. "My feet." Carlos complained. "You sound like an old woman." Ty complained stepping into the living room and tossing his bag across the floor. Carlos yawned and kicked off his shoes. He didn't think he could make it to his bedroom and was tempted to fall asleep on the couch. He had to admit it felt good to finally be home. Ty was about to take his shoes off as well but stopped short when he saw a shadow rapidly moving at his roommate in front of him. "Carlos!" He shouted dropping his jacket and pushing his oblivious friend down. Carlos felt his body flatten against the hardwood floor as all of Ty's weight rested on him.

"Ty what the-" He was cut off as a hand pushed his neck down and his face was forced back into to the carpet. Ty had to brace himself as he reached for his gun on his waist but Carlos wasn't much of a support and Ty was violently pushed back down to the ground. He landed on his back and saw a man dressed in time honored burglar clothing: dressed in all black with his face hidden behind a mask. He didn't look too big and didn't have any weapon in his hands, or at least any Ty could see. Something wasn't right here, Ty could feel it but didn't have much time to think about it as the man approached him. Ty kicked out at the man hitting him directly in the stomach causing him to shout in pain. Ty had time to bring his gun out and aim but someone grabbed the weapon from behind and tried to wrench it from his hands. 'What?' His gun was pointed behind him as he tried to regain control. His finger involuntarily tightened on the trigger and his gun fired. He heard a curse and thought for a chilling moment it was Carlos but he was pretty confident he wasn't this strong. He watched his gun go off a second time into the ceiling and hoped someone heard the noise but had little time to think about it as all the air was forced out of him as a fist connected with his stomach. He released his grip from his weapon as he cradled his abdomen.

"We don't need you." A voice over behind said and Ty heard his own gun cock back getting ready to fire. 'Definitely not Carlos.' He thought as he blindly lunged backwards at the voice knocking the second man down. "Carlos!" He strained seeing his gun skitter away on the floor.

'Get the gun. Get the gun!' Carlos turned after hearing Ty call his name. He looked to see a man dressed in all black and froze momentarily. 'We're being robbed!' He looked out the corner of his eye at Ty and back at the gun. It seemed as if everyone spotted it at the same time and made a dash for it. Ty sat up and tried to stand but was tripped by the man already on the ground. He shouted as he put his hand out to break his fall and landed awkwardly on his right arm. He was picked up and thrown back against the bookshelf knocking down most of its contents. Carlos crawled towards the gun not aware that Ty wasn't going for it. He froze when he heard a click above him. He looked up and couldn't move as he stared up into the barrel of a gun.

Ty was able to see past the man's beefy shoulders and see Carlos at the mercy of a gun. They were defeated. Ty couldn't risk to fight anymore or Carlos could be shot. He looked pleadingly back up at the man who stood taller than him. "Please, just take whatever you want and go." Ty said starting to feel the severity of the situation. The man shook his head. Ty heard stories about people getting their own weapons used against them in situations but never did he think it would happen to him, he was a cop. He was trained for situations like these, or so he thought. The man shook his head almost grinning.

"My wallet is in my back pocket. I don't know how much money is in there. Uh my watch take it. No one needs to get hurt." Ty was barely breathing as the man answered him. "Oh we got what we want. We don't need anything else from you." The tall man said. 'Nothing else from me?!' Ty thought in terror. "Help! Hel-" Ty shouted hoping someone would hear him but was silenced with the first of many punches.

Bosco straightened out his uniform humming as he and Faith walked out of roll call. "So me, Fred, and the kids are going out tonight to celebrate and I can't go out for drinks tonight."

"What for?" Bosco asked still humming. "Emily got on the honor roll for the second time this year. All A's, now that's a first." She laughed. "I'm thinking about getting her something. Maybe a gift card. Everything I seem to get her now is the complete opposite of what she really wants…." She trailed off as Bosco kept humming, completely ignoring her. "Bosco!" She shouted making her partner jump. "Yeah?" He said looking at her.

"Nothing." Faith said rolling her eyes. "What's up with you today?"

"Barely any sleep last night."

"Even after we chased that guy all night?" Faith asked grabbing their radios. She had slept like a rock that night. Her best sleep in weeks. "Perhaps you had a slightly guilty conscience?"

"I don't think so." Bosco said clipping on his radio. "He deserved every hit he got."

Faith silently agreed with him but didn't say it. By Bosco standards, the perp got off pretty light. No need to encourage Bosco.

"Maybe I still had an adrenaline rush." Bosco added.

"Maybe." Faith said smoothing her hair back. She spotted Sully on the phone at the front desk. "What's he up to? He wasn't at roll call."

Bosco shrugged walking closer to him trying to listen in on the conversation. "Yeah, if I hear from him you'll be the first to know." Sully said hanging up the phone momentarily before picking it back up.

"What's going on Sully?" Faith asked seeing the unease etched on his face. He held up a hand as he made another phone call. "Ty it's me. Call me when you get this message." He said hanging up. "Have any of you seen Ty today?"

"No. We thought he had the day off when he didn't show in roll call. He didn't call?" Faith said stepping towards the desk along with Bosco. Sully shook his head. "No. I was hoping you might have heard from him first. It doesn't feel right."

"Maybe he's sick and just slept in." Bosco offered slightly concerned. "You want us swing by his place?" Bosco asked. The more he thought about it, Ty had never been 'late' to work and if he was a little late, he always called. "Yeah, sure." Sully said distractedly he looked over Bosco's shoulder seeing Doc in the lobby. "Doc." Sully called over. Doc looked a little annoyed as he approached them. "Davis here?" He asked looking around the precinct. "No." Sully said feeling his stomach drop. "Why?"

"Carlos didn't show up for work and he's not answering his cell. I was looking for Davis to see if he knew where he was."

"Ty hasn't shown up either. We're about to go by their apartment." Faith said starting to get a feeling something was definitely not right. Doc nodded slowly. "Alright but call me when you get there. It's not like Carlos to not phone in."

"We'll check it out Doc." Bosco said reassuring him.

Well that's Chapter 1. Tell me what you think. Write a review! E-mail me.